Thursday, August 30, 2018

Amelia Earhart's Long Lost Ouija Board

The Zephyrs, She heard --- a whisper, whirring in the Moonlight

of circles in the breathlessness as 10,000 Bird lives shimmered in blue winged Origami daydreams

above the solid ground, it was as if She herself had an Upside Down Toe launching

her secret recipe into the Universe, where the starlight was a Gyroscopic fantasia of

what seemed to be Undiscovered Memories

pirouetting in an often humorously lightning colored Void,

the Starlight shimmering, She --- that Girl from Somewhere Kansas,

had discovered the Emerald City, Dorothy, and Oz himself ---

some Magician, perhaps Orville or Wilbur Wright, maybe a wandering L. Frank Baum,

roadside Indiana, where the gypsy carnival was sleeping in what the Fortune Teller was

describing as a  a perpetual Motion MOebus Loop,

the red dirt, the tall grass, the heat and the Grasshoppers glowing like candelabra of Ancient

MEsopotamia, She though,pondering in the morning sun,

clouds and channel locks in strange rooms of Wire and oil, the burning

of jet fuel like a  pterodactyl breath gathering momentum out of the Mechanical

Grave at the Beginning of Time, as She landed, leapt out of the Airplane,

went rushing to the Sea, each new exotic locale turning her Exoskeleton into

Strange painted embers sailing from cloud to cloud, her Propellers lifting the

curtain of night in a masquerade of  endless astonishment, the Cities of

Calcutta, the Arabian Sea shimmering in an Oasis of circular motion,

gliding towards the golden light as if Ezekiel himself had entered the Blue Sky on

a Chariot of green Wings fluttering, the Costumes of Humanity

unfolding like an Origami of Swanlike Sensibilities, She could ponder every book

She ever heard of, just the Title was enough to send her climbing the Trees,

to find that Leaf, the one with certain purple green shadows twirling in the

Autumn Wind, that She

had suddenly discovered to be Not What You Think it Is,

a Series of Apparitions, lurking in the peripheral visions of Flowering,

earth to sky, dream to dawn, the spiraling of Lapis Lazuli,

Her, the first Female Ulysses, chasing Eternity as if her heart was a Kite,

every Cowboy Angel on the ground, 1930's dust Bowl was grounded in their

Boots, a thunder of Hooves in the Clouds, She began lifting her Dress towards

the Emptiness of Time, naked above the ATlantic,  Her feathers unfolded

EYes of the Scarlet Ibis, Mouth of the Pelican Mother, Nightingales pouncing

towards the mandala of her Eardrum, ten thousand Buddhas circling her Turbine,

as if they were Laughing at their own Incapacity to levitate,

there where she Stood with her boots on the Ground, crescent wrench

paused against her hip, the Flamenco Flamingo in a Solitary Tango

of Moonlight, a Coral reef of Pink umbrellas and lost Fish prayers

10000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, the Middle of the Endles Night,

Starward, She undiscovered America,

Columbus to Sleep in the Museums, her own heart like a Winged Mona Lisa

star spangled, laughing as if the Ground was a Jeweled Placenta,

the wine dark Sea of Uncertainty, Angels were balancing Demigods

on the Arrow She plucked from the Garden of Vines in the Molecular Structure of Spacetime,

thank uou Einstein, She thought, Very Much, her jugular vein thumping with strange

hunger to lift her feet into the Goneness, disappear, the

Daisy her Broomstick gliding in parallelograms of the

 Troposphere,  Purring like a Dream Spun Spiderweb laced inside a

Spanish Tarantulas

Anti Gravity Umbrella,

as a Squadron of  Wayward Mallards chased her through the Swishing Blueness

of an Empty Sky, her Heart pulsing with Fireflies

 inside the  Elven Valkyrie's  Willow Tree Powdered Kaleidoscope,

as a Magic Mandala woke inside the  Wheat,

her footsteps gliding in  Antedeluvian Shadows down Sunbeams into

Golden Triangles of Goose winged Elementals,

Djinn, Efreet, Cosmological Splendors, Archangels, perhaps,

her  Left WIng flapping like a weathervane,

the Ground like a Ghostly pincushion, parabolic Arcs of  Hummingbirds swinging

20,000 feet above the Human Ant Farm, She thought.

 as She Sleptwalk like a Ballerina  made of Helium, her toeprints pulsing in Cerulean

Tapestries of Blue Light gathering it's Alter Egos

in her Left Eye, above Metropolis, Dracula and Frankenstein were

circling with Blueprints made of Phosphorescent calculus, glowing

on an Oscilloscope

as if She hersel had, by lifting her Left Boot off the Tarmac,

had somehow

 exceeded even the Ghost of Christopher  Columbus,

the  goosedown moonlight shimmering in a Palette of Ostrich Whispers to

Sleeping Beauty in a Flight Suit,

Ailerons of Esoteric Chimera glancing into her Irises

of Cinderella's Crystal Slipper Fairy Tale boomeranging towards the

Edge of the Immaculate Universe, She became

the Bird that Flew Into the Tesseract of Orchestras turning

Ultraviolet Occultations as Annie Oakley lassoes her Satyr in the Moonpie Haunted Midnight Sky,

upside down and inside out,

her Brain a Blue Green Bouquet of

Sparrow Fantasias, the breath of Nightingales, Star Spangled Freckles,

Shooting across the Ether, MEsmer and Madame Curie, fast asleep on the

Unsolid Ground,

her Skeleton, camoflaged, Lady Godiva in the Fuselage,

the Rose that blooms in Jet Fuel, against the Canvas made of Emptiness,

Mona Lisa in a Spaceship,

The Mirrored Baroness,

an Icarista Aviatrix,

Her Empty Eyes shimmering with the Green Tea on the edge of the Upside Down

Horizon, Inkwells of acrobats

zig zagging into a Free Tailed Zephyr, Fire Feathers fluttering in her Electromagnetic

Tastebuds, her Einstein powered Gyroscopic pinwheel bursting into gamma rays

of Wind and Silence, her breath like a  Birdbath in the Jetstream,

 Levitating Sundials of Nightingale

Speakeasy gathering gold dust glitterati beams on a dream seeking

Broomstick in the Constellation Eye of the Needle where the First

Lavender Supernovae Quasicrystal Caravanserai that looked like the Jewelry Counter

in Macy's, sundials sprouting in her flip flops, raindrops and teardrops

Hank Williams and Roy Rogers lassoing her Earlobes on the edge of a Desert Dream Tornado

at Altitudes around 90,000 feet, Dale Evans like a Bluebird in the Green Horizon, Stars Shining

whatever, She began to Skywalk, like a Cannibal Messiah, torqued her Alter Ego, into

Lamont Cranston gargoyle and began hissing ten thousand clicking Ichthysaurauses  into the

Zodiac of Altocumulus in the radio Static zithering through her approach to  Shangri La La La La

Latitude Whiskey Eyed Foxtrot through in the Sailfish powered sunbeams

collecting in a shimmer on the left wing of her Bird, the

Seagull eyed and squinting like a boomerang into the Mind of some Alternate Miracle

on the edge of Tomorrow where everything happens and

the peach jeweled skies exhale hydrocarbon vapors, as if Zeus and the Immortals were

dancing, their faces curved into the mountain of Non Being,

emeralds colliding with sapphires in the yellow sunburst where, SHE

the EAR, in the HEART:


Spiraled, Wing tilted, nuts and bolts of  Hera's Eyelashes twisting in a sudden

sullen barrel roll, dropping at 31 feet per kaleidoscopic

neg entropy, looped in a  seam of Glittering Quarklike apparitions, as if

 the Space Time Continuum,

some  10000 daydreams above the

Sleepwalking wheatfields hovering in the Supercomputing Supercolliding

 Crop Circle Astrofractal Mandelbrot mountains of the S Central Kansas,

 veering into the Starlight in a burst of  whiteknuckled protoplasms echolocating her fingerprints

into the darkest shadow

 ball lightning and Goosebumps, the Sudden gravity of  Her Swan Song

curled her Wings into dark purple thermals howling paeans of delirium in a Pterodactyl Cloud Opera,

 Kite Strings fluttering around the filigreed madness of Moonlight, leaping

in flying horses around the Sky, a stampede of Winged Beings gaining

 Momentum as the sweetness of her Insanity curved her Ligaments into

the labyrinthine coils of her dear Houdini's shadow in the Sky, and She

 felt her ligaments ripple, taut with the Gravity of Mystery, as She became

Lady Godiva camoflaged in Fuselage, Her

Eyelids fluttering like Snow White's Ailerons;

 bloodcurdling screams illuminating her Pirouette, in vertigo,

 Center Stratosphere of that Wicked Mirror, the Night,  Vampire Bats  echolocating

 the riddle and miracle of her most mysterious Name, an Ear, a Heart

Sleeping Beauty's make up mirror, the  Sky, Winged Seraphim lost in the

aerodynamics of Shangri La,

10000 feet about the Tahitian Cannibals,

Gaugin's Fingerprints accelerating in her rearview Mirror,

like a  Curtain of  feathers gathering  Dust motes from 10,000 light years of Starlight,

 a Shimmering in the Whirlwind, twelve thousand sunbeams bursting into

Fairy Tales, somewhere in her capillaries

as She began Shining from the INside out,  Picasso's favorite Boomerang,

leaping from Calcutta to the Azores

as if Van Goghs Ear was chasing her to the Summit of Everest, She gripped

the Flight Wheel like it was a Broomstick,

disappeared into her Eyes, the emptinesss of ten thousand Broken Mirrors in the Starlight

rising from the ground,  Flocks of Geese escaping the Cemetery Fog, she could see,

thousand centuries into the Misted Night,

 her  Starry Eyelids shining

breathlessness on  envelopes of that strange white noise,

the rushing of Wings, the rustling of Vacuous Emptiness,  a burst of sudden thunder

on her Tongue, She FLEW, a Witch amongst the Nursemaids, them,

above the White Cliffs of Nowhere,

 lost  in the Silent Breath of  Zeus, Zephyrs twisting at Zenith,

of an Ouroborous down into the Ionosphere at the edge of her

 Fingerprints, as She,  the  Invisible Woman, leapt off the solid ground

 began Pirouetting in the Ether, her heliotropic Exoskeleton

Amelia, the Earhart, burst into a Star Spangled Shadow camouflaged

as Lady Godiva in the fuselage,

Echolocating  Einstein in a Wineglass, Radio static Esoteric, Chimeras like Pegasus

began simultaneously ascending and descending,

twin Ovaries in Turbo Prop, against the Curve of an Eyelash whispering

what certainly might be considered Pagan Odes to Celestial Twelve dimension

speakeasy, found herself, a Purple Winged Seabird gathering Momentum in auspices of

 Minervas Painted dandelions, and gathering Cotton Candy in the Cloudlike Auroras in

 mid Sunburst,

loves  NIghtingale One,

as if She was some Annie Oakley of the Tarmac, Jean d'Arc in the Sand Castle, *******

Jazz eyed Josephine Baker,

levitating around Jules Vernes Geodesic Jewelry Box,

as the Lightning struck in her Hope diamond, Sutras in the Whirligig of  Clockwork

stitched in the Turbine, a Satyr locked in Tempered Carbons,

STeel jawed, twelve fisted  suddenly reached the Larynx in a

Torque of  Electromagnetic Shadows roaring at Tahitian Escape Velocity

and discovered her Ear parachuting amidst the Dancing Stars,

through purple mouth of Moonlit Sunflowers

in the Landing Zone of Gaugin's Third Eye,

twelve thousand Seahorse Wings swirling in Kite Strings and Astral Lattice as
her Kite String Violin whirred like Paganini's Boomerang

above the Stairwell of Golden Salt Freckles as

the Eagles of  her Anti Gravity Eyrie hovered,

levitating Wordless in the Summer Wind,

as her Siamese Mermaid Shadow boxed the Ghost of Ulysses until She saw

TS Eliot paused in silhouette, carrying a jigsaw puzzle of Spare Parts through the

Broken Mirror of Snow White's Heart, She Rose in Milky White Moon Boots and

spiraled  around, incandescent loops and hoops, turning

cartwheels like an Electromagnetic  Electra,   faced herself in a Time Machine,

as the Darkness of that Mind Wandering Sky,

curled like Schroedingers Cat into the Treeline of the Rich Man's Wine Cellar,

found the Rolling Stone

Silent and Immobile, Joan of Arc pirouetting in the Darkness that has No Name,

The Great Bear in Orbit, Jupiter and G-d of Falling Sparrows  whistling Dixie in the

 Kingdom of her Silly Whispers as if the Wizard of Oz was teaching her to dance

 with Thunderbirds around the Factory of  Dinosaur Umbrellas, drifting like

 Icarus around the White Cliffs of Nowhere,

every moment,

her Talons taut like Dale Evans false Eyelashes,

spiraling, She, Mae West of the Ravens Nest

 eying the Scarecrow as if it was a Dimestore Messiah,

headpiece full of Straw,

or perhaps some Wiched Witch,

casting her Sticks into the Emerald City,

the empty canvas of the  Kansas Wheat Fields, simmering in Whirligigs,

Glenda the Good,

a Tooth Fairy in a Gladiators Costume,

the Christmas Spy, searching for Santa Claus in the Daydreams of Lost Atlantis,

 her Flags whirling into Rainbowed Chromaticity,

Soon to be a Major Motion Picture,

propellers of her Star Spangled Eyes, chopping the Air of your Voice into Blue Notes

and the feathered Headresses of the  Wright Brothers,

in the Corner of her Eyes, as the Ground disappeared and

the Stained Glassed Windows appeared

in Her Goggles,

She thought, Walking on Water was never This Good, the Icons of

 of St. Peter dropping below the horizon

as She, bathing the Wine in her Skeleton,

swerved in heliotropic ligaments towards a Magic Lantern floating towards the

Shanghai Sunset,  twelve thousand Barn Swallows  Swooping and Sweeping,

around the centripetal force Sleepless Weeping, the Clouds were


Hindu Swamis chanting Mantras to

the Goose Goddess migrating against the Flow of Ordinary Spacetime

in her Wake,

glow of Cinderellas' Ailerons wooshing across

Constellations in the  Caravanserai of Circus Seraphim,

the Sky Sky writing her Own Name,

in Concentric circles, Amelia,

Ear and HEart, her own Bellydance

catapulting her Cathartic conscience

from Her Daydream to the Jetstream,

SHe thought of

Lady Godiva waltzing towards Shangri La, as

Graf von Zeppelin circled in ten thousand Raindrop Eyed

 Fairy Godmothers, the Ground burst like a Popped Balloon,

She --- Opened Her Ear,

 Airmailed St. Valentine her Weathervane Heart

as if She was the Fairy Queen gathering Fruit in the Acropolis,

weaving the Rainbow feathered Moon into fractal Nadir of Non Linear Midnight,

mid flight as She,

the Rouge  Baroness, clocked her  Cuckoo Bird twelve notches to the Left,

static Crackling in her Shoulders,

10,000 Mother Goose Poems screaming in the Propellers,

her Fantasia, her Eyes, her Wings, whirling

Lady Godiva's Gyroscope spun into the fluttering Gravity in her

Sternum, 90,000 grasshopper winks above the

dark scar of sunburnt wheat and river of glittering serpents,

the Night sky coming down like the mouth of some Strange Zeus,

Zephyrs of Illumination streaming under her Toes,

Madame  Curie, her bangles laced with Uranium Cake

the Century itself  began barrel rolling around the Sundial of her Still Unbroken Heart,


Mid Flight near the

Edge of Heaven, a strange

Speakeasy billowing in the convective trebles of the Thunder,

lightning strikes like dominoes, the rattling of her favorite Snake,

 She goggled her Nightmares,

curved her Wings into the Broken Glass of her Thirteen Thousand Dragonfly Eyes

exhaled a trillion Nightingales into the Zenith of her Disbelief,

and as the Universe


an Aeon of her Immortality arrived the Sudden Breathlessness

of Knowing it Could Never End, the Stars,

the sudden descent into the Cemetery,

Caskets winged like Picasso's Nostrils, exhalations of the

Dragon at the edge of the


every footstep on Solid Ground,

like a Hammer falling out of the Dreamtime,

tempering the Imaginary World

into Shadows that do not hide from the Noonday Sun,

to Rise through the Sky, an Invisible Wind

rushing into the Lungs,

her Eyes dripped

Roman Candle of

Jeweled Teardrops as  What was left of her Left Wing, '

popped like a Branch on an Upside down Tree,

Apples and Bats, the Broomstick crackling in the Static Electricity of her Cat Fur,

Upside down?


Was it a Pizza? Baked like her Heart,

a Crime Scene painting itself in Jet Fuel?

Her Egg,

the One She'd Been carrying in her Purse,

Cracked open


the Great Stowaway,


into the Twelve Dimension Mirror, ten thousand Cannibals and Coconuts were

Swimming in Slow Motion towards her, the Dolphins of Atlantis

cresting in Slow Motion as her Tongue

her Tongue whirled like a Propeller towards

a Silver Tongued Sailfish seeking it's

Supra Shadow, somewhere in the Center Central of a lonely Latitude,

down South in the not Very Specific Pacific,

the Radio crackled into what sounded like Orson Welles paraphrasing Bluebeards Parrot,

 windchimes in her

Eardrums spinning counterclockwise in

Moonlight trapezoids shimmering in her  Ultraviolet Velocity Vector,

as the Mouth of some Tea Teared Leviathan breached the surface of what seemed to be

her favorite Lost Light Lagoon, her Eyelids lifted like a Bodhissatvas Prayer shawl

 universe inside her Fingernails momentarily warbled off Key like a

 ten thousand year old Superconducting Barn Owl and

 she Became everything She suddenly wasnt and then,

 leapt ? Twice backwards into a Patch of  Plutonium Powered  Petunias and

slithered back into her Ballerina costume, pirouetting like a tumbleweed


a Bolt of  Blue lightning  inside the Belfry of  Velvet Elf Squelch,

 as her Third Wing Snarkey Malarkey Tornado Tomato descended

 through a  Fiery Flamingo Tongue Flamencoing in the

Salt Marshes levitating in Goose Bumps of a  Fiji Cannibal Factory, She

 broke into a strange Birdsong amidst the Broken lightbeams, shadow catted Her foggy

tongued umbrella  on the neon

 glass as SHe dissolved like a Womans tears into a Moment of Perfect

Prayers, bending Cinderellas Ailerons

into Snow White's Magic Mirror,

Sleeping Beauty spun her Purple Propeller into

Shadow of one million trillion bloodstained boomerangs, as twice upon the

 Sunburst She shined her Fluttering Silent Gasp down the

muddy boots trapped on her Cloud Feathered tongue,

a Gargoyles Eye licked her Endless Wound, that shined in the Winded Thunder,

Her Belly growing like a Moon Rock at Zenith of Everlasting Night,

a Constellation of Tears in her Freckles, how


Well, She said, as if

it was then, above the muddy ruts of Topeka Kansas

where She glanced her

 Sunburnt wingtips across the Street, her name in Fireflys like that

Strange womans purse full of Sundials,

and She thought, She could do that,

if only She knew Why,


THat was the Question.

She turned her feet,

upside down, considered catching a Broomstick to Mars,

landing in the Red Dirt where some Tarzan was waiting,

Daddy O, a Strange Tornado trapped in her Mouth,

like She wanted to Sing but could only


a Raven's Madness, that peculiar sound when the

Catbirds are lifting the Curtains in Fog and Dew,

and her Eyelid was bathed

in jeweled Vampires

 a Castle

of Unlit Dust in the Clock Suckling Dusk,  as   the Clouds boiled their Furies

in vermouth, a Green Fairy Hotel that wet it's windowsills on her

Eyelids, cheekbones like an Upside Down Speakeasy,


White Cliffs of Dover that taught the Hawks where to launch their Winded


towards the Burial Chamber of some Mad King,

She could See it all happening

from 30,000 Leagues above the

African Bush, her

Mouth Roaring it's Lioness Hymns, to the Infantry of Flanders Field,


deserts full of Camelopardus eloping in Sandstorms,

her Wings, an extension of her Eyelashes, fluttering into the

 the breath of Zeus on a Howl around her Moonlit Golgotha,

Goggles like a Goose Eye, Shimmering against the Curve of the Map,


scratching like her Mother's music in the Fireplace,

who knows?

the Blues Sings a Lady, across the Starlit Sea, She giggled

her Fingerprints ignited with a trillion useless Altimeters,

 as if She

held a Hyena's throat

by a Golden Talon, swinging's Fist through the Pendulum of White Noise

leftover from the Beginning of Time, and

She Herself

was a Tumbleweed made of Spanish LEather,

rolling into Clouds

Roy Rogers could never imagine,

She sprouted thirteen Talons, heard the Hurricane begin to whistle it's train song

at Latitude indeterminate, Radio Silence, the moment Dawn

Crested over the Horizon and all She could hear was the Radio

crackling like Orson Welles  in on the Radio Static,

her beak burst into Orange Spider flames,


Wings of her Otherworldly Eye  turned into

a Praying Mantis bathed in White Blossoms,

the Gyroscopic Organics levitated

 a Trillion Twelve dimension Polka Dots above

 Yankee Stadium, where Her memory was a  Shadow on the ground

spinning wildly against  Abner Doubleday's Model T, as

he was thinking of Orville and Wilbur Wright, and

Her Owlish Booklike Ballerina Gears

rotated into a

Screaming Vortex of

Immaculate Nothingness of

Titanic Dimensions and OMG

She began

Skywriting a Thousand Ghosts,  into

clouds of Blue Balls gathering speed in the

Sunlight shining in the Stratosphere of the Swan Winged


as the Moon


descended like Einstein's Top Hat,

above the Alphabet Soup of the  Pacific,

Lady Godiva put on her Flight Boots and got back to Work as if by Magic,

the Airframe

hyperventilated at the Speed of Venusian Mermaid Feathers nd


it was as if the Century itself,

was already Gone with the Wind,

Wars inside of Wars brewing in Charlie Chaplins Moustache,

on the ground, in the cobblestone and mustard gas, the

1000 Yard stare shining in the Doughboys Eyes as if they

had just invented the Radio and their Ears

were Shellshocked by the Sound of the Bombs Bursting Mid air,

Until She ---

Earhart the Aviatrix

disappeared into the Sky, SOlitude Standing Sentinel in her Own Eyes,

above Rubidium Palaces and the Pirate QUeens of Zanzibar

as they chased Songbirds through Curtains of Electric Voodoo,

the Hangar like a Dragon's Heart, an

Electric Eye whirling in the Ten Thousand directions

of Nikola Teslas'

Pet Frankenstein, above Tunguska

that night when her Shadow Birth Monster crash Landed

in the Center of

an Invisible Map,

17,000 light years Away,

as She, purring like Schroedingers Cat on a Black board made of

Hieroglyphic equations, charted a Course of Buzzes and Nose Dives

across the Kingdom of Ancient Atlantis and

from the Blue Eyed Ainu of Northern Japan to the

Komodo Dragons sunbathing in the Cauldrons of her Fellow High Priestess

in the Center of the Metropolis without Name or Location or Meaing,

the Mandala of Gods Eye Shining

in her Own Flesh

the Blue clouds like Ten thousand Sheep rolling across Meadows of

Blue Haired Fairy Godmothers,

and it was then

She began laughing,

her breath as Wild as a Roman Candle,

a Woman's Story [pirouetting in the Center of the SKy,

always Gone before Arriving,

lace filigree of Ten thousand Angel hearts in  Clouds where the  Ice Cream and Rainbows

looked like Picasso's entrails,

She spiraled

Upside Down and heard G-d Laughing as

the Pacific Ocean

Smiled,  Shark Mouth so blue it made Cab Calloway blush,

the ocean waves frothing over in a Trillion Tempests  and Typhoons,

the Sapphire Sphinx

opening it's Eye

to Her Ghost as it Parachuted

into the Dreamtime,

a trillion candles on her Cake ,

24 Carat Raindrops tap dancing on her Fleshy Ailerons,

her legs

swirling like Wilbur Wright's Training Wheels,

the Bicycle Gone,

just a strange floating

between Kansas, Atlantis, and now,

the bottom of the Ocean Floor,

where, like Gilgamesh Flower, She dissolved into Memory

of Night,

 SHe, the Only One


ever Knew,

Acrobat in Abracadabra of the Atmosphere,

a Crucifixion of the Pterodactyl,

She discovered Her own Mind

Orbiting a Mandala of Ziggurats,

She could hear the Cannibal

Capillaries howling in her Swan Feathered Exoskeleton,

during the Ascension

into the

STorm G-ds Chalice,

the Sun Wobbling as it did that day, the Face of the Virgin

painting the Sky in pointillism of Human Tears,

Spacetime her Lost Nest,

perhaps a nice quiet vacation in the bottom of the Sea,

some  Marianas Trench, She could place her eggs and sleep,

and Wait

for the Argonauts to arrive with Duct Tape,

She could stitch her Grass skirt

and proceed to the Luau, where Paul Gaugin

would ask her Questions about the

Clouds, how many Sky Bulls did She encounter,

Were there any Vampires in Shangri La?

Sleeping Beauty at 30,000 Feet,

the Kiss of the Moonlight

that opened her Eyes into Zenith of Xanadu,



Radio Silence,

like Ernest Hemingway standing in line

to go to the Zoo,

the Caged Birds only Sang,

and Never Really Flew.

She fluttered up through the  Arc,

a Miracle of Post Modern Momentum,

 mid Minuet ,  like

Emily Dickinson levitating above

Flanders Field, the Bloodstained Teeth of Soldiers

crushed underneath her claws, She began to understand the

strange flight of Spirit into the Soil. where the

People looked like Polka Dots

circling Trampolines of Wheat,

a Trillion

broken Mirrors, shining with the Light of

Nostradamus Eyes,

from the Inside out,

Her Mother's laughter rising and falling in

Fables of the Goose that turned into a Moose and Landed in

a Field of Burning pitchforks,

as the

the Door that Opened into a Window Opened

into her very Ovaries and the Breath of G-d whispered in the Stratosphere,

the Airframe shaking like a

Cathedral at  Midnight in Atlantis,

Carbon based Cruciforms and Cyclic Auras

of the Falcon and the Falconer

balancing Centuries of Imagination

on the edge of the Airstrip,

and ten thousand skeletons

and the Hallelujah Ballerinas,

Circling her  Lockheed Electra

until She became




Mother Always Thought She Could Be,

Ruby Throated,

Emerald Bellied

Sap Sucking


Hoot Owl

circling the Sunset

her Roseate tongue pulsing with


(Gold Dust, Cherub Rumors, Rattlesnake Wings, Shark Hearts,

Tarantula Wires,

Circuitry of a Dolphins Smile,

Supernovae Shimmering in the Wings,

Frankensteins' Jugular Vein roaring with the White Noise of a Snoring Sky God,

a Torch that Burns at the Edge of the Lightning Struck SKy,

where She,

suspended upside down,

Screwdrivers in both hands, is hammering out Morse Code

to the Lindbergh Baby)

Photovoltaic Embers of the Phoenix Dusk above Calcutta,


it seemed, as She read,

as if Vishnu


exhaled the Sea,

 opened its unfinished Silence

and She,  cloaked in Sappho's Invisible Flesh,

escaped the Academy with SOcrates

and was now

above the clouds

Swimming towards Cassiopoiea with Plato as

The Fish leapt out of the Mirror and a

Dolphin's Nose CHOMPED down on a Coconut and

  the the the the the  Third propeller in her  Eyes


Ten thousand Birchwoord Bicycles  straight of out of

Orville Wrights bookish boyhood somewhere in

Mark Twain country

that Summer when the Sunflower Opened

like a Bumble Bee's Eye,

spiraling counterclockwise,

Mid Flight at Mid Night,

Operation Ravens Wing

and She discovered She  was No Boomerang, and

 She heard herself


Caw Caw Caw,

which Way is Up?

rotor, spine, eyelid, feathers,

 heaven? what

a strange clanking in this cantilever





they Sang,

those Screeming Heebie Jeebies the Never Never Ever Land of a  Jetstream,

just like

Hollywood, here where She,

like Tinkerbell,

was Floating down in Oscillations amongst the

the Sleepwalkers Serenade, in the Silk Nighted Stars, and

like the Shadow of a

 Speakeasy, where theres' a Starving Spider,

She began clasping her tongue like a cherry coated  Cannibal's Earlobe

at 10,000 feet and plunging,

a delicacy at

Terminal Velocity,

as Van Gogh's Ear became Amelia's Heart,

the Sun

a Giant Grasshopper Goddess,


teardrops into Raindrops at the Speed of Night

until Her Eyes Opened like Nefertitis Coconut Shell Ouija Board

and the

the Sky went whooshing in marmalade of Crystal Zephyrs in Lightning

cast like Cobra's Skin on   Cinderella's Ailerons,

her Glass slipper now a Ball and chain,

the Perpetual  Silence of her Immortal Scream,

suspended in the Air,

for all the Angels to hear, She caromed towards the Pearly Gates,

just like Mother said She would, the Cherubim draped in blood red silk of the Ocean,

She barrel Rolled like Hemingway's Beer Stein,

her altimeter howled One Million,


blueness beyond all blueness wrapping itself around her

Skeleton as if it was the

the Milky way pearled on  Gods tongue,  her mind illuminated by the Promise of Death,

 Winged Ancients, circling like Leukocytes,

the Trapeze of Nirvana, that dissolution of the solid ground,

Vertigo in the Boulevard of Vaporous Void,

iridescent engines, glowing purple and pink, red flames o f

 her Mothers face shining down from the Toystore Moon,

laughter in her

 Peacock's Smile,

the Calculations of Daedelus chirping on the Tranceiver,

as the Universe

grew another Eye

in her Ear,

a Parrot in her Heart, a Wing where her Brain had been and

She became the Abracadabra Phoenix ,

a Paradox of Solitude at High Altitude

 her Ovaries hovering above the World like the ghost of Socrates,

 her heart a hurricane of

living hieroglyphics,

 teardrop tornado bathing her Snowflaked Eyelashes

as the Engines Revved  the Blue Noise of

Ten thousand and 1 Arabian Sundials, her Shadow on the Ground

shining in

the tantrums and doldrums and the

 Amnesia of an Anonymous G-d

pendulum of the ouroboros swings in her Gyroscope,

at  99.9999999% the speed of  Perpetual Motion,

as crazy her flesh descended around the Lilies, Monet and Manet clucking like

dizzy  Queens of  Digital Dragonflies,

her wisdom, The Map, the Toolbox all Gone,

a Greek Chorus of

 fireflies  zinging through the Ether Substrate

into the

endoplasmic reticulum of  her central processing Larynx,

a strange lobster faced shadow suddenly emerged from her Stomach and,

gathering its momentum in the purple vortex of God's Laughter,

plunged into the Ocean of Unfinished Daydreams,

as her parachute popped open like a grasshopper's Prayer shawl

and she entered Purgatory, on an Orbit of Jules Verne's Amnesia,

 completely Invisible,  the Boomerangs of 10 million Sorcerers circling her Watery Grave

  as if they were hurled by Zeus towards Cafe Procope on  La Rue De L'Ancienne Comedie, when,


Mid Flight, She hatched an N Dimenion Polyhedron

through a  Sky made of Dead Men's Whispers as

She saw her face reflected in a

single Tear,

the Devil's Moon, shining in penumbras of Chromium, the

Landing Strip appeared,

a jugular vein of black noise,

an Island of Imaginary Beings,

her Wings ignited  in periwinkle

dream smoke,  her

cat eyes

the SPirit of the Free tailed Bat

chasing Superman down the Radio in her Ear,

 Valkyrie poetry shining from the cage of  Einstein's purple Moon, as

her Empress feathers bristled,

buttercups of 12 dimension Hallelujahs winged around her Memory,


in a thousand whispers,

the Radio Cackling, Orson Welles voice turning Cartoons into Space Opera,

her Body smacked the Hydrogen Ceiling and

the Universe began

chanting her Name,

Amela, Ophelia, Adagio, Imagio,

the Ghost of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly

 began writhing like Frankenstein's tongue

on a Coral Reef in Davy Jones Locker

the moment the Warning Light purple like Agatha Christie's third eye,

Icarus appeared and Amelia

smirked, realizing instantaneously,

the Engine had failed


She heard herself laughing madly,

and plummeted like Isaac Newton's Apple

into the graveyard where Lady Godiva, sipping Tea in the Labyrinth

was polishing the Minotaurs' Hooves,

her Tomb of Feathers glowing with Landing Lights of

of the Unknown Country

as her flesh dissolved like Sugar into the Dead Earth,

 her legs buckling into

gnarled sticks, her hair turned to Roots by the Hummingbird colored Brook of stones,

her Grandmother's Robins Egg smile curved

in mid utopian Kansas, where,  in

the Language of  Cloud Fairies, She once nursed a fledgling

Owl Elf

into health, and in that moment of Otherworldly Coincidence,

her Fuselage --- constructed from broken

Bones and Tinfoil Hats,  Wires and ball bearings,

ignited into Roman Candles on the edge of the Crying Sea, the Cherubim racing Amelia

 to the bottom of a Simple space Time Curve,

 and She heard herself laughing

at her own Corpse in the Mirror,

woosh woosh woosh, a perfect knuckleball

down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down

into the Pacific,

Lagoon by Lagoon, She was

Lady Icarus at last, her Waxen wings melting into

opposite of a Birthday Cake,

a trillion Mechanical Birds

spiralling around her Broomstick,

ten thousand Devils giggling,

a Bonfire of her Curtained Flesh, the Cannibals

raced to lick her bones

into the Green Hell,

the Storm God was waiting

with her Luggage,

She peered through her Goggles and discovered

Houdini circling the Maternity Ward on a Bicycle,

his Purple Heart

Pirouetting in the Void,

a Trillion UFO's

glowing in the Holographic Hieroglyphics,


Rocket to INfinity stood waiting,

Central Atlantis,

full fathoms five,

as the Dolphins began to


of Ballerina Amelia, tap dancing in the Empty Tomb,

 her Astonishing Death amongst the Stars,

Cygnus the Swan, Cassiopeia plucking her Eyelashes on Olympus,

the  Phoenix curled in a Matchstick in her Wet overalls,

 every Sparrow Falling began to Rise against

the Lilies of the Field as the Universe blushed

like a

 Tiger's  mouth, Peacocks  gathering in slow motion

around her Mechanical

Eggshell, singing lullabies to the Universe in twelve thousand languages


there on the Dashboard of Her Death Zeppelin,

or was it a Tree House?

In the Fog, when the Misted Dragonsbreath

washed her Landing Gear in tears of Rattlesnakes,

She climbed INside Out Mountain in fugues of Lift and Drag, Momentum,

Velocity, trajectory, acceleration

pure theory, now her Spine was a Straight Line

humming strange music at the bottom of the Ocean,

 the Chandelier of Lunatic Seas was swaying

like Josephine Baker's nipple ring, Paris 1920's

Orville Wright was placing a bicycle at the Top of the Arc d' Triomphe

waiting for Godot, Sysyphys and Sartre to

arrive at the Summit and find Amelia laughing and Crying at the same Time,

clutching a Propeller

the way Jean d'Arc clutched her Crucifix,

Ezekiel rising in the Mirage, cartwheels near the whitecaps of synchronicity

she'd read about in the Bottomless Fern near

Tunguska, 1908.  SHe'd only

just arrived, and just like that, the Immortal

Lao Tzu pulled a Trilobyte from inside his Thirty Thousand Year old Picnic Basket

and turned hurled it into the Sky,

Center Field in  Area 51,

Babe Ruth's jaw dropped,  She slid for home,

a Watery Grave in the Frenzied Reaches of Incomprehensible Space,

her Smile a necklace of Supernovae

winging its way

into the darkness of the Human Heart,


She discovered a tribe of

  the Blue Elephants chasing each other through the quadratic complexity  of the


 Whale's burps echoing deep in the Spiral Chorals as She plucked a

Strange flower from her

 Mermaids' Womb,

ten thousand aquamarine Songbirds broke into the Song of

 Gaia, Isis, the Horned Goddess herself

shining in the Ten trillion pieces of her Makeup Mirror,

and She began to howl,

boomerangs of her Infinite Weirdness into the dark starry night,

Independence Day, Infinity

and Jazz of Archangeles chasing

Imaginary Beings through the Speakeasy of

 the stratosphere  As She herself Cackled, cracking  toothy monologues towards

the  Necklaced Night,

the  Emptiness as if her own Mind

was a  Jigsaw puzzle --- kidneys and ligaments,

lungs and carburetors,

 wrought iron wires, magnetos, radar chirping in her Ovaries,

one thousand and one Magic Carpets,

Kept on a Jar in the Zodiac of Madame Blavatsky's Medicine Cabinet,

ten thousand light years and

ten trillion Swans with Green afterburners,

her skeleton King Konging the Empire State like

She herself was Tarzana of Mars,  her Face a  Post modern Picasso

the Flight Map of Guernica,

her Heart a Bomb

She could only drop Twice

as She

barrel rolled  through the Spacetime Continuum,

just as Einstein and Newton and Galileo had predicted,

the Ten thousand housewives of


gathered pyrhitte in a Field of silence and Wheat,

the Thunderclouds  began chirping,

She heard Emily Dickinson talking backwards at the  Pearly Gates,


heard the Dolphin Song pause, the Valley of the Shadow of Death

began to look like the white sand of Tahiti,

Paul Gaugins ghost arrived and removed a Sword from her Lungs, and

ten thousand Cannibals burst into applause

 as her Ear became a Heart and her heart, Filet Mignon,

the Fuselage kept whispering  it's Monstrous

Lies through every second Skin, every moment in the SKy, White Gold raging

into Oscar Wilde's wine cellar,

the top of the Sky, she was the

 Jean d'Arc of Atchison Kansas,  there would be

endless  Centuries of unanswered prayers,

Question marks like Vampire fangs on her Shoulderblades, as

Cinderella's Propeller turned back into a Pumpkin,

her Boots winged like Mercurys Tongue,

Daedelus singing to her from the Dark Side of the Moon,

once again,  She banked into the Void and entered the

a Church of  Flesh Eating Daisies, her

flowery Freckles flocking in constellations of Unfinished Thought,

 ten thousand days

barnstorming the Necropolis

like a Fish circling the top of the Sea,

the Sun, became her INvisible Mother,  her Womb pulsing with

 Wild Turbulence, the Western Sky a Trampoline,

her Baby Steps equal to Neil Armstrongs,

the Sea of Tranquility shimmering like a Mirage

of Endlessness,  Times Square, where

She, the Woman and Her  Machine roared,

Citizens like Mannequins paused over Manholes,

No Eagle, No Eyrie, no Altocumulus, No Zephyrs,

her flesh like a field of Wheat,

Crows and Ravens, the Apostles of Doom, laughing

at her Bones,

the World of Mice and Men, a Mausoleum of Memory

that had nothing to do with Her, nor could it Ever.

Barn Owls

Owls hooting  WHO, WHO WHO, until the End of Time,

as She,

Amelia, the Wind, the Ear, the HEart, her

her Athenian crown

leapiing from Zeus forehead fully clothed,

her Goose down tongue like a Red carpet leading to the Beginning of Time,

as She burped the Seven Chinese brothers,  Smiled like a Sphinx

lowered the flaps and chased ten thousand Emperors

into the Setting Sun,

Kamikaze Mama,  the Crimson Baroness, wings scarred in scarlet starlets,

 now, her only nightgown, Human Imagination,

one final pop of her Skull on a Crystal Blue Wave,

at 120 miles per Crucifixion, Her skin,


this is Her Body, this is her Jetfuel,

goodnight, America, Amelia has reached escape Velocity,

and the Night Sky has become a Theatre,

Center Stage, AMelia

pirouettes like a feathered serpent into the labyrinth of

her Own Name --- an Ear, a Heart, pulsing

as the Sirens sang,

Ophelia stargazes into a Water Lily,

the Audience Gasps

and She's Gone.

But not Entirely.  Women never Leave, entirely.


She leapt out of Kansas like a Grasshopper in Moon Goggles,

the Sudden rush of Nothingness and  burst

 into a Fireball at the edge of the

Tarmac,  She jumps out, crescent wrench and red wine,

She  Verbs the Filigreed Fugue in Hypnotic Stellar Vertigo,

 Icarista of the Soft Blue Fire,

her Tongue a Phosphorescent Choir, strung into the Chiraco

on a glimmering  rush of lovelorn dandelions whose  jeweled  thermals

 trip the Rain Green lightning of Night into a Bioluminscent Lyre,

This incandescent Albatross,

skimming leprechauns from the

meadows of Her Western  Eye,  he  turbine a fevered snatch turning cartwheels in a rose placenta

writhing like Jesus on a Thorns of Gods madness plucking the Angels

in the Atmosphere,  her Mouthless Dream exhaling a seven layered

Skin taut with Sapphire Rivets, in the foggy

Darkness where her  Symmetries flutter in a Butterfly skein,

every capillary of her Imaginary life igniting

as She wraps herself in a Prayer Shawl --- She,  by the Windowsill of SHangri La,

dragonfly curled in her Ovaries, the

  Primadonna Argonaut wingwalking across the Emptiness

the White Noise  of her Serpent feathers rocking

 Sleeping Beauty in bursts of turquoise Oscillations, as

She steps into the sky,

 disappears into

 Unasked Question, Flamingos Flamenco, coconuts  contrails,

and She crashes like a Broken Wineglass,

face first, her Smile

bloodied by the Zero Gravity of "OOPS, I pressed the wrong button",

the Phoenix cracks like a hard boiled

Cobra into the Junkyard of her Heart,

She, a Scarecrow squawking Eternal blasphemies, began to emit

a single diode, the

Eye of a Cyclops bursting into

 and in Cerebral Fission, Geopoliticus Child enters the Landing ZOne,

 Hummingbirds hovering in her Ultraviolet Heart, i the

Uncertainty of that  Dragon Winged Dawn, the sunburst it's Crystal Sephiroth

 Of   whirligigs  into the Lost Wind,

 a Molecule of  the Infinite Mystery balancing her Teardrops

in the inkwell of  Her  Nameless Silent Immaterial Essence, the last Light

 levitating its shadowy nest of algorithmic calculations

of the Quark of  an   IMaginary G-d in Exponential reverberations of a

  Butterfly singing its seventh Chrysalis into the  Corn Blue  Cupcake Castle  Sky,

 her Ear,  Her Heart, her Earth, a Mother of Thermodynamic Placentas

suspended in the Djinni gathering their Photons from a Bed of Sugar coated Rainbows

 the Night  that  hears the Turning of the Atmosphere, and the Madness chases

its pain through the

crescent wrench growing like a lobster claw inside your SNow White Hand,

 archangels nested like Sunburnt Orchids in the Golden Cherry Blossoms of her Hair,

as the  Parachute of Cherubim begins opening in the Jetstream in reverse,

  Secrets of   the Starling in the Emptiness of  the    Supernovae Curtain

in every Weathervane She traces,  Pharaohs in the Sparrows Arrows over

Strange dogs gazing at the  Knotted Angels of a feathered  Human mind,

her Smile like liquid

Sunshine,  the Eyelids of a Seagull, paraphrasing Don QUixote as her

body becomes a Windmill of Erotic Parasailing in the Lapis lazuli of Imaginary

Beings, as the Dream secretes it's Sweet Amnesia in the

curtains of her Shield,

this Lady Lazarus,  some

 MOther Goose in Aerodynamic Drag,  Wings stretched open like a Uterus,

her Song sung in lowness of Solitude,

inhaling Constellations, vapors of Unnamed Beings, a Mouth full of Pearls

that can never sleep,

her heart an Oyster, purple like a Turtle Tongue,

standing in Flags of iridescent shimmering, her Own SKin,

frail as a Skein of tangled knots, paused

in the Electron Shells of an Ordinary Street, every Word a Syntax Error

that has not even been discovered,

Times Square where they have painted her Face in a Shade of

Cerulean Blue

woman is the Icing, they Scream,

Woman is the Cake that needs no Icing,

Woman is a Spoon, Woman is the Reflection


like Sappho's smile into

 the Western Wind, snowflakes gasping for breath as She passes

through the Thunder in an unspoken Name, a


 Valkyrie of the Lost World, her body a Treetop fingering the Clouds

Night Sky in it's perfect Darkness, was a dish of Milk

placed in her table by a Strange Machine,  curled in her Lap, hovering

as a Hummingbird rises through the tide of Indian War Bonnets, She

quotes herself, quoting,  It was Many an Many a Year Ago,

In a Kingdom by the Sea

that a Maiden there


as if She Knew

She shared the Skies in a clever disguise,

wandering the Skies, ten million Eyes of that Ghost Poe loved as the love

of lost Lenore, the Annabelle Lee,

whose Heart is a  Maelstrom and song of the Sea that

Nurses  the Wounds of Christ in the strange Ink, as

Lightning strikes her Tinfoil wing, Her name escapes

through the drapes, like a Kite of

Quill and Feather, Paper as Empty as Hemingway's Coffee Cup,

or Mae West's Leather brassiere,

She who struts on Tarmac in Timbuktu, Parisian Butterflies still wet on her Tongue as

Neptune disguised as an

ALbatross slithers a Slice of the Moon into her Coconut Shed Bed,  a Coral Reef

under her Pillow, her

nightmare gliding into the Grass Hut,  the Macys of central Xanadu, the Night She

heard a strange clanking in  Her Mechanical Scapula and

laughed to Herself and then  suddenly Waltzed like the Bride of  Heraclitus,

into Atlantis,

where She became a Kamikaze Bodhisattva hovering in Times Square

the moment Einstein disappeared into the Empire State Building

and emerged as Charlie Chaplin wind surfing on the Bermuda Triangle

in the center of a Superconducting Ouijja Board somewhere near

Tesla's Imaginary Friend,  juggling moon rocks in Solvay, 1927,

where,  Portuguese Doppleganger, was reading the News to Gavril Princip

who merely winked like a Cue Ball, a Yellowy Shine that made her feathers bristle, Her

Tongue curled into a Non Euclidean Flute, and the Opera continued

as if by design, her Rhyme scheme timed

like a Hot Air Balloon floating across the Acropolis,

Zeus and Hera would have to agree,

They began their chatter, the Gods,

at the moment her wheels left the ground

Haunting the Reeds with her chirping Felicity, a cup of Moonrock Tea,

when She wakes, a Cat of Shadows in the Birdcage, Quantum Ghosts plumed with Green Fairy

chiarascuro of Interstellar Cinderella's Ailerons,

She burns, a Meteoric phosphorus in her Fuel Tank,

her Broomstick spiked with the pyrotechnic madness of her Secret Admirer,  Houdini

who taught her how to leap like Prometheus, out of the Mirror, and

off the Rock of Mortal Wisdom and enter, camoflaged as a Nightingale

into the Apocalyptic calypso of a Spacetime Curve  She traces in the Emptiness of the Sky,

Ouroboros in the Stratosphere, every Pulse in the Vowel of  her

Witch Flesh trembling, She laced her Boots and Stepped into the Constellations on

 octaves of  Capillaries,  quoting Emily Dickinson to Stage an Audience of disembodied

Shakespeare's, their Ghosts circulating Stories the people on the Ground

would never believe, until the Moon

sits in her lap and begins Yodeling, She is at the Zenith

of the Nadir, an Ostrich in a Speakeasy, her Dapper Flapper glittering with Rhinestone

Meteorites, She smiles and Your own Face


her Jawbone catches a Thermal and her hair begins to Billow

in the Smithy of  a Betty Boop cartoon, She exhales a Geometrical Orchid as

a   treble of Bird Faced Women  gathering  God drunk Electrons  in the Orbital Shells of

her Heat Seeking  Dewdrops,  her Skull like a Vultures Mask howling fevers around

scarlet Temples of Tempests turning Crosswinds,  the Conjunction of the Coincidence,

the Number Line begins to Shimmer in her Fingerprints,

the Cloud is a Wing of candied bird breath, Golden Silver Platinum Bronze,

the Utopian Dystopia,

Isaac Newton's Apple, PI, the Redshift of the

into Blues songs on the Edge of the tracks where Leadbelly whispers

the Lords' Prayer to a passing Tornado, Kansas, 1920's,

Steinbeck and Hemingway are playing Russian Roulette with her Babies,

Strange Equestrians that gallop on hot coals at Christmas time, when her

daydreams erupted in doppler Shift phantasms,

the  Electromagnetic Sky, Sky by Sky,

tesseracts of Non Local

Acrobats Chirped, like a  gyroscopic Xylophone in her Butterfly Mandibles,

 She --- above Mount Everest, on the dark side of the Moon,

Rang doorbells  to the Genie that nests in the Willow Tree,

as the twinkling of a Mockingbird's eye ignites like

Mozart's freckles in the Sheet music of ALtocumulus clouds,

her Ovaries barrel Rolling towards the Uterus of Infinite Darkness, a Bolt of Lightning

strikes an Eerie Echo in the Skeleton, mid -  flight

a  constant exhalation of the Cerulean Constellations and the Kundalini of  Perpetual Motion

  slithering down upon  Her Sundial Spine,

haunted Transcendental Effervescence,

breathless leather lunged Eagles torchlit in her Reverie, Hangar doors open

and   the Clock that Counts it's

Vampires by the Verbs  tick tick tock tocks the  Prayers of Stillborn Icarus,

and She hears her silent Rowing,

Madame Ulysses, suspended animation of the Swan,  the arch of Her neck

bent down towards the champion of her Soul,

a Bumblebee balancing ten thousand Universes in

a polka dot,  Sunlight that splashes on her Flesh

like the Ghost that Lives upstairs, a Winged Tomato soaked in Radioactive Imagination,

the Catacombs of

Phrygian Jabberwocky,  Amelia in Wonderland, tying Emily Dickinson's boots

for breakfast, gazing at Annie Oakly

Upside Down in her sun bleached Hair,

the Trick Shot that made the Red Baron blush, his bloodshot eyes

weeping tears into an Imaginary Cyclone,

She pressed the Ignition and set flaps to 30%

and Escaped into the Telephone Call that had no Beginning or Middle or End,

Flight of the Songbird,

into what remains of God's Freedom, The Wind.

at that Moment,

when the Sunflower opened her Mouth and swallowed

her pet Junebug, the Philosopher's  Moon, her heart

became an Empty Tomb, Jesus,

Walked on Water, but could he Fly?  Tempt not the Lord, thy Co Pilot,

She smirked, torque wrench and a bottle of Wine,

 Lilies laughing like wordcrushed daisies in the darkness of

her  brilliant Disguise,

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley having Tea with a Monster,

10,000 feet in the Sky, where the

  Star Spangled Swan Wings of her Newborn Mind,

Sleepwalking in Silence, Adagio, Imagio,

Que Sera, Sera,  the Lavender Leviathan

laughing like a   Violin vaulted in Paganini's Grave, the moment the

ground broke open

and She leapt out of the Grave, raced on legs of a Mantis Queen of Zanzibar and entered

 the Synesthesia of  Sea Foam Faced Orphans tracing

a Peregrine falcon in paraoxysms of  the WIgwam Watusi  that swings the Ten Trillion

 lightbeams of an Ordinary Yellow Polka dot across the

 eldritch garden,  Garden of Stars,

where She has planted the Seeds of an Upside Down Bluebird,

her Eyelids are paused mid Sentence, the World disintegrating into a

a Catacomb of Color Blind  Ziggurats Ten thousand

Zeppelins hovering like  Cuckoo Clocks above the New Jersey SHore,

her face pressed up against the Window, like an Elephant Princess,


what could She do, She was nothing more than a Twelve Faced Schoolgirl,

her Jewelry Box was full of screwdrivers, her

Eyes were Radar tracking Hindenberg and the Lindbergh Baby,

as Orville and Wilbur Wright

passed like tumbleweeds through a Field of  Metallic Ballerinas, those

fire Queens who nurse the dead, in the bloodstained roses of

Flanders Field, their fingertips

grasping for Stars slinking in Cobra coils, down towards their

Bellies, the Three Wierd Sisters are

quilting a Wing from the Parts leftover from Pandora's Box, and She

 eats the Summer Rain,

her name bubbling in the Treetops, they Laugh

like Minnows in Jet Fuel, her feet appear on the Street

like Talons, clawing at the cobblestone,

the Model T is like a Funeral Hearse to her,

She mentioned to the Italian Aristocrats hoping to get back to Paris

before Midnight,

their eyes spinning like Propellers in the Zero Gravity of her

Jaw, that strange Helen of Troy

who didn't need a Thousand Ships,

but only one Cockpit,

a Wing and a Prayer, and She could teach them all,

what it meant

to Win a War,

somewhere over the South Pacific, when

nobody --- not even Nostradamus was looking and the White Sand

of Fiji was

like a Prayer Shawl, and every Tear she ever wept

became a Monsoon in the eyes of a Starving Cannibal, and

She ... could take them, put them under her Umbrella

as if it was a Billionaire's Hat, and shimmer into the distance and

none of them would Ever know Who She was,

where She was going, or what would happen

the moment She began to Speak,

Vaudeville be Damned, She was the Aeronautical Priestess,

the Aviatrix Mime,

barnstorming  La Rue de L'Ancienne Comedie,

buzzing King Kong's Halo, laughing at Faye Wraye,

as the Mortal Women stuck at their Sewing Machines

would gaze at the Flies trapped in Cobwebs and  listen,

Magic Beans inside their Radios screaming Im So Lonesome I could Cry, as


connected her Ear to her Imaginary Heart and

began to Circle the Sky, shrieking a thousand Octaves of Onomatopoeia,

the Amphitheatre of the Antideluvian Ark, Noah rolled over

in the Empty Tomb and said

"Wow, those look like Landing Lights",

as the  Ravens went back to the Grass and

tried not to Caw.  Quote the Technical Manual,

as She floated into the Landing Strip,

touchdown in the Graveyard at Dusk, Ghosts were putting on their Capes

as the Wind commanded her to Undress,

and Lady Godiva handed her

the Crown of Broken Mirrors and Hapshepsut appeared,

her laughter  Boomeranging  across the Spacetime continuum,

 Ten Thousand Constellations

applauded, their Photons like the Freckled Osiris,

 spiraling on the Tethys Sea as if his Famous Last Words were a  Message in a Bottle,

dropped into the River, where Isis was nesting in a

sheath of wild Papyrus, Horus

confused by the Sound of Engines in the Twilight,

the world Flattened by Her Smile, Columbus corpse quieted

by a Souvenir from Kansas, a Postcard marked

Return to Sender, Amelia,

just laughed and disappeared into Area 51.

the Ladybug Larksong,

like a voice of the Living G-d spoke, it's

Vowels suspended like the Famous Last Words of Dorian Gray, her

Mirrored singsong a Cyclotron

of the Hieroglyphic Muses of her Otherworldly  Mind,

 until suddenly

Twice Upon the Windowsill, Once upon a Chime,

where her Earth Ears sang a Reverse Osmosis  Symphony

of chinese checker protozoan

church bells chanting algorithmic Anti Gravity Angelicals

through the

 perpetual motion of a barefoot Cowgirl waltzing towards the Labyrinthine Mind

on a  Magic Carpet Eyelash through the  Oasis in the Unimagined Eye as the  Mirage

of Magic Gametes trapped a Parallelogram of Alleles in the Lily pond of Seraphim

dwelling near the

Clear blue sea of St. Tropaz, hallelujah, She paused:

I will disappear into the Everlasting Me,

into the Bottom of the Marianas Trench, One Atom at a Time,

into the Temple of Atlantis,

where they Turn the Dream world into Light,

Socrates and the Bodhissatvas, Mission Control,

Whats the ETAC?   Latitude, thy name is Woman,

twelve Hours,

Twelve Greek Gods,

None of them know what Time it is

in the Garden of Eden.

E=MC2?  Let there Be Light.

Einstein, thy name is Einstein, to a Nunnery.  The light is Too Bright,

There will be no Miracles, 1937,

Statistically Speaking, in terms of Calculus and Rocket Science and

Charlie Chaplin,  dashing towards the Lorelai,

Gutenberg und Goethe, Bach, Mozart Beethoven, that's all.

Gutte Nacht, sleep well,

O wait.

A Pigeon in the Grass, alas, Amelia?  Maybe Gertrude Stein was

right.  Dali was a Bicycle. Gala, an Uphill Curve,

laced with Tornadoes, Ophelia, ask Oppenheimer to let Hamlet Sleep.

The Stars, are coming out tonight. One by One,

Centuries, Amelia, you were really born in the Barn,

there wasnt any Light except a Candle,

Cattle lowing in the Fields, Cats Cradles in the Starry Ether, a Mama in the Golden Face of Night

only this, and Nothing More.

ANd then the Raven Snore, you saw the Green Bird

flutter in the Nostril of the Underbrush, an elastic Fire chasing your Eyes

into themselves,

not a Mirror, but

a Mirrored Mirror, just a certain angle of Momentum,

when the Wings tip topple to the sound of


the Sermon on the Mount you hear a Sparrow whispering

questions to the Zephyrs

to the Breathlessness of Honey

to the Lips that glow like Molten Moonbeams

What is the Star that Croons?

The Crones' Lagoon, by the Southern Cross, there is an Archaeopteryx


in a Geode, Amelia, this

is Kindergarten, when you Hear of Rasputin?

Baba Yaga, you know, has a Mysterious Hut, She keeps on her Back

it contains multitudes, a Canyon of Oscillating cantilouvers,

buttons and switches and Sundials

hat go Bump in the night

when the Pacific Ocean is a Bowl of Soup

and all you have is a Bread Crust and a Smile


the Natives have coconuts and love to eat White Woman Pie.

By the bonfire in the Night,

She became a Blue Tarantula, licking her Bowl, the flames tasted like Incubus Earlobes,

crackling twigs in Tantrum murmurs. Soda Pop,

Cab Calloway, her eyes tripping into Jazz of Suspended disbelief,

the place

in Kansas where the Dawn rises like a Woolly Mammoth tusk,

barbed wire and silhouettes of Indians

in the place where the Riverbed is haunted by a Thousand Flower Faced Serpents

and your body lays down on the Tide,

roots and stony caravanserai clutching your spine,

Aardvarks seeking Anteaters, the Goosedown Fantasias of Elf Leafs bowling

your Eyes Open on the edge of the Chlorophyll turning in your Mind,

rubyaits of Memory,

Proverbs of the Katydid, a Slithering hiss, the name of your Undiscovered Mother

turning in the chocolate chromium thunder of Glass in the


and an Antelope chasing a Supercomputer

towards the Beginning of Time,

where a Polka dot of Unfathomable Weirdness

sits on a Parallel Line,

giggling the Centuries towards a Yellow Flower near where Nostradamus

has just thought to himself

:I know, I have lost my Mind:

But, the Trees and the Leather and the WHip Or Whill's strangeface

is Not Blind, consult the Breathe

that dwells in the Dream Mine, and the Lunatic Shadow

enters the


and an Isolated Photon carouselambras in Fields of Blue Wine,

and the Sky exhales, a tapestry of Unfathomable Phantoms

and you Open your Eyes Mid Flight,

and Yawn

Twenty Thousand Feet above

your Grave,

as you Hit the Surface of the Ocean


Ophelia, some gutteral Horde gathers in those Words,
knitted with stitches of Blind Men's rags,
the flotsam and jetsam of the Damned, there in the
blood darkened forests of Trier,
witch faced hurly burly, Green Fairies licking mice
from dead men's boots, an Angelical
vapor in the Glade twelve meadows from a
Rock that quotes Shakespeare to the dust motes of Stonehenge,

by the Lorelai? She never learned, the Language of the Mermaids,

those Feathered Teapots

sinking copper tongues down throats of Glassy Pumice,



Amelia, is it Latin?  She would run, her ligaments taut with endless

Suffering of her first love, Gandhi, who She knew She could have had dinner With,

if Neither one of them

burned up in Re Entry,


Strangely, they both Did,

Einstein kept going, turning C into C Squared, as if any One,

could ever understand That.

She knelt at the Foot of a baby bird, carried it seven miles

to feed it with an Eyedropper,

knowing She was it's Goddess, those strange Eyes

so unreadable,

not Even Einstein or Rasputin could change The Look in

The Birds Eye,

the Ear

The SKy Heart

A million Amelias?  In the Middle of the Night, just disappeared one night,


And you think you know anything about anything whatsoever?

The Library, they taught her how to Fly.

HG Wells, Christ walking on the Sea of Galilee,

Hieronymous Bosch,  Orville and Wilbur Wright.

Norman Rockwell whispered  Subsonic Onomatopoeia to her Left Eye,

his Tongue like an Oyster, leaping out of the Mud,

into her

her Memory

the fields awash with Winged  Caduceus,

Her Smile

hovering the Egg of the Immaculate  Void,

Atcheson Kansas,

the Archaeopteryx Sleeps in the Belfry of thE Dream

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Once upon a Kaleidoscopic Palindrome,  in the  Suspended animation sequence

somewhere near a  Phantasmagorical Constellation of  Ultraviolet Mandala Photons seeking

the Face of Infinity whirling in Buddha Footprints through the

Ten Thousand Mountaintops sleeping in the shards of a Broken Mirror,

White Eyes howling Blue Vapors, the breathe lost in the Emerald Rushes,

where the Flesh of her Imagination is curved like a Cats Pulse into Twelve

Unrepeatable Silences, the Question that Has Never Been Asked pirouettes

in Nijinsky's discarded Embryo,

the Top of Eternity slips like a Woman's Tongue down a Street not Made for Drinking,

her Body becomes a Circus Tent of Apparitions,

Clowns that spin flaming Scimitars towards an Invisible Sun,

bloodstained wigs of Emperors dangling from the Ceiling in

whirlwinds of an Untamed Axiom,  the architecture that paints itself in Tympanic Membrane

of White Noise,

bloodrushing roses and the Unicorn Thunder, where Frogs gallop towards Venusian

Inkwells, their Eyelids caked in Treble Clef, a series of Arpeggios

without Beginning or End,

Ink that drinks Itself into Sleepwalking across the Painted Desert,

Cerulean shadows lifting the Veils of Arabesque Tarantulas,  as the Angel

seeks Her Birth in the Vortex between the Thesaurus and the Windowsill,

gold dust caked like an Old Woman's tears, word by word

the Newspaper slithers its exoskeleton of Hell, thresholds of Wisdom

quaking with the Ghost that Disappears into your Own Starry Freckles,

as a Tambourine Shimmers in the Peachscented embers of a Dog's Light,


Triangles waiting to Teach the Dead Gods how to escape

the Prison of their Own Imagination,

cascading Ego Transmitters rotating in heliotropic abyss,

across the Chalkboard where the Orphan has written It's name  in a

Pink Blue hieroglyphic Tide of Woman's Whispers,

shimmering necklaces that race around the Parking lot in Search of a Jugular Vein

to sing to sleep,

Vampires that fall through Inkwells of Unwritten Poems

on their Way the Dusk that is like an Elephants Ear, ten thousand blank pages

of Ten Million Hours waiting to Die in the Perfect silence


Her Memory,

Amnesia of Scarlet flame leaping through Genesis on the Tide of a Mystical Eyelash,

where a Cat has place a Question Mark, and the Audience is Laughing itself


ten thousand eyes that rotate towards a Purple Smile in the Black Fog of Midnight,

the Teeth that Glow like Stonehenge, a Bonfire of Robot Eyes,

wires grasping for dollar bills exploding from an open Wound in the Rear View Mirror,

Witches are waiting to suck the Wine from

the Priests Spleen,

his Laughter racing through the Temple on its way to Calcutta,

where an Ordinary Dandelion is shaving the Moon of its Whiskers,

and Neal Armstrong is talking to himself as if it was an Ordinary Day,

and the Universe between the Pre Cambrian Jungle, Hiroshima

and the New York Public Library

chasing that WORD as if it was a   rainbow descending in the Star Dance,

twin Universes Twined in the  recursive filigree of her

Time Traveling Hindbrain, as it began

cleverly rotating in the Gods Daydream Sequence of the Holographic Hieroglyphs of

You Me and the Unsolvable Riddle turning Night into Fire on the Edges of

Unfathomable Chaos-Topia

where the Spectral apparitions  of the

 Dopamine Spectrum of Absolute Otherworldly Vision were streaming

Trout Eyes around the Tree Trunk and root notes of Absolute Zero in

the Glass that Bowed in the scarlet Irises of Yesterdays

Intergalactic Dewdrops, the Tinfoil Fairies eloping down cosines

of her Illuminated Uvulas, barrel rolling

towards Shangri La as if She had stolen a Chinese Emperors Emerald Lantern

her Eyes twisting in Tornadoes of Red Sun dogs racing

down the Last Sky above the Wheatfield, her throat as Unquenched as Methuselahs

Tongue Twisters at the top of Tomorrows Next White Fanged Moon Mountain,

the God of the Iguanas was waiting with a Purple Tongue, Swishing against the

Tide in bioluminescent Embers of Tarzanian Madmen with

Yellow Scimitars gathering Dust Motes on the edge of the Greening in Arabia,

a flowery response to the Beauty that dwells in the Lightning of Djinn

in the Heart above the cloaked wing

as the Ocean and Sand tango in Zodiacal Madness of the Soul thirsted mouth

of the Tide,

Moon into Moon, that night she wandered the Oriental Market, her heart

like a Butterfly balanced in the Library that Walks in the Human Eye,

Book into Book,

Wrinkle by Wrinkle, the Names curled into each Leaf on the Sidewalk

that Knows nothing

save the Everlasting Anonymity of the Moment of Birth,

her face like a Silence writing Nothing through the Magic of the Moment

you discover the Earth,



***There whirled a Tear Stained Tea Pot containing ten trillion nightmare molecules

Under the Invisible Sea, near a whirlpool that swallowed  Gamma Ray of

 Subatomic Elephant Making Quasilogical Skies,  in the Centripetal Force Sequence of

Twelve Thousand Congregation of HahaHa Quarks, ***

as  the Labyrinthine Soup of  Immortal Madness crested

in hieroglyphic musculature of Seraphim  spiraling on Blue vapors of the

candelabra rotating in the honeycomb of

Nostradamus' Phoenix haunted Eyes,

a Tesseract of  Embryos, lost in the prologue of Perpetual Motion,

began climbing into the Geometry of Now into an

***Oscillating Cosine in the Dolphins Heartbeat***

as they began synchronizing their Walrus Brain Memory Labyrinths,

Eye by Walrus Eye, shining Oliphants with Twelve Nosed

Purple Porpoisorouses,  Sphinxish Megacats glimmering on crested Nautilus

Snoring with Associated Seven Teen Billion Ton Thundering RexaroundaRosesorosis

in the Library of Alexandria,

where the dead Gods turn around in Ouroboros by the Candlelight

that glows like Gods lungs breathing in the Elder Forestes,

breathing your Name

in the Turning of the Photons from the Sunlight to the Moonlight

Reverse the Images, the Abracadabra Carouselambra Caravanserai

Shining in the Oceans mouth in the Zero Hexagram inside the Taoist Fantasy Oasis,

opening and closing with the flowery Sucklings of Midsummer's Lost Night, Her

Twelve Thousand Capillaries  crash landed

in Zephyrs of Starry Shadow,  as then

She  began teaching the World

 the intrinsic nature of Daffodilomancy,

a serenade of Chlorophyll on Optic Fibers

 Machine Language that turns the Lantern of ________

 lifted Eyelids of Telepathic Amphibians across the Winded Vapors

in Octaves of Thermonuclear

IMagination, the Sun Gods Tongue dripping candlewax earangels down the Throat

of Wandering Star Piranhas, their Laughter shimmering in phosphorescent Electrode embers

Bathed in Sodium Pentathol of Fairy Whispers, as the Ink Stained Songs gathering momentum in

the dreamtime of the Probability Octopus repeated themselves backwards

on spirals of blue noise in  Twilight as purple as the pinecones dissolving on a Narwhales belly,

even as we Gazed like JIgsaw Puzzle based messiahs

in hypnogagic wonder at the Birth canal opening and closing around the Robot Goddess on Channel

Ten Trillion God zillion +/- 1,  the WEstern Sepulchre of  the Vampires Cranial Axis as it

raised vowels of blue fire into synchronized embers of t he last Shadowy

Sarcophogi grown in the Twelfth Velvet Eden that painted it's Antelopes towards her

name inside the Emptiness of Heaven as

She nursed the Embryo of Unborn Multiverse

inside her Egglike Thermonuclear Oscillator,  a gelatinous mud moon whooshing through

her Goose Down Umbrella

teardrop by teardrop, Seahorses chasing themselves into the Broken Mirror at the Top of

the Thunder fucked Ocean, mouths of Alabaster Pterodactyls writhing

in slow motion to the Flying Fish gathered like curtains of Sapphire Ocelot Memories

in rivulets of Sea Foam as green as the eyeshadow of Mermaids in

Atlantean pawn shops, their Coral Goldilocks shining like the Birth Tooth of Neptune,

his Face a tangled skein of Moon Rocks

gargling Photons filtered through the Spectral Signature of Old Sea Salt H20,

a Bathyscape raised in Immortal ambition where

Jacques Cousteau was remembering the Day he ate Birthday cake in the

Midnight of Non Linear Ocean, the moment he looked to the sky

and the Face in the Clouds was none other than Lady Godiva, her galactic membranes

swinging in garlands of Aquamarine starlight,

the Mystery of an Indescribable presence twisting the Aeons

into candelabras of SLow Motion,

probability verbs careening in down alleyways where Violins taught

chats how to open the Last Casket in the Graveyard,

the Moss and Lichen drunk with a thousand Taut Trout scales,

She lifted into the Rafters, broke into a Million Golden Light beams and

 exchanged a Thousand Illuminated Kisses with the Ghost of Harry Houdini,

the Stairwell arrived in Both directions of the Void simultaneously,


Iron Lock of Houdini's Heart bursting at the seam with Radioactive Barnacles, the

SUckling Eyes of Zeus rippling in delirium of Blue Purple Purple Blue Waves

twisting like Chaplins; moustache at that moment

near the Empire State Building when the Century was made of Anvils, Hammers, Irons,

green noise bursting in charcoal crucifixions at the edge of the Dirt road

where the manhole leads to Instantaneous Limbo, the wrought iron claws

of Gargoyles clutched bloody jugulars in a clockwork

made of Crab claws the moment the Tide leapt out of the Bellydancers

throat and his voice cracked

like an Egg inside an Empty stage, the Klieg lights shining

in Silver Dollars and Vampire Jewelry,

western sky became a Rotating Stained Glass Window,

the sinews of a Minotaur spiraling like snakeskin into

the desert floor where the Tarot Cards

he'd gathered while being enveloped in a Castle of Diabolic phosphorous

were chanting Mantras to the Silence of Uncertainty,

Ten Centuries away from the Vortex that made

Lazarus blink, on the edge of the Lotus Blossom where the Angels were

bathing their Tastebuds

in Chromosomal Recombinations of ExCalibre,

an Interstellar Resurrection Matrix shining

 in the Fingerprints of a Paradox

turning Grapes into tumbleweeds singing Operas of

Chiarascuro into the Blueprints whirling on the  edge of a Dopamine Hurricane,

Friday, August 3, 2018

Whales in Whiskey Scented Emeralds


at the moment

of the Tragedy, the Shapeshifting Mandala of Perpetual Birth,  in Amnesia of

Dreamtime at  delight of the Cupcake Christians sleeping inside

a Strawberry Blueberry Muffin Pie Colored Photon, at Heliotropic nadir in the Center of the

the Gateless Gate  and Carouselambra of the Voodoo Poopoo Mood Ring Machine

Non Local Non Linear Sentience, an Elf inside the Fleshovision Screamed her Name into a Polka

Dot lurking in an Ocelot

by a Jetstream of Unfinished Afterthoughts as the Candlelit Flame

wrote her Secret Name in the Jewelry Box of a Palindrome balancing it's Memories

in a Birdbath by a Human Brain in the Drainage ditch by a

 Labyrinth in the Map to an Undiscovered  Tomorrow, where the Bone Marrow walks

down cemeteries of the Centuries,

the Interstellar Resurrection Matrix is turning Humans into Vineyards,

One Purple Tongue SWollen on the Forest Floor by the Convenience

Store where the Woman's Umbrella lies,

a Pigs Ear gathering Flies in the blood drunk silence of Dusk,

whirligigs of white cotton noise gathering in Prayer Shawls on the Corner where

Eternity is a Triangle Faced Gargoyle, its Wings

curved into the Strangers eye like a Womans' Fingernail curved into a Blank Page,

her name

a dream stained dagger gathering it's wisdom in the Misted shroud of

Amnesia, the Lost Art of Infinity,

to Know Nothing whatsoever about Anything,

and continue to Exist, Anyway, on the Edge of the Blue Noise

where the Upside Down Universe truns broken Mirrors into Mona Lisas

in the Center of a Disposable Parking Lot,

the Ten thousand Teardrops painted like Green Mermaid Scales in the Antivenin

of a Golden Thread shining in Her Silver fingers,

as if She was the Doorway into the day Before Tomorrow,

a single Violet Thrush spinning in the Tops of  her Teardrop Trees

where the sky has planted it's bird thirsty oxygen, nightmares of  Hydrogen in Twelve dimensions

of a Peach Tree, the

White Tide rising and falling in her Lungs

as the N dimension exoskeleton of an Infinitely Complex Shaped Void foxtrots

across a flock of waltzing polka dots

in a moment of  (R)Evolutionary Weirdness, at the moment an  Isolated Photon levitates

the Louvre,

triskadekaphobic hieronymous rushes towards the River as if the River was a womans' Foot,

the Rippling of the Water, Her Smile,

a Shadow in the Trout Wings,

Zephyrs to the Frog that Leaps into the Sea of Tranquility, as the Night

casts a Net

into the Phantasms,


star crossed Shadow, like Shakespeare shining his Shoes in the

 Ghost light of the Devil's pet Nightingale, as the Babbling Brook

opens it's throat towards the Sunshine

and sings the Rain into Puddles of Lovesongs crested with Minuets in Purple Minor Mixolodians,

the Shouting of the Seagulls as it arrives in the Pink Light

waiting to arrive

at the vanishing point of Everything

somewhere in the Sea of  Thermodynamic Sleepiness,   as a Masked Mamba Mambos

around Minkowski Mountain, where a fountain of  umbrella flutes

ululates  the Diamond Uterus Sutra in a post symbolic probability field

 of every  unlikely yet absolutely actually truly happening and still indescribably wordless,

supralogical non-event

at the hallowed hollows of the Continuum of  a- Symmetric Chromatic Synchronicity

where Ophelia  weeps  Boolean Dream Bees in the honeycomb of Hamlet's  heart

and chimeras cartwheel in carousels of caravanserai and the daydream haunted nucleotides of an

Unborn Magician's Upside Down and Inside Out Face

thru a trillion permutations of the Indescribably Imaginary Adjective as it wooshes

around the Pronoun of  Instantaneous Anonymity until the Universe

collapses into a Polyhedron Eyed Godlessly Godlike Goddess

and the Uncreated Creator trips into the Temple of an approximately Infinite  If

just as Fred Astaire  hijacks a lightning bolt into the constellation of  Irrational Numbers

near the Shopping Mall Nirvana during an episode of World War Wha???

 that everything *somehow* becomes the Thing that is Not a Thing at All,  a Nothingness

lost where the diamond eyed cherubim  and jabberwock zig zag and tick tock sideways through the

Anti Gravity of God's Baby Speech

and the Soul of Absolute Simplicity strikes Paradox Paradox of

Ten Times Two +/- X / Y (SQR -1) as the Guru Cuckoo clucks Ten Taoist Owls on

the  IsAmAreWillBeBeingWasWere  O How O Who O When' O Which O Where O Why O 'Clock

and an Infinitely  Purple Electron Yawns Aria 52 into Pavarotti's Ten Gallon Eardrum

and through  the synaptic cleft of  a Supernova Cerebellum,

as the Ghost of William Shakespere ENTERS:   Stage Death,  cleverly costumed as a Sock Puppet

demonstrating the Fuzzy Logic Soliloquy and Socratic Dialogue daydreams

of Thespians and other Isolated Variables in the Junkyard of  Love's Last Theatre

 where the Primadonna  Gala Dali whirls Ballerino Nijinsky's Eyelid across the proscenium

  as he pirouettes into  perpetual denouement the Hallucinatory Cyclone of Pandemonium

in the Game Show Soap Opera as the  All Tasting Mouth exhales a Supercomputing Pinecone

upon esoterically juxtaposed and  heliotropic parallelograms of

 Impermanently Impermanent Impermanence

(at the place on the map where the  Robot Queen places a Human Fingerprint on the

Electromagnetic Nothingness at the Beginning of Time,

and by the light of the Aluminum Foil Grave and the fury of the glow in the dark Womb

the Fuzzy Logic Noun discovers itself winking itself to sleep in a Broken Mirror

that is balancing the  Angels made of Chlorophyll around the Temple of the Goldmine

in whose gears and clockworks rides the riddle of  the Calculus of Insanity,

and the Tarantula dons Picasso's Wig and trips on trills across the  Vampire Faced Piano

causing fugues of  Rubyait Shaped Spaceships to lilt in the lily light of Illuminated Lovers

curving  Michaelangelo's communion wafer  into the Wing of an Imaginary Songbird

sleeping in the Time Machine disguised as a Walrus Whisker Paintbrush

waiting like Godot for a Trilobyte to  pose for the Pre Cambrian  Pieta,

and the crucifixion of the Chrysalis is an exoskeleton of the Television

where  pantheon by  pantheon  chthonic avatars  haunt dialectic discotheques with

the Mystical Apostolic Insanity,

in the Cloud chamber of an antediluvian prophet's ten octave glossolalia

sings zephyrs on the Zenith of the Shore where the Mirror Image of  Helen of Troy

nurses  a phalanx of orphaned Argonauts  around Ziggurats of gamma rays

and the Vineyard of  the Wine Fueled UFO is whispering

a trillion  blue note proverbs of the  Angelical and Tranquility Fleshed Poor

into exaltations of the  ultraviolet vapors  of  the ancient Exterrestrial  Snore

and the   chorus of  Intergalactic grasshopper chant tantric canticles of  an

 Orchid winged Blackbird's apocalyptic  claw clued caw

spinning the Pawn Shop into dizzying astonishment as the Chessboard erupts into a

Saga, Raga by the Vagabond in the Swan Song of a Self  Assembling

Kierkegaardian Corollary  as the G-d Quark disappears

into a Revolving door, one trillion pigeon  winks deep inside the golgi whirligigs of

the Queen of the Cortex Vortex  where a paint by number Daydream

sleeps like blueberry in the  Silicon and Binary Code Self Assembling Rainforest

balanced in the Pharoah marrow Sapphire at  the retrograde elopement of

the  transubstantiation  Vowel howling onomotopoia at te Center of the Lemniscate

where a  flock of  Enchanted Changelings are

 calculating polyaromatic hydrocarbons during cartoon  armaggedon

in the Give Me back my Missing Money Mental Mindless Mind  Machine

as the Sound  of Mozart's Disembodied chromosomes, perform Sonatas of

the Mockingbird into the brimstone doorway

that flickered in Nostradamus inside Out Eye  and  the shadow of the  Dragon Dragon

breathes dreamlit  phantasmagorical allegories where the bride and groom swoon into

 the Solar  Honeymoon, in the Kingdom that Cannot be Found,

a  flower facing Marvel in the  Miracle of a Moment of the Incarnation

Cycle, a delta wave of  Exponential Octaves in the Still Point where an alleyway

 of Manhattan is dreaming of the cuckoo clocks of Aldebaraan and  Atlantis wakes

in the Platonic palindromes hidden somewhere in Times Square

and the Allegory of the Algorithms exhales the serendipity of silence,  surrenders legends to the

Eyeless Mimes at the corner of 5th Avenue

at the precise and Unpainted  Palace  where Picasso leaps  into the Sleep that Sleeps

in the pointillism of the Polyhedron at the Summit of  Olympus,  where weeps

the Star Fire in  the void of the  Non Local  Library,  the Books have died in Silent Tides

thru the Central Nervous Systems of  Godot, Rimbaud, Cocteau,  Bardot, Van Gogh,

and the chakra of Marilyn Monroe

as She  tip toed out of Dante's prologue as it burned pendulums of filigree,

 through thermonuclear   carouselambras of Fibonacci paparazzi and the

Slow Motion  Architects  at the bottom of the Yo Yo powered

Big Bang Boomerang of the Psychedelic  Sea, where Teardrops tell  tales of Semolina Pilchard

who fell Up  the  Eiffel Tower and into the heart of  Lady Godiva

cresting in salted Spires upon the Dolphin's sunburnt windchime tongue,

at the place where ten thousand mud haired zombies

howl Shangri La and Other Hallelujahs of Rust that Nests in the  Regress of the

 Unforgettable Lexicon of

sorrow that turns laughter into laugh lines murmur memories of  bubblegum

 and gogh gogh gogh, van gogh gogh gogh,gogh, van  gogh van gogh, gogh  gogh gogh, until

Mother Goose loops a Mood Ring

of Rimbauds sun drunk chinese lantern through the Hair of  the Feast that Leaves,

 when Marilyn Monroe

wakes in the Wind Tunnel  of the Quasilogical Sunburn

her smile laced with  blue Parisian candlelight, the Kremlin spiraling in her Upside Down Eyes,

a thousand funeral  pyres

of the Blue Light in the  night, the  parabolic arc where Dracula  was born

and the Kingdom of  the Eternal  Nocturne, a broken  Abacus shining like a child's toy

where in the Valley of the Chateau of Breath,

an Infinitely Anonymous  Man has gathered  the differential equations  of Eden on the Third Day,

and a tarot of tattooed Wiccan Waitresses, their mouths like Trampolines on fire,

 exude torchlit Orchids into a papyrus of phosphorescent metaphors

 of the Orphic Promethean Toreador, the Scarlet Pyromania of Apostles

whose  thunderclouds swoon in conga lines of Jungle Bongos  the

 weirdness pulsing in the sinews of a Woman's mashed potato powered Face

until the Queen of Unasked Questions whisks her lips into roseate tornadoes

and the ocean swings a  silver  saxophone across the surf of Love  burnt Earth,

the juxtaposed integrals of a cyclic hurricane of non random random numbers

trampling Nine Thousand Modern Miracles and the Post Modem Muses into a phase space  levity

as the Aria 51 sings a Phoenix Sphinx across the Jinxed Anarchy of  a Non Local  Rubicon

lurking twelve thousand infomercials  inside a bowl of beggars gunpowder haunted soup

where the green bean flavored fairy enters the purgatorial  Pentagon

disguised as  an eye that Screams  the Name of  G-d on Mare Tranquilatum

 tetragammatron of nonesuch converts Shangri La  into the electrolytic esoterica,

as the starry night exhales the hieroglyphics Clitoris of the Ensorceled Emerald Void

The  newspaper is a shroud of  Embryonic Oscillations filtered through an eyelid colored straitjacket

wild brainstems screaming screaming polyphonic roadside bloodstained dandelion koans

through typhoons of heliotropic  cubist entropy

until a leukocyte coils it's leonine gardenias

and bitch slaps the  scowling demigods back into  the hindbrain of an acrobatic whore

where the contortions of frog eyed gossip and the Cage of Raw Meat Mannequins

and Mouthless Babylonian Cosmonauts charge the star spangled  Pandemonium

into industrial strength  virgins with  hymen churning like slot machines across the skull of

Mephistophelean  peasant goddess  just at the moment the

Post Robotic Toreador balances the multi-verse|

 in the quasar squall of nonesuch at  the heart of the Empress of the Hive of Holy Heaven

And the dead G-d inhales a  Luciferian soliloquy, to the Lilies in the Field

and the Telepathic Visigoths chases Lemmings into the Belly of the Whale

until a grasshopper rolls  it's ten trillion eyes across the  candelabra of  enchanted algebraic fire

  at the edge of  some broken sidewalk when  Godot's tornado swoops

 in white sea of Rimbaud's golden Roses and a  serpentine valentine bursts like Brigitte  Bardot

 on toeshoes across the dimestore

birthing  a  masquerade of Zeus during the  Zenith of the Sisyphean Zephyrs

 as ten thousand seraphim whisper  white noise into the Shaman's bioluminescent lie

 just when  Columbus gold dust tinted fingernails

 send rainlike phosphenes quivering in hemidemisemiquavers through the  bookstore that

harbors only shelves of  unwritten books

and the exoskeleton of God is a  garden of supernatural monstrosities,

where the Grandmothers grow wings and flicker into the Opera of Pyromania and Stardust

the  Empress of Flame pirouettes across the chasm of  daemonic chiarascuro,

Socrates heart  shimmers like a Ouija board in the shadows of a Sidewalk,

apparitions of wildflowers chant the name of  communion wafers

into a cauldron conaining the  Last Drop of Wine of  the  Unforgettable Hell of Sleep

somewhere downstage center where Shakespeare's plumed eyelashes

are laced with mandrake scented murmurs of  Ophelias' luckless summer  tastebuds

and hamlet's bat faced boomerang whisks the empyrean tide

across the tangled  cosines of the Machine that Ate Tomorrow

 the bedroom opens like a broken mirror

 revealing Medusa's tongue curled in rose petal gargoyles, thorns that

 writhe with incantations of the thievery of birth, a woman's voice that scales the night into

a diadem of pentacles, the chakra of maleficent orchestrations,

Buddhas adamantine footprints paused on the surface of the Sun,

and the name of  the nothingness, like  ______  ______ ______ itself

balances ______ ____ _____ as the eye and the sky exchange vows of eternal telepathy

fractal arpeggios  of the Illuminated Leviathan, , the Pharoah of poets, Arthur Rimbaud

washes Lucifer's heart with  antediluvian phantasmagoria

serendipity spun quarks chant scarlet tanagers on chiracos of uncharted madness

 twilight twisting its death wishes  across the golden dawn and mandala of sephiroth

 a jungle of juxtaposed luxuriance

feral laughter in the century of unfinished thought

spinning Crucified archangels on the Z axis,

when Hieronymous Bosch sings  OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM ONOMATOPOEIA

 paean ennervations of the Canopic Nix LOOPED in doldrums and the tantric cadillac

of hipster faced chameleons, their lipstick a cryptic whisper

the peacock mystic of  of Lilith's exponential tryptich, a twelve tongued plunge into the cauldron of

memory and mirage ,

where starlit rastafarians charge the darkness of a starlings spark

 into chromatic fevers of a hydrogen heart, the titanium cranium bristling with the photovoltaic insanity

of a frozen neon forests  unfolding it's fingertips into antediluvian denouement , a disco of psychopathic debutantes

the lips laced with the fevered amnesia of megalomaniac obsessions

performing  inhuman kabuki in the lycanthropic wolf Flowers; the cortex of existentialists howling

premonitions of the comet that has landed,  glowing like a disco ball on the White House Lawn,

a flesh fueled flags billows the breathless ballads of  einstein, the nursery rhyme of the Archangels,

variable theocracies oscillating

until mary poppin's umbrella bursts into flames of monsoon fueled illusions,

until semi imaginary Dryads churn philosophy ferns into the mythopoetic fibonacci

where twelve thousand Houdinis disappear into the Marvel and Magnificat of the Seamstress' mouth,

her  pulse a drum circle of endless salvation, the footprints of a thousand Christs

tap dancing through the Stations of the Cross  in the Cathedral of the Unknowable Unknowns,

the antechamber of voice

the silent moment of her awakening, a trace of salt on Her CHeek,

the enlightenment of absolute non motion,  a triangulation in the starlight the

night before the day her Parents met,

and the moment that never happened, happens again, a butterfly neuron  begins to assemble

 the soil into ghost of a pocket calculator

just as an Acorn enters the daydream, a teardrop falling into the mouth of God,

crimson palindrome hunting themselves in knotted bacchanalian hieroglyphics,

history, a vagabond  swallowing it's heart as the Universe extinguishes it's belief,

 one pantheon  at a time

at the exact moment Neil Armstrongs foot steps onto the Moon Linoleum, his toes tingling as Christ's footsteps on the Sea of Galilee

the rocketship turning the universe upside down

at the Moment of  Infinite Weirdness

when spacetime converts the sacramental wine into a blue light of blushing polka dots

and the angels balance their eyes on the edge of an anvil colored mouth,

as if Time itself was not Happening

and the Serengeti erupts into a weave of optic fiber and lions sinews, the magic carpet

careening  towards

a landscape of unfinished thought contained in the last ionic bond of a thoughtless stone,

moment by moment until the last moment  the neologism of a new word,  like the shriek of a jaguar on the cusp of a moon

enters the labyrinthine coils of an unborn being

 where the Stories of the Stories that have escaped the imagination of an imaginary G-d

float like candles in the belly of the

Summertime  sky,  the first cloud of dawn, a silver faced dragon,

breathing ten million superstitions into whirlpools of transubstantiation,

the honey scented treetops,

the harpsichords of the Beings of the Green Now

swarm like eyeless across the surface of a lake

where a puzzle of sapphires and pearls, the coral reefs of electromagnetic logic

escape through the copse of a svelte velvet vertigo,

the vine that howls zephyrs of the enzymes of Night

through the holy grail of Human Mouth, the tornadic simplicity of an elephant heart

whispering a  whirlpool of emotions, the first songs of Canaries, the last gasp of the Zoo Zebra

rumours murmured by the secret agents of the last maternity ward, at the end of time,

the sun setting

as a  trillion gods disembark out of the spaceship of your left eye, the  heavens

billow in by number phantasmagoria, Godot erupts in applause

and the prayers that remind one of footsteps you took into the ocean,

the everpresent WOW, a syllable of the Birdsong discovered inside the sleeping  Egg sings

the First Song at the edge of a fire draped heart

whose wordlike multiverses  purge the  nostrils of the perfume of the Djinni of Eloquence

the verbs that crawl across the number line where an infinite number of zeros have discovered a golden apple