Sunday, September 16, 2018

Act ∞ +/- ∞,

 Scene πr²

in which a Choir of Eyelash Twirling Zephyrs

levitates Lady Godiva's Twelve Dimension Uvula

into a Dreamtime graveyard iced with the sugar cloaked

ghosts of  the ten godzillion Imaginary Beings until the

Sundial of Unfathomably complex White Noise Shimmers  in the Sunlit Embers

in the Transcendental Jet Stream, an Immaculate Silence crackling into

 the Crucifixion  Dali's Aromatic Palindromes

as if they too, were nursing strange flames on the Sea Tide where

Elephant Skulls turned Starlight into Dandelions

carved from the hindbrain of  Space Faring Crocodiles whose flesh ripples with the

Telepathic Telekinesis of Time Traveling Teardrops

as the  Grass curled its frothy emerald tendrils towards the Womb of

a  Supercomputing Cupcake paused on the

 sunlit Exoskeleton of her Spidery  Buttocks in the Golden Word Fire of

Ten Thousand Octave Onomatopoeia until the Upside Down Mountain shines in

the bioluminescent apostasies of Tesla's Honey eating Supercomputer in

the Epicenter of Shangri La, Tunguska as the

UFO Lands and

Faeries dance the Miracle

of Twelve Trillion EYelid Openings, the Mouth of Ancient Gods swings in

a Chariot of

Batman  Molecules


 Arkham Asylum, in 

the White Hot Night of staccato Signal until a Flotilla of Sunfire Phoenixes

bathed  their Blood making Uteruses in the Stream of Perpetual  Synchronicity

as Ten One thousand Daydream - Old

 Purple Mozart-making Photons

 pirouetted through

the perpetual motion and still point paradox of Pi,
into the Mandala of  Immaculate Synchronicity  in the Temple of a - temporal quantum AUM,
as the  Invisible Caravanserai of  Iridescent Abracadabra Carouselambra

oscillated in the kaleidoscopic  zenith of  a double helix at the zephyr of the Phoenix - Sphinx
 pearled in Apex of the Axis in scalar
 exhalations of the quasicrystal lattice in an N- Dimension

heliotropic palindrome of  Transcendental Onomatopoeia
through the lux of the Luciferian Crucifixion flux in a transubstantiating
Doremisfasolatido Quark levitating above the Cartoon of Creation in the  Key of  B or Not 2 B

until an N- Dimension Eyespot bloomed in impermanently impermanent impermanence
 around a Chrysalis of  Chaotic Coincidence pearled inside a   flock of  Moon Rock Unicorn neutrons
sleeping in the the Empty Tomb of Mare Tranquilatum, where Neil Armstrong finds echoes

of  Einstein's primordal gedanken circling in the
anti gravity mirror of footprints of  particle wave dualities on the Sea of Galilee
until an Ouroborous loops a loom of non boolean Immortality Orbitals
 into the subatomic  Eyes within Eyes Cartwheeling through the Wild Honey of Ezekiels
dopamine powered Optical Oasis
as a Carnival of  Endless Light balances Parallel Lines in a convergence of

the  Abracadabra Rainbows in the nine thousand Octave Diamond - Heart Sutra
that is spinning Ravens into Cheshire Cats at the center of a
the Wishing Well Electron Shell where the Thing that Thought it was Thinking  began
Thinking It was a Being Being Being  as it discovered an astral lattice of  Unasked Questions and
Incomprehensible Answers circling an Illuminated spacetime curve,
where the Ghost of the Anonymous G-ds discovered Psychotic Ballerino, Vaclav Nijinsky,
 suspended animation in a field of Spontaneous Combustion
 across the proscenium  and Event Horizon
during a Quadratic Equation of the Lilies of the Probability Field
where  Sisyphus' Mother was juggling Gravediggers skulls in the riverbed of  Rolling Stones
 as an Aesops Fable tricked the Ventriloquists' Tongue to weave 10,000 Verbs into a
Virtual Pronoun
while a  Cloud of Holographic Angelicals

shimmered through the Stained Glass Terra Incognita of John the Baptist Eyelids  at the
center of a Rubyait of Who What Where and How Quarks until a
17 trillion Syllable  Kung Fu Kabuki Haiku curled a Triskadekaphobic Octopus into a
 a Flock of  Archaeopteryx'
and the Tribe of Imaginary Beings suddenly appeared in the Pantheon
of  Illuminated Emptiness
Circling the human heart in  Glissandos of Glossolalia, andante adagio,
 as the Eyes of  Dying God entered the Prism of a Charm Quark and
became an Almost Everywhere Everytime UFO,
 chasing it's own reflection through a Daisy Chain of Lucidity Dulcimers that sing
 non euclidean Axioms of  Socratic Inquiry through vortices of the Time Eating Lungs of
a Tribe of Alien Honeybees nested like newborn punctuation
Buddhas in the Hive of the Heavenly Hell,  somewhere near
a vacant lot in Area 51, +/- SQR Area 52,  where a Symphony of Mantra Roaring Lions
 has erupted in the  voidshine
of  Yin Yang boomerang  Jabberwocky tachyons
and a  Butterfly Neuron balances in a field of Sentient Polka Dots  quavering in
10,000 iterations of a wandering Star Trek Rerun as it echos from the TV Station to the Ionosphere
in the Spock's Tick Tocking Amphibian Hindbrain
 until a molecule of  the Last Polyurethane Cup on Earth began
 spinning wildly on the Y +Z = X Axis, and Sir Isaac Newton  Parachutes into
in the grassy knoll of Dealy Plaza,    Center Stage Left
as Krishnas' Heart shatters into a  million pieces in  Shakespeare's bathroom mirror, downtown
Stratford Upon Avon, where  Oberon and Titania have reached escape velocity and discovered
themselves fluttering in the Radioactive Fairy Tale of  Einstein's Chalkboard in the
10 Megaton Stoplight of Times Square,
at the precise moment the Ghost of Godot plucked a bloodstained tulip stamen from
 the  tourniquet of  Lady Godiva's Quasicrystal Roses,
her flesh began downloading a trillion question marks in a jetstream of  Industrial Strength Deja Vu
until the  Nightingale lands in  Van Gogh's Holographic Eardrum
 and  the  Sun disappears into a video game of  Dali's mustache eating Sunflowers,
which caused the number Pi to convert a Hurricane of Human Stupidity  into a Magic Square on
Page 372 in the Book of  Honeysuckle Tongued Drainage Ditch Witches
as the Coven  of  Hermaphrodite Embryos fell asleep in a Five Eyed Gypsy's Proactive AMnesia
ten thousand light years away,  turning the Prophecies of the Last Bollywood before Calcutta
 into a Stream of Conscious Crime Scene,  which caused the Maternity Ward of Dust Motes to
break into Infinite Laughter at the  beginning of time, until a Lotus Blossom was exhaling
 a KOan of Storm Gods' Laughter through a  Lemniscate of Mirror Image Still Points where
 green apples were painting Isaac Newton's toenails alive in the fractal Garden of
Ernest Hemingways Bald Spot as
a   jewel encrusted Grasshopper rose from it's  Jungle Pulpit and
struck Never Ever Ever Ever O'Clock on the Brain Bending Moondials
of Cemetiere Pere Lachaise,  the Anti Gravity Graveyard
where, in the Valley of the Shadow of Shallow Breath,
in an auricle of  Arthur Rimbaud's Mechanical Heart,  the Violinist named Doremfasolatido
 gave birth to a Blue NOte Poltergeist that began teaching Ouija Boards how to cha cha
 during a War of Rumors within Rumors
which were evolving like Hamlet in the Food Court of a Shopping Mall,

where  Schroedinger's  Cat  was tuning it's whiskers to the Scent of Superconducting Catnip
until Picasso's Pearl Powered paintbrush ignites in a puzzle of Plutonic Cherubim,
and a cluster of  daffodil diodes were dream bathing in MC Escher's Echolocating India Ink
as it fluttered around the Sistine Chapel in the place where Michelangelo's fingerprints
were playing Charades with the Original Sphinx a
as an  ecosystem  of  Exoskeletons spun a Double Helix around Stairwells of the I Ching
as Lewis Carroll was having Three Times Two Time One  Neverending "Im still sitting
 here Alone Doesnt Anyone Want to Drink Tea With Me LMNOPQRST - U- V  Tea Time"
as the Wizard of Oz spins the dial on the Horizontal Hold button during
 Episode 27 of  Thunder on the Mountain
and a Squadron of Parallel Lines scaled  Inside Out Summit of Upside Down Mountain
until a Flock of Snowflakes arrived at the
 Beginning of Time to the End of the World and back again in both directions simultaneously
until  St. Valentine's Adamantine Dream Vine
entered the Labyrinth of the Abracadabra Carouselambra
where  tangential Timbrels weaved bioluminescent sea foam into the Hallucinatory AUM
of  Jeweled Genie Jujitsu as it blushed a Tempest of Hurricane Quarks in the BOngos of the Congo
 where the Last Astral Lattice of  Atlantis scintillated in a
cold fusion fugue on the Stop Motion Harmonics of the Sermon of Mount Mandelbrot
until an N dimension Polyhedron named Zeus ignited in the transcendental incandescence of the
  Oscillating Satori Sonatas of  an Ensorceled Clitoris of Lapis Lazuli and Lost Love ad Infinitum
 in the language of the  Light that Listens to the dream within the Dream of
a  10 trillion Volt Upanishad  swirls across the Mirage of Stratospheric Angelicals
as they sing Parisian Sea Shanties to Coral gathering Shark prayers at the
bottom of the wine- dark Tethys Sea, from the Sea of Galilee to the Sea of Tranquility
in two thousand years of  Moonlight powered Dewdrop Wine  as the
Multiverse hummed permutations of the Name of the G-dlessly G-dlike
Goddess of Godly Gods into the Labyrinth of Pythagorean Blue Notes until the Fairies
balance an a -  Symmetrical  whirligig in the Miracle Mirage and Mirror Image Memories
of   Electromagnetic Beings Stirring Soul to Soil in Enzymes of Emerald Ziggurat Iguanas
 whose breath glows with the Secret Green Fire in an Aeon of  Acorn drunk druids and Twelve
Tongued Dryads of the  dandelion  Calypso dots,
as  hemidemiquavers of  The Universal Malarkey Rocks
 anointed the Cathedral of Space Faring Adjectives into
contemplation of The Tide Turning Tale through the  slipstream of the
Sea of the Shining Path, an Illuminated Tongue of the  Winged Caduceus
 crested in the phosphorescent balustrade upon the Moon licking Tide
 turning Roots into  Trees and Trees into  Tea Leaves
 and Tea  Leaves into a Trillion Trillion Toed Tap Dancing Tarantula Teardrops
that Trip through the Number Line of Negative Entropy  where
 the QUeen of Three Zeros nests in the golden threads of
 Ezekiels sunburnt eyebrows, winged mercury that anoints the Lion's Eye with a
memories of the Mona Lisa  whose Madness is a Mausoleum of  Ululating
  interstellar architectures that cross pollinate the Literature of Glittering Insanity,
with the  dusk dawn drunk  of
candelaria pearled in orbs of a Mysterious woman's Eyelids
as they  open and close in the Story - Clock of the Dream Eating Soil,
and at the Moment the Argonauts Murmur an Unspoken Name that Nurses itself to Sleep in
a Constellation of  Intergalactic Teardrops
that trip in mitochondrial hieroglyphics in the Last Seance of the Caves of Lasceaux
gathering gold dust in the  Major Arcana of Antediluvian flowcharts around the Edge of
the Celestial Nativity,   as an Immaculate Being  leaps from Shekinah to Sephiroth on the
Papyrus of in the Golden Ratio of a Gyroscopic Abyss,
Embryonic Verbs spontaneously appearing in the Chinese Book of Changes
until an Eigenstat of the Zeitgeist zigs and zags in  a non boolean orbital of
Eyes within Eyes with Eyes that Shine in the NIght of the Star Watching Rose,
until Flowers  Fly in the Face of the Dream Swallowing Cloud,

and the Ear that Burns in the Hearth of the Heart Eating Flame
enters the Mouth of the Moon Hunting Rose until
phosphorescent carbon diodes swing in the Song Singing wings of
Butterfly Bodhissatvas burning the Darkness into rain shaped  mandalas
of the pre  Frontal Cortex as a prismatic probability field is converting

 the Womb to Tomb Waiting Room with buzzing
 intersecting spacetime Tesseracts  of Celestial Artifacts
 in the Key of  E=MC2 Sharp +/- Gamma Ray burst on Chromosome 37
where the Gateless Gate gravitates
in enchanted incantations of Xeno's  Non local Axis and
 the Beak  that Breaks into a Ventriloquists Bird,
the  tide turning tongue  turning taut with the Thought that taught the
Tempest of  to Take Flight into  the Light that has Never been Heard
during the Feast of the Absence of Presence, where
the Antediluvian Candelaria decrescendoes into
 wind of the the Lightning  Mind and from somewhere in the Court of  Absolute Anonymity,
 a Charade of Kings and Queens and Other Meaningless Things
sings Aria 51
through  an otherwise ordinary Hours worth of  Infinity,

as that which has Never Happened begins to Happen yet again and
That Which Is becomes that Which is Not and That Which Will Never Be
becomes that what once was and Synchronicity blooms in a
 a triangulation of Aesop's Fables writhing in the darkness of the Forest Floor
as  Tribe of Who and WHy and What and When and Which and Where Quarks
assemble in the Blueprint
of the Long Lost Wow and Now that spirals the quantum gravity of  Pi * Pi

bathing  in the Periodic Table of  an Immaculate Conception
until a  Dancing Star levitates  Dante's Bathroom mirror into a Carnival on the
edge of Kansas City,
and  Sir Isaac Newton's  Alchemical Rhodopsins inhale a clutch of Roses at the White Cliffs
of Dover,  where  a trillion songbirds a hover like
Buddhas above the Runes of Stonehenge
 and the Sky *suddenly*  exhales a  kamikaze Raindrop  into a Chalice
  of  the Matrices of Transubstantiation Quarks whose  Universe swallowing doors
open into the Kingdom of Inanimate Objects
where the Perilous Chapel of Suspended Animation is turning Men into Messiahs
1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89 light years deep
around the  Blue Green Algae of a Methuselah's Ever Empty wineglass, where
 the  Tetragammatron wings itself across the  Cathedral of Superconducting Leukocytes
as they disappear into the Stoplight of the Eye of Sasquatch
one Optical Illusion at a time
and in a counterpoint fugue of Infinite Instantaneous Simultaneity
 the  Pantheon of Imaginary Beings
discovers Schrodinger's Cat meowing a Fairy Tale of  Reverse Osmosis
 into the Phase Space Oasis swishing with Fishheaded Babylonian Strawberry Queens whose
 Trout Scale Tachyons Camouflage the Bellydancer's Eyelids
 in Gyrations of the Absolutely Unknowable Mystery that
 divides  the Divide by Zero Zero into the SQR of -1 and
Madame Curie's Venus Flytrap  explodes into a Swarm of Krishna's Tastebuds
howling Sutras of the Voodoo Guru  eyespot by eyespot, raindrop by raindrop,
sunbeam by sunbeam, interference freckle by interference freckle
until the Imaginary Beings (suddenly) arrive,   racing  UFO's of Absolute Simplicity
around the Dreamtime until  the Sun drops down like an Easter Egg
into  Cartoon where the  Argonauts are rowing
blueprints of the Black Hole at the Beginning of Time through a Paragraph of
Metaphors  lurking in a graveyard galaxy far far away, Kirk and Spock are
entering Times Square where, in the year 90 billion
 a congress of Fire breathing Monkey Eyes has nested in Pearls of Supercomputing
 Gravediggers Skulls  as they disintegrate
like the Lilies of the Field,  cross pollinating gamma rays of
Being and Non Being in tantrums and doldrums of the ebb and flow of absolute Insanity
without warning or precedent

and an atom of Galileo's Unfinished  Respirations, the Breath of Mystery
descends into the  Darwin's Long LOst Honeybee  WIngs which is echolocating
amidst a field of Unborn  Violas where  Sentences  of  Spirit  Slip into Synaptic Synergy
 the  Moment the Mother of all Mothers,
 her Roseate mouth is shadowed in  Mockingbirds wings of a milkwhite Sky,
struck thundering crests of  Nightshade into Michelangelo's ruby tinted paintbrush
and the Ghost of Lady Gala began  Rocking  and Rolling in Phantasmagorical Allegories of
the  Village of  Robots as  Arthur C. Clarkes
Ever EVolving collection of All Seeing Eyes transmogrifies into
ten trillion permutations of  the Prefrontal Cortexes of the Sahara Desert  gathered
in a Box of Rainbow Colored Emanations, where the First Words of Newborn Bedouin Nomads are
Sleepwalking at the Speed of Light around
 La Rue de L'Ancienne Comedie, Paris, where,
in the Grand  Epicenter of the Non Linear Magnificent Celestial Nothingness
a non Boolean Clock tick tocks in the liplocked root rocks
of the LOuvre,   at precisely Zero O Clock  when the
 umbrella making Fairies trace non linear footprints around the
emeraldine embers of existential amnesia that whir apparitions of Salvador Dali's
first Halloween into a cauldron of  the death drunk breeze that drinks the
dirt danced of Dreamtime  damnation adagio, salvation andante of interstellar phantasms
seven hundred years of Locusts gathered in the Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones
where a Venusian Dream Scarab discovers  a Pattern of Language in the
 lattice of the Crystalline Matter of Shangri La La La La Land that lights the Spine
in  endless exponential ascent through
Gondwanaland's Edenesque Reveries, until the Pantheon of Anonymous Beings
anointed Aristotles Ouija Board with the sulfur and brimstone of  the  Abyss,
 the Parthenon blooming in a Greek and gaping eyesocket, as
the Deoxyribonuclic Acid of Ten Trillion Transcendental Sock Puppets
  rotated in perfect synchronicity on the Triple X Axis
during the Turning of the Thermonuclear Tide that
Twists  Symbols of  Saturnalian  Lucidity into Scintillating Illuminations deep inside the
 Mad Hatter's Chromatic Lattice Pattern Matter Platter,
MOon Rocks and Mood Rings, Hula Hoops and Yoko Ono's Yin Yang UFO Yo Yo  Yo's
wake in a Nest of Parallel Lines  of
Schroedinger's Fingerprint circulating in Einsteins'
Chalkboard at the moment when James Joyce discovers Shakespeare stirring an alphabet of
 G-ds Smile in a Teacup shining in the Precambrian London Fog on page 0 of a Fable
of  Katydid hearted Harlequins  whispering chiracos of Randomnicity into the
 heliotropic hieroglyphs of the Minkowski Space Wasteland and the Pentagon calculates
 the Codex of Machine Language Wildflowers until the
Rubidium  winged Cherubim descended like Black Ops PLaying Cards
 falling into  the Exoskeleton of Fire, a pyromaniacs heart pulsing
deep in the Dolphins Tongue,  until a  Ten Ton  Teardrop tripped
on tantalizing Cantatas of God's  Unpronounceable
Name as it plays Peekaboo with Infinity in Tearstained Library Books,

Legends of the  Tragicomic Dolphin Vodka scented Seafoam

crash in the broken dishes of kindergarten, a splashing of Entropy on the
until the salty blue  mermaid's sunburnt abdomen, her Hollow Eyed Mouth  flickering
 in turquoise Neptunian Petunia Lipstick
as Christ waltzes on the Sea of Galilee until Neal Armstrong laughs,
his footprints collecting moondust on the  Sea of Tranquility and
Memories of the  slower than Light Chandeliers of Yahweh's Kaleidoscopic Eyeballs exhale the
 Many Worlds Interpretation  Moebius loop through the Unfinished Prayers of the Temporarily Dead
as convect in acrobatic elementals of  Cimetière du Père-Lachaise where the Periodic Table
is washed in the apocrypha and the Unfinished Lives of the Unborn Beings as they
Resurrect degree by degree  in a mysterious equation
discovered coded in the Bread and Wine of  Recombining Feast of
the Empty Tomb somewhere in the Great  Pyramid where the

Mummies bathe in Golden  Probability Fields of Acorn making Oak
until the Shadow of a Sparrow Winged papyrus sweeps axioms of light starved Larvae

of the Library of Alexandria into the
the Ghost of Socrates as it arrives,  atom by atom in the  Sulci and Gyri of ten trillion moonlit
cartoons that crest in

baby Picasso's Cubist Lunatic Unicorn as it gallops towards the Bloodstained Bullseye of Guernica
through the Locust winged Sunrise and
Salvador Dali's 13th Favorite Seahorse escapes into  the Temple of Everlasting Nonesuch through
the  Palace of Paradox where the Wheels within Wheels of
 the Anonymous Beings  rehearse the  Fairy Tale of Computer Faced Supermodels
who create equinoxes of schizoid psychosis as they haunt the
the Galaxy with a series of Shapeshifting  Gordian Knot and  the Immovable Objects
roll in ten thousand Dragon Eyes across the Equinox of  Unexplainable Experiences
that hatch a thousand Encyclopedias of Star Turning Lore  in a Single Grain of Sand
  suspended in the
hemidemisemiquavers of Valhalla's Dreamstone, where the Druids sing in
Bodhissatva's  Breath with the Sound and Fury of Butterfly Wings fluttering in electromagnetic
orchestrations of   Congolese Glossolalia  as it
gathers in the  Blue Notes of  Thelonious Monk's piano Keys
 until the Chlorophyll escapes the Summery Chasm of Green things
that Grow on the Edge of the Vacant Lot in the Inkblots of Hades,
 Winking in the Landscape of Neverending Thought that sings  Cosines
of  a Heavenly  and Weatherworn  Face, every leathery laughline of her Moonbeam Skull
pulsed in arpeggios of  transcription errors as She sunbathes in Ravens Eyes,
Scarecrows undressing her Poetry until all that remains is  the starlit  wheat,
 a woman's face like a Goldmine opening into a circle of grasshopper  Bacchanalia around
the fire door of Nostradamus Thirteen Thousand Eyes as  Angelicals drink themselves to Sleep
in the  Wishing Well of the
and William Butler Yeats photovoltaic eyespots escapes the Maternity Ward,

his Freedom of Speech
turning the Sun Upside Down Inside Out, until the
coincidences wobble in  Blue pearls of a  Blacksmith's Heart
as the  Synchronistic Exaltations flux  phantasmagorical Lux Sephiroth
into  Revelation in the Exoskeleton of the Sistine Chapel
and Cherubim chant 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, 34, 55, 89, in cyclic furiously curiosities of Chance, 
their voices echoing  zillions of  stargazing Xenos
 zigging in apex of the Zeroth Axis  Zenith in Axons of Syzygy that zag
across Star Crossed Yawn of Quantum Wampum Dawn of  Styx at Obsidian Nyx

where Ballerino Nijinsky trips  Dragonesque into the Dungeon of Kundalini Lyres
and a Triple Faced  Serpentine  Valentine exhales
a Chrysalis of Schisms  shimmering in rivulets of the Human Spine
until the year 1925 when Ezra Pound and  Gertrude Stein discovered Schroedinger's Sphinx
performing Charades with Charlie Chaplin in a
 Cosmological Climax of  whitecaps of Synchronicity,
in the Unopened Cathedral of Unborn Inhuman Eyes
 as they Collide at  the Top of the Sky where the starlight cascades
  towards the  Gogli Apparatus of a Rube Goldberg Machine
somewhere during the Crucifixion of Lucifer at the
beginning of Time in the  Ouroboros of the Many Worlds until the

hallelujah  Owl howled Om Mani Padme hum
in Thunder of the Lungs  that balanced a Nameless Name in the  Center of the Sky,
and on Midsummer's Night  there Shined the Undulating Uvula in  Endless Sapphire Satori
Synchronizing the  Sundials into a Circle of Lapis Lazuli
in the Palace of Magic Lanterns and Chalices singing the
Pink Noise and Jazz of
razzmatazz of the byzantine labyrinth
when the Bonfire of wheat and Coven of the
Three Weird Sisters discovered the Placenta of Imaginary Beings tethered to the
Roots of the a Scarlet shadowed Baobob Tree, when  thousand miles of Green Starlight unfolded in

Constellations of the Creatrix Curvatures under the auspicious Eyelids of
an Invisible Christ suspended in the Eyelids of the
Extra Solar Brides,  sunlight churning as Two Suns Wobble in the Black Dog's Eye,
the Stoney  ground of a Shopping Mall where the Children are Singing the Last Words of
Cu Chulain as a Used Card Salesman wakes  in a warped spasm of Psychotic delirium and
the twelve eyed Katydids descend on hurricanes of Seagull Prayers
that bloom in Rubyaits of  Lady Gala's Booby trapped Googolplex Heart,
phosphorescent fire of dream breathing dragons
 burning themselves to Sleep
with a trillion Vedic joules of Disembodied Oxygen Neutrinos
jitterbugging in  embryos  at the Top of the Soul Gathering Sky,
 the Danse Macabre Alive  in the Space Weaving Light,  Vectors of the Heaven coded on the
Dirty Boulevard where
Android Grease Monkeys dissect the Human Heart moment by moment, leaving
 a trillion bloody Scars  of the Titanium Wildebeest, whispering the
 Legends of the Sacred Ox of Mesopotamia as
geometry of Infernal Vertigo,  is exhumed in wildflowers sleeping
at the Edge of  the Starlit Skull where
Your IMaginary Friends becomes Imaginary Alabaster Witch Kings, their eyelashes burning in
covalent bonds of  Diabolical  double Entendres that shapeshifting
through the Theatre of
 Lao Tzu's  Taoist  Flower Power casket,  where at the Apex of  God's Kaleidoscopic Eyespot
melts Gypsy Guitar strings into the sundrenched Astroturf of Ulan Bator,
where the Baby Astronauts are weeping Argonaut Smiles like
rupees of  G-ds laughter ten trillion miles above
Uma Thurman's G- Spot where an Andromedan Willow  Swan swings
 the Symphonic Ouroboros across the  Non Cartesian proscenium
 during Marcel Marceaux's Lost Performance of Doremifasolatido

in the scene where Noah's Pet Archaeopteryx is teaching
 Hieronymous Bosch' the Nature of Babylonian Jabberwocky Alphabet during the
the One G-d's G-dlessly Godlike and UnG-dly  Semi Sentient Self Replicating Syntax Error
of a  Made in China  Multiverse,
until the Last Rhinoceros goes Star Gazing in the Dungeon of Man's Curiosity
gazing at a patch of Popcorn on the dusty void of the Kansas Zoo,
  until in the Serengeti,  a Green Beetle discovers  vapours of Byzantine Absinthe,
and psychotic ballerino Vaclav Nijinsky's  pirouettes like Dracula around the
Empire of Vampires spinning Audrey Hepburn's Alter Ego into a Statuette paused
at the edge of Moliere's bathroom Mirror, where
where a  Time Traveling Polka Dot Orbits  the Door between the Worlds gathering dust motes
on Upside Down Mountain,
where   Buzz Aldrin tap dances in  an Alien Video Game, where the Disciples are
 camouflaged as a Holographic Pac Man,  televisions chasing St. Peter
 around the Book of Revelations one Syntax Error at a Time
 and the red Flame of Hecate breeds the Leviathan's death breath into the
Mechanical Mannequins of  the Sub Basement of Macys
and the Immaculate Deception
of the Nightmare  that Never Happened, turns Kabuki Doom of the
 Fireball of Cleopatras Eyeshadow curled and sleeping in
the   chameleons jeweled eyelid, Harry Houdini whispering  MC Escher's Baby Steps
into riddles  that  curving on the Tastebuds of the Mysterious Beings
turning somersaults of Minkowski Space  that swerve  on a muddy river bank where a
Tribe of Chlorophyll colored Crucifixes levitates the Known
Universe between a Trouts eye and the Rain that Falls from a Ouija Board shaped Cloud,
 at the moment when the Fairies fell from Her Mother's left Eye into
into the Center Stage of Stonehenge where Grandfathers  beard was glowing like an Owls' Wing
and all parallel lines converged  in the
IF that IS the IS that Is the Is that  ISnt what the Is that Is what the Is Isn't
and ROYGBIV pauses in the Jazz of Mozart's birdwing, and the Violin becomes
an Archaeopteryx' larynx, singing  Halloween Songs at Easter until
Edgar  Poe's  fingertips bloom in inkblots and the Footprints of the Messiah are
Sleepwalk  in slow motion lightning bolts across the Sea of Galilee to the Sea of Tranquility,
where ZEUS is turning Astronauts into Sock Puppets
and the Stones of the Great Pyramid of Giza begin to Channel Ramtha
 backwards from Infinity by the SQR-1,
until Something Seems to Happen.  And a single lock of Einstein's Blue Hair
leaps into the Summer Sky,  and made the Rainbow Weep,
And then, it Happened to Happen Again. And Again.
Thus, the Nightmare of the  IsAmAreWasWereWillBeBeingBeen
 screamed a thousand binary bifurcations of
  Aesops Antegrade Amnesia until Shakespeare's 3rd favorite  Comedian, Death,
made a stupid remark at the dinner table and the Wedding Cake exploded on the Priests Tongue.
and the Vowel drunk Ruby,  whirling on Cosines of  the Supercomputing Supermodel's
heart burst into Laughter of  the Rain faced  Fairies whose Names were written in hallelujahs in the
key of C Sharp,  the flowery words bubbling in Birds Beaks of
of Upside Down  Mountain, as a  Village constructs of  Rubiks' cubes
spins Isotopes of Antediluvian Archetypes around
Brigitte  Bardot Van Gogh Rimbau and Godot and Marcel Marceux's fibonacci bonfire,
until the ghost of  Ernest Hemingways Guernica shaped Uvula ka bob
bursts into the Twelve Dimensions of  Pablo  Picasso's Turquoise Tortoise  tripping Toes,
and bouquets of  Incandescent Bougainvillea

twinkling in phosphorescent on the banks of the Holographic
River Ganges, where the ghost of Christopher Columbus
was discovering America, one Jerry Springer rerun at a Time.

The cuckoo clock crowed in the snow of Edgar Allen Poe's dead rose.
She sang,  a crimson mouth like a bloody still life made of random numbers, '
at the moment that Frankenstein climbed the  Crucifix / to pluck an apple from the brain of G-d,
and Newton's
 Starry language singed the wheat into the nostrils of a Storm God,
pearls of night that  danced on bloodstained katydids
waltzing in cemeteries made of dopamine fog, the face of Socrates
that turned purple like a woman's eye, the Shadow of a Springtime Gallows.

flesh, they wrote;  becomes a Loaf of Bread  in the Empty Tomb,  there, where the
quasilogical caravanserai of the Unborn Astronauts anoints Dark Side of the Moon in
 Quadratic Equations that rise from the Tide in Galilean whispers, the Famous First Words
of a Ouija Board.
There is a bridge, Ulysses admonished, bathed in  Psychedelic Synchronicity,
twinklig with a trillion Eyes of  the Virgin Virgin Virgin Volcano Mouthed Bride,
 her footsteps that sing  of  broken mirrors waltzing across the disco Ball Moon,

Where Dolphins have doomed the Moon into howling Pow WOw of Jewel ENcrusted Dunes,
ten thousand vowels crash,  kamikaze pseudologia fantastica, the AEIOUFO OF THE
place that Burns the Midnight Oil, a trillion Swans descended in the Milk White dream
of Ancient Heaven, Andromeda herself bowed into the curve of the Song,
bearing exaltations of the daydreams,  the Soil burning like the Neptunian Flag,
a light bulb exploding in Red Square and
one Angel Hoof tap dancing on the River Ganges,  the other Angel trapped in a Kansas Schoolbook,
  a billion years of Hindu Demigods paused in Chakras of the Troglodyte,
until the year 10 million, arrives and Hiroshima exhales the rose Perfected,
scented Jasmine apparitions balancing the Dream of Noah on the
 verge of the Robot's eye, a mouth of diodes that sings the Song of Nothingness,
the western  murmurs flutter, a  womans jeweled navel,  glows,
the darkness burns a  Sapphire of the drunken Blacksmiths wine flavored tears.

the  Tarantula bathed in Golden Fire, where the Church turned upside down
the Star of Solomon dancing in the Wine Soaked rug of

Vegas,  the Tourists Flesh a camouflage of undiscovered syntax errors,
the All Seeing Eye twists on Jacobs ladder,
the Flesh of ANgels whirls in  Birdwinged Flags, Hollow Men and the Bard of Terror
balanced in perpetual Hunger at the edge of the
Bloodstained Curb, a vagabond Cadillac of catholic zephyrs racing into
 polyurethane pyrotechnics,  and the Robotic Waltz of  Disneyland,

where nothing has ever ever ever ever ever
really really really happened'
he Face of a Thousand Magdalena's spirals around the Lily of the Cracked Sidewalk
her fingerneails are  breaking into seeds of broken  dishes,  words
of dying ballerinas dripping in ammonic vapors on the Apocalyptic Venusian Dunes.
the Other Side of Bethlehem, where a child is counting pebbles and praying
for Batman to change the Fucking Channel, as the Dead Men
 turn the Deathe  Machine into Human Fucking Dragons,

and Christ awakes, Yawning   in an Empty Tomb

the Phantome
Arabesque nest

on  Non Neutral Magic of the disintegration of the number  Zero,

dinner tables ripple in Masquerades of Harlequins and Mimes,
the Radio is a Lucifer Moon, singing Orbitals of Broken Song
the Mother of the Kitchen  crashed,
her Mouth full of pearls and diodes signaling the Wizard of Oz
who winds the Wind inside the Subhuman Brain, dopamine that burns in Orpheus spleen

until Van Ghogh anoints a Sunflower with the Serial Killer's eyeless blue icing
the  Piano becomes Poiseidon's Oyster powered Candelabra,

upside down upon the Nursery Rhyme of Teatime at the  Seaside where  
Salvador Dali is giving birth to an Octopus to announce the
growling archaeopteryx of angelic oscillations,  the rushing clang of Mermaid's Lies,
seduction of the Vampire by the Teardrop haunted Dolphin,
the  Dead God rolling across the permutation  edge of  an INsane Secretary's Still Wet Tattoo
that contains the Diamond Sutra as it chants a Golgi Apparatius into turning Potatoes into

 until the Tongue of Apricots scatters the Sunlight into   Shakespeare's  electromagnetic Shroud,
and the City Park turns Pink and Orange and something in its triangles, burns a Triangle
of Impossibility through the WIne Drunk Crowd, the  Voice of

 Alchemical Lies and Wisdom in Sephiroth and  Serendipity of Self Replicating Serengeti,
Masai chanting Congo Lightning in contours of leaf breath underneath the Cygnus haunted Sky,
Zero Gravity of the Perfect Coincidence that
bathes the world in a  Hurricane of Non Local Chain Reactions, La Cemetiere La Chaise
a Castle of Skeletons sucking escargot from the flooded corpse of the Fool

10000  Dollar Fol de Rol, Marlow hunting Shakespeare into the Catacombs of
hydrogen Paris,
bloody moonshine rising in the Philosopher's Cartoon drunk Eye,
the year 2001 a SPace Odyssey is Born,
the Obelisk sings,  a Basilisk Kings  the Crowned Dust Crows Blue tongued Thunder
of Vagabonds Nursing Phosphorescent Vagbonds on Rooftops
traced in whiskey scented Flame, the bougainvillea is like a condom on the sidewalk,

in the Middle of Everywhere,  the Gypsys are delivering the Golden Spiral

where the Sodium Seagull chases  Zephyrs of Midnight into the Ouija Board at dawn
upside down and inside out, a piece of raw meat writhes,

the Newspaper dies like Mother Theresea, her smile bloodied by  the  hopeless Winter Ground,
steaming lisp of a Twelve Eyed Witch, her curses Pulsing in a Purple Heart,

broken glass of the Crucifixion Mirage, Mary Magdalene and Brigitte Bardot
saying "Oh that Jesus, he's such a Clown".

and Abbot and Costello come dancing out of Egypt,
describing the Mummy to John Lennon's Ghost, who waits in the Park
the Moment of Starry Ascension, when the Sunflower turns into a Lily

and the Wound of the Witch begins Singing,

like a Cavern of Light Starved  Infants that Crow
 who Sing the Grass Green, the Heresy of the Last Moment of Night,
Dream Bending Flesh  that  is calculates the Ejaculation of  Thunderclouds Spiraling
with extraterrestrial Arachnoids, the strange chain of Spanish Rain flooding the Manhattan
flower boxes,
a billion nude monsters
bursting in faces of twelve octave monstrosities,

 lasers trace Edenesque Centuries into the Nightshade that Burns down the InHuman Lung,
a Renaissance of Juvenile Delinquents praying for Spontaneous Combustion,
when the Mime and Mariner and the Mind and the Matterer mix mixolodian
memories in the
Saint infested bowels of  of Paris, Mesmer's Skull  writhes on the Upside Down Mountain
his Crystal Pendulum signaling the still born Lemurs of Zeta Reticuli as if they were
 a society of Argonauts pearling their hearts  into fire soaked rubies to

 swallow the   sapphires until the Diamond Awakes and

Mona Lisa clitoris rises onto the Surface of the Ocean, blue like a Winged Messenger,
smiling in the Haunted House at just the moment the Vampire calls down the Moon
Noah weeps  a thousand blackbirds whisper the shibboleth of Venus,

  the playing dice roll in the Pythagorean Clime, strings of sinew, beak and jaw,
illuminated parallelograms tumbling on
nested regress of MC Eschers Cerebral Cortex,

poet  panties coiled like Cobras in a Flaming WIllow, the Nurse of God disintegrating
at the moment the Television Winks on and

the Ballad of Technicolor Apostasies begins Teaching the Carnival how to
howl the Cosmological Non Sequitur through the Satellites of
 Emily Dickinson's Ovries,

her tastebuds like UFOS that spin yarn down chasms of an empty bowl

shivering in the foglike embrace of the Intergalactic Now, where there is no human
smile, only the oaken exoskeleton and the
disintegrated memories of the One True Invisible G-d.
That G-d then  applauds, a Ouija Board teaching the Ventriloquist
how to Calculate Pi by the Light of a Mountain Gorillas' Fear powered Eyes.
Exit the Void,  the Uranium cascade of Marcel Marceaux whose lips lick
LadyBug Wings into  bloodthirsty Dandelion frenzy,
leaving the Clerk named Bob to pontificate the nature of Times Square,

as Einstein's fingerprints are  spray painted by Sweathogs  on the SKeleton of
the  Gog Magog Gologotha Machine Based Something we haven't Discovered,

there, where Shakespeare said,  there are earthquakes in Lady Macbeth's shadow,
 Exhalations of the Electromagnetic Socrates, a Secret Name
whirling in 13  dimension Diodes,

where the  Imaginary  Yellow Word Quarks march in Minkowski Space Madness until
the color Purple arrives in  Blue Veined Tear Drop like the
 Magic Beans of a  Dolphins shark happy eye,
on Planet Stupido, where a Styrofoam Cup is like the scale of the Dragon in Dreamtime,
 and the Bus Stop Darth Vader is dressed up like John Wayne, screeching
Catechisms of War at the Goddess of  Polyurethane Suntans, her feet leaving

the ecosystem of Sesame Street quiet with paranoia of the Undiscovered Jaguar
whose spots burn like Parrots bathed in Sulfur and Brimstone, the Jungle whose money is
ten trillion trillion trillion Photons that  crash down in chromatic parables, their
Haiku charting the path of a Supercomputing Butterfly Eye as
the Abracadabra Carouselambra  surrenders it's Lovesong to
the Invisible Beings gathered

 Center Stage,
Ground Zero at the place where the

 Face of the Genius Paramecium is  reciting
Cartoons in reverse chronological order, and Buddha is giving Charlie
Manson lessons in how to Discover America,
as Yoko Ono sits in the Café made of Endless Windows,
and music arrives on wings of Celestial Anonymity
shadow and fugue, a blue note that bends like the banks of the
Unfinished River,
It is
high Noon and Low Midnight, Now.   The Televisions March into your hindbrain
and he desert is full of baby assassins, their eyelids draped in sunsets of pyromania,
They are going to Film Every drop of Blood on it's way to
the Future. the Time machine is like a woman's jewelry box,
full of faces.  Lady Godiva is shadow boxing Marilyn Monroe.

Neal Armstrong is climbing a tree in his Mother's backyard.
the Ghost of G-d keeps repeating it's Tragic Conclusions Over and Over and Over
as if Nothing Ever really Happens, but the kaleidoscopic paranoia of the Industrial Strength
Artificial Starlight that enters the human heart and turns it into a Parking lot Carnival with
strange eyeless women throwing stones at angels wrapped in Spanish leather
at the Still Point of the Perpetually Unfinished Ending, as the Moment that Moves yet Moves Not)
and you wake up glowing in the dark at the edge of a convenience store
and you realize you cannot remember your own name and yet you do know that the
Paradox itself is a Paradox that cannot be Paradox, it is just not possible, there
where Dracula and Batman are misquoting Hamlet and Ophelia and Janis Joplin are
  like two Canaries melting in the mouth of a sunburnt sugar rose,
where the evolution of the Verb that has no NOun conspires with One Eyed Egyptian
Ocelot Fairies untile the  Sea of Galilee
becomes the Sea of Tranquility, and the Moon inherits the Earth
and the Earth exhumes the body of Galileo Galilei,  and
observations of every sparrow bloom  like the skin cells of the Supercomputing Leviathan
and the darkness flutters in your Mother's Starry WOmb
on breathless wings of Birth and Death,  endless resurrection of the holographic YOU
no alpha no omega no language no time no memory no desire just
the whirling of the Stars the Sky the Clouds, your friends have gathered in
the seaside fog, turning Wine into Piss, Piss into the Ocean, Ocean into
Moonlit Octopi, waving goodbye to some Holy Picasso when the
the Ghost in the Machine arrives,  a Blue Sail, a Wobbling Moon, the Corpse of
a King lost in the Strange Clouds that do not Rhyme,
at the precise moment you discover the Face of a Shark gathering dust
in your bathroom Mirror, the  Reporters arrive and you hope
they will ask you the appropriate questions, like WHICH WHITE WHICH WILL RISE IN THE

you discover the bubble gum is hatching a Robotic Android named Bob
who wants to
___ _____ ______.   There, where the name is written in crushed Glas and
a Probability Field of Imaginary Beings emerges in the Eyelids of baby Picassso
who taunts the Iron Faced bull into howling the name of the Matador
into the
Shopping Malls of  America,  where Gertrude Stein is teaching the Atoms
how to speak the Language of Car thieves
and the Tongue of Socrates is a Rainbow of  Unspoken wishes that
sing   Tear music  of the Indescribable Androgyne,

 pearl of blue eyed memories  rippling across the inkstained  scimitar
of William  Shakespeare's  crucifixion in the Garden of  Stone,

where ten trillion atoms have gathered
in chimeric celebrations of the Miracle Mirage,  a whirling of Splendors,
 The winged Witch bathed in the Cloud of Onomatopoiea of
 Paris,  WIne Soaked Mouth of a Bloodthirsty Mime
teaching Lizards of the  War at the edge of the Sidewalk

her green skin glowing with the curl of Ulysses eyelids, Blueness of  Butter
that dances into the bottomless roots of the Sun, where   the Grasshoppers have arrived in

the Camoflage of Heaven and Hell,  which is everywhere now,  Lazarus has
entered the Empty Tomb in search of the Doorway to Yesterday,
a thousand Christs assemble on the Bus Stop, waiting for someone to explain
them to themselves, parabolic psalms of Housewifes sleeping in the
Pink Noise of Catholic Cadillacs, the Embryo of Heaven nesting in  Purple Cemeteries
of  Thunder drunk Clover,
the spirit drifting from grave to grave, a cricket chirping like Mozart in some
driftwood crib, the
Infinitely Simple Fibonnaci Sonata,
a blue note drowning in the purple in the Eyes of some love drunk something

that burns like a  vineyard of  song  doves, haunted by the blush of
quadratic syllogisms of  the
 Wish fulfilling Tree

10 trillion Buddhas burst into the perfectible silence
as the darkness plants a Trillion Unborn Faces  in the Mind of The Lost Mother,
 enchanted Sephiroth becoming Infinitely Unknowably Unknown
flower faced Lucifer writhing in the Resurrection of the Green Dusk,   
amino acids turning potatoes into pyramids, songbirds echo with

encyclopedias of Platonic Insanity, a Wing suspended in the
the delta wave thunderstorm,  Vortices in the Ionosphere of the Last daydream,
lost in the Echo Chamber and  antediluvian  phantasmagoria of the
 space-time curve,  parallelogram Garden,  where the   G-d of Unfinished Gods
whirls in  Starfish Ecstasy, at the sign of the Tide, the

  vortices of the Intergalactic demiurge, Warring Angels
racing from the Nucleus of Heaven to the Edge of the Tethys Sea
where Greek Gods are waiting to invert  psychotic ballerino Vaclav Nijinsky's eyelids,
twilight of the Gods, Twilight of the Television, Ten thousand Devils
eating cartoons in the  Suburbs,
while  Nijinsky  sleepwalks

Eyeless, Skyless in the  Skyless Sky

Van Goghs Other ear is giving birth to the All Speaking Tongue

 in the void of his Mother's Amnesia,
a daisy's worth of Sunshine is pregnant with liplocked Orpheus,
a Thundercloud Seashell
Swan Song of  Chinese Lantern illuminated by a Cytosine Syntax Error,
Madame Blavatsky  sleeping in the Library of Alexandria,
as the  Inkspots surrender to the Dream Hungry G-d
  bringing the Weathermen to melt in a cataclysm of Rain Making Apostasies,
the Skull of TS ELiot
is a superconducting supercollider,
Ourobouros of Bumblebee and Lily, the shallow grave of the desert  Prophet's  heart
shadowy Lazarus parades in the Sulfur and Brimstone of  ancient Gondwanaland's
dragon scented soil, and the caterpillars feet
moving into the fractured faction of fictional numbers, the infinite regress of Xenos
Geopoliticus Smile,

the Night where  Mother  Goose once fell from the Sky in a slow motion denouement
during  the Mandala of Heliotropic Palindromes,
the  Sitcom of  Spacetime Vagabonds licks
 the Random Numbers from the Eyes of the Queen of Heaven and Hell,
the Ten Ton Teardrop trembling in the Tarantulas EYe, the

the Tide of Tantalus  that turns the Sunlight Inside Out in a Neuron of
Hydrogen Powered Kaleidoscopes, the Spyglass Mirage of
a trillion Priestly Scarabs where the Nuns like
Spanish Ravens weave wing into noun, beak into fang, fang into portrait of the
dirt eating Queen, whose wicked
eyes inhale the Rainbow,
a  Newborn  Pronoun,  waits camouflaged in the Flesh of the Ordinary Girl
exhaling strange fog of Tomorrow, a flaming cherub screaming parables on the Sidewalk
Me You He She It Them I They Us Her,  Is Am Are Was Be Being Been
Variables Pearl in  comitragic  calculus, the
Ink Blue Moon,  a Harlequin of  Quivering  Knaves, guitar strings plucked like fools gold of
Van Gogh's tongue in a Century of  Ventriloquist Pedestrians,  the Troupe  of
Haiku faced Wise Men
chanting quasicrystal transfigurations of the Shopping Mall Princess, her Moon
bathed in wastelands of Perpetual Amnesia,

as the Mysteriously Mysterious Mystery balances a swarm of Nightingale - Wing Up Quarks
on an array of nonlinear  Caterpillar Eyes that dissolves in the  sugary raiment  of


a Woman's white dress fluttering under the Skull drunk Sun,
ten thousand G-ds winking in the
  labyrinth of an Oscillating Impossibility Field  that is
spiraling clocklessly clockwise into the Famous Last WHirligigs where the Last Piece of  Pi
swallows a  punctuation mark at the edge of the known universe,
and maelstroms of the Atheistic Demigod's  Number line is tricking  Zero into dividing by itself
causing bifurcating apostasies to careen in prime numbers,  a Quadratic Messiah sleeping in the
light of the Flaming Sword of the Implicate Order and Event Horizon of  the
Moon of Infinite Noumenon
 looming muons of Decembers Abracadabra  Candelabra Box- a- dox
into polyhedrons of Thought,  Alfred Hitchcock levitates around the Klieg lights of Aria 51
turning Edgar Allen Poes Raven around and around in
Octaves of Extraterrestrial Illumination Exhalations

 the Mime Marcel Marceaux, moves

 into an Opera of Algorithmic Lightning Bolts
until the Verb that has no Adjective or Noun enters
an Optical Vortex of  Void making Voids
coiling a Cortex of Esoteric Scintilla into an Orchestration of Baudrillardist Simulacra
zigging and zagging in Zeus Eyed Zephyrs that tiptoe on Black Op Octopus Spots
  down  the Buddhafield of  POst Modern Minkowski Space parallelograms
where Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons chew the mushrooms of  Ancient Gondwanaland
into vapours of mind altering fog,  giving the first Good Idea a pathway to  exeunt Downstage
Apocalypse, into
an permanently impermanent  Electron Shell  of the Celestial Tortoise Star Making  Stomach
as the G-d of Green Gargoyles gallops to Intergalactic Galapagos
 where the Ghost of Descartes is bathed in a  dirt nap ten thousand Hamlet Yawns  away,
and at the Still Point of the Unfathomably Coincidental Coincidence
 Kurt Gödel's Unanswerable QUestion  tattoos a   Baby Einstein's Solar Powered Eyelid
where, lost in the filigreed embers of Time before Time,
a Frog Queen's tongue bursts into the Lie that made the Lady Bug Fly
into undulating ululations of the Gnostic Subsonic Omnivorous Logic
somewhere deep in the Gamma Ray gloss of a  Serengeti Genome Mirage, at Sunset where
Van Gogh's  Sunflower Seed Symphony is  self assembling shadows of
Mary Poppins Solar Powered Parasol
until the Wizard of Oz discovers the Quasilogical Pause of Slow Motion Moses
who in the Convienence Store at the edge of Eternity
whispers a Single Unfinished Thought that rotates on the axis of chlorophyll based Binary Code.
until inHistory of Impossible Happenings, Michelangelos Pet Lapis Lazuli
 begins chanting the canticle of Immaculate Synchronicity.
So She says when She says what She says.
Somewhere in the depths of the Strange Purple Yonder,
a triple negative echo echoes   at half past Tomorrow
 on a Triskadekaphobic Cuckoo Clock
until the Them that is not The Them that Is the Them that are the They that they Are
evolve in the Standing Ovulations  of a Soothsaying Seraphim sleepwalking in serendipitous
synergies of a series of  Time Binding  Enzymes whose adamantine facets

burn in  thunderously  burlesque bioluminescent orbs
 at the edge of the Previously Indeterminate universe, between the edge of the Astronauts fingerprints
and Cthulhu's multi timbreled brain whiskers
that seem (to be or not to be) racing through Argonaut Vertigo through the Pawn Shop of
 Moon Rock Colored Mood Rings where they then  Ring Pavlov's doorbell  until the
"If Then - Go - To"  Slo Motion Robot Hobo carooms in
loop de loops of a Metaphorical Promethean Metamorphosis through the Pseudological Domain of
 Autoerotic Onomatopoeia,  as  somewhere in the
Drink and and Blink and Wink Thankless Think Tank of  Whirlwind Waking Wise Ones
 a Mannequin faced ANti G-d begins  waltzing  Dostoyevsky through the
 Maze of Moonlit Monkeyshine and Resurrection of Supraluminal
Interstellar   Eyespot Generating Tachyons
that are  evolving in the primordial soup of an Archaeopteryx haunted Birdbath
near the Shapeshifting Chalkboards  of the Long LOst
 Library of Alexandria where Socrates and Cleopatra whisper  wisps of Sistine Altocumulus

 into paint by number chiracos during an episode of the Butterfly Effect Sutra
until the Grasshopper brained Googolplex Mandible
burns with blue light of Sugar Skull signals deep inside the Cathedral of
 Popocatapetl during the 99 Alarm Earth Quake Birthday Cake and Funeral Wake of Ab Kin Xox
 at the moment a  Honeybee Heart-seeking Parabolic  Cerebellum  traces
 echoes of the Sleepwalking Unicorn's psychedelic hoofprints into Salvador Dali's
InterGalactic Golgi Apparatus as  Lady Dada Gala Dali  ghost googles  Lady Godiva's
Third Uterus from somewhere deep inside Pablo Picasso's Bacchanalian
Bullseye of the Non Linear Non Local Perpetual Motion Vanishing Point and
 Vorpal Powered Pulsar of a Ten Thousand Variable
Machine Eyed Miracle where Mephistophelian Medusa's Pseudological
  Hypotenuse pulses in a Pearl Pink Ying Yang Yo Ho Ho Yo Yo as it Slopes on
the filigreed cosines of a  Vineyard of Dream Breeding Tentacles
until a  faceless face  chases  ten trillion silhouettes across the Subspace of a
  Polyphonic Hologram that  whispers the
Verblike Matrice   of  Unborn Songbirds around the ELectromagnetic Sephiroth
of  Logos Flavored  Dewdrops as  they exhale Elixirs of the imaginary imagination
from the  depths of a non euclidean Butterfly Heart that echoes
with the Cross Pollinating Tachyons of the
Storm God's Clairvoyant Jungle Making  Paranoia,
a symphony of Chlorophyll rich Bougainvillea Tears
flavored like the Wine Dark blood of  Neptune that blooms
wisps of  incandescent Logos that polarizes the
Boundary Negating Honeycomb until the  spectral nectar
 of a synaptic vesicle  inverts the visions of the Vernal Equinox in the  Virginal Gravity
of  Orphic Promethean Metaphors  that  promenade into the
super symmetry of  La Rue de L'Ancienne Comedie
until the    Argonauts of Apollonian Anonymity
appear, fable by fable, into the Catacombs of  Hieroglyphic Entropy,
 ten thousand valleys of sleep deep in the parabolic arcs of an Iridescent Wiccan's Eyelid
 where,  chanting Rubyaits of Ensorceled Onomatopoeia,
Edgar Allen Poe's Prayer Balancing  Rainbows,  Quetzlcoatl elopes in
a flash flood of Fairy Tales
down the Antigravity Inkwell of Sir  Isaac Newton's Magic Abacus
as it moves like a Time Machine Once Upon a Time, down the   Wishing Well
where Godot has arrived on a meteor
tunneling through the Electronosphere of Galileo's Eye
as the sound of Michelangelo's paint by number  Lightning Bolt ignites the Leucasian Chair
and sends it spinning in a trillion Exoskeletal Isocahedrons of  Supernovae Powered Upanishads
deep In the Cathedral of Alchemical Allegories,  whwre the Mother of all  Crop Circles
howls  crimson green  blue notes across the delta wave redshift and Illuminated
  Electromagnetic contours of a Completely Imaginary Gardener's  Artificial Heart that
pulses in the  Soliloquy of Monosyllabic Homonyms
that ripple in the wilderness of  Transylvanian Rubik's Cubes where  Draculas
Triple Helix  spins  like an exsanguinated gyroscopic Jugular Vein until
Psychotic Ballerino Vaclav Nijinsky's Sahasrara Chakra turns en pointe
 downstage center in the Dark Matter of  William Shakespeare's Absinthe infused Uvula
 that blushes in technicolor chiaruscuro  of   Ophelia's  pollen perfumed bellybutton
as her amnesia reaches terminal velocity that  curves into a Cobweb of Electrolytic Diodes
 and a Ten Ton  Tarantula Teardrop   beaches  itself  in the Graveyard of Undiscovered Wisdom
that  divides Zero by Xeno in an Echolocating Orchestration of the Stochastic Paradox  at
Infinitely  Zero O'Clock,
waking the Sybil that sleeps in Socrates UFO haunted Ouija Board until,  from
the  Event Horizon, in the Lotus Throne of Castle  Doremifasolatido,
  ROYGBIV,  appears in a Fugue of fibonacci of  Spiralling  Sapphires of  Serendipitous
Seraphim,  at the place where MC Escher unties  Einstein's Shoelaces
as they twist at the Speed of Night in  the  Gordian Knot of UNified Field Theory
 until Madame Curie's mercurial tongue burns rumours of radioactive splendors into
a non Boolean  Hula Hoop at a Luau in the Ultraviolet Uterus of  a Tantric Atlantis
and  the Primordial Soup, a Wave begins to break in Dante's Self Assembling Bathroom Mirror,
and Schroedinger's One Eyed Ocelot oscillates an  O Sole Mio Meow Wow Wow Wow
until the Many WOrlds Theory of Renee Descartes mRNA  resonates with the
Heavenly Womb of a Mysterious Being 300 Light years away teaching
a Baker's dozen Dust Motes how to Levitate
through the umlaut humming mulch of  Unicorn  rich Ulm until the Cartesian Plane appears in
a  bursts of bubblegum  balderdash thundering in the wild blue  Lapis Lazuli of Aldebaraan
 as three  Fuzzy Logic Koans sleep in a  Blueberry blooded Robot's heart where the Name of G-d is
multiplied by the SQR -1 and SIr Isaac Newton's doppelganger
 carves the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics into a  Probability Tree in the
Cemetery of  a - Symmetrical Lemniscates
 that swoosh in post atomic  complexity through the   Sonata of  the Number Line
as it disappears into a Revolving Door at 3.141519 5th Avenue
where a 7 billion winged Locust buzzes in the fuzzy logic  of a 10 Octave Octopus
in the Caravanserai of   Isolated Variables that rushes in  Alphanumeric Camouflage
through the  approximately Infinite Instantaneous Simultaneity that begins to sing the
Fabled denouement of the Maybe / Maybe Not Anti Paradox
of a Godlessly Godlike Sitcom broad casting a Cryptic Mystic Slapstick Laughtrack ad infinitum
until the precise moment the Cathedral of the  Ensorceled Clitoris enters Emerald satori
in the Pandemonic Saturnalia of Labyrinthine Byzantium   ad astra andante,  Imagio
 bursting in breathless Rubyaits of a Broken Mirror , Dantes Daydream in verdant Vertigo  Adagio
of  Shekinah  cresting in  Carouselambras of Coincidental Chromaticity
at the Moment of the Moment when the endless Beginning Began to begin and everything Stopped
happening All At Once,  and at the Nadir of the Aeon of  Absolute Uncertainty
 Nostradamus' Ventriloquist  Dandelion burst through the Sidewalk in  a Carnival of Marvels in
  as a Messianic Android transmogrifies  Deuterium   into a Radioactive Goldfish
whose Great Great Grandfather, a   Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon ignites with a  10 trillion joule
mitochondrial potentiate Koan,
until the Leviathan discovers Columbus discovering the Leviathan
 discovering Columbus giving birth to a polyurethane Mannequin in an empty Tomb,
 twelve  vineyards away where
the Jugular Veins twist around a Communion Wafer and  Marilyn Monroe's fingerprints
 shimmer like vampire punctuation marks of the  Sistine Chapel,
until an  Isolated PHoton  boomerangs
through the  Optical Illusion of  Perpetual Synchronicity
 and a  single  strand of golden hair drops from the robin egg  sky
and  Lady Godiva's Holographic Prayer Shawl billows
 in a flock of cold fusion freckles
through the  Algorithmic Glossalalia of non linear Angelicals
around the   parallel lines of  Lao Tzu's Hexagram drunk Nightmares
where, in a scene of  Baby Hemingway's Nursery  Room a
 Dictionary of Unrhymable Words is licking his Mother to Sleep,  the polysyllabic cacophony of
the  Maternity Ward  rich like Lazarus  gold plated fingernails, the
  G-d of G-dlessly Godlike G-ds
self replicating in an irrevocable syntax error of  Lullaby Lunged  Empress of Language Lilies
whose prayers turn upside down as the  Self Assembling Sunflower Faced  Trout swim
towards the Sermon on the Mount
at the top of upside down mountain
where the   tide of time is crashing,  in symbolic cymbals, the  Sound of  One Hand Playing Piano
upon the jawbone colored jewelrybox hovering in Buddha's Bellybutton on Mount Mandelbrot,
Ourobouros of the ANti Paradox Paradox that
whispers  Celestial Dream Shanty's into the Emerald Oak whose Raindrop Brained Babies
fall into the soil,  Acorns ascending in  stairwells of  Pattern Making Matter that
Matters to the Mother of the Pattern Making Matter Mother
whose kaleidoscopic Octopus Stops in the STop Motion Mirage of a Maternity Ward where the
 Tachyons race into the Twilight before G-d was born and G-d's vision of  Emmanual Bach
 playing the Sonata from deep inside a pinecone inside the uncreated Schwarzwald turns
Star Crossed Consciousness into  a Spacetime Continuum of
suspended disbelief and the  Cathedral of the Crown Chakra
sways in a bonfire of Eldritch Nothingness,
where a flock of gamma rays begat the manta ray that channels its axiomatic
deus ex machine into  the Curtain of the Unknown Unknowns,
and the Don Quixote of  the X Axis goes
gallavanting on Van Goghs' Other Other Ear
through the Pulsing  bioluminscence of a Luciferian Crucifixion
that traces   Cosines of  the
Fugue of the Indeterminate Gestalt  on  Phantomesque Caravanserai in the 0th Degree of G Major,
where a   Walrus Eyed  Tsunami is whirling in the wine dark sea
and a  Wave of Irrational  Numbers collapses in the eigenstate of
where   MOther Gooses' Fairy Godmother is slurping
 sunflower swallowing shadows  from  hummingbird scented honeycomb
and  the name of Jesus Christ  shimmers in interstellar
 serendipity,   at the place where a  Yellow Canary falls
through the whirlwinds of   Darkness and LIght balancing
penumbras of lapis lazuli into the cat whiskers of  Michaelangelos' Paintbrush
during the Resurrection  of the  Milk White Rose, Where Picasso has disappeared
his mouth a watery womb of  Pyromaniac
 delirium, athe  Storm God's Electron Shell Exoskeleton
exhales a vein of  Supraconscious Apricots that  buries the Hair of a Primadonna Ballerina
in the synaptic cleft of a coral reef of a Sturgeon Mouth Moon and Seahorse  Freckled Foam that
wings it's way through the
wheat field and whirlpool of  western Birth,  a flowchart of Infinite Conception, where
an Intergalactic Empress sings her sing sing sing  song  song of the clairvoyant
 dust motes as they  Levitate  across  Mare Tranquilatum and the
 ghost that lives in Mona Lisa's Louvre at First Sight Mausoleum
is paraphrasing  the Embryo of J. Alfred  Prufrock as it tiptoes into
the Van Gogh's Strobe Light Ear Lobe Disco
balancing its I Ching Boomerang Go GO boots in the Boundary Orbitals of the   Bardo Theol
as molecules of Arthur Rimbaud's  Famous Last Breath race through the  Trapezium
on curves of  Unfinished Newspaper Print  where a Faster than Light  Ouija board paraphrases the
completely forgettable First Words of the Newborn Messiah
whose face is bathed in the  coconut blue fire of a Human Heart,
the wound that has been leftover from the Time before Time,
 the Dream that fell asleep in
Dr. Frankensteins  Minkowski Space Toenail
where G-ds love  burns  like a Chinese Lantern
and the  Hungry Ghosts billow in the Blue Fog Fire
and River of  Brain Blue  Wine, scarabs of bacchanalian
Shadow Ships Sailing in  Jetstreams of  Unfinished Silence, the Swinging of Christs's Tongue
like a hammer at the Bottom of the Sea
trembling in  Castles of  Human Enzymes  as the Sky Gods shimmy
 in  undiscovered Edens, Even
 as the
QUeen of  Quarks enters the
parallelograms whirling as a dervish in a
 a  chasm
through the instantaneous aeon of everlasting simultaneity
as the peacock eye rhodopsins enter the  Butterfly Neuron  that is Swarming
like MId Town Manhattan
until the Memory of Man rises in the Vernal Osmosis
and  the  Equinox of Uncertainty
in the green fire Tongue of the Cherub's flaming Violin
 post modern Ezekiel swims into a  wine colored mandala, wheels within wheels
 of Georgia O'Keefe's Sapphire Uvula
in the Dragonesque Quantum where the Unborn Beings balance Cupcakes
in the depths of Einsteins Tastebuds,  the Shadow of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki echolocating at the Top of the Skjy
as if  the Beginning of Time has never  stopped happening NWVW
She drinks,  her  mouth a  rubyait of  sapphire poltergeists
exchanging wedding vows in the Machine Language  with the Lantern of Chinese Eyes
whose incandescent Green Man's head rolls down highways
through the charcoal smithy of that Funeral of the Unborn,
whose vapors of the burnt gold Mermaids breath  whisper Bubbles of  Blue Green Soil
as the dark middle arpeggios of elephantine empirical nothingness Burn the Skin
into flags of Amnesiac Heresy,
and the Goddess of the Godless God grows a  gargoyle of rainbows
seven oceans deep inside a  Grasshoppers's Eye until
something boils the corpse of Unfinished Stories around the ground of
Skeletons that Dance in the Cupcakes and Mushroom Clouds of
the Weathervane of Christs Smile as it spins towards the Mother scarecrow
and the Eye becomes the where  of the when
the when swallows the flesh eating what,
where there is no weather that One could possibly KNow
and the Ghost exhales a Living artichoke, the artichoke enters the
dance floor cleverly disguised as a  Chariot of Fire, nightshade ripples in a Clown's heart
 and the City of Athens self assembles in   Slow MOtion as the
Sky  turns the   Red rainbow Black and a turtle  faced  Coconut bruises  the Purple  Blue Valentine in
 the Light Years of  God's stupor, until
Amelia Earhart crash lands in a probability field of Resurrected Moth Eyes where the
King  of Fire Ants
ignites in a field of  strawberries red as the wound of a Virgin's burning eyes
 the Eye that is not an eye
but a Rose of Endless Riches, the Starlit serpent that Sings
the song of the intergalactic rain
 and the  MotherShip of  Moss laced gypsies toenails
ignites  in a chlorophyll orchestra
until the
Deadly Nightshade of  Henri Poincare's Fingerprints,
 brings  thermalline candelabras of
Tear Traveling Rhodopsins,
whoseTeacups balance fantasias of the Larvae of the Audience,
their  Invisible Eyes,
churning in the Cheekbones of an ancient porcelain Madonna
whose robins egg blue ovaries burst into flames at the
mountain of Gods toes,  the  Tendrils of the Vineyard
turning thunder into spines
balancing the cosmological labyrinthine netherworld in
the translucent skin of parabolic blue salamanders  
racing Rainbows of dream swollen stairwells
in Picasso's  frontal cortex, a Prison of Lao Tzus' EYelids
wasting the Daydreams of Poets around a metallurgic grasshopper eyes,
the pollen of Earthly Delights
ignite in a landscape of upside down ballerinas
that quiver in hemidemisemiquavers of dopamine  IONS and the Castle in the SKy Descends in the Never ENding Doremifasolatido
of perpetual emotion blueness and Buddha Belly Pandemonium where a Creature otherwise known as the
 Non Linear Raindrop escapes the Drama QUeen's Verb Struck Thirteenth Eye and
the ENcyclopedia Factories arrives at the End of the Unending  OMNISCIENT OM,
whispering Lily Subtropical magicals in the Shopping Mall Mirrors full of whirling dervishes waiting by wishing wells of
the Dream Faced Queen's Tentacle scented eyelid shimmers with the Name that Sleeps on the Telepathic Tongue
of a Ventriloquist that knows the way to turn the Twisting into the It of It that is the It that is the not the It
if YOu Know What We Mean that sleeps in bloodthirsty breasts of a Vampirical Debutante whose
ELectron Shell Uterus is nursing
a Transcendental Embryo towards the Further Shore of Every Unfinished Abstractification
where Pendulums of Theoretical Infants race in the Axioms of Sky Seeking Sky,
a Gemini of Beings turns taut on the ten ton teardrop and  Ghosts of  Aldebaraan,
cartwheels of Harlequin Eloquence transpose the Time Binding horizon into  a thousand newborn
  Bellydancers glistening in  the Ocean,
mermaidesque  Fish Scale Spaceships escape the Charm QUarks of a Post Magnetic kevlar placenta,
and the Hermaphrodite's  heart bursts on Pearls of White Fire,
into trampoline curls whose  sunkissed lungs go like Ego to Ego
bathed in the strangeness of ten thousand Sphinxish Emanations,
clock by clock, the Telomeres  evolve on jagged pathways
of the Jaguars Electrolytric Teeth

and the earth is a puzzle of geometrical communion wafers with atomic periodicities of
otherworldly rain that  falls like Mozart's soul upside down into the diamond calculating starlight,
Echoes of  MOzarts glossolalia whisked into the wing of a Non Cartesian Mockingbird

 until the grassy thunderbolt of the Voice  exchanges a
Murmuring in the Mandala to the ancient Voodoo Queen of
Post Modern Mesopotamia
until the hydrocarbon polymers that say nothing know nothing tell nothing but the
blacklit ribbons of Celestial Roadsie and a  Lake of Brimstone and Kalamari Sunshine Cola
collect like lattices in the iguana fires that sing hallelujah blue something
through the heat field and carouselambra of tympanic membranse shimmering in the Wild Orchid
 Ochre carved curvature of spacetime glown trembling in the Sky Chalice Palace of
the Western WIlderness of Garland strung desert of the undefinably divine ecstasy o the night, Trees become Trees
of Treelike  Old Women covering their Children with a Thousand Leaves  of the Vine and the Crucifixion of Man
whose memory brings the Grandfatherly God asleep in the rocks of Bismuth at the zenith of Absolute Nowhere
where the page of a book trembles on In the Moonlight as if it was bathed in a truth serum soaked straightjacket
and the mechanical brainstem experiences itself  dance to the Dance of the Love Songs of  the Rubyait of Omar Khayyam

at the press of an Beauty Quark Clitoris,
and a  trillion names  echo on bird wings and whispering prayer winds
drummed off fruitlike anvils swimming fishlike through corpuscular caverns of the
moon struck tongue of the flower lunged man,
and in the Octaves of Gamma Wave  Sleep
the X chromosome Moonbeam chloroplast swings around like Julie Andrews on a Mind Bending Zephyr
her flood drunk eyes spinning in grape powered howls of a Selflessly Self  fearing sorceress
 whose soul arrives on the Interdimensional Prism at the ABsolute Beginning of Newtownian Time Traveling Time.

On the horizon, one can daydream of  those Onyx hearted Outlaws,
vagabonds of dead meat writhing in the spirit kingdom

of the ancient people --- Hopi, Anasazi, Comanche traversing the distances

between the Glass of Hell and  Liquid Blue thunder of the there and then,
chameleons of Spirit racing from Flesh to Mouth, sinew and bones and the

fire of Dream Eating Holes  that convert the Priests to Athiests and back again
 as beyond all time, the constant mystery that

haunts the animalian flesh, paints the Masquerade of Love in a
 curtain of  Sun Darkening Wilderness,
the Chaotic One resting in a Book of Thermonuclear Ink  and

Revelations of the  madness of Hydrogen itself. As if the Sun was

describing its Mother in  phantoms of it's own imagination, that burning photonic

cyclone exposition of translogical domains. Seraphim, sleeping

on the Old Woman's cheek. A strange scintillation of the ether? the Ghost

is unbalanced, drifting across the sand as if it was the flesh of an antelope at the
of neverending dusk


At the edge of the road, a coven is nursing the wounded shadow of

that which has no Beginning.  Thirteen eyes, one of them turned like

a camera into the starlight, pulsing against the canvas of their own

memory just as the old books predicted, teaching the Owls the nature

of Mankind, filling the wings with the chaos of the laughter of man,

against the desert silhouettes whose underbelly is a nest

of chemicals raging from the iron center of an unfinished heart,

pulsing with the mandibles of insects self assembling at the rate

of centuries in a lifetime, burning nostrils of rattlesnakes low enough

to inhale the footprints of the Coyote, a dream between dreams,

the vagabond that crawls up the Unholy mountain, eyes containing pearls

of unfinished Supernovae.


The Town is laced with deconstructed beings. A woman's cheekbone protrudes

like a rubber balloon.  It is shimmering in pinks and blues, like a

jellyfish hunting roses in the last light of dusk, where in her immediate

space, the Scarecrow (of Oz?) is balancing a matchstick on the edge of a bridge.

The traffic is contagious, a rumbling shell of fear and aattrition,

the heat death of miracles fired by salted souls on the egde  of escaping

that which cannot be escaped, a votive roar of unfinished commotion, the sense

of desperation, everyone leaving at once, but the traffic light turns blue

and for a moment the Street becomes a museum.  Perfect perveted stillness,

the love song of Jewel Thieves, a silence and an emptiness that could

be carved from Michaelangelo's skeleton, one stitch, one wink one blink,

one hysterical nightmare underneath the skin at moment.


Several thousand miles away, a surveillance camera is recording every

movement in the Intensive Care Unit of a Psychiatric Ward where three

juvenile anthropoid demigods are churning random numbers against a wind

of perpetual epiphanies. Their memories are chasing one another through

the labyrinth of Socratic heresies, one by one, eyes slip into fields

of post platonic greek fire. Blueness that is purple, green neess that

contains riddles of the graasshopper's heart.
The Eye of G-d is a Neutron of Negative Entropy
waves of blue light in the garlic scented sky,

where she paused between birth and the number line,

her feet, tripping ballerina claws across a calculus of rocky

the ghost of some anonymous being singing itself through her flesh

at the bottom of the sky, the top of the earth

where clouds are laced with hydrogen sulfide, and the sound of God glows in  grasshopper wings

spinning in darkness  washed by  sun,

goldmine  delirium from east into the western celestial, a garden  of the airy embers,

the spirit rushes in a cyclone of disappearing dreams.  A thousand thoughts in a single moment:

the cascade of imaginary beings ---  three headed Saints, a paralyzed dog writhing in the underbrush

words like ancient undiscovered gemstones balanced in her central nervous system,

where she stands, a tempest of uncertainty

cracks in the sidewalk, a lizards tongue trembling in the tree,

her flesh swimming with fables, a kaleidoscope of fevered colors

tracing  neurotransmitters in holy fantasia across the synaptic cleft of her

Soul, that ordinary morning when nothing was happening, nothing at all.


On the horizon :  smoke from the refinery smokestacks

spits into the sky, serpentine phantasmgoria,  petroleum powered ghouls,

a palette of carbon and fire.   The city wakes chirp on nerve and thrusts of

 rustling stutters, a blinking eye catching silver butterflies in the

the shaking of leaves, the sun like a bloodthirsty vampires eye sucking up the black night,

a carnivorous G-d eating the dawn flower by flower,

breakfast of Souls and the endless temptation of Man.


Light twirls candlesticks on her lips:  twelve purple ballerinas

assembling in the pulse gathering void,

the sound of a cat chasing itself through what it perceives as a

broken mirror,

the whirling of machines.   The window is opening, the membrane potential of


 ten thousand light years away, the gamma rays turn the universe inside out,

thieves hands that gather shadows in the gold dust orchestrations of time before time.


On the edge of the curb, where the broken glass and birdshit are a museum of madness,

from the sky falls a single strand of hair,

the middle of nowhere, slow motion, a fairy tale crystallizes in the clouds,

the hair brushed by the window  like a raindrop on the tongue of imaginary beings,

as if at the top of the sky,

some convection has turned the night upside down,

and there are strange waves of anti gravity,  star goblins sucking fish out of the ocean,

comporting them down lattices of dream

for reasons only the clouds can comprehend, into the Ordinary world,

where nothing yet has happened.

This moment, at the edge of that Eye (her Eye, or is it yours? My Eye, or

the Eye of G-d, and who knows the difference)  --- the Eye that is undefined

spirals in coded embers of angels through the atmosphere, the atomic structure

of everything, a pointillism of broken hearts exploding in the neutron that does not name itself,

spinning in the silence, balanced without charge, without spin,

an essential nothingness that divides and listens,

that records without comprehending, a processing of emptiness

into that great unknown,

heaven bursting through the birth canal of the Void

into a maternity ward composed of nothing but angular momentum

and the probability of everything and nothing

happening in complete simultaneity at the moment the universe disappears into itself

and the Nameless Being divides by Zero.


The bells ring, freckle by freckle a flock of unfinished Geese,

wings flapping like Ezekiels' eyelids

 few thousand feet away.  At the Bus Stop the Stoplights blush like

stolen roses, cyclopean troubadors of perpetual motion.

The Bus is a trapezium of high school characters, Acrobats of the Future

Clown hearted Angels,  Howling Ringmasters of Mischief,

wide eyed children clutching tomes containing ancient knowledge of Descartes and Darwin,

their brains crossing circuits of eternal brilliance, Aeons of Life summed in a single smile,

searching the field of being in the energy of all beginnings.


The grass is green, a jeweled flesh of  suburban light and dandelions twinkling,

the aura of a Waiting Room : silence as rich as a Billionaire's yawn.

An old man is walking through the yard as the bus passes;

his skull is an easter egg,  a pallid purple pinkness shimmering like an Orb,

his   Eyes like watery snow-globes,  every curve of his flesh containing 75 years of Legend,

a pastiche of invertebrate illuminations, etchings of fingerprints, Warlike arms and

legs that ran the Indian Mile, the crashing of Tides in his skeleton, every footstep

becomes a journey across the mountaintop of Time.


In the daydream of the world, the first words of dozens of newborn children

spiral  around in echoic oscillations.  Through the glass, the spirits that cannot be defined.

Time. The nature of nature,

a  mystery that has zero explanation. Questions that evolve from moment to moment,

cycles of creation that generate ten thousand fractals of mystery per moment.


The bus moves through the suburban calm like a yellowy whale,

swallowing Jonah after Jonah,

each scene in every eye transposing ancient motifs of the Theatre of Freedom:

refractions of historical consciousness in perpetual flux,

algorithms of light and dark, the strangeness between symmetry and asymmetry,

a type of differentiation that could not be defined,

but only rather experienced, moment by moment, a mysterious mitosis

of unfathomable processes.


It is an ordinary day, at least that's the theory.  Machines of Normalcy.

A day in the life of everyone, every living being under the Sun

turning around and cycling the power of power to some unknown purpose, some

synergy of convergent madness racing through the Human Cellular structure,

an enzyme, a smile, a Mercedes, the Church, the street and the Solar System:

fragments of God grasping for proof of G-ds existence, a Kingdom of

Electrochemical parables.  There are broken wings,

ten thousand moments of suspended disbelief, an orchestration of patterns

both organic and unnatural:

the furies and graces, the astonishment of witnesses trapped in the breaking of the world.

An Entropy of denouement.  Infinite Prologue, nothing is

happening but ... a  group of complete strangers is standing at the edge of the sidewalk,

their bodies paused in poses of character,  Machiavellian gazes,  the sweet tragic Pierrot,

a color coded carnival of symbolism.  Burning redness of her dress, the odd blue sigh

of a scarf.   The language hat nobody understands, the hieroglyphics of Chaos.

  The psychosocial  architecture of the Angels. The man's white

shirt gleams like the wing of a bird glimpsed between trees,

shimmering in translucent fibers.  His face is a pastel bubble,

vortices of doubt and confidence, a shimmering of hope,

tracing sinews of ten thousand moments as if ten thousand

strange animals were bathing in the atoms of his flesh,

at the edge of the sidewalk

where nothing is really happening,


At the top of the sky, there is a glint of silvery light,

an diamond oscillation, the reflection of an airplane's wing.

THe newspaper on the street, at the edge of the curb has a headline

about two nations at war;  seventy civilians are dead in another bomb blast,

and a thread of red yarn that shines like a capillary

in the gutter underneath one of those billboards where a Santa Claus

is advertising a type of whiskey.   There is a cemetery one lot

away, the tombstones seem anachronistic against the backdrop

of the convenience store, where a drunk is salivating into the grass.

 It is difficult to imagine a ghost

inhabiting this subspace,

where the litter and the sunlight shine like the skeleton of a dragon.


When the morning ends, and the classes assemble,

in the mathematics department, the room is as quiet as a waiting room.

Her name is K, and  on the paper at this hour, the math equations seem like hieroglyphics,

slow motion silences to nowhere,

strange ink that contains melodies that cannot yet be heard,

the rumors of Variables on the edge of Infinity, a harmony

of axioms, the white noise of calculus churning underneath

what the Professor says is the shape of a nautilus shell,

a code that sings itself through the structure of space time

and arrives almost magically,

negative entropy  spiraling in the electron shells

of flowers that have yet to be imagined.  This takes her mind outside of the Room,

through the glass of the window, into the empty field,

around the green golden blue white sky where

nothing is happening, and the ordinary day is a carouselambra

of non events,

silence and mystery that have no beginning and end.


In that room, the glass is bright, a supercharged quicksilver shining on

music boxes and  glass masks,  where the presence of memories is a scent of flesh outside of time.

instantly recognized but delightfully incomprehensible,

in those images of people expressing delirious weirdness through their eyes shining

from within a photograph:  this, here, that now, then, when.  They are Stories.  She read once

that the Universe was composed of.  Stories;

not atoms.  Every Acorns is not an acorns, but rather the first thoughts of the

Oak,  a great whisper of primordial wisdom

racing from the forest before forests were named into rivulets of rain rushing down

asphalt  streets

bathed in discarded newspapers that fall like the teardrops of a G-d

that is trying to prove something to itself, every Word on every Page a Comitragic contagion,

story by story, the fairy tale  haunted strangeness of the ordinary world.

In that photograph, there is half a face of a person on the edge of the frame who remains

nameless, the edge of a smile like an eclipsed moon,

the eye of the eye shining like a spiritual sun that leaves the impression of

someone that knows something that only the photographer might

understand.  Three old women are standing on the edge of the stairs,

from the year 1957, their being as grey and as composite, wrinkles

that map the centuries as if the centuries themselves did not exist.

The trees are bare, and again: suggest war, the madness of fingers clutching

for fruit on the edge of the Sky, pulling in fables

from the soil, fruit like the jewels of a g-d that is breaking into

mirrors of unfathomable madness.


where the rivers converge,

an old house is sleeping nestled on a stretch of land,

pine trees and rocky topsoil.   He is waiting for the bells to chime,

a cascade of stones skipping across the surface of the soil,

the memory of time spent with his Father fishing in the autumn.

That sensation of being inside the temple of some dragonesque

leviathan, a sudden disbelief in everything that

mankind has ever created,

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