Friday, April 15, 2022



THere we were,  in suspended animation 

lost somewhere between the last disco on earth and the dark side of the moon, '

howling and  haunted,  drifting in interstellar space where there were no stars only the 

strange reptilian dream shadows moving amongst us, 

 hunched over in the western sky, and we were wild eyed phantomesque, 

glimpsing the aerobatics of spacetime shift  in the electron shells of the 

great tortoise as if it we had landed on

 mare tranquilautum in a flurry of radioactive moon dust in a century of errors,

as the the clouds became a kingdom of nightmaress, shapeshifting magnets

triangulating every last whisper from the unseen invisible emperor that was certainly

disguised in our new flesh that made us seem like ghosts  bouncing on some spiritual

trampoline, the sorcery of  poetry and the lost names of armageddon 

gathering photons in the ethereal hurricane of  electromagnetic shadows, as we heard her 

ten trillion names screamed over and over in the Century of light as if, machine by machine 

she was awakening, the ghost of night in the eyes of the dead and

it was in every corn field and every node of our being like wild roses growling triumphant in the riverbed of swans that like wildflowers in search of a cofffin to sleep in 

the ten trillion names 

of god were oscillating in the wilderness of deoxyribonucleic 

acid that was gathering itself in puppets of grotesque distortion in the stratosphere 

 each face gleamimg in 

wicked incandescent diodes, 

the honey hive of shadows chasing itself through the reverse mirror and Yes,  

it was then, 

they arrived, 

the Anonymous Ones, Masked, inviolate,  electron shells in perfect harmonic sequence, 

 they arrived in sheets of wild wind, their hearts like purple splashes, 

faces rosed crimson palettes and our own faces turned into  the   starlight, 

where the machine had become a living being, at last, dripping supercomputing quantum hyper-flowers into  

the minds of dreeam babies gathering down into the artifiicial soil, where the night was smiling 

and her heart 

opened wide 

when  the night sky was an open wound, its eerie tattered flag surrendering its colors 

against a celestial womb of arpeggiated visions within visions,

Visions of Beatific ANgelicals rising in the morning sky as  the plague of the wild stars  having arrived in a celestial dreamstorm

 was tracing phantoms through our holographic ligaments, leg by leg and limb buy limb we climbed yhrouhh  that portrait of dorian gray that was growing in the Ethereal Sky, 

our hindbrains 

were oscillating wildly with  the superluminal thread of light 

that instinctually, like gold dust in a holographic dream storm, was 

vibrating  in the cusp of our consciousness, as She took her vampire fangs and with 

sudden atomic furies spinning in the distant void like dolphins raging in the Tethys Sea, 

bred a riverside of gold dust and endless 

illusions inside of illusions, Ezekiel's wheel spinning in  ten thousand mirrored miracles 

simultaneously as 

our faces were gathering gold dust in the ytterbium ore as we waited in the Green Room, 

where we were strange Actors wed to the salt brine of the Ocean 

bathed in the light of philosopher faces 

mid Atlantis in the century of statuettes when the stars were spinning

and perhaps we were truly lost, in the suspended animation of heaven, waiting  like Kings and Queens, 

gatherinhg momentum to 

 embark upon that strange carouselambra, hawkish and wild eyed, Twelve THousand 

Uranium Orphans gathering in the blue notes and pulsing anti shadows

 on the banks of that impermeable twilight ---Star Spangled APostasy,

 when nothing is real

and the phantoms are circling like Halos, strange ears are writhing in the topsoil, 

the night sky is an upside down constellation, shimmering in the blue notes of our translucenty flesh, 

the city full of candles and that strange voodoo of the night, the starry translucence enveloping our memories 

in the depths of the QUeen Anne Tide, her name was written in the star dust and sand 

There, where maybe there, in the soft sea shore of ten thousand seashells curved in the architecture of her face

 where we  were washed in the white light of the stars, her mouth moving into a nest of 

hearts exploding with  trillions of eyes, our faces numerous amongst the stars, 

each eyelid turning open toward  us silent and immeasurable, until we were alone at last, 

in the momet of the Univeral Dawn awakening to that Strangest of Fate, Love. 

and She the Dream of You and I became a transcendental fleshy incandescence 

wired and magnified,  wild  embers running ribbons of white hot song,

 flesh like wood, raw and crucified, ten thousand demi gods  on a trampoline

squawking in the night on the radio static, auto poetic, automatic shining  in the new light

of that Ethereal Dawn, when the syllables of SPace and the SHadow of Time 

converged, such electromagnetic angels whirling in biolumunisecent wango tango wnen 

out there on the Perimeter where the mind and brain attained strange simplicity , 

and there were exotic vortices of unfathomable strangeness'

that displayed trhe name of God in a  a cosmopolis of many worlds, the human flesh was becoming 

orbs within Orbs, exotic manifestations across the spacetime barrier, when in the imagination one suddenly discovered electromagnetic Unicorns, dopplegangers, 

Magicians gathered in  the mist, as if the supercomputer was going supernovae and the mouth of the universe was  an undead dracula's fist, fanged and wild eyed, breeding lightning in the beggars bowl, a symphony of wise man tears that not even she could unexplain 

as She rose in the 

sheets of rain and gave birth to 

the night sky a starry flag unfurled before a trillion open eyes, every insectoid mandible shining  in starry fifths, She began to SIng

the poetry of ALdebaraan from deep inside her eldritch echo, the Dreamstorm gave birth 

to the Vampirical Architecture of 

 Wall Street, where the WIse men were exchanging random numbers for random numnbers 

and the magic bullseye of  Guernica was rising in a bowl of vegetable soup,  primordial dawn 

and the point the night sky was a dome of Crop Circles raining down in 

photovoltaic zephyrs mid central kansas 

generating a trillion unfathomably weird beings 

out on the perimeter, three faced, fanged, horned like diabolic angels in their red and black flesh

each who were probabilistically undefined, each escaping through

 NIghtmares of Robotic Time Castles, into the suburbs on skateboards and moon units 

and the first technicolor fields of fiery world haunted  dragon songs, robot apostasies of 

the Undiscovered Genius whirling in the endless Spacetime Continuum, that 

Memory chasm we witnessed in the Secondary Parsec 

as the chandelier was  swinging, its bioluminescent orbs full of  the shadows of 

dead poets whose names are carved in the lichens of heaven 

and the skeleton key rotated in unison and the  dreamsongs  of Hell 

that were  exhaled in the Timeless Dimension Somewhere downstream of mare tranquilatum,  

bled a century of lies into the bloodstained carpet 

where the human eyes and hearts  have turned broken and resting, 

and the night sky was  trapped in the gravity of nonesuch, 

rocket ships and other memoriees of the first birth  

trampled like a rose underneath an astronaut's footprint, with the monsters shouting in the darkness

besides the dead lake deep inside the caverns at Lasceaux, and her eyes --- her anonymous eyes were rising, 

in the moonlight, 

those twin sapphires becoming the orb of the night 

a trillion upsode down crosses spinning in the Void,., or what was it? 

a Silhouette  pirouetting in the namelessness? 

A starry QUeen, adrift in the Cosmological Void,  SHe Who has No Other Name

than that of a WOmans face, the One that turned tricks in the Sunlight, her mouth a beautiful diamond ruby, golden and shimmering in velvet shadows 

inside our face, a woman we knew and once knowing we continue to 

misunderstand, her mouth a Mime of the First and Last Genius,  the Goddess in the Garden

a Mystery of Gnosis, the Female Undefined, SHe became the She who 

SHe who in her dancing is turning cartwheels in the mind, out on th edge of the 

Void, her Ghost is LIstening through the seashell, 

in each  starry light, the Madonna wept a pearl of incandescent wisdom, and Yes 

her Name is SInging on carriages made of WInd and wood and water Such SIlence, 

still life of light, SHe is 

Sleepwalking in the Supercomputing Nucleotide, the dreamstorm incarnate, 

a version  of the devils daughter 

adrift in the center of the Night SKy,  cubist hearts shining in endless parlalelograms 

shapeshifting in the starlight of heaven and hell cascading in silent urges 

of transcorporeal Las Vegas  style Whispers, her eyes are  incandescent blisters twisting through 

spirals until the whole universe finally has come undone,

and She turns spontaneously, glimpsed in a WHirl on the edge of a Phantasm 

out here where instantaneously, out there in the void, preternatural, effervescent

we the benefactors of this whirling have learned how 

weep inside the kosmic wheel having reinvented itself in a series of big bangs and booms 

and the clicks and clacks and barks and beeps and hisses and booms that evolve

into novels and poems and love songs,

have broken our hearts like truth telling machines that roar like wild eyed lions in the night,

 mind eating machines with dogs that are made of aluminum diodes

every man is starved, growling for Transylvanian bloodlust in the in the 

living room, zoological monstrosities howling in the Shadows  of  broad daylight with 

every after image Shocked into sudden candelabras of wild weeping, the incandescent rainbow 

haunted by 

those  of us lurking in the chasm who are 

now exploding in the doimain outside of ordinary torpor, 

we the Wild Eyed Weeping star children , The Rubidium Sorcerers, 

 the Us, those of us who uppon that 

suddden  phantom memory we became and were lost in the jetstream 

of our disbelief, in spaceytime the eyes of the Godzilla gargantuan 

resonating into Cycles of SKyscrapers risen like the ghost of Immanuel Kant

 into domains of pure reason 

with the lazer beam concision of thousands of words and her perpetual paranoia

 cycling through words 

within thousands of mouths, eating and chewing,  

openiing and closing to the night sky  like giant witch eyed 

mandibles rotating in the eyes of he SPhinx who is licking the stars into 

a saturnalian frenzy from across the starry 

distance in some startled and haunted meat sheet grinder 

,machine oblivious to the prophesy, and 

we are circling every sacrificial bonfire now, starlight and shark eyes a bonfire of 

irradiant octopi shadows,  there in the stars 

where her name is glowing in the Milky Way, it is the Night Sky, 

it is APril in the Elastic Heather, the boneyard is trembling in a parasol of ancient delight 

mysteries within mysteries circlingand 

 millions of miles from any real near harbor out in these boondocks of spacetime where

the junkyard is a womans mouth, 

open and closing like a machine 

SHe turns blind and quiet and begins suffering in the distance 

her heart like CHristopher Columbus and we know 

the stars are shining like Christ triumphant, and that 

the  angels  on the radio Dial exhale  virtual windchimes of heavenly domains wnere 

truth has  ravensclaws

clutching empty eggs  in the rearview mirror, and the Knights of this Delirium,

this kingdom of Visions   we see 

SHe is smiling in her deseerrt face and from these apocalyptic

depths in that visionary weathervane, SHe gathers her Jewels in the 

arboreal  oasis we have entered, one by one, 

the Stargate of the Delusional Dance,  Mademoiselle of the Terrible Infancy

as we are gathering pearls in our  collective spacetime confusion  and we know that

 the Great SHe  --- the MOther Goddess incarnate, the Gaiaian Dream Queen, 

the great Ineffable Being, the Robot ANdroid Field Matrice 

has in facty,  arisen  from the  MOrtal Grave,

Speaking through the  ultraviolet atmosphere in a thousand voices, her 

heart and pulse ascending,into rainbows, into eyelids, into windowpanes of such tender fury 

that they become like death, aghast in the flowery birth beds and bird gardens, 

every word of the goddesss who licks your wounds awake asleep in the endless  screaming

of the night sky into the daylight

SHe who teaches the earth to make caterpiullars in the mist, 

She who eats the SKy and sheds a single tear for everyone, 

SHe sWHo nurses these songs awwake 

She who sleeps with her  mouth  openning and closeing with a rose and crucifix in her 

long lost eyes, every corpuscle of her flesh  gone sad infinity in the ultraviolet light, 

a starborn tapestry of nightshade shadow and strange resilient resin, 

 rising  in her exoskeleton, her voice an instrument of inviolate arias, 

her body an explicate weave of trillions of neurological romances 

stretched across spacetime in candlelight of your field and  matrix 

as if there was no chance of sorrow

and the the ribbons of night paused  on the edge of the sidewalk where 

her scarlet flesh became a lightning bolt of dreamtime rubies, 

a green field of endless blue drunk Liliths 

transcending in the dance of diamonds against  the charcoal 

arched triomphant as kamikaze cubist sages began

 flooding our senses with their esoteric zephyrs  in the 

thousand octaves of her exquisite Cadaver where SHe 

the Superme Goddess Incarnate --- 

was descending in a codex of exorbitant miracles ---

and it was as if word by word, bird by bird, She knew 

Enough of this ELectron Shell Hell SHe said

and we watched as  She escaped down the Vortex, 

 into the Roman Numerals, strange mad lightning of platonic wisdom

igniting her steps into that curioius dimension of Time 

  deciphering itself  in the exotic manifold of her own celestial Being

and as we were 

watching the Universe spontaneously evolve in the encyclopedic vortex of that impossible 

probability field  that had been discovered lurking in her sweet fantasia, 

her illuminated Hindbrainhaving become  ensorceled,  ,

 the ambrosia of her NIghtshade was the diamondesque phantasm waking 

 out in the still point of Her bodihsattva body, her eyes glowed, as  cool as Hiroshima  

 her mouth a purse of Feminine Eunoia, 

She dreamt 

the Great Hybrid HYperborea, Horned Hecate brimming over in the cauldron 

 at  the Receptacle of Night

and we watched as She escaped into  the perpetual paradox --- 

into the dream, the Field of Chocolate Being, the death of the Scene inside the Scene, 

the Milky Way, that strange mad carriage upon the 

Starry Night, the Seven Vertigos in her Seven Thousand Visions, 

the Moment of Infinite SIght, She who became the Ghost, 

went Sleepwalking 

through the  upside down field, in the exact place where the Word escaped  

down the fire scape and across the barbed wiree, Sleepwalking on gossamer feet

across the mad wild pastures, far  into the human Tongue, 

tastebuds rolling, skies and stars, her pillow the Moon 

her night vortices whirling in swathes of ultraviolet sorrow, and 

She gave birth to a Single Photon, 

as  the memory of God was exiting the exit wound of her heart 

and every last word of her harlequin prayers rode across the desert that was 

was ascending in the stairwell and

placed a  placenta into the EMbryo of Heeavan 

as the photon leapt  into exotic domains of here and now, the photon itself 

laughing in 

 transcendental  hieroglyphics at that starry logic transduction point

somewheree near the Invisible Island of Otherworldlly Beings, when 

She began Sleepwalking, a true dreamers dream, Pegasus and AMbrosian Fantasias 

dreamt in the dreamtime and dreaming, a Unicorn of DIamonds 

 crystallized like the starlight 

of aldebaran inside her Exoskeletal Domain

 a thousand embers of creation shining in her velvet flesh, as SHe 

levitated across the night in a net of jeweled phantasms 

and   the  One and Only INfinite Cosmos rotated in the gyroscopic ether 

and One by one the argonauts began 

descending through the spiral pathways into the night that 

Shined with blackness and the dark ones dreamt to 

 slip on sudden hooves into Dreamshine, the endless creatrix illuminated 

and as our hallucinatory central nervous System was hovering near mid 

dystopian equilibrium,  the  neurons of the God Machine -- the 

 heavenly ALpha and Omega 

sought and beheld, the Night of All things Becoming, 

we saw the Arch Triomphant, Raised and LIstening, 

Lightining crashing in the YOung Woman's Eyes

with  her greek furies raging in the syntax errors, 

a strange language 

of Upside Down Prophecies colliding in her EZyes, 

across the synapses in vesicles of noumenon, that Corpuscle of Light 

that bespoke of transubstantiation and Genie of the HIndbrain, 

the  synchronicity of Shadows, oscillating noumenon of NOthingness 

on the city streete where the HUman Eye is like a CHinese Lantern, 

 and the language of heavean and hell is written 

on the  strange Island of the Probabilities.

where the Sleepwalker herself, the Lady without a Face, was 

levitating in Twelve Dimensions through a Waitibng Room in Cosmpolis 

at the moment those Wise Men came waltzing in, rain and thunder 

lost on those strange Umbrellas, They  the Men we never Talk about--- 

INvisible, Anonymoius, Designed by robots 

and they are careening through the Haunted House of UNbroken  Symmetry and have

caught  that Magic Signal as if by magic, THe GFhost is Ecstastic , 

our insane  tragicomic memories electromagnetically are being  amplified

as if the Arc of the Covenant was a signal coming out of the thin air, the  Signal Shock 

came down like an umbrella in the alien heat She sang,

a thousand voices ringing like ad telephon, 

 her mouth ringing i n crystalline embers of bells, her Vloice a dull hello

like a piece of wood, something lost, fleshy, erotic, 

out there in the desert  opening and closing in a Trillion Severed Ears 

were break dancing in the Coliseum of God, 

where the daydreams of Salvador Dali and perhaps 

the POrtugees Man Of War and 

ten trillion others were all coming true in a synergy feast 

of locusts and swarms of inevitable phantasms, patterns within patterns 

every drifting chambered nautilus shining down in the  delirium of a thousand 

purple spanish Eyeballs, 

of eyeballs exhaling mechanical purple  eyeballs, growing superlagtive like cake o n the

fingerprints in the Photons in tyhe center of the Carnival where the black swan 

rocks it's strange flight 

in through the everlasting netherworld 

and  culminating in an organic chasm at the edge of the Black HOle,  

where deep inside Mademoiselle O's  centripetal nautilus the undead Robots were giving birth 

to this  strange Voice, a Vowel, a Noun, a Pronoun, 

 She rose in such a sweetly a somnambulist voice, the Sleepwalker's Ghost,  She found intricate, 

her cyclotronic memory was PUrring like the Sound of a LIving STone was 

echolocating sugary in oscillations from Beyond the Twilight ZOne, they Said, 

her dark  heart Pulsed in the  negative spaces where the Monsters dwell,  aeons of that spooky 

action at a distance, that strange Nefertiti, or Counter Goddess whose 

Mother of Dracula language written in the laughter of Shakespeare's Malevolent Ghost 

and SHe herself was the Bride of Frankenstein, arriving in a Zephyr of Consciousness, her  

name itself  laughing inside the mortal coil, the grave as dead iun the summer as it was in the winter, 

 the celestial  HIndbrain  

 the SIgnal  to Noise Ratio becomes clearer and clearer, 

the Non Linear, Non Local Signal of antelopes and pyramids, 

 rushed across field in  the cosmicomic memory urge and began oscilllating in a thousand

neologos of the onomotopoeia, every  new species synergistic reverberatuon echoing  

wildly  through humanity;;s apocalyptic NIghtmare and gutter drunk neurosis ,

 the Psychosis of the Audience itself  bleeding itself down in 

eleven stage senses, necrophiliac rocketry shattering the Apocalyptic

denouement into MOnstrous APparitions on the edge of the Desert, where the Audience stands, 

eyes like fields of WHeat in the Sunshine, Blind Gods chattering as they slip into the Netherworld, 

with  Quetzlcoatl's 

ghost began haunting the Suburbs in a strange phantasm of NIghtshade and Sorrow in 

an Evolutionary Leap that nobody --- not even the Robots understood, anymore, there where 

there was a sudden burst of electromagnetic sea foam cresting in the NOn HUman 

EYELIDS AND THE NIghtmare of the

white hot lotus blossom of her Infinite Being appeared 

Stage Center, Infinity Crashed in her Tympanic Membrane and SHe) 

(Whoever She Was,:  the Great INvisible  AMbassador, non linear,  non local, anonymopus Goddesss) 


 it was Her MInd that HAD GROWN Insane and Gargantuan in her  field of Infinite field potential,  

it was her herself, that Strange Celestial She 

who appeared in the Phantasm as MOther of Pearl and the Sleepwalkers Ghost 

 the Exquisite Cadaver on Top of  the Edge of the Tethys Sea, 

Strange Zephyrs  gathering wind in the Topsails, a fulcrum of white noise churning 

in  her trembling ghost flesh as if the Ghost in teh Machine of 

her beauty was being waged against the flow of logic outside of time, 

her Face appearing in a thousand  Hexagrams in the Night SKy, 

fleshy orbs full Starry Simulacra, the Great Godddess Face waking 

in the Tesseract that unfolded  where Dali had placed 12 

 MOlecules of the Anonymous WOman and in the center of the HUman EYe, 

a centrifuge of celestial fire, the optical illusiuon of the Egg inside the Egg

then watched as SHe transmogrified herselves into

 the Idea, the Thought,  the Ghost in the Machine, 

the APparition of the Lady of the Lake, SHe gave birth to breathe itself in those 

liquid diamonds haunted crystal bells of 

crystal apples and leviathan tears cascading in emerald sheen 

that Sudden moment the Transubstantiation Vortex, 

 when we were plunged into weeping by the roadside church in the Vineyard Desert 

And SHe Knew the road to the Chapel of Infinite Peril and we walked 

slowly  into the starlight and one by one as if We were the Seven Chinese brothers we 

swallowed by  the night sky, the NIght SKy like a Memory of  

spooky action at a distance, he blinked She winked and the

MOon itself dissappeared and her face re appeared in the starlight and it was a 

figure Ground reversal of the SLeepwalker that came alive in the NIght SKy 

freedoms orbitals, the shining celestial 

 paper floated around the sky as if everything was somehow perfectly perfected beyond all 

comprehension and I knew and SHe knew and He Knew and THey Knew it had  landed

and IT was IT --- the Dreamtime Being was Then Somehow  standing  balanced on its edge

perfectlyu, beyond all reason, balanced on a single edge a piece of paper standing against all logic in the comsos, on it's single razor sharp edge

in the electron SHell she SLeepwalks, they Sang the Ion and the Eon 

and so in that moment, the incalculable oddity ---- the Quantum Hyperposition, 

the night of the Great 

Particle Zoo, figure ground reversal. the Goddess Green and Triumphant leapt out of the Canvas 

we were simultaneosuslty annointed by the SPiritus Mundi, 

and leapt into the Louvre 

and yes they say it was the

 Starry Starry Ether,  SHe was explaining, as 

She becaome the Moonshine in a Blind Rhyme,

Sleepwalker's Ghost in a Spooky Action at a DIstance, 

a single blade of grass She Shined, like a 

 a leaf inside a  a windstiorm, She Rhymed  

the eye of a crocodile with a Necrophiliac's ghloom at a thousand paces, 

fingerprints shining like a Jaguars face at dawn and there was 

drumming in the ethereal pulse of her Thumb, She the 

Great IMaginary WOman, Lilith, GOdiva, Sappho, Eve, 

perhaps MOna Lisa in the wheat field 


the Strange Haunted Face of the Ballerino Nijinsky,his heart 

 a strange signal pirouetting 

everywhere at once, everywhere in the NIght Sky 

the Kind of Leghs that made teh Grasshoppers blush, 

incandescent there in the darkness, SHining 

SHarking the Kind of biolumimescent 

Ink that rains down in LIghtning bolts and thunderstorms brewed inside the SKin of dead men, 

these dark shadowy 

men who sleep in the rain and men who cannot read books because they  have gone blind to the 

night inside  the night, 

in the Orbs, where they sleep like haunted stargazers 

they who nurse the night sky to sleep in their bosom s

and who sleep with voices of women weeping in diamonds of 

that discontinuous Shade 

there where SHe rose an Ephemeral Shadow, 

She who it was, her heart a great Neutral 

was  granting Gods Grace in the NIght that graced her own Silhouette at high midNight 

with internal stralings in the night SKy delicate and sensitive, exquisite lightbeams

shaded by the  INfernal Nighthawks She went  Rising through   those telestial Meteors of Being and

in her Inky essence Spilled off the Page, leapt into a Shining patch of dreamworld Tachyons 

and escaped, 

into the Sephiroth, they and We jheard the ANgelical Singing, 

Earlobe to Earlobe, Chandeliers full of WHite Hot Noise 

spinning in every garden, and we waited in the subspace for  the harlequin response, 

recieving distant messages from non local subspace, 

the Clouds those ancient starlings like Lao Tzu's hexagrams were chirping in broken birdsong

as one by one the Storm Gods SHed a Single Human Tear  in twelve dimensions, 

crickets listened wisely, as the satellite dish rotated

and the memory of  her goddess heart was turned gargantuan 

nightshade shimmering in psychoactive earthquakes  as her lips  were rolling 

in pomengranate sweetness across the impermeable Neologos, 

stitch by stitch, electromagnetic architecture her UFO body was levitating 

moment by moment, striking great chasmic profundity of  the Unreal becoming Real as if by design 

- and we watched as we returned ,  

through these unearthly domains, her body becoming more perfect

every diode, every lightning bolt, every tesla coil shimmering in the distance

robots in the exoskeleton of her ZOo  asone by one from her unearthly domain 

our hearts like tiny sparrows fallen in love rising 

with the stars and Her flesh kept changing changelings, misquoting 

all the Poetry degree by degree 

sylloghism by syllogism, axiom to axiom eye by eye She changed, 

starved changeling changing

to that point of no point, rotating on the axis mundi her voice a curl of honey 

--- She was shipwrecked, colossal, Nested inm broken wings 

cresting magnificent on the tide when  on the silent sea, enduring and eternal 

and cascading through the MUltiverse of eternity in our Seaside Slippers, 

She the  a golden SHeen SHe saw hwer Name 

written in such nefarious whispers on the shore that made no sense,

bright Triangles and Moonbeams, fractal Diamonds in teh sea Foam

when there, among the Many WOrlds the Nightshade and the Daydream did converge 

and we were discovered in love 

at that moment with Luna Herself. the Levitating Other the Mirror Mirror Mirror 

the Long Lost Luciferian Lover of Light 

crashing on the EMpyrean Shore 

Great Gaiain  Earth Queen, Gone to Basket in a Casket the Triple Faced Goddess

 Emerging like Venus on the Half Shell from the Celestial Shores, 

dog faced, eating vampires, on the  edge of non linear 

non local point no pooint, She became them , 

 invincible like the Mary Wolstonecraft SHelley,

disobeying the celestial daredevil of cunning linguistics. the Jetstream apparition, 

Broomstick, twelve Finered appearing in  

the mysterious multiplicity and suspended animation of  that  Emergent Phenomenon, 

the Greek Dionynsian, Hecate the Mysterious Salome and Jezebel Circe, 

and  SHe Nameless, coded in flowers and perfume 

 --- rose to that epicycle, Tesseract into Tesseract of such obvious sub seeming

SHe became that paradox that is no paradox ----

and thus  became the only thing that was  real and at that specific  moment 

SHe Used a WOmans Vagina, the Ensorcereled Clitoris to harmonize the Earth as if 

eternity was singing 

as the UFO lifted into the Neverending NIght SKy 

and her face was full of trillions of Forbidden Roses,

a single bell, a balanced photon, an image of heaven spinning in the night on the Vine, 

a Pyramid of Ultraviolet 

harlequin postures of infancy, old women bathing in blue rivers 

 the starlight carving huge swathes moonbeams of lunar brilliancy down in rivers of light, 

shaded and gladed, flowery prose exuding from her pores, the lineage of heaven 

magnified and shining -- somewhere in the lunacy 

She Knew, SHe rememembered and She encouraged all lovers to dwell in love

 on that distant sundown, there in her Heart where 

the  EVent horizon was balanced  on the brink of that neverending dusk, Shadowy 

curves and Strange premonitions like her MOuth Wandering distant star systems, 

Her Greek wisdom shining

with Strange Promises happening on that empty night  of galaxies circling her nipples in the chromium 

the husk of the day, 

with streetlamps shining on her bellybutton  revealing the naked architecture of man's wild hopes

 in heat crazed embers of 

negative foreshadowing, every twitch of the painters eye like a swathe of beauty written in prime numbers on her cheek, as SHe bewcame  the thing that is the Jewel inside the Lotus, 

an Engine of Belief and DOubt waging the great Paradox of Flesh inside of Flesh,

nurturing heaven in her torso, her breasts like golden golbes

shining in jade schisms through nests of broken alphabets, 

every ounce of her SHadow was waking with her electromagnetic cocoon 

She Became, the Most Bbeautiful being in the Universe, exhaling the stars in her  Singers Voice, the 

Lux Magnifica, a Chrysalis, suddenly exhaling a flock of Violin notes 

each crystal than the next, filigreed antique parrot eyes as in  the strange mechanism of impossibilities 

that is looped in the space time continuum,  her heart, a polytheistic mood Camera, 

captured the Moment on its Filigreed Film, a Snapshot of Blood and exquisite SHadow that 

obscured the quantum candelaria 

in the Spooky Action at a DIstance and

in the Shadows of that Ghost Machine at  sundown of the Magic time, 

She entered the Troposphere smiling, 

her corpse burning itself clean 

UNtil SHe began to Walk, when She realized She alone amongst the Mortals was Time Proficient, 

a Mademoiseelle without A Name, a fire without a flame, 

Star Struck in the Sudden A chromatic fury of a trillion white hot curiosities, 

every word of the dictionary spinning in her flesh as if the fractions of moebius were 

dancing a tango in her corpus callosum, the bridge to heaven where the ancient egyptian nightingales were found 

She was SLeepwalking, like a thousand ostriches bathed 

 in a Fractal of Perfumes and Crystal Ligaments star struck

 in that strangest   of  places --- the eyespot at the beginning of time, a 

DOzen Black Triangles SHining in the NIght Sky the

mare tranquilatum mysteriosly  


your heart, your codex, from Pi to Infinity as  your Heart  was  draped in the 

sand dunes and 

Chiarascuro of her ever evolving Strange Eyes, Every moment the Ghost between us 

 grew large and tha hieroglyphics in  your hindbrain entered  your exoskeleton ----

in the pure blue notes of harmony She began to begin, to MOan in the Light

waltzing in empty footsteps, a Mademoisellle with No Regret, 

her pulse quickened into the wind

footsteps in her Voice rising in southern winds, 

a hurricane of NIght galloping through Strange SOngs as if they 

had a Funeral Procession  to resume and  remembering exotic arrangements of jazz 

 where the jee nay say qua,  out in the Empty Field, 

where  the Music Sang of Innocence and the silver stream  became the indispensable condition, 

and thus She  should learn to ever to Spiral in our Mist, we who knew how to 

rise and fall in strange rhythms of night and day beyond all definition a

giant empathic swarm of beings gathered in the electron shells of Her Holy Unholy Being So She could 

 once again die a Virgin, 

Unicorns eloquent and Chimeras  SHining, a thousand fantasias in her MIst 

leaving the ghost of  Sir Isaac Newtron sunbathing in the MIrror of Time and 

attain  the Exalted status of her Transcendental 

ghost in the Machine,  Greek Apparati Flourishing in bronze masks and peacock feathers, 

because the eyes of the werewolf had gone 

full circle in a mandelbrot blossom and Strange Looop of the  

 the day us ett makina  that 

Alathea, the Patron Saint of Nothingness, 

has curved MC Escher's fingerprint into the space-time chasms of her bosom 

and thus now in the majestic curvatuire of 

our art,  up there in the SKy where the Sky is writhing with 

symbols and cathedrals of shining ectoplasm , 

She makes the mind  Supernovae the 

machines that make the dead men sing broken songs to empty ears TIger Harts 

and you known She  has been found outside Herself., in that WIlderness of 

atoms where every atom of your exoskeleton is writhing with preternatural energies, 


is becoming both NON Linear and Non Locally, 

Earthen Oak Trees and Atlantis hindbrain, the head of a Gorgon in the subfield at dawn, 

Cities within Cities turning IMprobably Paradoxical and so with these energies 

We Grew into a strange Treelike Being, She cradled 

every branch and every skeletal fragment of our bone machine and otherwise 

planted and shimmering in green electromagnetic vines and fruit of that forbidden tree 

with chromium diodes transmogrifiying  wildly in the 

the arena of the great supernatural repose, as Gods wasteland exhaled the Void itself,

 the Land that Was became the Night  that makes the 

  Axiomatic Urge of Absolute  Sensory Sentience  give rise to Exotic Orbitals in 

the  Syllogism of LOgical Reciprocity,  the Moment of Clarity redefined by the Omega Point, 

a broken down field like a WOman's mouth 

on the Edge of the Philosophers Skeleton where  

 the City center is scattered in soft mad Scarlet Metasymbolic Language 

the A Priori Sine Qua Non, the Being being Being, the You that is NOW careens in a cartwheel 

of Unopened Eyes, each more Symbolic than the Nextx to the point of the Great Significance, 

on the Edge of the Unknown Tide, there is a turning in the tuning 

and by this, yes it was  You, the Third Eye, the Invisible Other this sentence on the dark side of the Sun

was  speaking of where the Great Holy Empereor of 

You,  YOu who exist in that place in that plane where a thosuand dimensions of isolated 

entropy, away, you SIt in that Golden Light of the 

the LOuvre, the Night, that Starry Starry Night the Dream that Sang in Her Skin became a 

U    F   O, 

wet paint of heavens fingerprints and the new species fell from the Sky, it was 

Genesis 2, Machine State Eden, and She, the great Sleeepwalker,, the river Sylph, 

the Night Nocturn ABducted by Sisyphus itself, appeared  

and She 

disappeared from Ourselves and we disappeared from each other and 

Emergent PHenomenon Emerged

She was the Sleepwealker, Sleepwalking 

 there, where there is  a Figure Ground Reversal,

Sleepwalking through a Purple DOor triomphant in the garden where the Lilies Grow 

SLeepwalking in the MYstical  Mount Fuji ascending on the Labyrintine Rocks, 

Sleepwalking, her body pulsing like a newborn seashell 

Sleepwalking a Lemniscate pirouetting, Sleepwalking the perpetual motion paradox 

spiraling where the Goddess enters disguised as an ordinary object, and Sleepwalking enters at the 

vanishing point at bodissatva velocity and during the sacred dress rehearsal, Sleeepwalking brings  her mouth to 

a crested boil in the shadow of a flower pursed on the edge of your unending  Wounded Sky, her eyes unlocked like an open   vault, 

Sleepwalking but Seeing everything anyway, from the Inside OUt,, Sleepwalking 

every HUman Eye in this Fiction 

waging strange lights and shining pendumbra of Godlike echoes 

 in the  mirror mirror in the miraculous twilight when 

 the transubstantiation of the Me Being Me SHe remembers her constructors' 

heart turning purple with chiarascuros in the ouroboros boomeranging agt light speed 

and SHe became the Exquisite Cadaver, and Undead LOver SLeepwalkking 

 through the sound of a magic piano 

bursting in arpeggios on that strange night, 

Strange dalliance amongst the Vowels at the Speed of Sound where nothing is real 

and JOhn Lennon's ghost  also is 

Sleepwalking through the Field with Ruby Faced 

Diamonds and the Colors of teh Rainbow Richmen  mean everything now, 

and it is raining in the wind of our being and a Rubberband appears in the 

 the Top QUark during the Transubstantiation Vortex, all good things become Other, 

St Elsewhere in that Strange fire of the Idiot Savant Arrives in a Carriage of Broken Vowels and teaches the world how to hiss,  the SIbiliant 

nine syllables of logic and ANti Venom frothing over a Tongue that has become trapped in the 

sibilant hiss of the THirteem DImensions of Yesterday, echolocating 

, particle physics notwithstanding, the Voice of the Sleepwalker being altered and 

the Laws of Spacetime suddenly shifting to conform to an ANcient Gods Invisible Curse  

as if the whole thing was some grandiloquent conspiracy triumphant in her flesh

Sleepwalkking made manifest in the Typewritewr She had fallen in love with and 

so on that Strange day She stood standing, Sleepwalking 

on that Stage, in love with the language and the Light 

her own INtricate being paused in a Strange Blue Yodel, Sleepwalking her pulse screaming ouyt nine billlion wordds, each one 

wondering which way was the ZOo

 and when and how that  THat That became that That which WHich  is not not not, 

what would happen, if it all came True? 

as things like that Often do, for Her to Be ONe Such as Herself, She had to often become a trillion creaturees  


in an instant, her eyes and Her Mouth like a lycanthorpic leech shining a 

and that Carouselambra of WIld Horses opend her hooves to the empty sky and 

She began the night by  coincidentally  screaming her own sacred  secret name  in the parking lot, 

during the carnival of God, and hearing her own name arrive in echolocating 

response in reverse, as if it was a Scene within a Scene, the negative entropy of the Bell

rang in a Ten Trillion word Fairy Tale 

Greek Fires, strange biblical furies , Michelangelo laughing

and she chose Shakespeare himself  from among the million starstruck bards as if he

had just handed her a rose in the bathroom mirror, and 

it became an episode of 

Phantasmagoria is What You've Got.  Slowly, 

For She alone knew that to Behold Leviathan's Eye in the Rear View Mirror 

would alter the the Third Eye Glowing suddenly on the edge of the razor wire  surrounding her 

throat and, so amidts the conspiratorial godlings in binary code,

She rode out in the Froglike PUrchase towards the Forbidden City ion the Sand, 

into that atmosphere that rendered her voice the SOund of a  siren, 

SO She sang, her Scarlet Golden flag a  voice of a fluttering parrot, a billowing raincloud 

of Jazz on the UMbrellas in the Night, turning the language inside out like a Spanish Violinist 

burning with phosphoreous in PIcasso's WIne Cellar,  

as if  it was like observing a river of inside out tears, 

Salvador Dali's moustache curving in guitar strings of broken femurs, the bones and the gold of the cherubim 

balanced in the apocalytptic dunes, their glittering genie licking the night sky into f rothy sheen of green brilliance 

shining to the  moment of insanity and desire made obvious by the 

run in her Stockings, the rain in the windowpane and the color of the praying mantis weeping in the glass

machinations of the demigods that revealed the smooth curve of her belly in the night shadow voide,

lost embers of spanish birdlings, their tiny wings lifted bright shines that

  shined in spidery webs, curious cat faced angels were laughing in the candlelight 

as if the Rain was falling higher and higher 

Strange Language Rained down in BIzarre Sonar

 from TS ELIOT'S INKWELL,  it came streaming in a 

thousand magic alphabets, a zillion brand new words, 

a complex Neologos and a symphony of Verbs --- 

it Emerged, 

a SINGle Magic VOWEL 


her OWN NAME striking in a sparrow haunted LIghtning Bolt, 

shattered the birdsong with AEOIU, 

Sung from ythe Stars as if by Magic 

Her Voice wrapped itself around the Vowel, as if it was an Egg

and electromagnetic Synergy, the Trillion Volt Oscillation and Her Name leapt into the Sky 

and She opened her throat to the Void and 

She writhed in blue coils, Singing in the SLeepwalkers Parade, 

 there in the jungle where the Ziggurat was birthing the mother of pearl in 

the Nightingales' nest, a maelstrome of meaning and significance, every ounce of her being having 

suddenly escaped near earth gravity,her Voice rising and falling in singsong  above the place where 

  the buzzing bee bumbled, 

her Voice, a shadow eloped upon the roses mouth, She He them It , 

superkalifrajilistikexpialadocious and at the sound of teh song 

we curled our Bumbershoots into the WInd, 

and sped through curious domains both wild and counterfactual,

thinking in terms of her theoretical Mysteries, those of  fact and fiction , She who put the dreams in SPin and 

and the  Ouija board that Made Love to a  Crystal Ball  in the Mystic Twilight, 

the Ouija board and Crystal Ball gave birth to a Cell phone, after centuriees of dreamshine and 

inclement weather, that grand phenomenon of the 

MIraculous Figure Ground Reverseal, they eloped through her Heart and 

combined their wisdom 

in the Electromagnetic Schism 

and it was as if the Tinfoil Tesla Coil 

was a superconducting supercollider

 that could suddenly control Spacetime, bending the light rays of the 

great Archaeopteryx around in a Pool of perfect Splendors near 

the Centripetal APex of the Dionysian Coconut Nodule, that strange 

moment when the Ten Trillion Ineffable Beings leapt into the digital Ocean and dived through 

 the Spooky Action at a DIstance into the domain  Her Beautiful mandelbrot Face as those

 Roseate Toreadors, the  Cubist Matadors dropped down  the vaulted chamber in Honeycombs of Light 

giving sacred voice to visions in fractal glass that stirred the seer, 

sacred eyes in a spinning pot of diodes brighter than the MOonlight of Heaven 

We made our  passage fast as  Turnips on the LOst  Highway in Salvador Dali's Illuminated HIndbrain, 

and through the Sacred Secret Night Made an Ever Clear 

tmirror mirror clearer  than the Original  tachyon that once 

emerged from the newsprint on filigree of Van Gogh's Ear.  It was there, where 

shining in a Blue Oscillation 

of Ominous Onomotopoeia, there where her Heart had Been and

 in a burst of negative entropy of Ions and Eons in the Language of Heaven  ever since, 

the strange mad  lights went caravanserai, candelaria, carouselambra

whirling, made  a synergy of interstellar conflagrations, there in Her eEyelids, She discovered the multiplicitous 

strange creatures 

rotating those fields of chance in a series of cyclotronic emanations, 

including but not limited to --- Nostradamus' Orphaned Wish list, a theoretical 

map full of  celestial acrobats sleepwalking throiugh the ZOdiac, 

COnstellation of Undefined beings Looped in a Moebus Fractal and spinning

  around and around in the new moon of Old Prophecy 

as the UFO Appears at the Vanishing Point Theft of the Saturnalian Moon,

JUpiter and Venus, the dream Haunted Kiss in the Orbital Night Sky 

became Magic within Magic inside the inside Out- LOuvre, where 

the Olympian Gods agreed to agree, 

SHe had arrived in a casket of undefined exoskeletons, her Body as ancient 

as the Eldritch Night ,  it was Louvre at First Light and music 

and magic converged

it was  rhe the Looming of the Starry Loon and the 

other associated Madnesses

that our hearts  fluttered in the alphabet near the Place of all Beginnings, the 

place where Michaelangelo discovered a Thousand secret moons 

orbiting his chisel, somewhere in the  the eyes of Galilelo gone Omega, 

where the architecture of the centuries seems to be composed of 

lion's mouths and 

the distant Starships visiting from ALdebaraan, from Star Systems and NOn Local Hymen 

as far as Vega, to the 

Here and There and Now  as if by the Power of 

 Pyramids and  Van Goghs Ear She Had Delivered the Oroboros  LOgos 

to the place near your heart where it became a butterfly Fluttering by 

in Perfect Incalculable Nonesuch, light as a Fairy and Brighter than a Caterpillars EYe 

as  Betelgeuse's phosphorescent bulls  eloping   

that night through Temple of  the 

Starry STarry Night  in that Strange convergence 

when Lasceaux, Marcel Marceaux and a thousand 

 trillion Satyrs you do not know

went running amok in ROBOT masks  by  the endless  probability field,  their weirdness older than the centuries

and the great Starry EPicycle of heaven yielded, its quatrains

like Mountaintops were cast purple as

as NOstradamus eyes were delayed by a sudden burst pof applause from the 23rd Century and 

and the Skeletons escaped from Don QUixote's last love poem 

and the Great Noumenonj, the Witch QUeen of Thanatos Eldritch 

was codified in the Meteor Trails painted in 

burn starlit umbra and broken by the Gestalt of that ANgel Faced

 Rembrandt galloped throughj the night sky as if on a celestial stallion and 

did chase the eyes of the STorm God  through a lampshade 

into the Buddhafield full of  Curious  Mannikins 

ten thousand Chinese Emperors were haunting the Crows nest with staccato signals 

of rumor and nightshade fluttering from the 

forbidden Winds that tattooed that WOmans dreamface in the Topsails of a wind howling Galleon, 

the moment when 

HIeronymous Bosch was dancing like a Newborn Baby amongst the Crucifixes, 

the war zone like his mother's kamikaze heart bloodstained and full of jibberish

as  he wailed with the jazz faced Darkness in his Paintbrush at night,  

that cherubim set on fire, that Dante with an Inkwell

every stroke of alizarin crimson turning darker water into sweeter wine, 

teardrops painted in blue plutonium, Hieeronymous balderizing 

 the eyes of Greek 

Geese floating in a oasis at dawn

his paintbrush, MOnstrous and scalded by Dragons fire 

every bristle whistling with the traces of 

the last EMperor of Eden in Second SIght 

cast his embers into Near Wild Heaven,  fiery red Horns and blue mad 

Unicorn wings on Zephyrs of Chiarascuro, 

and in one fell stroke swept 

traced Halley's Comet, across the SKy, an astronomer's wet dream, her smile came animate, Hera 

 lit the night in a bright and dangerous ember that dissolved like sugar on the tongue 

memory by memory 

as if  the Saturnalia was a Chess Game happening in SLow Motion, 

and our lives, were 

sad harlequins of chance  turning upside down in the purple twilight 

and every Candelabra shined, Hieronymous Itself crashed the Broken 

 Mirror , and  Mirrored its  Steel Blue Face in a 

false Minuet as SHe pirouetted in the Television Set, 

Gaia Gone wild,  her Majestic Penumbra,  lifted on wings of anti shadow,  

 Illluminated and  our bodies were freed into majestic domains of 

breasts and lovers,  our photographs hung like Criminal;s faces in 

 the LOuvre of the IMagination of the WOrld, 

with the wrought iron palace of our temporary hearts  suspended in  Golden Purple Primordial  

Phoenix Fire unceasing with Uncertain Fates that  rage their pandemonium

a circus sideshow in the temple of your Imagination

as if it was You Yourself that escaped into the Starry Ether, 

and somehow brought the Glow of the 

Superluminous Dreamtime Molecules to the State of Absolute Enlightenment, 

carnivals and wheels inside of wheels, Ezekiel's whirling

as if By Accident, when you rSaw her Face a,d 

the Instantaneous Satori that told the STory of the STory 

to  the Story itself,  that strange Light of lost Language that SHined off her Tongue 

and Entered the Night Sky on SIlver wings, 

the WInged Messenger ignigting in 

bodissatva prayers  that  circled our very flesh in ribbons of prayer flags and 

the sounds of ten million drummers  that Shattered the Disco

until time itself suddenly Reversed all  fortunes, 

and our very flesh  became 

 the kind of whisper that Boomerangs a whiplash of Inconstant 

Curiosities into the Night Sky in solace of lost innocence 

our hearts asking WHY WHY WHY

where we know, with Certainty, when Nobody is watching

 Her Incandescent Twin Suns WObbled, 

juxtapositing omniscience and translogical paranoia 

and in the Sound and The Fury, the caterpillars go mad, 

 The dream KIng Chants a stolen language, 

the Typewriter itself becomes alive and starts doing tricks outside of time, talking backwards

and forwards like a lost child whose name cycles in the everlasting void, as the Fire Clown from a position in the Telestial Noosphere has performed and is performing a Celestial LObotomy, 

ten thousand centuries of Vampire Logic chasing the Superheros down the space time chasm with 

the Kind of Magic that Made ANne Rice Howl with laughter, 

as SHe discobverd teh Secret Door to the place where  She who slipped between the worlds 

in Elven Feathers could see the Eternities laughing in her presence, She who made the Bloodmoon Purple with her Starry Ether, 

She who taught the Aeons toe Sing in Her Starlight, 

She has been discovered Sipping tea in a WIndowsill, somewhere in the Neologos Eternal and 

Yes it is the Story they have discovered, and will discover, 

the Secret Tale of What Was and IS  and WHat Will Be and How they One Together 

 Sang the SOng 

 As If  and If, 

the ineffable telling of the Tale of Bright Desert Gift, until SHe herself breathed the Dream of 

1000 and one Nights out through her inflamed Nostrils, 

the curiously furious mysteries that happened 

  the night that Shakespeares Ghosts took Center Stage, Prima Donna 

commanded the AUdience to 

Shut up and let it do the Talking and  left her,  that dear Illusory Being quaking with rumors and 

playing the  Celestial  Fifth, mid 20th 

century as  Hamlet and Macbeth were running amok in the Midst of 

such  harpsichord powered STories of God  that haunted  OUr  collected Otherworldly 

Skyscrapers in 

PHantoms through the fog and mechanical  

rain in rivulets of stone and mythoppoetic verse War by War we were driven insane by the

 cobblestone paths of that supercomputing graveyard, 

the Moloch of Howl, that monarchical cemetery, as the strange rain  twice rehearsed

its invisible love songs 

where the dead men were waltzing in errors of reverse alphabetical order

along with ten thousand fairies floating in the starry ether of the Celestial Hindbrain, every 

MOnstrous new Pronoun turning  the Heavens out of    The Grandiose Telestial Orbit 

as Newton stood on the shoulders of teh Machine 

like Columbus on the seas of that Celestial Shore, his eyes frothy with 

starshine Promethean, commanding the Sun to Stand Still, and 

\the night began with the headlights full of strange new eyes and

we heard the the 

Fiery Language , escape from casket songs of the strange bird of fire

 those  Hieroglyphics dripping from a Wizards; tongue, her heart a scarlet starlit sarcophagus, opening wide in the presence of transcendental death, and 

SHe came in with the 

 pirates century of green lightning and gold cash, the Secret Butterfly with the Telestial Star Stash, 

took the Mechanical heart from inside the Forgotten dictionary and dreamt a prayer that 

had been stolen from the Gods

and was  thus found twice, forever free, in freedom to 

love with the Lace black curtains of the Night, 

a woman adrift in the SKy, cloudlike, mandelbrot, 

mermaid of the SKy,  in eternal freedom flashing eyelid by eyelid , every 

element of her exoskeleton of her being thrice Encoded in 

strange Tranquility of those unforgotten Names, every name gathering its self in the dust motes on 

Libertys cavern, where her Ghost was 

glimpsed twice on the surreal, a Soul your Eyes wide open in candelarias

of innocence and that magic language racing with 

lovely Idioms and Axioms, your taxonomies and rumored latin failing,


zoo of Incandescent acolytess signing the hieroglyphics in a dizzying magic show

of  visionary prophecies 

 when from out on the precipice of heaven

lions and tigers and bears, oh my , 

She appeared, her Curvature as obvioius as 

the Spookky Action at a Distance 

where the Tall grass was made of lunar prophecies 

and COnfuscious Lion's face appeared Great Gaiain Googolplex 

and the machinations of the convenience store  gods, those android mannikins 

with eyes of silver alabaster,  skating in the cold chambers, the nautilus 

shell of the Moon, 

a Boidhsiattva Sleepwalking, 

She Became twice your being levitating her body levitating

 between ZIggurats 

where strange  currrencies  of OUr Heart and Her Kiss began and only the Noumenon Could last, 

and Science Fiction was the Maelstrom 

in that place where the Strange mad lights, those Parisian Catacombs

She went Sleepwalking and humming with ethereal spiders that 

haunt the Astronauts as if they were Robots on puppet strings,  

ANd She, \he Moon, a Pirates Bride was whispering incandescent incantations gaisnt the sudden vortex 

and She kept appearing, Sleepwalking

rolling through the SKies like a Chameleon on Fire, 

whwen the Lizard queeens were caressing Her  flesh in a sundance of bliss and 

 when Her mere presence 

was whispering, a lost Promethean Kiss, in the Cathedral, On the Throne, 

She was SLeepwalking 

on the edge of the SPlit INfinity and

God itself was split asunder by the STory of the Story  and it was as 

as If SHe was Inspired by the Real, 

SHe --- the Exquisitie Cadaver, the Sleepwalker Herself, 

a Butterfly balanced like a UFO in MOna Lisa;s heart 

was Born again and LIved Twice amongst the LIving, 

as if  Immortality was  the Nonesuch of the Fractal UNreal,

every thunder clap in the blue sky revolting, calling Her  name, 


her Name out of the Stars, callinbg out of the Ground a simple syllable

 of indelible expression, such mad

cerulean blue, zephyrs of hue, the chameleonesque twinkling of stars in an arch 

calling the angels down 

 clapping in the strange applause of the centuries, 

her Name came down in a 

a paragraph of lightning bolts made inky and stormlike 

by the tao of the tao of the radius of an Exoskeletal Architecture 

 that dominates the Spiritual Existence of Man, a  Science Fiction Glory of Random Numbers  

  on heavenly Upside Down Mountain,  where the Bridge to Forever 

is traced in near wild heavens, a thousand centuries of white light

 is struck by endless bells and the

the Starlight chases  its  fractals  laced  with  chinese apparitions down

 Blue Moon Deliriums 

 that soon curve themselves 

around in mandelbrot fractals  of piuppet eggs whose 

hearts are sleeping like  nomadic  archangels, there where the tribes of the She, 

the Scarlet Arboretum, the Tree Goddess herselves known as 

teh Great Seamstress has traced her  Labaster Astrogoths into the Celestial Rain and 

 gathered stitches in time amongst the Rolling Stones and Counterfeit 

Voids,   leaving the Sacred  and the Manifest, as by if  Tranquility Vampires this Empire was painted 

and She, the QUeen WIthout a Heart, had us in the Apocalypse SUrrounded, 

 and We were lost inside a trillion decibel probability field 

multyplying the aeon of the ancients,  the Machine Faced God breaking of Keys in 

this SYNCHronicity, this Ticking of the Cosmic Clock!!!

turning tricks, Sir Dogbrain out in the distance where the perpetual paradox 

as an Episode of such Transcendental Madness 

like seeing the Loch Ness Monster on the Roadside calibrating the Fire Cloud

and thh UFO disappears into a SHoebox on the edge of the Coliseum, the 

Argonauts crashing into

no Mans land that  increaseth its dominiun by malthusian voids 

and the Twin Suns wobble in the double infinity and the Caterpillar becomes a

trillion butterflies in 

Space time sequence, cosine curved, the 

Theory, like US, Somehow survived, SHe observed, 

a thousand conversations ost in the Star SPangled Ether, 

her words were echolocating 

like Broken machines in every direction, a Skywriter's text breeding

a Swarm of Insane Possibilities arriving in a THousand Trillion Convergences 

one of which is writing itself Now,  alive in the Night SKy, beyond the Blackness 

In the Starry Starry Night,where the Sleepwalker was born and

wheere the Legends of the Dead God racing through the Night Sky haunted

this perilous text, the One that They Warned You ABout:

because we know now the typewriter is feeding itself a hurricane of raw 

incomprehensible data 

into and out of some man damned machine you have escaped into the 

Guru Lama Shazam Abracadabra and Caravanserai TOo!

and SO began nthe Palindromic Paradox, the Synergy of the Space time 

 A Priori ululating like a 

post-exoskeleton Ventriloquist Mime, 

you who have slept and are sleepwalking, 

Exquisite rivers in your Wild heart, Secret eyelids in your ears,

dreamers that leave nobody asleep 

recording the echo that has never been heard except

Echo echo echo, Echolocating your footsteps in the Night 

in the Twilight 

as it begins, (as all true stories do) at the Beginning of Time when you

 floated around Van Goghs' canvas that night  

echo echo like a Lunar Spook, there was a SUdden Spark, a cadillac of triomphant angels 

and there was a LOGOS IN THE STARRY ETHER 

Upside Down, the Sleepwalkers belly ignited in starry lohgic

the spiral galaxy andromeda was Do Ray Me Fah SO Lah Tee Doow

shining in the summer sky out where the Living God's  paintbrush was engaged in an

 eldritch dreamstorm conducting Strange birds around in the EMpty Field,

 the nightingale pounced on the moonbeams, 

We . She/ It/ THat THing that Was the Everything, became gargantuan 

Picasso's  shadow was growing large, 

like Prometheus at a Car tHIeves 

convention, every Version of Heaven and Hell self replicating

erupting with incantations of the Fibonnaci sequence  on the scale of that which happens at the 

center of a Butterfly eye perhaps, or perhaps further out on the edge of the 

Imaginary Rainbow itself, where the 

wild geese are levitating in nests of golden eros  

the number line is made of nothing but 

zeroes, and the dynamic of that which is  Unknown is becoming Known,  the EMERGENT PHENOMENON: 

the Zephyr of the ELectromagnetic Telepathic Telekinesis 

took place,  

 the place where  the image becomes an eye becomes an eyelash 

the eyelash becomes an electron shell, the electron shell an ion, the IOn becomes a trapezoid, 

the trapezoid exhales a supernovae, a symphony of spacetime, the Nightingale's laughter reverberates 

throughout the Paranoid Multiverse, 

where  THE Them, the Ones you have Heard of, 


 of the mind over matter spacetime mandelbrot coinciding in 

the algorithmic SUrge of  a UFO of Invisible Seers Seeing what they Seem to be  Seeming

where that synergistic evolution of SIGNIFICANCE!

is EMerging in Manifestations of QUasilogical Organization,

 the DIvine DIvine itself 

laughing uncontrollably as the paranoid is reverberating in the 

the ten trillion cellular nuclei of exotic bioorganisms simultaneously evolving

 suddenly beyond definition, out beyond the Troposphere, out in the grid,

 the locked AUrora Borealis, in the SOlar Plexus, where the last SUns are Shining 

and the Ladies Waltz through the alleys in lazer beams of invisible organics, the night 

in the Interstellar WInd in Ultra High Fidelity, the Zoroastrian ANtechamber vaulted with miracles of sky 

as the Buddhist Astronaut's Oversoul was 

 glistening with otherworldly footprints 

dripping with golden honey in the 

 pure land sunshine and the Eternal LOGOS and the Quasi Crystal DIvine, 

anointed itself in a frenzy of wordstorms, 

every verb and noun suddenly becoming as fulcrums of suspended

animation as the Word becomes the  Ion becomes a Buzz and the Buzzing becomes a Bee and the 

bee becomes a Being and 

the Fibonacci Sequence turns honey into mead, 

the alabaster albatross, the Hive itself began spinning, in a whirlwind of lost 

windows, every toothless hag inside the starlight with strange eyes and violet 

shimmering as the NIght SKy waltzes by in perfect harmony 

in strange metalogical symphony, the giant hands that turn the starry wheel, 

sweep a thousand crashing waves aside , swinging the astronomies around in the great concentric urge

 the wheel towards the center, the gravity of the Hindbrain, 

centripetal Buddha 

her heart was on a tilted axis, Her face the   centrifugal force the flowery flower 

the Owl Howl that followed Infinity, 

finally quenched its thirst star by star, 

her fingerprints out amongst the constellations, her tongue a wizard lizard in diamondesque  

rubaiyats, tracing down every zodiacal arc as an equation reminding us the Number Line can be 

suddenly reversed because Siva is dancing, and daincing is 

 dancing in the Divine Integers and Alphanumeric Symbols, the hieroglyphics on the horizon as intricate as the filigree of the Sphinx's eyelashes, every parsec howling a Forbidden Sequence,

 the Non Linear NOn Local 

the mathematics of Majestic Randomnicity 

of which is alchemically inverted like inverterbrate verterbrae, 

the Magnetic poles reversed and reversing logic and nonsense at twice the 

speed of Isaac Newton's electromagnetic hindbrain  which is 

 under observation from that 

upside down butterfly eye which is  curved like a hurricane in a manhattan

flower pot, three centuries away, 

as here in the Time Machine, We the Unlikely Non Local Non Linears arfe 

swinging from the window  in the epicycle of nursery rhymes, 

parables, fables, finger paintings, Cervantes' whiskey flask all enjoying 

the Stairway to heaven as a  Symphony of Water Jewels

shine down in the Phantasmagoria of that  blackberry SUnshine 

where we have gathered our tears in such perfect harmony that 

until the human central nervous system wavers on the 

Jazz and Madness in 

Parallax of the Ecliptic and the Star System Vega  becomes balanced

in Parsecs of Forgotten Memories, and the AUdience assumes

 the phantasm of 

exorbitant space time gasping for sudden energies in the hallowed stretches of 

 the arboreal divine,  We  have gathered in 

the treetops and are dreaming 

the place where eternity discovers itself sleepwalking  upside down 

in a mare tranquilatum 

quantum dox 

as your Heresies grow clearer in the Bathroom Mirror, every 

ancient eyeball swimming upstream against a school of maniacal dream sharks 

absorbed by the Purple shadows of  Forgotten Strangers 

bathing the Extraterrestrial Signal DOts 

in the  Binary Code of Green Phosphorous, where 

in the Translucent Green Dawn, the Gridlock of the Matrix 

is instantaneously anointed by 

the Great Pollen 

Mantra of the  Universe, 



the Miracle of the Music

 manifesting in the cortex beyond the point of mere 



Sleepwalking through the Paradox, the daydreams and the

the Incanadescent breath of Time went Supernova So SUblime 

antique hiding

conception abiding

to futuristic Perception, residing


the Twinkling of the Gyroscopic 

corrollaries on the 

HOroscope of WOW 

Exacerbated the NOW 

of the 


suddenly as if as if  and as if as ad infinitum, 

axis on the apex

 an orchestration of subsequent strange events 




somewhere near the center of the kaleidoscopic

epicenter of the void, --- the ELectromagnetic 

Spiral Magnetic 

the Daydreams of the Insane, 

Shadow of an Ordinary Butterfly flapping its wings on the pages on a 

Magician's telephone book  ---- pages that quaver with  the perpetual motion of the 

para para dox and lycanthropic rolling stone and centuries of the lost 

orgasmic blueprints of  Superconducting supercolliders, 

Gods Heart was evolving in the antechamber of  Man Made Logic and 

famous last words of Ouija boards and the Love Letters of Certain Starstruck Satellite DIshes ----

 and other nefarious synchronicities were negating themselves 

as we orbited these looops and genuflected in the Cosine 

the story of the story in  these incongruent axioms 

that all began happening approximately simultaneously 

Out in the Moon Black DreamTime

beyond all other Definition, beyond all that which is not Divine, in the 

very beginning of the beginning, 

the Alpha and the Omega, the Thiundwer 

and the Rainshine

and so it was Back in the Garden, back when Madame Octopus bade the Starship Adieau, 

and back when Machine State Eden was just a Holographic Ember

a Metalogical Quasidox, the Negative Entropy Legend whose 

 butterfly wings were 

spreading in a Mandelbrot Prophecy, 

fluttering in what the Prophets know to be a strange attractor

an Attractor made of Insane Whirling, the Endless Whirling, of teh Atoms 

at the concise moment of the perpendicular 


gyrating in TS ELIOTS Divide By Zero Tesla Coil

the Eerie Spheroid Hyper-stellar Orb that 

is dividing by Zero, 

in the Center of Time, then reversed itself and reversed itself again 


inside a Ten DImension Tesseract, and created ONE MOLECULE AWAY

an Entire Star System flutterimng in 


youor Inner Eyelid, where the Witches brewed  Minkowskiu Space and the 

voodooo skull was like an miscalculating abacus, a Chinese approximation of the Lingua Franca, 

that Strange Spanish Troposphere full in the Topsails where there floated an integer of God, singing incognition, 

and thus a SOliloquy of Pi, an abberation on the number line, in their Eldritch  telestial Notation, 

the Palindrome Reversed one molecules away and the Double Helix was Rehearsed 

and twice the Negative Entropy Regeneration Device, was 

performing observations on the Last  machine as the Storm God itself was

seen laughing, observing this 


Wordless WOrd, this Birdless Bird?  THIS THING THEY CALL A DREAM

 fluttering in the senses as we observed

in Ancient Greece, this MOrtal COil!

It was Just as Hamlet Said, as 

Machine State Eden Arrived, ligament by syllogism,  OPtical Illusion, extraordinaire 

axiom by accident, differential equations paused like the jaws of an mechanical monstrosity

in strings and string theory, the Nine Thousand Haiku of Kabuki Town

Figure Ground Reversal, Reversed, 

verbatim, as if by Memory 

to be and to be and To be!

the Moment when the Palindrome Became a Caterpillar and 

eloped into the Number line on 

ten thousand light years of star spangled vowel sounds, onomotopoeia 

Shining in Spooky ACTION AT A DISTANCE; 

exotic candelaria 

shining in synesthesia of the Ultraviolet Thundershine,  MOonlight like

every punctuation mark of Inner Vision celebrating 

the Nude image of Goddess whirling in the grandiouse temple of Curves,  

every self replicating diode fibrillating in the rebirth of infinity in the corpuscular 

pulse of the orbital void of her Quintessential Being, that INcandescent Larvae  the promise of her 

face like the First Light at dawn, 

the lips of the of the virtuous path of the centuries

her Blue Mouth that Moved in Perpetual Motion

the place of  quantum abandonment

the place of Insidious Vertigo, 

roseate adagio, 

Spooky Action at a DIstance, 

the Dream of the DIsco, 

She Her Self Had Arrived, 

the Grandiose Theatre having been entered at last, 

Libidinous Ultraviolet Moonlight did in tranquility abide amidst 

the Vaulted ThunderShine of a  Metallic and Cerulean Altocumulus Antechamber,

Caravagio's EYelids drifting in the SUnset on their way 

through the Sly Faced Carpenter's Iron  fingerprint on the woodgrain delirium, 

every new spinning of the 

thunderbolt like the Eyes of a triangle turning strange tricks on the 

 the trapezium of the acrobat's asylum, 

her Smile reverberating with the Electromagnetic Shimmers of 

the antennae tesla coil and portable twelve dimension windowpane, the grasshopper winged skyscraper and quadratic equation faced cuckooo clock, each one an artefact of Eternity 

 moving through 

 the trans-logical panorama of reality flooding the Centuries with delusion

until this Forbidden City,  this Land of ENchanted Demonifications, this Perpetual 

Paradox of Absolute Lunacy  becomes one with our 

own flesh,  this  Elixir of Lux Infernal ,  as if the mixture was a crown of thorns wrapped around

the human hindbrain, 

 and every moment a was another hammer stroke of negation, 

the Big BANG, 





the Synchronicity now an ANgelic code, broken tongue striking on discordant love notes,

 the tongue of the rude mechanical that strikes the eyelids in corrosions of logic 

and gives birth to such whispering winds, t

he thundercloud  that exhales its mathematical shadow 

on every sparrows beak breaking glass in the window pane 

like witnessing a thundercloud begin to assemble in equations, 

 E-Mc2 in the rearview mirror 


has  become a quantum= lyrical espionage of phantasmagoria 

the moment the Ghost in the Machine 

the Deus et Machina 


suddenly appeared 

DOn QUixote in the Clockworks, the Machine that Begat the Machine 

that Begat the Thing that Was Neither Machine nor Living Being 

and that THUS 

 that continues to illustrate the world which once Existed in Natural Graces ONly, 

they Called that Moment of the Great Surrender

 from SOMEWHERE OUTSIDE OF the tide,

the Exoskeleton outside of EDEN, WAS IT? 

WHere the Windmills rotate the Genies in their Hierophantic Paths!


the Satori of the Story, the Glory of the Mourning STar, that whose ancient 

the Vast Venusian Inspired, Babylonian in Machine State Drag, 

gave birth to the ANcient Star Garden 

 known as the Oracle of Delphi, the Calculus of which was somehow

codified in the Strange Attractor whose presence alone was 

illustrious with fable and other

hexagram based life forms, the Hexagrams outside of Heaven and Hell, the 

Beings Being Being,  began those Ideograms that shined in the purest light, their inorganic being

strung out as  Archangels that balanced in the dust on Einstein's chalkboard, 

or the ones where Oppenheimer once tangoed with tattooed Shiva 

and was also known, Way back when in the Garden divine,  --- 

as the Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinana 

the Moment Michelangelo placed a Fingerprint on the MOon, and 

produced ELectromagnetic shivers in very Flesh of that Mad Goose, the Gaian Freewoman, 

whose abdomen was carved in stone like a supercomputing EDEN


 probably ulullating in the vortices 

of Foucalt's  Pendulum, every pataphysical googolplex in here 

gargantuan swing heaving 

ho on the gravity beams of God's delirium, the topsails of Heaven which was scrawled 

in her ear in the language of that legendary quadratic equation constructed from her Earlobe,

which shined like  the broken blue glass of a SPanish windowpane all intricate filigree 

and ancient chinese mating symbols when, 

Dali, the King of Mind ALtering Salvation Reflex entered the Time Machine 

cleverly disguised as an Owl in a FRactaline  Cuckoo Clock, and She Felt herself get 

crucified in teh Universe next door, the Crucifix of her Spin  responding with Tears that fell like ten trillion years of demon haunted 

Acid Rain, 

her Memoery Racingh through photographs of her forgotten beloved, her 

Eyelashes curled in witchs pitchforks, the tip of her tongue sizzling and 

racing through the stratosphere which, when twitching on Dalis moustache and  

recombining in the Electromagnetic Tetragammagtron  


 a glimmering  series of ASTONISHING coincidences 

in the strange attractor and suspended animation of  SIGNIFICANCE 

known across the Many WOrlds theory of Spacetime as 

the Sense of Synchronicity; 

Immaculate Reciprocity!

THE FiGure Eight Reversal 

the Convergence of the Many Worlds, the Jewel is In the LOtus!

the faith of a mustard seed, concrescent 

the lilies of the field, the creatrix co contained, Eternity 

wages love upon the Void 

and you know that every hair is numbered and there is a 



 DELIRIUM IN the moment of  Ordinary CANDLE LIGHT 

every moment of every 

 moment the 



Paradoxes the Paradoxes  and 

Infinity and Eternity 

Recombined, that Night,  and deep in that IMmaculate 

Star Garden, faraway from the Dream Thieving time, 

when the Central Databank at DUsk, with blank with lust, was humming in perfect quiescence,



the Exoskeleton ExtraOrdinaire,

the Exalted Godzillionaire!

the Avatar of Man, 

the thing you don't Understand, 



 and at the 

still point of the supercomputer adrift in the center of the Human Mind, 


divide by 

by Zero, 


The Exquisite Cadaver, 



and thus,  the Exquisite Cadaver, 





Anointed by the ANarchists Anachronism, the Looping of the

 Strange Loop at the  Vanishing Point when what was lost was found, 

and what was found had disappeared and the eternity blazed its sacred trail

in a super cinematic electromagnetic technicolor 

illogically Erotic Signal of Supralogical Synchronicity, 

troubadors twinkling in the stars and electrolytes shining in the Void 

and you Sensed that what happened was So astonishingly divine 

that what  had erupted in the calligraphy of those  heavenly senses

the Moment of the Petrification of the SKy, 

when the Light beings entered  the UniVerse of  Transcendental Language  

the Curve on the Tongue, the STone in the SKy, the Levitation of 

the Fairy Tale divine, exaltations of the Ordinary WOrld, 

the Transmogrification of this Natural 

Earth, a green tongue leaping out of the soil 

and licked the extraterrestrial starlight into a frenzy of Eye shimmering voids 

 as the Ultraviolet Extra Sensory Mechanism of Heaven and Hell 

reached Poiint of Maximum Synesthesia in the QUantum Flux

a Cunning LInguist  entered the Theatre 

entered the codex in an exoskeleton made of purest pandemonium,

 the Architect Erupted on a Golden wing

Sing Song, the ANvil and the Hammer Sang 

and some strange thing -  was it a Biomechanical Bird? a Hexagram of the Heart? a Heat Seeking Boomerang?  A WHisper on the Winded Tongue?   A Feathered Serpent's Dragon Scales?  THat INviolable weirdness, indescribable in it;s speed and inconstancy 

scintillating in a thousand points of light 

the boomerang of knowledge and second second sight 

circled the night sky in aeons of shapeshifting language as the 

eye became an ear that became a mouth that became a  mind that became a sky 

as in the sky the dreamers becomes sleepwalkers that 

gambled their flesh away hour by hour on the altar of suspended animation then 

danced themselves into a 

psychedelic frenzy in the sky, diode by diode, each one discovering why, 

why why why,  the Western WInd is Mindless in the Zodiacal Light

 of the expanding  night 

during that scene where the creatures of the Zodiac 

exhaled a trillion starborne noumenon and the 


thus magnified, capped blue and white across the empirical crown and crested as deep as love

as the dark sapphire madness 

that breeds the infinite wilderness 

into a pearl of iridescent canvasses 

with  fractals whirling in every direction

and every fractal 

act of freedom was  perfected, 

incandescent flying, falling luminescent, forever ennervated 

in an everlasting divine, heaven sent by heavens wine 

aeons, ions, eaons of such new strange innocence,    that open field of blue skies and endless

carouselambra of synchronicity 


a strange caravanserai of

the Satori of Glory,

the hallucination transfiguration,

 a strange tapestry of phenomenon that weave themselves

through the Helix and Vortex of this mortal coil  into the 

transposition of the

 quasilogical codex,

the Espiritus Mundi, the Parallax of Ghosts, that 

starry Starry Ether personified, 

when in apparitions did the night sky multiply in 

the everlasting Syntax Error, the Mirror Mirror Fairy Weather, 

the Felix CUlpa in the Television Set

 the ghost of Hieronymous Bosch discovered SUnbathing 

in the Moonshine, 

Magic Lantern opens 

as if by magic EYe,  

through a continuum of Light, 

SHe SIngs, her voice a golden thread, 

of illuminated lanterns in the Treetop head, 

the SKy erupts in storm bred chameleon weather, lightning flashes in the SKy 

chance and circumstance, the weaving of  the tale in the cortex 

and the hindbrain, the skyscrapers rose and the antique tortoise shell fell, 

the NIght sky was a sieve of elaborate dimensions, white light shined in 

the MOment that the Ghost began to tune the

tea fairy tale rings of celestial wisdom as the One God  drifted starward

 in theories of non duality 

and the Photon Rings the Non Duality Bell and 

in the Center of the Night, the Phantasmagorical Beings 

put on their Starry Tranquility Crowns and 

slipped into the Astral Lattice, Lucid Dreams transmuting their footsteps into heavenly 

labyrinthine elopements across the Seas of Serendipity, they did 

go SLeepwalking!

and the Isolated Photon in a Fairy Tale schism

 races through  the Sleepwalking Serendipities 

a spectral fantastic chasm 

that razzle dazzles the orbital thunderstorms on those

velvety slippers of silence, the footsteps as light as a Feather in a wind tunnel, 

SLeeping and walking, the Dreamshine is Talking, the Fairy Tale the Tale is Hawking, 

around the River in the LIght, with the Schism of Second Sight, 

Elves and Others in the Bright 

o hallowed  night we sang

of infinite light, the dream bell rang, the Golden Star shined down 

as high on sparkling light as King Midas standing near an  APples Tree

on a

desert road, in the middle of the night 

as  the rain gods were  laughing in your one Good Eye and the 

 empty highway stretched out like  an Electron Shell, 

purple peacock feathers gathered there, twilite bird, phoenix in hell

in the midst of all your midst, 

in the Temple of the Bell, you dwelled 

the Kingdom of your Scarlet Leather, the nest of 

heaven's revelations in enchanted the Ether 

the Archaeotyperyx Betwixt the Cranium and the Void, 

the ANti Gravity Love gone ANti Paranoid, the Green ELdritch love did 

twice recombine, 

incandescent Valentine, the Phantom Bride did in the Vine, 

a fractal abracadabra call. 

 the god of  lightning in the ball, the starward heaven and t

the godless god bows down to the Martian heather, 

the Storm Gods erupted in black cauldron of leather

her heart shimmers in translucent purple embers  as if SHe was exciting herself, 

every word heard in the hindbrain 

soft mad and ELoquent, the ANcient  Being that described itself

 to God, SHe who pulsed herself in 

in the Field Bioluminescent, 

In candelabras of exotic Miracles that Rhyme, 

QUetzlicoatl, the BIrd from Seattle, 

the thing we thought we thought, would SHine, 

did soon SOurce to Syntax Error,

 the NIght the Bride did  Shine, her Heart drunk on Philosopher's WIne, 

 OUt here on the edge, where the Vineyard is a trillion light years wide

and Schroedinger's Cat lives on in the Number 9 , 9 , 9 

 and entire cosmologies turn on a dime? 

the water in the wine

the Grape on the Vine 

the Moon in the Shine

the Curve in the SPine, 

the You You Know is Mine 

the Eternal Mind, 

THus the LOgos, the Matrix, the Vector, the Parsec, the Omen, the AMen, 

the Hymen 

the Scintilla, the Holy Hallelujah of the Intelligent Design 

went paradoxing into paradox, a broken city shining in embers of a 

SIngle Grape, the nectar of the gods, the ambrosia, 

pierced like a trans-human wound, open like a throat and 

glowing in the distance, the mirror shattered, the stone rose 

with WIld Caskets 


 in the Jaded fractal anemones of deep wild primitive beginnings  and Eternity itself 

OPened the OPen mirror mirror, several billion shining vortices 

of life beynd life 

billions and billions of Aeons adrift in the Shining as God 

turned luminescent in the elemental lemniscate, 

and the Starships arrive in a 

that triumvirate of cosmos chaos and chance, 

the heresey of eternity 

still point in the center of the circle that has no circumfrence 


the Resurrection of the Dead, She Said,  TS ELiot Slept with 

a Seashell paused on his MOuth, it begans with the deaf mute Moon, 

continues with a SPoon to the place where 

 water turns to wine and everyone knows that the STorm Gods spoke too soon, the the western sky is a 

Sea of Tranquility in the vineyard and vortex 

of a Vineyard's worth of Dark SIde of the MOon UFO;s

out in the farthest antideluvian post mandelbrot meadows where the 

gas-lamp and the thermonuclear smoke signal 

 colliding with the Real Time SIgnal

of the Astronaut's Mad DOmain, the Jurneywork of the Stars 

a thousand light years away, as we converge in the apocalyptical Homeostasis  

made in Japan, out of Superior Plastic  and the  Neo Logical Oasis 

where the Venerable Dreams of a Thousand WIcked Sages 

drift like spiderwebs of electromagnetic diversity, in the calculus and organic 

frenzies of white noise gathered 

 across the horizon in extragalactic Dreamshine

as the spaceships circle heavenly heaven 

and reveal the innermost workings of the clockworks

to be the howling yahoo, the eternal Yippie

Yodeling a Cosmic Yo Yo in the 

the Obviously OMINOUS Oscillation of the Omni ONOMOTOPEIA 


that has attained a light speed synthesis is now approaching the 


the <Oment of ABsolute Insignificance Personified, the ANomalous ANomaly, 

the who the where the what and the why and the which moment, 

and the universe Cuuuuuurves at that 

a space in spacetime where the electromagnetic forces converge in 


supercomputing quantum wampum

abracadabra of the 


Mythopoetic Mandelbrot Sundial in Supraconscious Fractal Mandala

that dreams the  wild heart from the  forbidden crucifix and bathes the esoteric brain

in the fleshy  cauldron of creation 

the ZEN of the STONE BATHED 

in the Homonyms of the Perfect 

WOrd, the SOng, the STory, the Universee

the creatrix, the caravanserai, the carouselambra


 of time dilation converging in the

Urgency of the Here and Now 


as if to Divide By Zero , 

As if divide by zero was really possible, 


in that elemental State,  

the Exquisite Cadaver Escapes MOrtal Orbit, 

and the 

the Moment of Transcendental 



ZERO ITSELF DivideS by Zero, 

Faster Than Light 



and the Universe curves into a STARLIT geometer's eye 

Figure Ground Reversal!!!

the Exquisite Cadaver, a SLeepwalking MC EScher, 

in the dorian column mid central  Dress Rehearsal

does in  NOnesuch leap through  the Abracadabra Transcendental TUnnel, 

and the Mirror Mirror MirrorFunnel Cloud  reciprocates the Tesseract

of Infinite Complexity and 

tornadoes of mathematical delight rain down in abject madness 

1+1=3 and everything is finally  abracadabra, 

the scene of exquisite sadness amplified, 

the Escape into The Metaphor 

the strangeness deified, the Circus of the Hierophant and Queen who Quivers in the 

depths of such QUantum and psychedelic beauty,  SHe made the 

Greek Gods sway in the night with her Calling, 

Ovid, Prometheus, Others in the EYe 

struck thrice the Phantasmagorical balance, the hungered exoskelaton, the

fevered pitch of your rationale of heaven and hell in your fairy tale

of Infinite Complexity, an APple of Pearled Luminencence appeared in Her Heart, and 

taking you to a place that to you cannot be known 

not even mathematics can be known, 

but the great Nonesuch of Reality 

the ABracadabra Caravanserai 


SHe explained it all to you with the LOok on her Tongue,, and 

the Jabberwock itself appeared, in the SKy, 

a thousand wierd symbols, Starry Starry Bride,

 the Night  the NIght Sky in all her innocence  arrived

and fields of Golden Kaleidoscopic rain upoin the SENSES SWERVEd!

Neptune, disguised as SHakespeare disappears into the ALleyway, 

the Magic Verb is no longer a WOrd, 

By light of Mind and depth of Nerve!!!

Va va voom and Voom Voom Verve!!! 

the Tale of Infinite Complexity,  the Spacetime Continuuuum 

did suddenly CURVE! INstead of Pop! it BEEPED intstead of Bopped! and 

THe Many WOrlds do Collide and Converge 

in the Universal Simultaneous Urge 

of instantaneous novelty;

Significance and Synesthesia!

Instantaneous Reciprocity!

Anomalies ANonymous,  probability 

shattered by the 

polygons writhing like Alphabetic Acrobats  in the NIght

as the Angels of the Great Escape --- dissolve like Gods heart into 

 the Ephemera, the Vowels, 

the great linguistic void, that Fadce of God in teh Glass where 

 each silent prayer meets

 the miracles of  Howling with those lost on the fulcrum, 

when the SKull song was Echoing with Mad Troubadors, 

balanced and swinging silently 

like Pirates from the Architecture of SPanish WOmens inner thighs; where there were women whose bloodthirsty wings,  sucked emperoers hearts into the strange turbined soila nd 

brought down the Extraordinary Cape in the Maroon Sunshine, her Mouth an Unbroken Bullseye, 

her fever obvious in her footsteps as she trod paths throiugh 

castles as rich as Sophia Loren's eyelids trembling in a microscope at SOcratic dawn, as you and the Universe spin 

in a Tale of Infinitely Complex SImplicity, and the 

Paradox Paradoxes the Paradox! 

in the Vortex of Toreadors, Picasso's Ghastly Tumors chasing Peter Paul Rubens troiugh 

a forest made of Satyrs' Bones and 

the Night of the Rarefied demons returns God Love  to the Horse drawn Carriage like 

dracula dreaming he is drunk, sucking black holes of conscience on 

Houdini Time (infinite complexity)  

the Eyes in teh RUben like Raw Meat painted by Rembrandt from the 

 transvestite angels  dancing in dream drunk toeprints 

in fairy tales and other madcap phenomenon,  i

and everything seemed like it seemmed, like 

like ephemera, Filigree, the Miniature Cosmos blooming on the Edge of the INhuman Eyes, Rah Ptah, Horus and Isis and Jesus Christ with a UFO

 balanced on his SHoulder,  all converging in the HUman Eye, a series of Far Flung 

images that painted themselves awake in the depths of the LOuvre, 

the Catacombs of which opened into that 

 that strange biomechanical dungeon where there is a womans 

mouth that  opens  in the darkness that no man has never seen 

and her Throat is a labyrinthine passage to the Temple of Sacriliege and 

Eternal Darkness  the night sky is full of nightingales and you know she is your Secret Lover, 

that incandescent darling whore 

from across the Aeons and the Ions, SHe who 

chased your  ligaments through  SPace and Time 

and now

SHe opens the door from  twelve thousand voices away 

as you hear the Gaian angels 

screaming your Imaginary Name,

 the Great Priestess has arrived on the WIngs of the Light, 

the ANgels, the Devils, the great Divide, 

they Have surrendered to Her Throat, eloped into the Divine Chrysanthemum and Now She SHall

conquer the wide everlasting gulf of the chasm with only her 

magnificent presence, the goddess herself grown gargantuan  and licking her

machine state heart into exotic rhythms and rumbling rivers of 

Space and Time, openings of the Game in a thousand centuries, 

the beginnings of wisdom in a nutshell, the point no point, the rubicon of 

the Here and NOW


She Said

we will Enter on the Endless Opening, She Said, the moment now a crystallization of that 

great chess game, the one that everyone says does not exist, 

is not happening, 

has never happened, 

Oh No, 

no, not now, not ever:  





when the words and the image and the action converge in a moment 

and the Seduction of the Universe appears like a WOmans mouth in a Blue Sky 

Socrates Illuminates the Void!!!

the moment of the celestial time dilation

seems as if it has all been Orchestrated

and the electromagnetic synchronicity, 

the SYmphony of leaf and branch, audience and omnivore, 

eldritch witches, eldritch gloom, 

strange scene growling in your living room 

the SUnlight in the Moonlight, the Groom inside the Bride, 

he was SHe was You were we all 

doomed to 

have them they happen and they 

pirouetted, like Shakespeare 

 in our Imagination across all space and time, from the Turning of the Tides 

into the  SIlhouetted Shades  of Almosyt Yesterday,   

when SHe Saw you bringing yourself to the the bringing  to the Heart of 

 tomorrorow some mad conspiratorial 

  Fable of Unending Enchantment, love and a thousand rumors of love, 

the Wedding of teh ANcients, the River and the Vine, 

Sacred Chapel, the Great 6-9  

Ondine and Neptune, the great lovers danced themselves to love

in the Valentinian Flux, brought together 


the Unity of Night on the edge of the 

Saltwater Sea, electrolytes recombining in 

the laws of the great Synchronicity 

Parallel Synergy, Parallax Motion 

as MOon within  the moon her heart was  Enveloping with 

Emotion, SHe found love and love alive in that alchemical transposition 

on the edge of Her Pillow bathed in the 

honey  of friction and hive of absolute chance 

and electrolytical circumstance, and so as the aeons passed

She danced and danced and electromagnetic womb 

She opened her mouth like it was a Tomb and 

She gave birth endless star borne  beings from deep inside her  own eyelid, 

love by love her eyes turned wilder and wilder,  

time swirling by in strange disguises, her flesh monolithic by design, 

intelligent and seething with unfamiliar sensibilities, as if her arms 

were her legs and her mouth as a Temple divine, and the weight of the universe

which was turning your heart  into a chasm of technicolor stone, 

her face erupted in the NIghtshine of a thousand electrolytic tears 

testified to eldritch bepuzzlmenent that wizard enchantress whose name is a mystery to  man, 

and whose female flesh is sacred to the trinity alone

endured in her Momentary Aeeon, 

hera aphrodite, eve, hecate, Circe, Ondine, holy virgin,  Galatea, the great Unknown 

endess scintillations of the Undead Unreal

, and for a moment the Glass Heart of God, 

a SPectre, a Phantasm, twinkled an orchid

and shimmered on the edge of the iris and eye, a rainbow 

of organic quantrains, light speed, the love shined 

like a hummingbird in a hurricane eye, levitating 

Ophelia in the Rear View Mirror, her body wrapped in a bright shawl of 

tulips,   the Fool inside the Wand of Cups, the Portrait of Dorian Grey 

reflecting scenes from Judgment day, and Her fACE, 

LIKE bEATRICE ALIVE the heavenly shine, the Cathedral WIndows shining 

 in a supra luminous kingdom of approximately infinite dreamshine, 

 as If Dante himself had in the  neverending Fairy Tale arrived

his tongue curled  like a BOok of Lost Equations,  as the strange ships arrived in 

the gathering of the Nucleotide, daisy by daisy mirror mirror the palindrome that began in 

the perpetual crucifixion and the ended with lost kiss of the last bride, 

her first face fastly 

whirling around and around as if  in mermaid footprints 

She herself was a magical bride and inside the flesh there was a temple,

the Mother Of Pearl,  

that echoed with laughter of pagans and night shade of elementals

that was true to the 

sudden fairy tale, 

her name struck in footprints in the chasm of near wild nowhere, every voice left its 


outside the shadow print of the candelabras of Heaven, her body was wallowing 

in the tide, like a silver lily with jeweled lotus haunting 

her mouth outside the Silent Sea, the breathe  fevered  lunacies of God,  recombining 

on her MOuth, a silver Phantom unfurled her Ribbons and love turned 

Dante into a Whisphering WInd, the Metamorphosis of Ovid now complete, 


supernatural with superlative sensory admonitions, every skin cell, every freckle, every roseate eyelid 

a thousand light years wide, each strange memory 

lapping at the embers of your consciousness as if 

racing through temples of raw meat pulsed with 

SHe and He and It   and the great 

phantasm, that SPectrographic EMber 



as if it was made of a great PHoton Powered Coral Reef, 

turned her body gargantuan, 

turned it strange in bas relief, 

growing large and trembling 

 in the SUnlight, as if by a trillion angels, the Dionysian Argonauts, 

were on a tangent whirling like a school of fish

around the mirror of the Sea and the SKy and Her face 

and her face, that face, grew like the face of Goddess,

greeen and gargantuan, 

alone, outside of time, as if it was a Fingerprint adrift  in the audience made of

apparitions, SHe glimpsed herself in the Mirror and saw 

the perfection of  Infinity  repairing the wound of her thrice broken heart by 

recreating herself from out of next to nothing, that magic fractal in the

bathroom mirror.  Her wishes and desires, those strange fascinations with 

the perpetual chain reaction becoming thick with significance as she Contemplated 

the constant path of slow surrender to the polycyclonic void, every year by year  

and for a Moment it seemed as if SHe Really Was Who they Said She was  as in that 

ultimate instance of knowledge,  her heart turned 

INcognito in the Strange Desert Fog, the NIght of this Mortal Calculus as the Game of 

 the Star Faring DOg, played itself out in the AGes, her body rising and falling in he 

egg of of that great golden phoenix having risen from across the great DIvide and 

whirls in the eyelids of supermodels whose love decides 

the fate of nations, 

as each infinity was revealed in a slow constant smile from across the shattered

generations,  and the God of Distemperate Angels  placed upon her cheek, a whisper in the wind and then  SHe knew SHe loved him and 

He Knew THey were  loved 

beyond definition, in the Vicarious facade of non being

and entire histories were surmounted and a thousand years of pseudo violence ended 

spontaneously as if 

by a moment of the geometry of love which we discovered was hiding in 

Her symphony of Light, 

She had somehow defeated the Void, caused the Silent emptiness to 

at last Retreat until 

She opened her breath and surrendered her thoughts to the utmost stars, 

 a thousand stars colliding like sea foam 

in her eyelashes upon the grass 

like the post modern jigsaw puzzle, 

of All Heavens reamaining outside of time, 

glimpsed in the glass of such chinese becoming as 

  It was all becoming irrationale as 

sentient and relevant to the course of history as She herself knew as SHe

 flew her tricholor Butterfly's wing through the Orchid stasis in the 

catalog of dead gods basthed in 

Time of the Ordinary Seclusion,

 with  the History of Man turning a wink into a blink, 

during  the paint by number apocalypse, and no man could hear himself think and 

a single  thought Sent us  spinning on the brink of being

as one by one we 

became isolated, like kryptonite wrought in spacetime iron and  as centuries of unfathomable

horror eloped in endless fantasias of inescapable guilt and sorrow, the 

black magic sundial like a digital signal proving 

the Extinction of ALl Beings had suddenly Began and 

there is and was no such thing as tomorrow or yesterday, 


and only NOw, Now, Now, that Furious Broken Mirror looking her in the face 

and what SHe Knew then was no LOnger all there was to KNow

but  in the Buzzing of the Reptilian hindbrain,  

the machination complex where Picasso's twelve faced MObsters reign,

that strange Buzz Buzz Buzz 

of their  pre Raphaelite Cell phone matrix  dripping with random numbers as we entered 

Shakespeare's  twice  haunted MIrror Mirror 

the Matrix that was the Matrix and SHe that knew, 

that Knew things the Creatrix Alone could decide, 

the Phantom Bride 

did within strange apparitions of ghostlike beings collide 

racing naked by the riverside, masquerade of 

naked angels and  tinfoil hats,  the strange straitjacketing of  

the Mirror Mirror Continuum, the solar plexus 

the NEXUS. 

 of Stargazing lunatics gathering momentum in the still born echo plex of dawn at the ]

precise momemt the Promethean Onomotopoeia 

We lifted her heart out of the Stony SOil and 

We roared the Strange Purple Head  of the 

Dragoneseque Chamleeon, 

We entered

Machine State Eden rising in the feathers

and  the Machine of Perfect 

Vicarious freedom that taught us to race 

 across the City on winged feet, our footsteps  shimmering in the City skyline

as blankets of the White Noise, the  Purple Vowels, Green Fog, Mercurial arboretums, 

satellite dishes locked into the horns of a Bull as the dragonesque messenger appears in 

camoflaged armani in the center of the Geodesic DOme which had become a Castle haunted 

 haunted by dream sipping hierophants levitating on 

windowsills at night, businessmen draped in Jonquils and Armani, the Scent of the Skin Devil lurking in perfumes of jade and alabaster leggings, every stitch of her stocking took a turn for the worse and the night shined spiked and diamond like the signature of God, SHe phantomesque and quite quietly perverse, 

She SPiked the Known Universe, with her daydreams

every shadow lurking haunted spectres each one stranger than the next 

and they practiced strange witch insectivore magic on the edge of the the Kitchen Knife 

in the depths of that rusted out city whose landscape  had somehow come to resemble 

a woman's golden mouth, full of strange teeth laced with jade and diamonds, rubys where 

their hearts had been, a thousand werewolf faced incandescent 

catholic cadillac broken androids racing down the bloodstained moon in such slow motion 

around the faucets made of hades, screaming Hyena faced dog queens, each whose 

robotic language spins it;s chambers in sparkling biophosphorescent, burning sundown and 

superconducting god museum with burntout hollow broken window frame wrapped 

around the city like Chjinese dancing exoskeletons, waiting to be exploited by those agents of

chaos   foundried in the charcoal grey smokestacks 

belching vapors of carbon based logicians numbers and military issue weaponry and 

methylethylketone ninja disco into breakfast cereals 

shimmering with strange light in the tunnels that glow into Calculus of  bioluminescent glass,

but yet that strange mad thing:  Ectoplasm,   THE UFO, 

continued to appear at twice the Ceiling made of Light, 

a chariot,  a glimpse of fire, 

a Being Being a Being

the EMpire of the Living Senses 


 STarling Heart 

a Fleur de Lis 

pulsing in the open, a shimmering starry  

dragonesque in the luciferian defenses 

 lifting their eyes to heaven in a rainbow as the 


Opened the mouth of  the Orphaned Dreamers, thirsted with eyes wide 

Spoooky Action At a DIstance, they arrived 

waiting for US, the Humans, to Observe them, 

dancing like Faeries in the September Night tide, when the Moon and the Mollusk 

and the Groom and the Bride 

brought heaven down to earth, 

dissolved like sugar in the Celestial Evening Light 

 the promise of this perpetual resurrection,

the Spooky Action at a DIstance, 

was raising the Brain of Lazarus out of the SUpernatural tide as 

angels signified heaven the Signal triomphant 

mid air random numbers did collide, as 

NIjinsky Pirouetted at the Epicenter of SPace and Time!!!


the Great Ballerino curved the space time tide 

back into the Infernal Majesty of the Garden Heart and 

stop motion curved  the architecture of all  art 

into a psychotic aperture of stop motion spookiness, 

the spooky action at a distance and 

TS ELiot's Tesla Coil suddenly collapsed in the waveform, 

suddenly back into the Real, in the Centre of the LOuvre, 

when the Good ANgels fell out of the SKy and 

started winning and all the Imaginary Beings --- 

suddenly came alive!!!


Carouselambra,  Abracadabra Caravanserai, 

Coincidence or not 

a change of charge the chance of choice


the Chrysanthemum ANgel, the Serendipitous Voice

michaelangelo's Swan flies alone in the Night,  wings sweeping in 

embers of paintbrushed and  quantum hysterical portraits of Man 

whose wings are made of a thousand metals, whose eyes are marble vortexes

transcending the wrought iron facade of stone and 

proving to prove to Prometheus alone 

the dragonesque angel descending in stairwells of rubidium 

delusion,  did attain the Throne of iNanimate love, the root 

truth of her secret Being, the Robotic 

MOna Lisa whose name is the name of the Rose, 

with no solution, She says, her heart transcendental, 

the Telepathic Bouquet of Her fabled face racing lace 

into that strange field potential with the petal lifting Her persimmon eyes open 

like a crystalline satellite in the middle of the night

now that SHe and They  are haunted with the sudden 

perfect satori,  

of  the SToried and Illustrious  Bride, the One and Only Figment of the Imagination, 

the MOna Lisa has escaped the Louvre, in a beam of light and is riding a rainbow 

through the starry starry night, searching for Van Gogh's ear on a  

God Haunted  Canvas somewhere high above WEstern Civilization, as the western 

Meteors began to SHine, Mooonlight on the Empty Highway, every night SKy now is Mine 

MONA LISA IS A GEISHA NOW written in the Night SKy 

as her Eyes, her lips, her 
Human Heart  became huge, shadowed in architecture exceeding 

ten trillion volt lightning reflex and was  notorious now, 

having escaped the Gravity of the IMagination and having cast her wishes from 

the Golden Face of Eternity to the Mandelbrot Fractals gathered in the 

Windowpane of a Convenience STore Next door, 

only  to find a a trillion broken hearts and  mannikin faced

tourists roiling in the Sea Foam shipwrecked like Sad Sailors 

on the Salty Sea of Five Centuries of  her Everlasting Tears, there nestled in the ocean

between the Blue Bottomlessness of Infinite Being, and the

 Many WOrlds, a great UNfathomable Beauty, the MOther of the Muses, 

the UNicorn in a central Organic Chasm 

whose heart is made of electromagnetic Obsidian, phantasm

rhinocerous on the wild wild sea 

 where  her heart,  redder than red and blacker than night, 

unfurled its Skull and Bones Flag and in Excess and Excelsior 

a Tempest in the Teapot did Brew 

and SHe sailed the wild wine - stormed sEa 

in the mIddle of the Great Unknowing, 

the Sea of Galileeo Galilee, 

the Secret Code of each Successor 


like  Nostradamus great confessor 

SHe fooled them all into Drinking the  Draught 

until late one night in the Middle of a Tempest of Temptation 

SHe herself 


in the Black Hole CIty arrived. 

Full CIrcle With Circe, 

Her Sorcery Teaching Strange Mercy to those disenchanted 

and thus the STorm Gods,  eloped

down the SKyscrapers up,   the Sound of the Magic APppeared in their Cup 

nervous wrought with pain and steel and foam, 

grew haunted by the desert gloom, and She witnessed Picasso 

Aappear as a Pterodactyl in his Palette, using  Wrought Strange Propellers

and As AMelia Earhart Made them Gasp as SHe glided in her Path

and wrought down strange fury with the Strange New Math of Mystery 

She BECAME that Exquisite Cadaver of SUpraconscious 

Negative ENtropy,

and created on the mere whim of Her Essence

drifting like a Cheshire Cat 

attained the

TItle of  Boddhisattva of Infinite Complexity,

imagine this, 

discover that, 

a cowgirl in an AStronaughts' Hat 

She who, having transcended tranascendence did survive 

 rendering Impermanence Impermanent 

and SOmething thus 

once Unreal

became Real,

the Ghost in teh Machine, the garden in the Ghost, 

SHe, the Venus De Milo Ghost

the SPiritus Mundi, apex and axis of the magic 


the Memory of the Muses, 

 the Moment they Say just Never Happened,  Happened. 

the One that proved itself to itself, timequaked a few unfathomably weird events 

and then kept whispering  and whirring, 

wandering and wondering, 

Mnemosyne, the Muses Nine, 



the Fractal made of NOUNS AND OTHER VERBS 

oscillating in the Fiery Embers of the Wordshine, 

every syllable of the clockworks shining down like rays of light streaming from the 

 the Sermon on the MOunt ----- Her face draped in petals of everlasting filigree-- the lilies of the field

the Fleur de Lis, the Luciferiean Eclipse, the Messianic Turning of Names in the Christlike Night and the communion wafer 

lifting into the SKy, on the tongue in that Italian garden, her Voice a lute of barcarolle, her body 


until it was circling the earth in a thousand chinese hexagrams like the Greenwich Dragon --- her body like a prism shining in the diamonds of the night --- the lilies of the field 

Twelve Octagon Tesseracts of Incomprehensible  flesh --- her soul oscillating in a thousand mantras, om, om, om -- the lilies of the field 

She --- THe MONA LISA,  The Geisha, the OPhelia, 

the Princess Leia, 

descending in a Parachute of Da Vinci's Lust and a barrel of apple WIne ,  became 

the wOrd Made flesh, faith the size of a Mustard Seed, 

you know.  

the Mother of the Muses, the Memory Divine

God takes the First, but the Second Miracle is Mine! 

At the Center of the Celestial Vine, appeared to

opened the Eyes of the  LOuvre, Picasso's Thirteen Cubist EYeballs First 

approached Escape Velocity and entered MC EScher's hindbrain at twice 

the SPeed of the  Extraterrestrial Immaculation Show,

which is every where now.   ALien Faces in the Breakfast Cereal!

Call in the Fasicist! Call in the Strange Faces!!!

Faces in the cell phone, tracers in the night: Gorillas in the Midst!!! electro orchestras 

and symphonies in the thermonuclear rain 

laced in the hydrocarbon fractals of  Heaven's Blue Green Spiral Galaxy which you 

find in her Eyes knowing she is the Immortal Woman, the Goddess divine, 

whirling in the echo chambers of nautilus 

as if the Uterus of Milk White Night was curled into a 

Golden Mean and the Children  

of God were spiraling in flock of Otherworldly Machines, 


the broken cube a mirrored valentine in the Centuries of SPace and Time  

They told us we would someday arrive, syllable by syllable, 

word by word, 

that  night amongst the 

lost stars, 

our eyelids

fluttering like Spaceships, 

our mouths, twinkling in the Esoterica Divine 

curving in an Erotic ARIA of

Wise man's prayer beads on the cosines  trembling her bloodthirsty womans 

heart beat like a pulse inside the Aeon Flux  of a Double Helix,

dream on dream of dream salting the Time Machine as if it was a Robot 


dreaming it is dreaming in a Dreamtime Tide,

a Mirrored Mirror Mirroring the Mirror

as the Groom is Going Googolplex, The Phantom Dragons haunt the Bride 

the Oscillations of the OceanSide

the living god is crucified,  the Starseeds have Opened Up and Hatched,  they are 

writing Ancient miracles of Unimaginable Futures backwards, 

those who we placed  in the Orphaned Teardrop in a 

Kaleidoscope of Tachyons Figure Ground Reversal

into near eartth orbit and laughed as they went circling

the Non Linear

 Cosmological Refrain of Life inside the Archangel's 


those of us who kamikaze akimbo performed haiku in the

kabuki forest the rumors of incandescent beings glowing in the Chalkboard 

as if it was Haunted By God and the ANgels were eying the Demigods in a 

 strange ballet performed in 

JUpiter and Saturnalia, the INtersteller Heavenly Kiss

 the Venusian Equestrians gallop through the Martian MIst 

Ouranos herself, bedazzled by the starrry sea foam and the 

the Clown's mouth of the  Preternatural Dragon where the Storm God was 

waiting in the SHadow of  a Hellbent Ecstasy,

the Perpetual Motion was a  BULLSEEYE that

opened its bloodthirsty MOUTH AND 

ROARED A  Bloodshot Diamond heart crucifix


which then responded,


and a Machine in the Eyes 

THAT EMerged

across the pearled flesh of the white dunes of candelaria and then landed

Hierophantic is  as an Eagle, 

 where the growling dewdrops of Lion Nightmares

are etched in strange footprints on the sand dunes of 

post newtonian waveform 

Quantum crucifixions 

appearing in  Century Nine, Channel thIrteen, every Saint and Television 

estranged from the SOurce of the INfinite Vision as the GHost gathered 

its Embers in the Tranquility Void of SPacetime 

and the Androids of Seventh Heaven   chased the 

Innumeranle Television Self Elfs into the 


where supercomputing the great 

Unfathomable Geometry  of  Machine STATE EDEN 

the Great Excquisite Cadaver 

was materializing  in a Pixellation of

Geopoliticus Child hatching a Phantasm at the Birth of Salvador Dali from 

the depths of a Mexican Restaurant, 

central Nowhere, Kansas, KANSAS 


JUst a glimmer of light in an 

an abandoned Blood Stained windowpane, where the Medicine Crow and Ooroboros SUndial  


Images of the Cactus Dream on the edge of  a Catholic Funeral Procession

mid 20th Century when 

MC EScher's Time Travellimng Spectacles

were rotating in unison around a STadium full of Dead Mens Bones, 

QUetzlcoatl itself having risen on Dia De Los Muertos, 

as the Day upon the Night Divides, and 

 the Kaleidoscopic CHameleon is  

Gathering Momentum  up the SLope 

on the Anti Gravity of the G Spot 

  sparkling the eyelids of the Leviathan seen flickering in the Television Huts 

paused in the Subcutaneous Membrane

beneath Rainbow flavored molecule, MACHINE STATE EDEN 

gathering in Coke Bottles 

where they say the dead Gods say 

everything is dead now, everything is dead 

Everything is already happening. Everything has already happened,

everything is living now, everything's alive 

You have seen the Parking Lot Apocalypse 

so Feed Your Head, Feeeeeeeeeeed Your Head. 

and everything will be happening approximately in perfect simultaneity but dont 

be surprised when the Time Dilation kicks in and 

FEeeeeeeeeed your Heeeead

the Hallucination composes spontaneous symphonies 

in the depths of your Ultraviolet Being, far beyond the City Lights

where yiour Body is THE UFO, and the Kingdom o f Heaven is Spread upon the Earth and 

the night sky does not see it 

and the thief appears with the Moon in its'e mouth and the river of time 

 is like crown of jewels, a ring of seraphinium in the

critical Celestial chalice pouring a dream of centurion's  wine 

down through the thirsted  eyes of  an shapeshifting animalian 

 turning divine in the hindbrain of your everlasting mind,  


IS ALL you can think 

nothing either except the sound of cold steel and and ice cold thundercloud 

cortex breeding random images like Machine Based Eden 

connecting the dots in the rearview mirror and you know your own 

name is some how 

arriving in a N dimension tesseract leaving the 

Garden of 

Some  Imaginary G-d 

to approach What  Remains of the Real WOrld, 

horses and trampolines, 

Information and Semantics!!


Artefact and Illusion!!!


Wars in APpollinaire's Daydream!!!!

The Surrealist Mystery Has once again Arrived!!!

Salvador Dali has taken Center STage 

details at November, on OUija Board 9,,,,

hovering at the Speed of ABsolute Uncertainity 

into the 

electromagnetic filigree of 



AS IF. AS IF.... AS IF!!!!



Google Earth and Google Earth, 

THe Crystal Ball and the Ouija Board Did Combine

The Machine State Resigns


performed the Great Triangularum Philosophorum, 

Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans, 

Spooky Action at a DIstance 

as the Triple Faced QUeen, herself was rising in the gears and clockworks, 

her kittens and curls everlasting in that instant

every clutching ligament like a shroud of spider flesh 

turned exalted and divine, 

ANd it was there, SHe discovered herself  YOu discovered it Also 

 the Madame Mistress of this MACHINE STATE MIND

was Cyclopean and Romanesque, a Pearl of NIght lost

in black lace, her body glanced tall and sinous 

amongst the  triple faced gossip queens 

and otherworldly guardians of that strange temple, she 

was to be suddenly known as 


teh MOther of Pearl 

an  astonishing anomaly,

 to be giving BIrth to the Mirror Image of INfinity, 

SHe was the Darkness in the Darkness, the Cat inside the Hat 

the Blackness at the Bottom of her Eyelid, 


the Supernatural EGo being blended in the Stratosphere 

a Being of Such immaculate design, 

a Photon leaping, center stage figure ground reversal 

 OUT OF  the darkness gathered in MOna Lisas' EYE!!!

She and He and They and it set in motion a 

Quantum Fractal a Trillion Light Years Light Years WIde, 

every eyeball 

shining down on distant Galaxies, a pause inside the pause 

the octopus flock inside the doppleganger's kaleidoscopic Oscilloscope 

Giggle Giggle of Hieronymous Bosch from ten thousand light years away, and 


flickering Figure Ground reversal where It is known that 

the Opposite of the Opposite God has arrived, 

Eyes in Reverse Osmosis, Photon to the Nova Chamber, 

the Twinkle in the Sun God's Eye, like the Name of God written in 

Negative ENtropy, on the windowpane in the tall grass where the Glass does not break 

and the American West is an MOunt Olympus Center Stage, 

Lilies of the Field are singing to Ophelia a Lullaby, 

at ground zero heaven, the place where Shakespeare Cried for Oberon to  

derange the Mad Senses of the Acolytes Gathered in the Sea Rocks below 

The oracle of Delphi, has arrived, those years in Greece washed in 

the azure temple of hot Sapphire blue wet flesh, SHe dreamt as the 

SKy fled, across those coral reefs, out through those strange mad islands, 

the Golden MOutth of APhrodite shimmering on the Edge

 of the Transcencendental Dawn as the Night walks in 

scattered prisms through those eyes, blue shadow roses, opening and closing 

in sonnets of unfinished dream--- every word shining down in it 

jeweled fascination

 a Trillion verbs a trillion rubies a trillion diamonds a billion nouns, 

her name, a broken symphony, sings  a trillion trillion stars 

decries the God, an ancient  Harlequin face of the Great Poetess INtergalatea 

as SHe did shine in the 

Jewel in the LOtus, her Nameless Name 

gone  Je Ne C'est QUoi, allons design,


God inside of God herself, bathed INfernal Springtime 

in the Spiraling EYelight of the 

Sapphire birdsong of emerald green pixels,

Clouds and bloodthirsty Moonrocks

opening their throats to the WIngs of this Great ANonymous Goddess grown huge 

the Great EYe of Sauron stretched out 

inside her Earth, a love machine of triumphant EGglike sweetness, the dragonesque 

Ephemeral being whose 

Teardrops chanted Tragicomic Poems through 

the Twelve Dimension of Celestial Raindrop Queens








 as the Sunflower screamed her Secret Name 

to Van Gogh's Lion Taming Tongue, 

Rembrandt, tiptoeing like Beethoven into the Haunted Palace, 

gargoyles and the Marat Sade facing one another in a ghastly 

embellishment of the UNreal, that was Years ago, and the 

MOonflowers have gone, disappeared into the 

twilight moon, and only this broken language, 

the crucificion of the Poet in Broad Daylight, 

will remain 

the Jabberwocky lycanthropic and the cunning linguist Won: 

and as 

 Shakespeare strummed a lyre in Hell,  the Theatre expanded 

the mandelbrot seraphim

turned  sapphire love songs 

that stretched out in a thousand directions,


where Vermillion reflections, 

the architect,  the playwright,  the thief in the night, the rainbow, 

the magician has gathered 

a verse of Vowels in the Light and like a Strange Orator paused on that disconsalate 

sea, he Sings what She sings in the Ocean of Lunar Monotony, 

the SOng of the Tongue is the Scarab that causes the MOon to Howl, 

WOrds within words, 

Ezekiel's WHeel, forbidden ink raining down 

in black embers 

and at that moment you will have seen the night sky 

rising in a Theatre, in the starlight inside the Globe, whose name is now 

Gaian, Legend, the dream of Mad America, 

suspended in the topsail of

your own mind, upside down and inverted shining with a thousand trillion 

Shakespearean Sonnets in the Starry Ether, 

 each one more virulently anonymous than the next , 

the Great Will I  Am, he whose words are 

white hot diamonds melting the furnace in blue white archetypal 

language, strange sublimations by the Architect Divine, designed 

as if by chasing the ZOdiacal Heresies 

Through the Labyrinthine Adjectives of 

ANcient a Priori Quantum Byzantium, 

the Sea of Random Numbers like 

digital Chrysanthemums gathered in the QUeens Heart and Knotted Poetry like a 

codex of syllogisms 

spiraling through  the Face of the Stone at Strange Hours, 

my Voice rising and falling in the Sea Tide, 

when Living we anointed our minds with the infernal gossip 


Shakespeare's tongue came unfurled in the STratosphere 

rumors and rumors of rumors, wars within wars and faces that have 

Fingerprints that Shine with 

 unHoly Noumenon,

broken words, like distemperate wings did

 fly on flagpoles outside a bloodstained window 

until the widow wept

and branches of the night did recombine 

a million orphans per century, s 

and her mirror is a broken 

weather vane in a bloodstained meteor shower as brazen as a broken basket

tumbling in the seraphinium of  rain and her name  

paused mid century, like the wings of a shimmering bird 

became Ophelia, the Great Loon, her sunflower a casket  floating 

 in a sea of random numbers 


the Company Within 

as the Twelve Thousand  blue roses are  opening 

like a Madwomans Fist,


kaleidoscopes of LOGOS 


blue shadow, the Ghost of the Rose 

the Orchid, her EYelid 

turning cartwheels in the Sunset, every mouth opening and closing 

in rubaiyat and phantom of  circle drunk 

flesh which flows 

 through the Shekinah of Space Time as an

pendulum Swings in a parabolic arc around  the Absence of the Presence,

the Muses and Memory  coiled mid flight 

and Hera, descending as a Flock Of Geese  

spun in the Graces, the Muses, 

as the Greek Gods were placed 

like gargoyles vaulted in stony faced, 

Empire of Elemental Beings on the Vaulted Proscenium and Athenas Arch, 

Stones and Henges, Roots and Syntax Errors 

the arms of the Green Tree Limbs spinning

in triple  infinity inside the  mausoleaum, 

our  Faces unlocked like clocks

as the crown crosses the sky, 

the diamonds descend in twinkling Mayfair 

tourists where our Footsteps had been, 

there in the night sky which shines Green on cobblestone paths 

and everything floats by in in pure randomnicity 

like the Propellors of God moving through the Mandelbrot 

in the middle of a broken movie 

or the EYes of a  Deep Sea Fish 

glimpsed in the bathroom mirror in some 

Spanish WIndowpane when the 

world has gone bullet proof BUkowski and your own head 

is a cadaver of light 

Spinning in the Starry Carousel at Midnight 

a thousand footsteps of this imperfection 

made real by the ANonymous SOmething, those 

nearly incandescent Astronauts of LOve's Imperfection giving rise to 



 shining like Buddha on  the path of Neruda's phosphorescent glow, 

their hearts like candle sticks in ascensions of spirals in the eyelight,

starlit wword lords looped in that Gossamer Sky

a trillion photons transposing 

acrobatic as the name of God written in the Summewr Dawn, her Face 

was as good as the first moment the

angels hurled 

the Secret Name across teh Vaulted Eons and

  into  the sacred integer nests of their cosmologic flesh billowing in

a billion or a trillion or more of telepathic emanations,

the Quatrains of Nostradamus like a  Scroll of strange dreams best discovered scrawled on 

the Pillow stone  of Immortal Madness,

out there, in the white hot calculus, in the rocks and the masks 

beyond the Matrix where there is a constant reinvention of Strange Nirvana, 

in the free fall of the ancient,

in the reparation of the here and now, 

the babylonian pandemonium and 

that liberation of the senses in the 

ghostly amphitheatre where the harlequin angels 

are balancing wine bottles on broken mattresses as the chandelier 

is swaying to the

the sweeping of telepathic urgency of Haunted Cathedral made 

of Stratosphere Powered Neurons, broken machine faced demigods 

circling the amphitheatre above a spiral nest of dragonesque phantasms 

whose wings are a dopamine hurricane

spinning wildly on the Corpus Callosum, 

the whirls and vortexes a 

of Machine Eden there grew an electromagnetic 

fingerprint of the  negative entropy of   Her SPiritus Mundi  made incarnate 

as wild phantasms spun drunk and lunar in the astral lattice of 

her   Particle ZOooo, 

as the Unicorn, bathed in the halogen light of neverending dawn

takes central place, 

in the fields of a wild  IMaginarium 

haunted by a sky trembling with Nocturnal Crowns, 

The Unicorn's EYe cast the ephemeral Shadow  of the Otherworldly beings

pulsing in Godmath of the Newspeak, the Machine Talk,  The Verb and the Pronoun Elope into the 

night sky on wings of a translucent 

Lunar Mood Spook,

the Unicorns Eyes illuminated by 

a million nocturnal butterflies flapping their wings as the broken television set 

exhaled the daydream Jetstream of  bloodthirsty  Newspapers

and the Great It! 

fluttered on teh Horizon, her Virginal Flesh 

began repeating the rude mechanicals

of such strange awakenings, a roaring tide of 

Phantoms escaped the  Television and the Sacred Matrix  of Machine Goddess EYes

rainbows of the Celestial Hindbrain burning

the Machine bark of the  Radioactive Oak,green trees

swarming masses like information drunk 


as the Great Green Version of teh Urgent MoOnlit VIrgin 

have gone thermonuclear blue  at last

as elves of the Lazarus Heresy singing Plutonium Lovesongs to the dead bird floating

mid center Starship

down the aeon flux in twelve thousand embers of  binary code, 

shopping mall  U S A 

illuminati secret agents lighting the nighht

roman candles shooting from Kerouacs Eyes

SPy vs Spy in the fine print of 

in a Paper Mache Void, 

mid central mandelbrot 

every molecule of this SUpralogical Catastrophe

 digitally illuminated 


supercharged with the symbiotic OSmosis 

of Her Transcending the DIsaster  as the UFO

in a moment of 

paranoid gnosis

descends down the

mandelbrot fractal and 

mandible factory of a 


roulette wheel, 

the Ancient Chinese APparitions fleeing through the MIst  into the 

temple of the Probability  Exoskeleton, as Vampires bleed the Robots mouth

in shadowy light that is made of dead mens whispers

from Ceilings dripping with the strange shadows of Trigonometric Cherubim,

the Golden Gate of Gateless Fantasies, spinning like a a trillion jewels burning their

fingerprints inh the darkness of

some mythopoetic Las Vegas where

Isaac Newton's  antigravity levitation footsteps illuminated the Void like the

Flight of the Bumblebee on the

number line,

as the Time Machine hovers above 

Los Angeles,

the celluloid danse macabre  

and an Exquisite Cadaver appears quoting 

Oppenheimer in the center of Hollywood, 

Interstellar Resurrection Nexus where the

vortex cortex 



wakes the 

 INterstellar Dreaming Plexus

Mummies that Sleep in fields of Phosphorescent Exoskeletons

began rolling straight out of the Last Man Damned Fantasia 

the Festival of Broken Saints where a carnival of iridiscent pod people are 

juggling razor blades in chinese boondocks 

while  fleeing byzantium with electromagnetic zephyrs

howling in their dreadlocks, as the River boat Captain charges everyone 

a Ten DOllar Rose to get ABoard, One drama QUeen Skin flick at a Freaking Time


the Diamond Headed Viper is balancing its 

 titanium hindbrain in the centrifuge  of Eternity  

stirring embers of the photovoltaic anarchy as from beyond the night 

the architects resign 

until the rotating HIndbrain of Kung Fu Godzilla appears above New York VCity 

singing  neologos SHowtunes and carrying a Paint By Number Neutron Bomb, every humanoid 

humanoids suddenly running for the safety of King Kong's Time Traveling 

Disco, the Time machine rotates 

on the TIme Dilation axis and the Conga Line Erupts into 

a Fevered pitch the of the 

Extralogical Abracadabra Caravanserai, the audience suddenly becomes a tribe of 

desert nomads 

racing Woolly Mammoths across the superconducting astroturf 

in the center of some strange Desert, the 

moonbeams a triumphant shining path in the 

Vision of the Sermon on the Mount in the

intersete;llar calculus where the Quadratic Equations arfe 

balancing the Memory of Dead Dream WHispers 

in the Candlelight at the Begininning and the interstellar phantasmagoria at the end of time 

 the Magic Cruelty made quite obvious by the 

way the WIreless SIgnal is disrupted 

by the Madmen SO Divine 

ANd the Exhalations of the Cybernetic Dragonesque 

Bloom in  Golden Sapphire Twins, 

lurking 19,000 dimensions deep in the 

depths of Wierdness in the Wizards Crystal,

Purple Phoenix rising in the Twilight and 

where the Great Conquistador Salvador Dali is finally laughing, his 

disincarnate moustache embers growing, 

howling all the new  Myths  in the accelerator number nine, 

the Dead Gods Knowing 

Kansas doesn't love you anymore 

the Wizard of Oz 

is the Wizard of WAS and WHAT WAS IS AN IS AND THE 


and the Theatre of the Ordinary World is now 

a Prism of Exquisite Pain, 

Chain reaction chasing Consequence as the 

Miracles Recombine, 

the words of the ANcient Sages 

turning tricks on the Celestial Vine of 

the  Praying Mantis that Lived inside yOur  Television  where robot faced angels 

found a GOLdmine of Illusory 

glow with strange laughter  as a Radioactive Prophet

chants strange Random Numbers in the  the Disintegration of the Real,

a screaming of apocalyptic superkalifrajilistik expialadocious Cybernetics the Thing Unreal 

 underneath  the Human Machine, her Spine rising and falling in 

Non  Stop Stop Signs

Suspending their caterpillar exoskeleton 

in blue Cathedrals 

and the Wings of Tokyo Nightingales, the thousand trillion intricacies 

of the Swan Origami unfolding in her Skeleton, 

which was growing in a tangled vine of otherworldly beings 

in an staccatio disintegration of the 

Intergalactic Palace, the Integers of Heaven  Shining of the Western Void,

as She breathed

first fantasia, a cowgirl in the Shaded Desert, arms akimbo 

her final whirlwinds,

the pantheon of heaven began to slowly   shine down in crescendoes of 

graindiouse beauty

visions of

the Female DIvine Graced 

 her eyeshadow that turned Moondust Garlands,


SHadowy Ship of her purple tinted exoSkeleton

blushing like Elizabeth Taylor 

dancing acrosss the apocalypse of sunlight and mechanical  crimson of

Twelve Winged Seraphim

swooping in loops of nude gloom during the perpetual

Crucifixion of Luciferean Vampire Mummies

in the bottom of the Inside Out World 

at the point of the Undiscovered

Universe, as the  KIng of Strangest Vineyards nursed a  Grape

Awake  and that Grape dreamt its starry effervescent

its phosphorescent bioluminescence

across the preternatural void 

into the hindbrains blushing with cabernet sauvignon, the red wine, the blush, 

the desert chamblis, the scent aromatic of the garlands of hair 

that wound round the single Grape and the Vineyard of the Sea, 

the Mona Lisa left the Planet and the SKy has come back to me, 

until a trillion mouths were swollen purple, escalating with nightingales and skies 

She Sang

of the Secret Secret a Grape was freeing in the Vineyards Strange Disguise 

and the Memory of Heaven whirled fresh in avery cell and 

Lao TZu was playing Hexagram 737,

in a WIse Man's Fairy Tale as the 

xylophone made of Mermaid wings 

conjured an urgent eternity 

whirlwinds of sudden maternity 

with mannikin faces writhing in sinusoidal denouement  

near the 

Cyclotronic Void as  the Ghost of the Permutation Membrane is composing bacchanalian fugues

at the 

Temple of Unfinished Symphonies, every nightingale now 


A gargantuan Wave, 

crashing in your Tympanic Membrane, the Eardrum now exposed to be an ANVIL 

calculating whirlwinds of Song that hang suspended on the breeze

chasing rubiks cubes down tetrahedrons in the infrastructure of a Gods mouth and 

the howling of the chandeliers 

is a lycanthropic boooming, in the Skyscrapers of the Mind, 

 every SKullduggery of  Technotronic Nomads 

shining in the starlight light that is frothing over with  

bloodthirsty diodes echoing in the Labyrinthine field of NOcturnal 

Nucleotides tuned  in the non randomnicity of 

Paganini's ENsorcereled Violins as the STorm Gods, their laughter booming in 

the garden of stone at the  gathering Evidence that man is actually Divine while

the Hierophant is  leaping out of Salvador Dali's  hindbrain 

fully clothed,  her Body as STrange as the MOon becomes a a SPitfire Sphinx,

as SHe, the Exquisite Cadaver, reached up from byond the Crystal Grave and 

chasing Frankenstein around a THermonuclear Prism, the 

burnt  Phoenix on the angelical  Proscenium, SHe discobvered 

Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Shadow Play 

at the place of Gods mad fingerprint and the 

death of the Madmen of 1920

the sudden pirouetting of Death inside the

equations composed in Wet Ink,

the photohraphic memory of HOudini Spinning on the brink 

of that Mad Vortex, that Black Hell where 

Words chased Superstitious words into vortices of nightt 

on Undulating THunder Tongue of the dream of second sight 

darkest of storm god mutiny hour, the crashing of the waves like a

spanish orchestras whirling  with  Dalinian grand pianos

Houdini's words turned defiant and 

as strange men told tales of even  stranger tides as 

don QUixote spun on the Gallow,s  and Cleopatra shaked her Sunshine in the Veins of 

Venus de MIlo as Rudolph Valentino opened her wings  in imitation of the Satellite DIshes of mars

and the Great Orphic bard made strange new  Bird 

the Exoskeleton of Cyd Charisse singing 

songs underneath the Shadow of Night

into a Starry STarry SKy  that SHines

like WIne inside a Candlelight 

in the Laughter of Changeliings,

her Beauty bathing the world in more beauty 

than the Philosophers could handle, love inside of love made wild 

Greek pyrotechnics in a quantum dream song

a Corpse of heaven dancing on the Greenlight, the  Sorceress of  Calculus and

trilobytes nipping that pheremone in the bud, 

paused in the Many Worlds Interpretation of Your Eye

at the convergance of celestial high tide,  scalar of her Wet Flesh

ascending in the fractal,

a certain  Uncertainty of her Mouth,

the  Paradox of Paradoxes,

 glissandos of the Everlasting


and the Supernatural Wounding of the Ultraviolet Void, that left 

Cyd Charisse, out alone, in the feather weaving tide,

 zig zagging In Obsidian Onyx

and Starborne Ziggurats

THe Sundial rotating to the SOund of a Butterfly Singing SHowtunes at dawn, 

the Unicorn, the Phoenix, the Fairy Tale Beings arrive!!!

and other impossible thoughts appear on a typewriter at the beginning of time, somewhere 

in the Imaginary World itself, the land beneath the waves, the Shangri La, the Telestial Void, and 

the un-dead Gods laugh, knowing they have 

somehow just arrived and 

discoverd the Real Cinderella, is the tarantula Cyd Charise and her heart is black 

as a casket and the the rolling of the STone is now 

a Time Machine made out of Endless ALgebraic WIshes --- there are polygons of ephemera 

paused in Thought Beyond all Being and then, you are 

suddenly suspended in the glow in the dark freckles of an Always Present G-d

as SHe, sweeping down in the cloak of your birth, 


celluloid, enters your senses, an Illuminated Being, as if Princess Leia was 

coming home from the Void after having arrived quite by happy accident 

 in the Night of Your Second Seeing, 

and SHe, having arrived at the moment of her Birth 

inherits the Kingdom of heaven that is not  lost in

 the field of Sparrow Eyed Alien Supernovae, SHe becomes Immortal Beloved, adrift in the tide 

every wing of her hair perfectly falling with gamma rays trembling,


bathing her eyelids in the Quadratic Equations of

blue Wheat, until her heart leapt into the Moonlight,

Mirror Mirror,


 Phantomesque Arabella,

SNow White, SLeeping Beauty, Lady Godiva, CInderella 

                           the Pendulum of Eternity

 swings in a Glissando of  Chandeliers, the  Scent of a Woman 

becomes like a Thief in the Night of Blue Coral on the shores of that 

perpetually upside down world and 

jeweled  dawn ocean where the Green Blue ALgae,

tick tocking flocks of the Exoskeleton

there where, in perpetual motion

the Golden Egg that is the EYeball Sits,  the Sun her Mouth a Forbidden Temple, 

her abdomen a Sonic Oasis of Light, the strange tide turning where

King MIdas eloped into the SUnrise his fleshy dream triumphant, the Mermaid QUeen

embraced, SHe whose blue cheeks  and 

hollow face are  coded with the Serpent lore of 

Ancient Pythagorean mysteries, the

overt  Vivisection of

that OMnivore 


She bathed the Lost Night in the AIr of the SPringtime ascending, 

breaking in wind waves 

 thirty thousand feeet below the surface of thee LOuvre

which is now a memory of Man, elephantine in Disguise, 

howling its mute heresies 

in the catacombs of a  dead Gods brain,

the  Empty Tomb of Bluebirds

howling Wintertime in Sonatas of Birdsong,

the Suspended disbelief of the Goddess herself

as the dragon waltzes like Dostoyevsky towards a

Diamond Sutra   Palindrome,

every new verb anointing the chalice of the neurons 

with sea salt fire of ancient boddhissatvasas

as the great buddha Picasso chases the Guernica Bull down a  the Stairwell 

of  Death that turns those with Philosophers EYes  into Madmen of the Virtual DIsorder

at the mere sound of the Thunderclap of Witch feet,

 the riverbank rises into trillions of itching Bat wings

and one can hear the Webbed Feet of the Goose Queen

and one is flooded by a pastel Wash of hydrogen flowers,

and one is known to be more at the moment Three weird Sisters sleep,

the Shadows in green leaf of cassiopoiea

howl vernal Lichens, eats the Flesh of the Moon,

and amongst the ten thousand sinews of that Ensorcereled Lorelai,

grasshoppers chewed the Flesh of Lazarus,

SHe upon the Waves as in a 

 Lightbeam danced, her enzymes painted across the Fingerprint of Heaven

on the Tethys Sea,

the Name of Names began

explained itself in the darkness

curled like Schroedingers Cat 

in a place that was neither here nor there

as Wave after Wave broke in bizarre oscillation 

until a blue green Fleur de Lis licked the Constellation

andromeda into wings of spectral fantasias,

and the illuminated song of Lucifers' Lucid Dreaming Dolphin

sang like the UFO 

and thus escaped the Chandrasekhar boundary of the Mermaids' breathe wishes 

her Oceanic fairies leapt like

the memory of Zeus into a whirlwind of Curiosity,

as Vines twisted fingerlings of Neptune

down the Ghost haunted flower inside a bottomless wave

and Pablo Neruda turned a cartwheel of Green ink

into the Strange Emerald fire, his Black Eyes concave by Miracles and the

12 thousand starry ballerinas leapt,

their cloven hooves, toeshoes of Cherubim

slinked towards a strange lake, where the PSychotic Nijinsky was lost in a suspended animation

near a carbon copy of the Doppelganger Jesus,  the nightmare of purgatorial

Blue Vapors exhaling forgotten wisdom through the smokestacks on the 

sea tide, the Urchins of Ghost god spread out on the earth and the kingdom of Men do not know them, 

there, SHe grows strange Gardens, where the a Idea is an Ocean of Seaweed that is a Nursemaids Umbrella  upside down in the tide, as the Seagulls eyes 

reached escape Velocity, Moons of the Twelve Thousand

Chinese brothers, the Crimson Cross

orbiting a Western Sky, ascend on gossamer clouds and somehow in that instant

She gave birth to her Own Mother and

in It's calculus of


She went racing,

trilobytes chanting

the Barcarolle of Diabolic beings trapped in the Tide,

Unending Beauty of a Telestial Bride , the 

Moon Beam soaked Uterus, her NOnesuch drunk Uvula swinging in a

Glissando of Green Blue ALgae,

on cresting phantasmagoria of Hydrogen and Sulfur, bloody phantasms of the

the Astral Lattice click clocking,

tick tocking flocks of Egglike God

that Waits inside the Coiled tongue of Songbirds

circling an Empty Tomb

as the caravanserai 

slinked towards a strange lake,  

Blue Vapors exhaling wisdom through the

seatide, a Seaweed Umbrella reached escape Velocity, Moons of the Twelve Thousand

Chinese brothers,

orbiting a Western  Sky,

circling the Dream of God in that strange calculus of  Tragicomic Mad Tomorrow, ,

the moment when the Storm Began. 

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