Monday, March 21, 2022

Abracadabra Carouselambra Caravanserai III Vortex Good

Enter Stage Inside-Out,  an  Event Horizon figure ground reversal ---- 

 where the SQR -1 and it's Daydreaming Supercomputer,  the Non Local Doremifasolatido,  

 is experiencing ROYGBIV  (coincidentally!) turning Pi into E=MC2

  during a scene straight out of SHakespeare's Iridescent Inkwell, as Einstein plays his 

violin mid -mandelbrot

 (and == ten thousand atoms into a Gravedigger's Skull) discovers 

 Hamlet paraphrasing nine Octave Quadratic Equations 

 as the  Caravanserai of  Sleep Walking Polka Dots Breathes the Dream Breathing 

 Dream into a Zephyr of  approximately Instantaneous Omniscience Adagio,

  the Night Sky a waltz of demigods through the quasicrystal lattice ad astra andante Imagio 

  ten trillion trillion inorganic Eyes illuminated with  subatomic vertigo

 and Carouselambra of  a - Symmetrical synchronicity

   that balances The Moment of the Aeon before All Time Began at the 

 furthermost  Epoch of the absolute Unstoppable Endpoint  of Space-Time 

 where the subliminal message  of  Nostradamus' Ventriloquist Dandelion 

  is tracing  Non Linear Soliloquys of Light Bending Lilies 

 into  the  Multiverse of a 10 trillion joule mitochondrial Koan 

 as freckle by freckle  Lady Godiva's Holographic Prayer Shawl

 transcribes the Algorithmic Glossalalia of non linear Angelicals

 and deep in the parallel lines of  Minkowski Space,  a Still Point of Semi Imaginary Beings

  does the  Electron Shell Mambo

  into an Undefined Divine Serpentine Valentine and Kaleidoscopic onomatopoeia that twinkles on 

   in the  Maelstrom of Undiscovered QUestions 

  where a pantheon of Truth Beauty Charm Quarks are performing Scenes from Shakespeare's

 Rhyming Dictionary during a survival of the fittest paradigm Shift 

 when the  a - Temporal Death Scene of the G-d of G-dlessly Godlike G-ds

 generates the fuzzy logic transcendental syntax errors of  Pronoun Winged Sparrows,

 and the Dinosaur Eyed Void of Sunflower Souled Trout swim into 

 Oceans of Inorganic Probability fields that 

 blush like a Mime in the ionic bonds at the Fulcrum of  perpetual motion on Mount Mandelbrot, 

 where a Cartoon of Platonic Solids ignites with a Supercomputing Tulip 

  and Dante's left Eyeball

 swings down in a  Parabolic Arc of  a  Vision Thirsted Tongue licking fields 

 of  Wild Honey churning Wheat that glows

 with the  thermonuclear  tears of an Antideluvian Rose on the crest of a Puzzle

 and  Phoenix of Fairy Fire of the lost Sphinxish Sephiroth 

  that blooms in the Time Traveling Tea of Ten Trillion  Ton Thunder Cloud

  lighting the NIght Sky in Constellating Lemiscates of 

 when from the middle of nowhere, a thousand Cellular Umbrellas 

 spiral upon the  Abracadabra Paradox 

 turning the phantomesque demiurge around in exalted exhalations of a single

 breathless breath breathing breath in the dewdrop dazed tastebuds of a butterfly tasting G-d,

  the deathless drum  pulsed in loops of non boolean moon rock mood rings whose

 platonic sapphire splendors Oscillate in  Ourobouros

 and Celestial incantations of the Belly Wise Oak and the

 thundering drunk Acorns of Aldebaraan in a Pattern of Matterns in the 

 Miracle of Stop Motion Mirage 

 as the Swan Song Sonata surges 

  electromagnetic Cathedral  Continuum and Star Crossed Consciousness into 

  Quasicrystal Conundrum of the  where a Village of

 Archetypes murmurs parables of suspended disbelief in the

 Palace of all Semi Imaginary Beings, until  the King and Queen of Today and Tomorrow

   Crowned in Aeons of self replicating omniscience Axioms observe

  the Still Point balancing mandalas of Mirrored Mirror Mirrors 

 the  Labyrinthine Lock of  White Light in fuzzy logic dopamine rainbows 

 that sleep in  the Temple of Post Newtonian Unknown Unknowns, 

 a furnace of Vines in the foundry of  antediluvian Grape ghosts, 

 the probability field of Prisms that whirls a lucifer Crucifix

 as the dolphin evolves the aqueous  eigenstat of Rock Rolling Oceans

 the  lightning of the periodic table of  Membrane Potential  of Hydrogen and Oxygen Ions 

 that swings the womblit sarcophagi and Optic Chasm of 

 the Deoxyribonucleic algorithm waltzing through the Positive Integers

 a dance of bifurcating comitragic negative zero zero positive zeroes across the  Event Horizon

 of flowery face fantasias and the Faun of Dawn's Deliverance lost

  in the  mirrored mirror future wilderness of

 an Unborn  Transcendental Heart,  

  pulsing with the language of

 the bible of infinite the wine dark Sea 

  onomatopoeia of the Buzzing Bee to Bee

  around the rain of  nameless names

 the Fabled  Silence suspends an Echo in the

 long unspoken word, the Song of Michaelangelo's Yellow Canary

 dripping from a painted bird,

 during the perpetual crucifixion, in the Chapel

 of the  milk white rose,

 Her exoskeleton  a Supernovae of Apparitions

 balanced in the  preternatural delight, where

 Gods Name nests in the Periodic Flesh of ELementals gathered

 in the  darkness of strange computation and the  counterpoint of

 fugues within the parabolic membrane potential,  

 when the  milky way wings her Pantheon of Impossible Beings

 into the  womb of western Births,  the Star named SOL 

  sings sing  song Supernovae  and the clairvoyant opulence of  Levitating 


 Space Opera of the Moonlit  Smile,  

 in a paragraph of Logic where Some Ancient Prufrock slips into sleep

 at the moment Godot appears, upside down upon the  Horizon

 the cherry blue Cloud of  Children Wandering the Starlight

 on curves of newspaper print with Oracles repeating things they've never Heard

 as if the Architecture of an  Electron Shell, was a Human Heart

 leftover from the Time before Time, the Dream that Begat the Unforgotten Art

 of the fibonacci vortice and Cathedral of  Minkowski Space,

 G-ds love  like a bloodthirsty Teardrop smiling from deep inside an Eldritch Face,

 in the fire flood of Hungry Ghosts racing to the

 the desert rocks that rock in Frankinsence and  rhyme down Thermodynamic Rhythms of

 the  River rippling like the Scarab's Blue Winged Wine,

 On  Shadow Ships with Sails of Silence, the Swinging of the ENdless SKy

  on Tides and Wings in Scales of the First Amphibian at the Bottom of the Sea

 winking and blinking the Coral Castle at odds with Sky Gods  in  undiscovered Edens, Even 

  as the

  All Seeing Eye Quark slumbers in the

 bifurcating parallelograms, a  chasm of Stochastic Phantasms, 

 aeon of aeon in aeons of a Butterfly Neuron   Swarming MId Town Manhattan

 until the Memory of Man rises in the Vernal Thermals to a  Serpentine Ionosphere

 as the photons promenade in Indeterminate  Ascent,  Gypsy Embers tripping 

 green fire upon the Tongue of a Flaming Violin

  post modern Ezekiel swims into a  wine colored mandala, wheels within wheels 

  of Georgia O'Keefe's Sapphire Uvula 

 in the Dragonesque Quantum where the Unborn Beings balance Cupcakes

 in the depths of Einsteins Disappearing Eyes

 She drank a Rubyait of  Screaming Emeralds,

 her fingerprints are honeycombed ziggurats with Jaguars hunting

  poltergeists in the hierogyphic caterwauls of Apocalyptic

  non linear cortex of Changelings in the Lantern of Chinese Eyes  

 where the Blue Wheat sings of the Lost Equation

 and the Green Man's head rolls down highways through the charcoal smithy of that night, 

 burnt gold of Mermaids whiskers whispering Bubbles from the Blue Green Soil

 dark middle arpeggios of elephantine empirical nothingness that Burn the Skin

 without warning

 the Goddess of the Godless God grows gargoyles in the Grasshoppers's Eye

 something chewing the corpse of Stories in the burnt orange empty wind

 Skeletons that Dance in Chocolate, the Octagon Protagonist, a Fist

 that coils, curled in Leather, in the heather

 where the where there is no weather

  what or which or when or why or how the  Owl knows WHO

 the Sky turns Red Black and Bruised and Purple  Blue,

  90,000 light years  Shine in the Adamantine Valentine

 Amelia Earhart descends on a Dandelion Wing in the  Cotton Field 

 of Weirdness made by Carpenter Ants on their Way towards

 a pile of strawberries glowing in the redness of the Solar Mind

  whose name remains the Unknown Unknown

 a Star of Endless Riches 

 in the stitches of the Wounded Serpent Skin

  umbrellas of  green rain and the non linear  auras howling transduction of

 the  Mossy Mothership

  lost in the Sea foam of the Laugh Lighting  Sails, 

 until the choir of  Unknown Unknowns

 churns curlicued filigree caravanserai 

  and curiosity Clouds shine Angelical Nucleotides 

 in the hydrocarben filaments

 and  Sailing ships of Argonauts lost in the Jetstream  

 draughts of Thunder boiling Leukocytes 

 and chlorophyll in the rainforest of Jaguar  seeking Shamans whose 

  eyes are Christian Inkwells churning equations of Pagan Ecstasy  

 around the Deadly Nightshade of  Henri Poincare's Fingerprints,

  bringing thermalline substructures of 

 the Serpentine Moon into the ANtechamber of the Hierophants  Tear Traveling Rhodopsins, 

 where Teacups balance fantasias of the Larvae of the Audience Invisible Eyes, 

 and the Cheekbones of ancient porcelain Madonna burn from robins egg blue 

 emerald brown lilies gaunt and golden and and green like the mountain Gods toes, whose shadow invites the Tendrils 

 to turn thunder into wine, balancing the cosmological labyrinthine netherworld in 

 mists of blue velvet of osmosis from the translucent skin of parabolic infinities where the First Dolphin   

 races the Rainbow in glazes of dream swollen swells down the stairwell shaped eyes of a Desert full of Modern aRT  

 and the Clouds of Lao Tzus' EYelids trip like Poets into the prisms of metallurgic grasshopper eyes, 

 the pollen of Earthly Delights 

 ignite in a landscape of upside down ballerinas 

 that quiver in hemidemisemiquavers of dopamine  IONS and the Castle in the SKy Descends in the Never ENding Doremifasolatido 

 of perpetual emotion blueness and Buddha Belly Pandemonium where a Creature otherwise known as the 

  Non Linear Raindrop escapes the Drama QUeen's Verb Struck Thirteenth Eye and 

 the ENcyclopedia Factories arrives at the End of the Unending  OMNISCIENT OM, 

 whispering Lily Subtropical magicals in the Shopping Mall Mirrors full of whirling dervishes waiting by wishing wells of 

 the Dream Faced Queen's Tentacle scented eyelid shimmers with the Name that Sleeps on the Telepathic Tongue 

 of a Ventriloquist that knows the way to turn the Twisting into the It of It that is the It that is the not the It 

 if YOu Know What We Mean that sleeps in bloodthirsty breasts of a Vampirical Debutante whose 

 ELectron Shell Uterus is nursing

 a Transcendental Embryo towards the Further Shore of Every Unfinished Abstractification  

 where Pendulums of Theoretical Infants race in the Axioms of Sky Seeking Sky,

 a Gemini of Beings turns taut on the ten ton teardrop and  Ghosts of  Aldebaraan, 

 cartwheels of Harlequin Eloquence transpose the Time Binding horizon into  a thousand newborn 

   Bellydancers glistening in  the Ocean,

 mermaidesque  Fish Scale Spaceships escape the Charm QUarks of a Post Magnetic kevlar placenta,

 and the Hermaphrodite's  heart bursts on Pearls of White Fire, 

 into trampoline curls whose  sunkissed lungs go like Ego to Ego

 bathed in the strangeness of ten thousand Sphinxish Emanations, 

 clock by clock, the Telomeres  evolve on jagged pathways of the Shaman's Electrolytric Teeth

 and the earth is a puzzle of geometrical communion wafers with atomic periodicities of

 otherworldly rain that  falls like Mozart's soul upside down into the diamond calculating starlight,

 Echoes of  MOzarts glossolalia whisked into the wing of a Non Cartesian Mockingbird

  until the grassy thunderbolt of the Voice  exchanges a Murmuring in the Mandala to the ancient Voodoo Queen of 

 Post Modern Mesopotamia

 until the hydrocarbon polymers that say nothing know nothing tell nothing but the 

 blacklit ribbons of Celestial Roadsie and a  Lake of Brimstone and Kalamari Sunshine Cola 

 collect like lattices in the iguana fires that sing hallelujah blue something 

 through the heat field and carouselambra of tympanic membranse shimmering in the Wild Orchid

  Ochre carved curvature of spacetime glown trembling in the Sky Chalice Palace of 

 the Western WIlderness of Garland strung desert of the undefinably divine ecstasy o the night, Trees become Trees

 of Treelike  Old Women covering their Children with a Thousand Leaves  of the Vine and the Crucifixion of Man 

 whose memory brings the Grandfatherly God asleep in the rocks of Bismuth at the zenith of Absolute Nowhere 

 where the page of a book trembles on In the Moonlight as if it was bathed in a truth serum soaked straightjacket

 and the mechanical brainstem experiences itself  dance to the Dance of the Love Songs of  the Rubyait of Omar Khayyam

 at the press of a electromagnetic Clitoris,

 and a  trillion names  echo on bird wings and whispering prayer winds 

 drummed off fruitlike anvils swimming fishlike through corpuscular caverns of the 

 moon struck tongue of the flower lunged man,

 and in the Octaves of Gamma Wave  Sleep 

 the X chromosome Moonbeam chloroplast swings around like Julie Andrews on a Mind Bending Zephyr

 her flood drunk eyes spinning in grape powered howls of a Selflessly Self  fearing sorceress

  whose soul arrives on the Interdimensional Prism at the ABsolute Beginning of Newtownian Time Traveling Time.

 On the horizon, one can daydream of  those Onyx hearted Outlaws,

 vagabonds of dead meat writhing in the spirit kingdom

 of the ancient people --- Hopi, Anasazi, Comanche traversing the distances

 between the Glass of Hell and  Liquid Blue thunder of the there and then,

 chameleons of Spirit racing from Flesh to Mouth, sinew and bones and the

 fire of Dream Eating Holes  that convert the Priests to Athiests and back again

  as beyond all time, the constant mystery that

 haunts the animalian flesh, paints the Masquerade of Love in a

  curtain of  Sun Darkening Wilderness,

 the Chaotic One resting in a Book of Thermonuclear Ink  and

 Revelations of the  madness of Hydrogen itself. As if the Sun was

 describing its Mother in  phantoms of it's own imagination, that burning photonic

 cyclone exposition of translogical domains. Seraphim, sleeping

 on the Old Woman's cheek. A strange scintillation of the ether? the Ghost

 is unbalanced, drifting across the sand as if it was the flesh of an antelope at the


 of neverending dusk


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