Friday, August 3, 2018

Whales in Whiskey Scented Emeralds


at the moment

of the Tragedy, the Shapeshifting Mandala of Perpetual Birth,  in Amnesia of

Dreamtime at  delight of the Cupcake Christians sleeping inside

a Strawberry Blueberry Muffin Pie Colored Photon, at Heliotropic nadir in the Center of the

the Gateless Gate  and Carouselambra of the Voodoo Poopoo Mood Ring Machine

Non Local Non Linear Sentience, an Elf inside the Fleshovision Screamed her Name into a Polka

Dot lurking in an Ocelot

by a Jetstream of Unfinished Afterthoughts as the Candlelit Flame

wrote her Secret Name in the Jewelry Box of a Palindrome balancing it's Memories

in a Birdbath by a Human Brain in the Drainage ditch by a

 Labyrinth in the Map to an Undiscovered  Tomorrow, where the Bone Marrow walks

down cemeteries of the Centuries,

the Interstellar Resurrection Matrix is turning Humans into Vineyards,

One Purple Tongue SWollen on the Forest Floor by the Convenience

Store where the Woman's Umbrella lies,

a Pigs Ear gathering Flies in the blood drunk silence of Dusk,

whirligigs of white cotton noise gathering in Prayer Shawls on the Corner where

Eternity is a Triangle Faced Gargoyle, its Wings

curved into the Strangers eye like a Womans' Fingernail curved into a Blank Page,

her name

a dream stained dagger gathering it's wisdom in the Misted shroud of

Amnesia, the Lost Art of Infinity,

to Know Nothing whatsoever about Anything,

and continue to Exist, Anyway, on the Edge of the Blue Noise

where the Upside Down Universe truns broken Mirrors into Mona Lisas

in the Center of a Disposable Parking Lot,

the Ten thousand Teardrops painted like Green Mermaid Scales in the Antivenin

of a Golden Thread shining in Her Silver fingers,

as if She was the Doorway into the day Before Tomorrow,

a single Violet Thrush spinning in the Tops of  her Teardrop Trees

where the sky has planted it's bird thirsty oxygen, nightmares of  Hydrogen in Twelve dimensions

of a Peach Tree, the

White Tide rising and falling in her Lungs

as the N dimension exoskeleton of an Infinitely Complex Shaped Void foxtrots

across a flock of waltzing polka dots

in a moment of  (R)Evolutionary Weirdness, at the moment an  Isolated Photon levitates

the Louvre,

triskadekaphobic hieronymous rushes towards the River as if the River was a womans' Foot,

the Rippling of the Water, Her Smile,

a Shadow in the Trout Wings,

Zephyrs to the Frog that Leaps into the Sea of Tranquility, as the Night

casts a Net

into the Phantasms,


star crossed Shadow, like Shakespeare shining his Shoes in the

 Ghost light of the Devil's pet Nightingale, as the Babbling Brook

opens it's throat towards the Sunshine

and sings the Rain into Puddles of Lovesongs crested with Minuets in Purple Minor Mixolodians,

the Shouting of the Seagulls as it arrives in the Pink Light

waiting to arrive

at the vanishing point of Everything

somewhere in the Sea of  Thermodynamic Sleepiness,   as a Masked Mamba Mambos

around Minkowski Mountain, where a fountain of  umbrella flutes

ululates  the Diamond Uterus Sutra in a post symbolic probability field

 of every  unlikely yet absolutely actually truly happening and still indescribably wordless,

supralogical non-event

at the hallowed hollows of the Continuum of  a- Symmetric Chromatic Synchronicity

where Ophelia  weeps  Boolean Dream Bees in the honeycomb of Hamlet's  heart

and chimeras cartwheel in carousels of caravanserai and the daydream haunted nucleotides of an

Unborn Magician's Upside Down and Inside Out Face

thru a trillion permutations of the Indescribably Imaginary Adjective as it wooshes

around the Pronoun of  Instantaneous Anonymity until the Universe

collapses into a Polyhedron Eyed Godlessly Godlike Goddess

and the Uncreated Creator trips into the Temple of an approximately Infinite  If

just as Fred Astaire  hijacks a lightning bolt into the constellation of  Irrational Numbers

near the Shopping Mall Nirvana during an episode of World War Wha???

 that everything *somehow* becomes the Thing that is Not a Thing at All,  a Nothingness

lost where the diamond eyed cherubim  and jabberwock zig zag and tick tock sideways through the

Anti Gravity of God's Baby Speech

and the Soul of Absolute Simplicity strikes Paradox Paradox of

Ten Times Two +/- X / Y (SQR -1) as the Guru Cuckoo clucks Ten Taoist Owls on

the  IsAmAreWillBeBeingWasWere  O How O Who O When' O Which O Where O Why O 'Clock

and an Infinitely  Purple Electron Yawns Aria 52 into Pavarotti's Ten Gallon Eardrum

and through  the synaptic cleft of  a Supernova Cerebellum,

as the Ghost of William Shakespere ENTERS:   Stage Death,  cleverly costumed as a Sock Puppet

demonstrating the Fuzzy Logic Soliloquy and Socratic Dialogue daydreams

of Thespians and other Isolated Variables in the Junkyard of  Love's Last Theatre

 where the Primadonna  Gala Dali whirls Ballerino Nijinsky's Eyelid across the proscenium

  as he pirouettes into  perpetual denouement the Hallucinatory Cyclone of Pandemonium

in the Game Show Soap Opera as the  All Tasting Mouth exhales a Supercomputing Pinecone

upon esoterically juxtaposed and  heliotropic parallelograms of

 Impermanently Impermanent Impermanence

(at the place on the map where the  Robot Queen places a Human Fingerprint on the

Electromagnetic Nothingness at the Beginning of Time,

and by the light of the Aluminum Foil Grave and the fury of the glow in the dark Womb

the Fuzzy Logic Noun discovers itself winking itself to sleep in a Broken Mirror

that is balancing the  Angels made of Chlorophyll around the Temple of the Goldmine

in whose gears and clockworks rides the riddle of  the Calculus of Insanity,

and the Tarantula dons Picasso's Wig and trips on trills across the  Vampire Faced Piano

causing fugues of  Rubyait Shaped Spaceships to lilt in the lily light of Illuminated Lovers

curving  Michaelangelo's communion wafer  into the Wing of an Imaginary Songbird

sleeping in the Time Machine disguised as a Walrus Whisker Paintbrush

waiting like Godot for a Trilobyte to  pose for the Pre Cambrian  Pieta,

and the crucifixion of the Chrysalis is an exoskeleton of the Television

where  pantheon by  pantheon  chthonic avatars  haunt dialectic discotheques with

the Mystical Apostolic Insanity,

in the Cloud chamber of an antediluvian prophet's ten octave glossolalia

sings zephyrs on the Zenith of the Shore where the Mirror Image of  Helen of Troy

nurses  a phalanx of orphaned Argonauts  around Ziggurats of gamma rays

and the Vineyard of  the Wine Fueled UFO is whispering

a trillion  blue note proverbs of the  Angelical and Tranquility Fleshed Poor

into exaltations of the  ultraviolet vapors  of  the ancient Exterrestrial  Snore

and the   chorus of  Intergalactic grasshopper chant tantric canticles of  an

 Orchid winged Blackbird's apocalyptic  claw clued caw

spinning the Pawn Shop into dizzying astonishment as the Chessboard erupts into a

Saga, Raga by the Vagabond in the Swan Song of a Self  Assembling

Kierkegaardian Corollary  as the G-d Quark disappears

into a Revolving door, one trillion pigeon  winks deep inside the golgi whirligigs of

the Queen of the Cortex Vortex  where a paint by number Daydream

sleeps like blueberry in the  Silicon and Binary Code Self Assembling Rainforest

balanced in the Pharoah marrow Sapphire at  the retrograde elopement of

the  transubstantiation  Vowel howling onomotopoia at te Center of the Lemniscate

where a  flock of  Enchanted Changelings are

 calculating polyaromatic hydrocarbons during cartoon  armaggedon

in the Give Me back my Missing Money Mental Mindless Mind  Machine

as the Sound  of Mozart's Disembodied chromosomes, perform Sonatas of

the Mockingbird into the brimstone doorway

that flickered in Nostradamus inside Out Eye  and  the shadow of the  Dragon Dragon

breathes dreamlit  phantasmagorical allegories where the bride and groom swoon into

 the Solar  Honeymoon, in the Kingdom that Cannot be Found,

a  flower facing Marvel in the  Miracle of a Moment of the Incarnation

Cycle, a delta wave of  Exponential Octaves in the Still Point where an alleyway

 of Manhattan is dreaming of the cuckoo clocks of Aldebaraan and  Atlantis wakes

in the Platonic palindromes hidden somewhere in Times Square

and the Allegory of the Algorithms exhales the serendipity of silence,  surrenders legends to the

Eyeless Mimes at the corner of 5th Avenue

at the precise and Unpainted  Palace  where Picasso leaps  into the Sleep that Sleeps

in the pointillism of the Polyhedron at the Summit of  Olympus,  where weeps

the Star Fire in  the void of the  Non Local  Library,  the Books have died in Silent Tides

thru the Central Nervous Systems of  Godot, Rimbaud, Cocteau,  Bardot, Van Gogh,

and the chakra of Marilyn Monroe

as She  tip toed out of Dante's prologue as it burned pendulums of filigree,

 through thermonuclear   carouselambras of Fibonacci paparazzi and the

Slow Motion  Architects  at the bottom of the Yo Yo powered

Big Bang Boomerang of the Psychedelic  Sea, where Teardrops tell  tales of Semolina Pilchard

who fell Up  the  Eiffel Tower and into the heart of  Lady Godiva

cresting in salted Spires upon the Dolphin's sunburnt windchime tongue,

at the place where ten thousand mud haired zombies

howl Shangri La and Other Hallelujahs of Rust that Nests in the  Regress of the

 Unforgettable Lexicon of

sorrow that turns laughter into laugh lines murmur memories of  bubblegum

 and gogh gogh gogh, van gogh gogh gogh,gogh, van  gogh van gogh, gogh  gogh gogh, until

Mother Goose loops a Mood Ring

of Rimbauds sun drunk chinese lantern through the Hair of  the Feast that Leaves,

 when Marilyn Monroe

wakes in the Wind Tunnel  of the Quasilogical Sunburn

her smile laced with  blue Parisian candlelight, the Kremlin spiraling in her Upside Down Eyes,

a thousand funeral  pyres

of the Blue Light in the  night, the  parabolic arc where Dracula  was born

and the Kingdom of  the Eternal  Nocturne, a broken  Abacus shining like a child's toy

where in the Valley of the Chateau of Breath,

an Infinitely Anonymous  Man has gathered  the differential equations  of Eden on the Third Day,

and a tarot of tattooed Wiccan Waitresses, their mouths like Trampolines on fire,

 exude torchlit Orchids into a papyrus of phosphorescent metaphors

 of the Orphic Promethean Toreador, the Scarlet Pyromania of Apostles

whose  thunderclouds swoon in conga lines of Jungle Bongos  the

 weirdness pulsing in the sinews of a Woman's mashed potato powered Face

until the Queen of Unasked Questions whisks her lips into roseate tornadoes

and the ocean swings a  silver  saxophone across the surf of Love  burnt Earth,

the juxtaposed integrals of a cyclic hurricane of non random random numbers

trampling Nine Thousand Modern Miracles and the Post Modem Muses into a phase space  levity

as the Aria 51 sings a Phoenix Sphinx across the Jinxed Anarchy of  a Non Local  Rubicon

lurking twelve thousand infomercials  inside a bowl of beggars gunpowder haunted soup

where the green bean flavored fairy enters the purgatorial  Pentagon

disguised as  an eye that Screams  the Name of  G-d on Mare Tranquilatum

 tetragammatron of nonesuch converts Shangri La  into the electrolytic esoterica,

as the starry night exhales the hieroglyphics Clitoris of the Ensorceled Emerald Void

The  newspaper is a shroud of  Embryonic Oscillations filtered through an eyelid colored straitjacket

wild brainstems screaming screaming polyphonic roadside bloodstained dandelion koans

through typhoons of heliotropic  cubist entropy

until a leukocyte coils it's leonine gardenias

and bitch slaps the  scowling demigods back into  the hindbrain of an acrobatic whore

where the contortions of frog eyed gossip and the Cage of Raw Meat Mannequins

and Mouthless Babylonian Cosmonauts charge the star spangled  Pandemonium

into industrial strength  virgins with  hymen churning like slot machines across the skull of

Mephistophelean  peasant goddess  just at the moment the

Post Robotic Toreador balances the multi-verse|

 in the quasar squall of nonesuch at  the heart of the Empress of the Hive of Holy Heaven

And the dead G-d inhales a  Luciferian soliloquy, to the Lilies in the Field

and the Telepathic Visigoths chases Lemmings into the Belly of the Whale

until a grasshopper rolls  it's ten trillion eyes across the  candelabra of  enchanted algebraic fire

  at the edge of  some broken sidewalk when  Godot's tornado swoops

 in white sea of Rimbaud's golden Roses and a  serpentine valentine bursts like Brigitte  Bardot

 on toeshoes across the dimestore

birthing  a  masquerade of Zeus during the  Zenith of the Sisyphean Zephyrs

 as ten thousand seraphim whisper  white noise into the Shaman's bioluminescent lie

 just when  Columbus gold dust tinted fingernails

 send rainlike phosphenes quivering in hemidemisemiquavers through the  bookstore that

harbors only shelves of  unwritten books

and the exoskeleton of God is a  garden of supernatural monstrosities,

where the Grandmothers grow wings and flicker into the Opera of Pyromania and Stardust

the  Empress of Flame pirouettes across the chasm of  daemonic chiarascuro,

Socrates heart  shimmers like a Ouija board in the shadows of a Sidewalk,

apparitions of wildflowers chant the name of  communion wafers

into a cauldron conaining the  Last Drop of Wine of  the  Unforgettable Hell of Sleep

somewhere downstage center where Shakespeare's plumed eyelashes

are laced with mandrake scented murmurs of  Ophelias' luckless summer  tastebuds

and hamlet's bat faced boomerang whisks the empyrean tide

across the tangled  cosines of the Machine that Ate Tomorrow

 the bedroom opens like a broken mirror

 revealing Medusa's tongue curled in rose petal gargoyles, thorns that

 writhe with incantations of the thievery of birth, a woman's voice that scales the night into

a diadem of pentacles, the chakra of maleficent orchestrations,

Buddhas adamantine footprints paused on the surface of the Sun,

and the name of  the nothingness, like  ______  ______ ______ itself

balances ______ ____ _____ as the eye and the sky exchange vows of eternal telepathy

fractal arpeggios  of the Illuminated Leviathan, , the Pharoah of poets, Arthur Rimbaud

washes Lucifer's heart with  antediluvian phantasmagoria

serendipity spun quarks chant scarlet tanagers on chiracos of uncharted madness

 twilight twisting its death wishes  across the golden dawn and mandala of sephiroth

 a jungle of juxtaposed luxuriance

feral laughter in the century of unfinished thought

spinning Crucified archangels on the Z axis,

when Hieronymous Bosch sings  OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM ONOMATOPOEIA

 paean ennervations of the Canopic Nix LOOPED in doldrums and the tantric cadillac

of hipster faced chameleons, their lipstick a cryptic whisper

the peacock mystic of  of Lilith's exponential tryptich, a twelve tongued plunge into the cauldron of

memory and mirage ,

where starlit rastafarians charge the darkness of a starlings spark

 into chromatic fevers of a hydrogen heart, the titanium cranium bristling with the photovoltaic insanity

of a frozen neon forests  unfolding it's fingertips into antediluvian denouement , a disco of psychopathic debutantes

the lips laced with the fevered amnesia of megalomaniac obsessions

performing  inhuman kabuki in the lycanthropic wolf Flowers; the cortex of existentialists howling

premonitions of the comet that has landed,  glowing like a disco ball on the White House Lawn,

a flesh fueled flags billows the breathless ballads of  einstein, the nursery rhyme of the Archangels,

variable theocracies oscillating

until mary poppin's umbrella bursts into flames of monsoon fueled illusions,

until semi imaginary Dryads churn philosophy ferns into the mythopoetic fibonacci

where twelve thousand Houdinis disappear into the Marvel and Magnificat of the Seamstress' mouth,

her  pulse a drum circle of endless salvation, the footprints of a thousand Christs

tap dancing through the Stations of the Cross  in the Cathedral of the Unknowable Unknowns,

the antechamber of voice

the silent moment of her awakening, a trace of salt on Her CHeek,

the enlightenment of absolute non motion,  a triangulation in the starlight the

night before the day her Parents met,

and the moment that never happened, happens again, a butterfly neuron  begins to assemble

 the soil into ghost of a pocket calculator

just as an Acorn enters the daydream, a teardrop falling into the mouth of God,

crimson palindrome hunting themselves in knotted bacchanalian hieroglyphics,

history, a vagabond  swallowing it's heart as the Universe extinguishes it's belief,

 one pantheon  at a time

at the exact moment Neil Armstrongs foot steps onto the Moon Linoleum, his toes tingling as Christ's footsteps on the Sea of Galilee

the rocketship turning the universe upside down

at the Moment of  Infinite Weirdness

when spacetime converts the sacramental wine into a blue light of blushing polka dots

and the angels balance their eyes on the edge of an anvil colored mouth,

as if Time itself was not Happening

and the Serengeti erupts into a weave of optic fiber and lions sinews, the magic carpet

careening  towards

a landscape of unfinished thought contained in the last ionic bond of a thoughtless stone,

moment by moment until the last moment  the neologism of a new word,  like the shriek of a jaguar on the cusp of a moon

enters the labyrinthine coils of an unborn being

 where the Stories of the Stories that have escaped the imagination of an imaginary G-d

float like candles in the belly of the

Summertime  sky,  the first cloud of dawn, a silver faced dragon,

breathing ten million superstitions into whirlpools of transubstantiation,

the honey scented treetops,

the harpsichords of the Beings of the Green Now

swarm like eyeless across the surface of a lake

where a puzzle of sapphires and pearls, the coral reefs of electromagnetic logic

escape through the copse of a svelte velvet vertigo,

the vine that howls zephyrs of the enzymes of Night

through the holy grail of Human Mouth, the tornadic simplicity of an elephant heart

whispering a  whirlpool of emotions, the first songs of Canaries, the last gasp of the Zoo Zebra

rumours murmured by the secret agents of the last maternity ward, at the end of time,

the sun setting

as a  trillion gods disembark out of the spaceship of your left eye, the  heavens

billow in by number phantasmagoria, Godot erupts in applause

and the prayers that remind one of footsteps you took into the ocean,

the everpresent WOW, a syllable of the Birdsong discovered inside the sleeping  Egg sings

the First Song at the edge of a fire draped heart

whose wordlike multiverses  purge the  nostrils of the perfume of the Djinni of Eloquence

the verbs that crawl across the number line where an infinite number of zeros have discovered a golden apple

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