Sunday, August 12, 2018


Once upon a Kaleidoscopic Palindrome,  in the  Suspended animation sequence

somewhere near a  Phantasmagorical Constellation of  Ultraviolet Mandala Photons seeking

the Face of Infinity whirling in Buddha Footprints through the

Ten Thousand Mountaintops sleeping in the shards of a Broken Mirror,

White Eyes howling Blue Vapors, the breathe lost in the Emerald Rushes,

where the Flesh of her Imagination is curved like a Cats Pulse into Twelve

Unrepeatable Silences, the Question that Has Never Been Asked pirouettes

in Nijinsky's discarded Embryo,

the Top of Eternity slips like a Woman's Tongue down a Street not Made for Drinking,

her Body becomes a Circus Tent of Apparitions,

Clowns that spin flaming Scimitars towards an Invisible Sun,

bloodstained wigs of Emperors dangling from the Ceiling in

whirlwinds of an Untamed Axiom,  the architecture that paints itself in Tympanic Membrane

of White Noise,

bloodrushing roses and the Unicorn Thunder, where Frogs gallop towards Venusian

Inkwells, their Eyelids caked in Treble Clef, a series of Arpeggios

without Beginning or End,

Ink that drinks Itself into Sleepwalking across the Painted Desert,

Cerulean shadows lifting the Veils of Arabesque Tarantulas,  as the Angel

seeks Her Birth in the Vortex between the Thesaurus and the Windowsill,

gold dust caked like an Old Woman's tears, word by word

the Newspaper slithers its exoskeleton of Hell, thresholds of Wisdom

quaking with the Ghost that Disappears into your Own Starry Freckles,

as a Tambourine Shimmers in the Peachscented embers of a Dog's Light,


Triangles waiting to Teach the Dead Gods how to escape

the Prison of their Own Imagination,

cascading Ego Transmitters rotating in heliotropic abyss,

across the Chalkboard where the Orphan has written It's name  in a

Pink Blue hieroglyphic Tide of Woman's Whispers,

shimmering necklaces that race around the Parking lot in Search of a Jugular Vein

to sing to sleep,

Vampires that fall through Inkwells of Unwritten Poems

on their Way the Dusk that is like an Elephants Ear, ten thousand blank pages

of Ten Million Hours waiting to Die in the Perfect silence


Her Memory,

Amnesia of Scarlet flame leaping through Genesis on the Tide of a Mystical Eyelash,

where a Cat has place a Question Mark, and the Audience is Laughing itself


ten thousand eyes that rotate towards a Purple Smile in the Black Fog of Midnight,

the Teeth that Glow like Stonehenge, a Bonfire of Robot Eyes,

wires grasping for dollar bills exploding from an open Wound in the Rear View Mirror,

Witches are waiting to suck the Wine from

the Priests Spleen,

his Laughter racing through the Temple on its way to Calcutta,

where an Ordinary Dandelion is shaving the Moon of its Whiskers,

and Neal Armstrong is talking to himself as if it was an Ordinary Day,

and the Universe between the Pre Cambrian Jungle, Hiroshima

and the New York Public Library

chasing that WORD as if it was a   rainbow descending in the Star Dance,

twin Universes Twined in the  recursive filigree of her

Time Traveling Hindbrain, as it began

cleverly rotating in the Gods Daydream Sequence of the Holographic Hieroglyphs of

You Me and the Unsolvable Riddle turning Night into Fire on the Edges of

Unfathomable Chaos-Topia

where the Spectral apparitions  of the

 Dopamine Spectrum of Absolute Otherworldly Vision were streaming

Trout Eyes around the Tree Trunk and root notes of Absolute Zero in

the Glass that Bowed in the scarlet Irises of Yesterdays

Intergalactic Dewdrops, the Tinfoil Fairies eloping down cosines

of her Illuminated Uvulas, barrel rolling

towards Shangri La as if She had stolen a Chinese Emperors Emerald Lantern

her Eyes twisting in Tornadoes of Red Sun dogs racing

down the Last Sky above the Wheatfield, her throat as Unquenched as Methuselahs

Tongue Twisters at the top of Tomorrows Next White Fanged Moon Mountain,

the God of the Iguanas was waiting with a Purple Tongue, Swishing against the

Tide in bioluminescent Embers of Tarzanian Madmen with

Yellow Scimitars gathering Dust Motes on the edge of the Greening in Arabia,

a flowery response to the Beauty that dwells in the Lightning of Djinn

in the Heart above the cloaked wing

as the Ocean and Sand tango in Zodiacal Madness of the Soul thirsted mouth

of the Tide,

Moon into Moon, that night she wandered the Oriental Market, her heart

like a Butterfly balanced in the Library that Walks in the Human Eye,

Book into Book,

Wrinkle by Wrinkle, the Names curled into each Leaf on the Sidewalk

that Knows nothing

save the Everlasting Anonymity of the Moment of Birth,

her face like a Silence writing Nothing through the Magic of the Moment

you discover the Earth,



***There whirled a Tear Stained Tea Pot containing ten trillion nightmare molecules

Under the Invisible Sea, near a whirlpool that swallowed  Gamma Ray of

 Subatomic Elephant Making Quasilogical Skies,  in the Centripetal Force Sequence of

Twelve Thousand Congregation of HahaHa Quarks, ***

as  the Labyrinthine Soup of  Immortal Madness crested

in hieroglyphic musculature of Seraphim  spiraling on Blue vapors of the

candelabra rotating in the honeycomb of

Nostradamus' Phoenix haunted Eyes,

a Tesseract of  Embryos, lost in the prologue of Perpetual Motion,

began climbing into the Geometry of Now into an

***Oscillating Cosine in the Dolphins Heartbeat***

as they began synchronizing their Walrus Brain Memory Labyrinths,

Eye by Walrus Eye, shining Oliphants with Twelve Nosed

Purple Porpoisorouses,  Sphinxish Megacats glimmering on crested Nautilus

Snoring with Associated Seven Teen Billion Ton Thundering RexaroundaRosesorosis

in the Library of Alexandria,

where the dead Gods turn around in Ouroboros by the Candlelight

that glows like Gods lungs breathing in the Elder Forestes,

breathing your Name

in the Turning of the Photons from the Sunlight to the Moonlight

Reverse the Images, the Abracadabra Carouselambra Caravanserai

Shining in the Oceans mouth in the Zero Hexagram inside the Taoist Fantasy Oasis,

opening and closing with the flowery Sucklings of Midsummer's Lost Night, Her

Twelve Thousand Capillaries  crash landed

in Zephyrs of Starry Shadow,  as then

She  began teaching the World

 the intrinsic nature of Daffodilomancy,

a serenade of Chlorophyll on Optic Fibers

 Machine Language that turns the Lantern of ________

 lifted Eyelids of Telepathic Amphibians across the Winded Vapors

in Octaves of Thermonuclear

IMagination, the Sun Gods Tongue dripping candlewax earangels down the Throat

of Wandering Star Piranhas, their Laughter shimmering in phosphorescent Electrode embers

Bathed in Sodium Pentathol of Fairy Whispers, as the Ink Stained Songs gathering momentum in

the dreamtime of the Probability Octopus repeated themselves backwards

on spirals of blue noise in  Twilight as purple as the pinecones dissolving on a Narwhales belly,

even as we Gazed like JIgsaw Puzzle based messiahs

in hypnogagic wonder at the Birth canal opening and closing around the Robot Goddess on Channel

Ten Trillion God zillion +/- 1,  the WEstern Sepulchre of  the Vampires Cranial Axis as it

raised vowels of blue fire into synchronized embers of t he last Shadowy

Sarcophogi grown in the Twelfth Velvet Eden that painted it's Antelopes towards her

name inside the Emptiness of Heaven as

She nursed the Embryo of Unborn Multiverse

inside her Egglike Thermonuclear Oscillator,  a gelatinous mud moon whooshing through

her Goose Down Umbrella

teardrop by teardrop, Seahorses chasing themselves into the Broken Mirror at the Top of

the Thunder fucked Ocean, mouths of Alabaster Pterodactyls writhing

in slow motion to the Flying Fish gathered like curtains of Sapphire Ocelot Memories

in rivulets of Sea Foam as green as the eyeshadow of Mermaids in

Atlantean pawn shops, their Coral Goldilocks shining like the Birth Tooth of Neptune,

his Face a tangled skein of Moon Rocks

gargling Photons filtered through the Spectral Signature of Old Sea Salt H20,

a Bathyscape raised in Immortal ambition where

Jacques Cousteau was remembering the Day he ate Birthday cake in the

Midnight of Non Linear Ocean, the moment he looked to the sky

and the Face in the Clouds was none other than Lady Godiva, her galactic membranes

swinging in garlands of Aquamarine starlight,

the Mystery of an Indescribable presence twisting the Aeons

into candelabras of SLow Motion,

probability verbs careening in down alleyways where Violins taught

chats how to open the Last Casket in the Graveyard,

the Moss and Lichen drunk with a thousand Taut Trout scales,

She lifted into the Rafters, broke into a Million Golden Light beams and

 exchanged a Thousand Illuminated Kisses with the Ghost of Harry Houdini,

the Stairwell arrived in Both directions of the Void simultaneously,


Iron Lock of Houdini's Heart bursting at the seam with Radioactive Barnacles, the

SUckling Eyes of Zeus rippling in delirium of Blue Purple Purple Blue Waves

twisting like Chaplins; moustache at that moment

near the Empire State Building when the Century was made of Anvils, Hammers, Irons,

green noise bursting in charcoal crucifixions at the edge of the Dirt road

where the manhole leads to Instantaneous Limbo, the wrought iron claws

of Gargoyles clutched bloody jugulars in a clockwork

made of Crab claws the moment the Tide leapt out of the Bellydancers

throat and his voice cracked

like an Egg inside an Empty stage, the Klieg lights shining

in Silver Dollars and Vampire Jewelry,

western sky became a Rotating Stained Glass Window,

the sinews of a Minotaur spiraling like snakeskin into

the desert floor where the Tarot Cards

he'd gathered while being enveloped in a Castle of Diabolic phosphorous

were chanting Mantras to the Silence of Uncertainty,

Ten Centuries away from the Vortex that made

Lazarus blink, on the edge of the Lotus Blossom where the Angels were

bathing their Tastebuds

in Chromosomal Recombinations of ExCalibre,

an Interstellar Resurrection Matrix shining

 in the Fingerprints of a Paradox

turning Grapes into tumbleweeds singing Operas of

Chiarascuro into the Blueprints whirling on the  edge of a Dopamine Hurricane,

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