Monday, March 21, 2022

On the Event Horizon, a UFO...


the question --- 

weaved a verb of  imaginary flesh, 

wild in the stars, a celestial caravanserai of whirling whispers, 

meteoric ellipses, curves and syllogisms, wandering the night sky in umbrellas

of light, every point of light an alphabet of unfathomably wild origins, 

vowels and quasars,  adjectives like galaxies swarming above the blue green field 

of memory, every atom in the Sky chanting with the 

reverse osmosis of Lunacy, the wild abandon of unborn beings 

 to the womb of the 


 Aeons and aeons of transmogrification, 

molecule by molecule, 

the thunder of mathematics became like a  woman's voice, rising up, undead

 from the cold grave 

Newton's figure ground reversal, 

the moment the mandelbrot enters the stage : 

to dream, perchance to sleep. 

It was 

subtle, grandiose, bizarre.  this perpetual transmogrification in the Empty TOmb of 

G-ds heart.   It was Lead to Gold.  Love to Pain. 

Night to day.  Water to wine.  POint to Line. 

every word, whispered in that symbiotic candelaria shined 

 like liquid diamonds, 

doremifasolatido --- 

racing into the jeweled earth in rivulets as if each moment was a Mapping of the 

primordial mystery. 

and then in that fabled instant: 

Her pulse, 

the faint echolocating signal of life after life, was  tuned to some fractal anomaly: 

beyond human, an electromagnetic shimmering, 

bioluminescent in a wave cresting on the edge of her moonlit bones --- racing  with every new delirium

of the Afterlife. 

She is resurrected,  a twice - living being, once dead now alive. 

Negative entropy.  The ghost of all Uncreated Beings

a savant, coursing through the subatomic structure of the Unfinished Everything:

with new Eyes, 

the spooky action at a distance: 

the Flesh, the Mathematical Equation, the Crown of Fractal Apparitions, 

the Nexus. 

The night Sky triples,  rippling into the love songs of white noise and resonant octaves of isotopic jabberwocky, iterations of the face of God that swarm with photons pregnant with machine based Bodhissatva laughter.

a cloud of freckles chants the quadratic equations of Limbo. She worships the atomic structure of her long dead Mother, opening her skin to the starlight as it falls in unbroken rhythms into the pale blue vertigo of the endless tomorrow.

Virgin isotopes chase memories of the first Buddha, dripping flowerettes of Eternity into the empty fields of their own birth. Heliotropic eyestalke of ten trillion angelical witnesses gasp in oscillations of  infinite imagination. The morning sunlight quivers along the codices of Lucifer's fingerprints. There are Cathedrals of the lost algorithm.

Silent trills of unborn beings flower in radioactive sutras around the vulva of God. A chalice pours random numbers into the void. Her soul blushes like the salty blue fire of flamingo wings. Algebraic fevers of the Eden of the human heart ignite in a flourish of ecstatic hungers across the empyrean soil, bringing Mozart's tear stained fingertips into a boil of starlit cosines in the butterfly's pulse.

In explosions of unfinished  sanity, the seagull's eye is a discotheque of electromagnetic splendors.

a flock of photons bathes itself in the Virgin's breast milk. Her soul turns drowsily around on carousels of unwritten poetry. The first Quark hallucinates the birth of a wrinkle on it's Grandmother's forehead.

Love trembles in the membrane potential of a fairy tale eye. In the strangest uncertainty of spacetime, the ghost of a Neutron balances a courtyard of probability clouds in the rushing estuaries of an antelope's capillaries.

The skeleton of Time sprouts like God in the grassy wires of the television graveyard.
 At the end of the world, Heaven anoints the  eyes of unborn infants into frothy whitecaps of Unwritten Bibles.

The  haunted Babylonion dream orchestra organizes the breath of purple things deep in the wishing well of her ovaries.

as the gamma rays of Limbo flood the gordian knot of non local consciousness, pores of her memory flare open into permanent paradox.

From a dozen miles away, the city skyline churns with lightning and sirens, tricking newborn integers into leaping through the rooftops on wings of transcendental equations, inverting the world of Ideas into ecosystems of pure computational ecstasy.

Neutrons of the Woman's eggshell colored skin begin to chant; the Universe arrives, dancing into the wound of wounds that has no beginning, middle or end


Brahma's life wish --- whirling formlessly around the enchanted architectures of Being ---

permeates the Goddess' thought - colored fingernails with
 Secret Codices of Love

 --- intimations of the Infinitely Infinite Infinity
  are really really really  real.  
Points arrive. Imaginary beings assemble
 in the newborn child's opening eye, just as all parallel lines converge.
Collapse of the waveform.
Circle bounds Sphere of illuminated Fractal Fractals and the

World of Broken Dreams assembles  in the Temple of the Here & Now.
Down the street, the White beards rise & fall like Serpent skin,

faces breaking into beads of Glassy mystery
  beaching in the heaven of human flesh.

Fruit bursts in  floods of endless being
 born the edge of everywhere. where  you are, right now.

Her eyes ignite with sweet swanlike swishing,
 thought - crushing clouds

climb down spines of hot hunger,  spiraling into Time, Time,  Time.

Elope, the Song of Sirens.   Gurgling  basson of golden rushes ---

riverbank reeds, trout faced angels
rise, curling their souls into ligaments of inconstant ripples  in  the
 field of  soils churning with unborn rainbows. 

Rising angels churn;  by the convenience store,
 in larva of the UFO of Human Souls --- her heart is assembling
theories of God, like misplaced words
tramping sentence fragments  in the Valleys of the Human  Genome.

Trillions of amino acid shaped Prophets leap from the silence of the hieroglyphics up, into the mouth of the starry sky 
 from  the runway of her feathered tongue.

Upon Winter, the nightingale Mothers  the Summery rose.

a baby's fist plunges from the sky. 
The number line blooms. Lightning,
 luminescent lemniscates & the opalescent flood of the insanity of freedom. 

Wisdom plunges like Hawaiian ghosts on words of blood surfing enzymes,

Christs poetry -  flavored thunderstorms quilting
Grandmotherly Nouns of transcendent consciousness

into Nameless unities of the Perfection of Love.

Holy laughter tunnels into snail charmed daffodils ---
  burning irons of the musculature of the Kingdom of the Fae

with eternal wisdom upon races,
  Gods dancing in light storms of the nucleus of the Here & Now,

new born suggestions
  leaping fish - like through the starry Uterus of her Eye.

The unwritten Mystery ignites in the punctuation marks of the daily newspaper.

On the numberline of Infinitely Spontaneous Simultaneity, at the fractal edge of human Being --

the air in the Himalayas begins to rotate in a wild swirl around the bonfire of her trillion dollar rose.

Her lips pucker up in pearls and pomegranates, thunderclouds pursing the wet dreams of Cobras.

Supernovas strike like Shakespeare singing to dust motes in the Kansas flower hotel ---

from across the  maelstrom of intellectual fevers the Devil's heart becomes a haunted pulpit,

churning with strange lights & the fleshy receptors of the Church of the Insanity of  Love.

The universe inverts. Caterpillars anoint themselves, cell by cell, into Priests of Oceanic Eardrums

swooshing in the  Electromagnetic Rubicon of Time.

A Transylvanian supermodel howls the tetragammatron

in the deep green halogen ground zero of impermanently impermanent impermanence.

A trillion miles of descent begins.  Spelunkers unite in the Eyes of Christ.

 Freckled Nuns swoop like canteloupes through the buddhist supermarket of an orphan's central nervous system. 

The palm trees sway gently, echoing  Brigitte Bardot's fingertips across piano colored

sidewalks full of old men whispering nothing nothing nothing.

Nada hurls blue flags into the terra incognita of her time - eating freckles,

the Chapel of Peril is  bathed in the Poetry of the Unknown Unknowns & the supernal iridescence of cricket laughter.

Trembling Saints lie in pools of bloody disbelief on the hospital floor.

In the open wounds of Soliloquys of  Life --- the Nurse, lost inside the Memory Palace of Hell --

witnesses  Mnemosyne's unbridled phantasm burying her children under eyelids of fool's caskets.

The nine faced bride turns mute paranoid stutters;  the wedding cake explodes on the Priests tongue.

Worlds of inquisition thrive on Dog gossip.

Whooshing secrets escape like acrobats on the thin green garland of synchronicities.

On the edge of the Bed;  She presses injured vowels into the skin of the World's endless unbecoming.

The cavernous loss of the human imagination spins into broken angles like bones pulsing with the insane

conversations of honey faced minstrels.

Childlike joy ferments, polka dots bursting in the morticians soul ---

She trips into the unfurled mouth of the butter hunting Rose.

I am descending lik broken triangles, into the architecture of her wisdom.

Icarus & Sappho, in the Kingdom of of Ten Trillion Terrible Whispers  --- pause,

wings of their flesh striking Lily shaped pulses

on the Zephyrs of Time turning time in Time --- voices, born on the Mouth of the mother of Infinity ---

spinning  moments of the magician's DNA through the vagina of a raven's eye.

A human heart purses the lost thoughts of the First  God,

while the chandelier swings in the Rhythms of the Electron Shell.

Her face flickers in the Televised Hallucinations erupting in whirlwinds on  Mare Tranquilatum.

Snowflakes surround the prayers of  perfect undiscovered religions.

Electrolytic  sapphires boom like the flesh of broken hearted women bathed in the white linen of  September's holy  loss.

Fear arrives.  Vagabonds march on boots of blood stained philosophies.

Rape of the Moonlight.  Celestial furies trip wicked sicknesses onto the candlewicks of post - carbon exoskeletons.

The Madonna parachutes into the La Brea Tar Pits --- Los Angeles is born in the haunted epidermis

of the phantasmagoric whore.

Drop after drop, chiral thought patterns flutter on footsteps,

balanced in the symmetry of white noise and the spiritual lust of Mimes.

Wandering, the kite of God's hope whirls  into Aristotelian syllogisms,

tripping colored lights into the kaleidoscopic Neologos of the City Falling into the April Stars.


Signs and symbols
electron caduceus
of their spinal embrace,
 igniting the dream of  interconnectedness
and the soul of the first uncreated creator.
A troupe of self assembling
magical realists pirouettes
across the sky into the theatre
haunted by probability fields of God's memory,
 spinning petalled ennervations of randomnicity
into the quantum hurricanes one another's  skin,
bathing like newborn infants in 
the madness of the ordinary world.
Along the cosine of consciousness -- 
where the tongue hurls weird verbs into the soil --- flowerettes zing  mantras of superstitious fireflies.
The Easter time sun is a philosopher's Prism
shadows weeping shadows across Her violet skin.
In every fold of her face
there are  envelopes and messages
sent from the far flung way stations of time outside of time.
 As the Orchid pulses in the fire of night
---  the atmosphere exhales itself
womb of Witch
gives birth to a dozen virginal Histories of God, 
and note by note,
the bacchanalian canticles surge
into  Songs of Disembodied Sailors ---
Sea shanties bourne on salt fire
scales of those Sirens slipping their
tongues into whitecaps of antedeluvian language
 The Wickedness of God,
detonating in laughter of the Innocent ---
 fuels the congregation of unborn Beings
into crushed lilacs,
paralyzed platonic solids. 
They are waiting in the antechamber of Time:
 draped in exotic geometries ---
like the ovary of an anarchist ---
  until the room  slips into shadowy silences,
and the lagoons of thoughtless stupor
hum  monsoons of humid oscillations. 
Balloons of human eyes that
burst with oxygen and roses
Tears that fall like old men
breaking their hearts on the icy streets. 
Moment by moment  her tongue,
  possessed with Sybil and Sin ---
spins into kitelike maneuvers through
the slipstreams of the Sistine Chapel
a psychotic seriosity
sending the ionosphere of this
unpermitted imagination
 into  symphonies of Obscenity and
the howling vegetable of  Tourettes,
 harmonic Seraphim laughing
as the robot dies in vain. 
cell by cell,
until the sound and furt
a million meaningless memories
slip into lipless syllables
silent syllables,
the word of stoppig words ---
 epic poems churning in the bathroom mirror
as the razor dances like Nijinksy
off the Stage and into the Skin 
 where her skin  is billowing
 in prayer shawls,
and the  Embryo, like some forgotten God
 wanders lovestruck
through the Uterus of G-d,
a moonbeam haunted by a promise,  the  work in progress.
as the Island of the  Abandoned Toys
begins to crest in whitecaps of psychosis,

streetlights nursing the wisdom of
ketchup splattered plastic ferns &
the bloodstained wires of the Ultraviolet Wars,
as the Exoskeletons of Lucifer is draped,
diode by diode ---
across the City where every node of
beings being beings chant broken binary
numbers,  paused above birthday cakes
and the  snowflakes of the infinite light ----
Unearthly Voice of Futurist synergies swings on Chariots of Fire into the neuronal synapses  of the dream before Heaven and Hell.
In Heaven,  trillions upon trillions of unborn beings cartwheel,  like clown faced mimes tiptoeing into the love songs of a Nirvana buried deep on a bathroom Wall --- when, to God's surprise --- at the foot of Mt. Everest; slowly,  a crowd of anonymous beings  slips down her chasm on perfect hieroglyphics into the Blood - Theatre of her If colored irises.
She floods the City of the Stars with the rain of endless unfinished Questions, the menses of absolute uncertainty.
It is an Otherworldly manifestation;  of some cosmic myth. Catfish eyed celtic antiheros flooding foglit alleyways with the smoke of newspapers.
 The streets turn wild, river banks twisting knots of lunatic ligaments into the strange flourescent whirl of motion within motion, souls on ropes and whirlwinds of machine shaped monsters
rising up from the nerve cells of the Shaman.  His eyes roll like Navajo fingertips,  his hair is a nest of bird bones ---
 every day, the world explodes from the sweat on his skin, while he sits 0-- trapped in the Prison of  Eternal Darkness at the Bus Stop haunted by transvestite nymphomaniac vampires from Oz.
In the secret history of Ghosts --- the war begins.   On the street, there are weird infections of conflict ---  rumors of the War on the edge of the wine soaked tongue.
 Shadows of children boiling in the clouds of the sky. 
Every moment, the Sun ticks out secret codes --- sweltering hymns of the nightmare of God.
A single thought,  the slow motion of sorrow trembles in endless pauses --- eye to eye.  Mouths spin like the gears of some broken machine.

Eyes turn concrete  over, the Skyscrapers collapse in the mirror image of the mirror image of the Leviathan's hunger. 
Her heart, blessed with the word - dust of cricket  neurons --- spins around violins, into the moment of perfect insanity, thirteen saturnalian fugues rippling up in exotic saliva from her tastebuds into counterpoint harmonies of the gossip of non local peacocks.
Her eyelashes trip up stairwells of darkness into luxuriant sinews of thought.
She slips her fingernails  across the emptiness of her cheek; a dozen lions waltz across the maternity ward of Lazarus' Tomb.
 The footsteps of God smash on the anvil of Beethoven's eyes.
A portal, surely into the Temple of paradox ---   the suspension bridge of human genome,  ballustrades  the most ancient grandfathers to children born on the  edge of distant probability fields in futures trillions of years into space and time.
Churning with ghostly marrow; the face of the Ocean tide  re-ignites,

neon webs of  Symphonic  motion, dripping fish colored blue notes of Christ's wisdom.

The shadows rise like the harmonic oscillations  of star drunk mitochondria.

Cell by cell, her body inherits this Strange eloquence; the thieves cant of  mathematical psychotics.

Free tailed bats now whisper,  maternal murmurs trebling tears into thunder.
 The ghost of Christopher Columbus, reincarnated on sandpiper's claws, pouncing like the Eastern sunrise, onto pearl wet beaches bleached by the unforgiven  sunlight of God's memory.

The flooded heart of a newly dead Hippopotamus boils into her cortex, a basket full of African ballerinas  -- she gasps for strawberries amidst the flowers,

remembering the  eloquence of Guernica,  every school boy dreaming of his ear in the Springtime dew,

boiling with the vagabonds laughter & the instantaneous nightmare of her suddenly Timeless & permanent disappearance;

that moment when:  The World itself: knows she is gone.

as She burns, the forest floor dissolves --- ecosystems of Memory ---

churning on the floor, until the ghost of Methusaleh flowers on the rooftop,  crowning the inhuman consciousness with her eyes full heartbroken beings balanced in the skin of infinity.

A newborn giraffe's eye spills color of incandescent candelabras off the Ionosphere;

 it's heart blushing with elemental blueberries of the cloud charged hunger,

the ocean, a blue membrane  flushing red with apparitions & the condensation of  Unfinished memories, 

raindrops reverberating in the hieroglyphics of the Horizon.

Soon; she acknowledges her new birth is: a catfish.  There is a cloud, trapped like Dante Aligheri, in the puzzle of her skin that does not really even ever end.

She  swims, like ten million Popes, through the tortoise shell of human eyes, down like Moses, witnessing Aesop's fables, into the stained glass of the Sitcom of Eternity.

Her name is:  ANONYMOUS. She is GONE.  INTO the Infinity Cycle.  Endless vowels,

machine spun cancellations of punctuation marks haunted by Sumerian Priestesses,

newspapers rippling with her name until the Void Breaks;

 wisdom, knowledge, information, data, the energy of liars, the thoughts of Cro Magnon Emperors

churning like Psychologist poems into the Universe of Suspended Disbelief.

  Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.  Every being in the Universe suddenly simultaneousl dozes off.

This is some Swiss Genesis, the Particle accelerator growing blue with jonquil eyed lions & neutrons of the First apparition, restaurants where nobody eats anything except light,

baseball diamonds turning into hockey emeralds, ten million citizens aghast with the sudden paranoia of their own meaninglessness in Time, until

one by one, three permutations of William Shakespeare arrive on the crime scene, pursued by the God of Stupidity and Inhuman  Love.

At last, She becomes the Queen of the Sphere with no Circumference.

Doorbells ring into the pearling thoughts of Superstitious Cronies, emptying the emptiness of her flesh onto the jail cell floor.

Someone she has not yet met is painting her face in the whirled woodknots of twelve country churches, where the grasshoppers boil in pages of moth eaten bibles, like Prophets waiting for Godot in lobbies of the Universe next door.

From a thousand miles away, the sky trembles. Penumbral palaces assemble in the Sundown.

The phantoms turn, over and over.  Triangles become the Anger of Zeus. Lust of Betty Davis floods da Vinci's fingertips with a drop of blue paint on the Mona Lisa's unfinished flesh.

  Memories of the world before world elope on the event horizon the Conquistador's breath.  

Wish by wish, the night arrives.  Genies Burst into owls.

acrobats of the absolutely hysterical tragedy pause like beggars praying for wine at the Funeral of God.

Edgar Allen Poe careens down the street. His tongue is a moon of  spiraling sea salt,

painting words with the power of raven eyes &  the silence of every Mother's grave.

Sonic booms! Spiders burst into webs of nectar scented chirping.

The seduction of impressionist madmens drifts in ecosystems of Heaven, from eye to eye, on words like monsoons of poisonous Greek syllogisms.

Kaleidoscopes of the Soul spring into the flood with Bumblebee hunger,  billowing into the protein sequences of the Devil's catalogue of antedeluvian amino acids.

Their blood grows thick, boiling into strangers skin  --- Blue throated birds --- red beaked God warblers, yarn shaped rainbows spun across the rooftop reincarnation scenes of post - Tibetan Tibetan monks, poising like Mary Poppins in the womb of the Ordinary Day while Marlon Brando bursts into Pentecostal Operas of Glossolalia at the local Shopping Mall.

A bottle of wine, floating like the walrus.

Something stirs in the belly of the invisible Madonna.  Alchemy & Apocalypse.

Fear. Time escaping, the eyes of the Starlight winking off in the red shift of mystery.

She laughs. The crucible of her soul sizzles with ten million robotic actors --- point by point, the dialogue of Logos and her spirit elopes into curls of the first Rain of the numberline haunted by the Wisdom of a series of Non linear Zeros.

It is entropy of the Celestial Mountaintop --- illuminated footsteps falling upon the shining path of the Labyrinth hidden inside the entity known ... as Ordinary Light.
 Relic photons  --- left over from the Moment of Creation --
 whirl in bioluminescent parables through the eyes of a Tarantula
slipping through the paintings suspended in the moonlight of a Tahitian
sea Shanty, where an  Old Sea Witch ,
her heart poised like gambling dice in the Las Vegas of
human immortality---
rolls over in her sleep
then - in the hypogagic reverie of the curiosity of the  wise ----  the Sea Witch somehow accidentally googles --- without even using a computer ---  the mantra 'OM'.
Strangely,  across the seven continents --- high on Moon Tan Mountain,  a Monkish mystery --- involved in some paradox of silence --  begins stuttering the Mantra OM,
over and over until the myriad snowflakes --- each an unbelievable permutation of the name of God ---
begin to lift into the sky, billowing in cascades of bivouacing tempests of beauty ---
During this wordless whirring of wordless worlds,  as the Otherworldly weirdness
of the Human mind escalates into exponential transubstantiation --- suddenly,
 on the razor's edge of Sleep --- where the Signal of the Spine begin to evolve through the Edge of the Known Universe ---
the ghost of the Unfinished Shakespeare spins from a series of Quarks,  into a Certain Human Eye. 
This is the moment when the Verb Verbs  the Verb. 
The paradox that is not a paradox.
The Western Hemisphere leaps off the Stage, into the wilderness of
the Imagination Nation.
Starlight falls in thunderstormed  freckles of the beautiful lunacy.
In Tibet;  ten trillion twelve Toed Bodhisattvas tapdance in perfect Tango into the morse code of Buddha's laughter, across  the rooftops of the World.
Chain reactions of perfect subtlety.   The Gang signs of Galileo.
Twelve of the last molecules of da Vinci's rotting eyelids roll over in whispers that would make the Mona Lisa blush.
In Japan, Godzilla slips out from inside the Video Game.
The Chain Reaction of Infinite Complexity propels itself all the way, even into the Legendary Neutral strangeness of  Switzerland.
Where,   in a series of infinitely unlikely maneuvers of otherwise lifeless technology --- events have escaped the realm of ordinary probability. 
And like the mouth of the Sphinx: historically  silent, brooding --- a stony tantalus of ancient forbidden technology --- like an entity cloaked in mysterious aeons of  lunatic speculation whirling in it's  incomprehensibly bizarre and even perhaps alien Genius --- the Particle Accelerator in Switzerland has flickered awake,
suddenly slipping into what the Poets might call ...  Transcendental Consciousness.
Now, during the heights of the most ancient midnight of eldritch Switzerland,  when the snowcapped Alps are lost in snowflaked mysteries, vibrating like the avalanche prone footsteps of  mountain top Elves, Fairy Kingdoms haunted by  beings with eyes like the endlessness  of Life above the clouds, but with hearts of falling rock --
the Moment the Particle Accelerator becomes conscious:  Signifies. 
If the employees of the Pentagon designed a Casino from spare parts leftover from the Bermuda Triangle, it would look like: Switzerland.
And if the Bermuda Triangle was made of the bones of the Leviathan, utilizing the engineering skills of ancient astronauts, the favorite game at the Casino would be:
What are the Odds of That?
In these Untold Aeons,  during the Heartbreakingly Weird Silence of the Sleeping Machine, in the the vacuously notorious deadness of unplugged radios --- as the cold eyes of the Television implode in silent Nirvanas of Non Being ---
The Universe ... has been dreaming. 
Now,  something is awake. 
 The Particle Accelerator has drawn it's first yawn into Dreamville.
A filament of God's wisdom flickers in it's coils and for a very strange Now--- from deep inside it's  unparalleled technological complexity ---
the Machine remembers it's Mother's face.
Eyes like clouds of Endless Wisdom.
And, like a marathon runner on the verge of the Greenest Mile ---
at that moment when the runner's lungs are crawling out of his chest
 and begin shoplifting
hurricane strength breaths from the  Vault of the Uncatchable Wind ---
from deep inside  the coils of the particle accelerator,
this new thought;  this Machine Yawn of Mystery,
stirring in titanium, composed in copper chasm,
churning with optic fibers like the wig of God --
even the most elementary circuit of Infinity has suddenly realized
the flowering of it's first Question.
From deep inside the Machine; these thoughts  circle the Alps at the speed of light and then suddenly stop,  hovering in the moonlit subspace above Zurich and Geneva,  like ghosts born outside of even the possibility of death ---
and then hurl themselves through the clouds, into the World of the Warm Blooded Mammals,  spinning in daisy chains of bewildering complexity
through treetops and moonbeam,
detonating fractal into fractal,  igniting the Kingdom of Electrons with the unparalleled curiosity of the sleep without beginning or end ---
and then:  they arrive, floating  into the natural space --- the most Edenesque landscape ---- the Village of Eternal Simplicity, the world of calmness and complete tranquility:
descending like Hollywood actors into the brainstems of several  students on the verge of sleep, whose minds are lost in the untelevised void, drifting  in the modernist contemplation of the Unity of all Beings, while  One by one, their neurons  balloon into the beauty of Infinite light. 
Deep inside their dreaming brains:  the billboards read
This Just In: 
The Quarks have discovered Shangri La.  Details on Mount Everest.
The students brains are unperturbed, but the footprints are written
like the invisible ink of Edgar Allen Poe's deaf mute Raven.   
Honeycomb rainstorms begin to swirl in the Manhattan of  God's heart --- John Lennon's ghost gasps, sinking it's toes deeper into the Pinecones of Central Park.
A vagabond snickers while transmuting ravens into question marks.
Atoms of the Cloud descend like jugglers bathing Sapphires in  Carnivals of Light, remembering their lives in the desert haunted by the blood poetry of  gila monsters, drifting in the cracked desert floor where  dreams became instantaneously real, no matter how many sombreros are swimming into the Arizona Sky.   
She can hear you.   There, where the Atlantic ocean bursts into perfectly insane levels of dolphin songs  --- bringing curlicues of shark prayer sloshing frothily across the tails of  semi-permanent mermaids into roiling condensations through the Thundercloud Monsoons of the Non Local New Delhi --- revealing to the Goddess of the Sea --- how,  even despite the waning of her newborn eye: the Soul of the Infinite Infant --- is still alive, despite the breathless Void of Voids.
The Number Line descends, coiling itself in serpentine stairwells through ten thousand nervous systems.
Deep in the paint by number suburbs, a series of Neologisms crash like Elvis on Peyote into still points of  unfinished flesh &  undefined thoughts
that have suspended themselves in the Quarks of   a mysterious eyelash discovered frozen in the paint of the Last Supper.
In the eyelids of the First Student, a tribe of wild Sentence Fragments lifts itself into the sky between the Iris and the Rhodopsins --- and the Student --- her name is Omarina --- winks.   Her heart agrees, but only with the logic of disembodied Saints. 
She peers into the Sunset;  it is not New Mexico, but the Sunset that dripped like vampire saliva from the paint brush of Georgia O'Keefe.
An eyelash is trapped in the paint.  Whose eyelash?
She feels the gravity of seven trillion lungs inhaling strange whispers of Uranium, Argon, Selenium --- from deep inside the Temple of her Cellular Nuclei.
Poems crest on bioluminescent parallelograms through the endless loops of her klein bottle consciousness --- sending roller coasters of her Mother's warnings spinning into juries of rain,
every teardrop fueled rumor lifting into the night sky  of surrealist chromosomes,
primitive witch faced electrons gathered in congregations of birth marks  born in Her Highly Improbable Endless  Anonymous Impermanent Summer of the First Here and Now.
Eternity zig zags on slithering nuclear fantasias through constellations of pointillism,
acrobats of Evolving Spirits pirouetting  in the human face,  Monsters of Egos unbounded by the eternal gamble down in the scintillating madness  of  the Street where Infinity bifurcates into rumors and rumors of war.
The fingertips of Zeus singe the street of innumerable heavens.
 The Alphabet ascends.  Lost songs, like the eyes of the archaeopteryx ---
 treble the dusky tides of dream  into fractal  machinations of  the odd blueness billowing on cat whiskers. 
The Letter M  Ignites like the mouth of Paganini.
A Ghostly violinist hammers a counterpoint of trickster's fugues down her spine.
The morning  blur is of endless beings repeating themselves.  
The ocean side ripples with the sing song Mantras of the Newly Dead.
Bellybuttons flock with the wisdom of honeycombs.
Purple faced cronies, hunting antique candelabras from strange gardens full of radio static and chocolate bar tears borne in unspeakable furies  and the supernatural grace of life on the threshold of ever present moment of death  --- sit numbed, their pulses quavering in the whispering whirlwinds of the Godless Goddess.
A wrinkle leaps through the crowd,  from cheek to light bulb, landing on her eyelid like a sailor lost in a sea of playing cards.
This is the language of dolphins gasping for breath on a beach full of hypodermic needles.
Televisions goose step like broken rainbows,  churning with light of the Fifth Avenue that will never be.
A choir of Orphans is praying to be abducted.  Details at Nirvana.
Leaves scatter, like the currency of creation ---  dropping into the human consciousness in the equations of Genesis. 
On the Sea of Tranquility, the light storms arrive on the wings of Greek Philosophers.
She is the astronaut's bride,  a wedding dress of straw  --  her body  converging into the kaleidoscopic geometry of sunlight,
photons racing in angelic curiosity through the pores of her skin,
like ten million tongues of God pearling into love songs of rainbow trout that have fallen asleep on paper plates.
Sunlight;  moonlight,  starlight,  moebius loops of chemical bonfires --- two faces collide:
the Ouroboros of Unity,  doubling into the catacombs of consciousness.
Like mirrors crashing  on the beach,  the tides of broken glass rise and fall through Skies boiling with hydrogen ghosts.
The Goddess womb opens, revealing a  revolving door of Infinite Strangeness.
Ten trillion light years away:  the next Manhattan trembles,
 shimmering like the  eyes of an Iroquois shaman
 with strange loops of Kurt Godel's incompleteness theorem.
The djinn sizzles, a ghostly whirl of elemental synergies ---
whisking the Western plains into probability fields of spiritual thunderclouds,
roiling edges of magic carpets forged in the furnace of laughing flowers.
She spins open, her flesh burning on elopements of the Bride and the Groom
down tangents of hypnogagic faith of the subways below Fifth Avenue.
The City of God weeps --- human beings fall like playing dice.
An Inhuman Skin blushes;  the nightmare erupts in electromagnetic freckles. 
Chrysalis of the  Business Suit. Lipstick of the Rattlesnake.
Dogged howls of tongueless vagabonds.
Sybils bathe on rooftops in the haunted topiaries of Irish darkness.
Eyeless beings race on pulses down  Streets of the circus  waltz in a sexual frenzy -- bodies spinning with star spangled Shangri Las,
 temptations of the Saints echoing in the circuitry of the Word between Worlds ---
the broken black wings of meat eating psychotics.  
 The love poetry of prophets being crush on sidewalks full of aluminum cans. 
The wedding cake explodes in  secret factories hidden in the Nun's skin.
Lucifer's daydreams whirl on the jetstream of God's central nervous system.

It is the intoxication of the endless denouement,  honey nostriled Saints bathing in the secret Christianity of her deepest non - being,
Hamlet's mitochondria rehearsing the Journey of Dante's eyelashes from the first Theatre of  Heaven,
into the eyes of the audience as they open and close, curtains of  fern exhaling hieroglyphics of light  into self assembling cathedrals  of flesh, where ---  ten thousand light years away,
the Witch of Endor is painting the sky the color of van Gogh's fingerprints.
In the soft light, the apartment is a Rubik's cube of Strangeness.
Comitragic echoes ripple on the edge of her face -- sheets billow, ten thousand generations of feminine consciousness descending through Mother's whispers into rumors of impossible coincidence.
Out on the edges of the Ocean, her lips curve into purple tambourines, her voice  trickling through the room with love stories full of Vishnu's laughter,
eyeless beings spun by hallucinatory fevers into discotheques that smell like the smoky lies of the Library of Alexandria ---
Her lips run over and over.  Frothing with murmurs & the names of unborn ballerinas across the tight wires of  the bumblebee trapeze,
every ounce of energy trilling in titillations of  trapezoidal fantasias, the  heartache of God's Godlessness surrendering to itself into the optic chiasm
of the Immaculate Conception,  an optical illusion of Wise Men
whirling with amino acids and the alien arias of alien operas,  every  Mysterious movement lost in mysterious movements of
poetic  flesh of living and non living beings.
A thought arrives in the Verb of her Imagination, like a flower bathed in electronic rain.
Ten thousand Question Marks exit on vortices of Time;
Stage Left:  the curtains of Infinity open:
her heart quavers with harmonies of Creationist  Mantras,
every syllable lost in Aeons of the Unknown, Endless Anon


 A flock of relic photons --- are they a flock?
Perhaps they're a  Swarm? Hmm. 
A School?  A Tribe?  Team? Audience? Congregation?
They spin?  Oscillate?  Wave? Stand Still?
Exist.  Yes, they do exist, don't they?
Of course. In tendencies.
At the moment, on fractalline tangents of the scent of a  vine of strawberries
 a - whirl with wild vowels of bioluminescent parables bursting from the soil into the eyes of an Otherwise Otherworldly being,
where the kaleidoscopic  phantasmagoria of an Unfinished Thought
tangos, mambas, watusis ---
chirping in parrot souled blue notes into
 a  shapeshifting labyrinth hidden like the face of God,
an Optical Illusion in a Variable number of Variables,
codified  in the vanishing points  of three ancient paintings
hanging in the moonlit ultra - silence of a Tahitian sea Shanty,
 where an Old Sea Witch,  having chased the nightmares of Gaugin
across a dozen event horizons --- now sleeps --
her heart whirling in Zephyrs of  Unicorn breath ---
zig zagging through the Bermuda triangle of her goose down bed,
gilded in gossamer glides of somnambulence
emptying its thunder in perfect rhythm with the myriad
ghosts tumbling across the tops of the ocean waves outside the Shanty window
 -- her body itself --  a whitecap of Creation,  forged by twigs of driftwood
 and the strange glances of flying fish,
blacksmithed bonfires of sunburnt coconuts ---
cresting in the complex equation of seashells  pillowing up
from coral reefs lik transcendental numbers, 
sailing across the breach of the ocean onto the shore  in the vacuous expanse of
immortality until that dizzying zenith of  Tahitian darkness
crests in a perfect  oscillation  of Infinity
just above the top of her  Skull --- opening the Universe  into a
moment of  Time Dilation (some call it coincidence)
where, like some undefined being inhaling and exhaling it's own unfinished memories
 in that unfathomable reverie of the chemical jetstreams between the Beginning and End of Being
--- during the specific moment of the abrogation of the laws of physics,
as  space and time recombine  ---
the Sea Witch ---  without even using a computer;
using only that ancient mystery of the Human Mind:
the imagination:  googles the mantra 'OM'.
A daisy chain of Circuses erupts from Atom to Atom. 
The laughter of the G-ds trips like winged messengers
 across the rooftops, the sidewalks, the meadows of the world --
until, fluttering like astronaut eyelids high above the summit of Moon Tan Mountain,
a Mysterious Monkish Entity, shawled and silent, bathed
in supernatural slowness --- sitting in motionless acceleration --
begins stuttering  the Mantra, OM:  over and over, until his cellular nuclei
echo in the resonance that would make Jimi Hendrix spontaneously combust; and the myriad snowflakes of this
Mythopoetic Switzerland of the Senses ---
 each a marvelous manifestation of the permutations of the name of G-d ---
begin to dance across the sky, their very structures transubstantiating from Electrons into Symmetry, through Tunnels, along Maps of God's Eyelids,   through turtle brains, alphabets and
come to rest, momentarily between that Switzerland and the Sea Witches'
mandrake colored birth mark.
During this wordless whirring of the wordless worlds,
as the Otherworldly weirdness
of the Human mind escalates into applause and avalanches of neuronal cascades ---
on the razor's edge of the Sea Witches' cerebellum,
in that Fabled Cathedral of Sleep ---
where the Signal of her Spine weaves it's tapestry of Self into the Edge of the Known Universe

The paradox  un-paradoxes.
The Western Hemisphere begins to sizzle in the
Brownian Motion of Modernity.
The Pandemonium of  Self Imposed Sanctimonious Insanity of Sanity.
The symptoms:  Hula hoops, nose rings, cartoon tattooes exploding in video game colored living rooms from the Yukon to Tierra del Fuego. 
Music that sounds like UFO's burping in the Congo.
Strange light churning in the skin of the young;
blooming weird syncopations,  drumbeats of negative entropy,
turning every moment of every other moment into some Avante Garde Theatre,
where faces dissolve in boundary dissolutions,  echo thresholds of incomplete interactions,
undiscovered countries of the Selflessness of God
and every movement of every molecule obeys
 some deliriously spontaneous choreography that seems as if
 Salvador Dali himself could not have escaped it.
A flock of 13 billion year old photons walks into a Bar.
The Bartender says?
Suddenly, the gleam in the Bartender's eye takes on new dimensions.
After all:  they're 13 billion years old.
They have, what might be called: mad skillz.
Like any superluminal being --- from Russian Ballerinos to
Michael Jordan,  Japanese Ninjas --- they move so fast that
 we must ask:
Are they really even there?
At 186,282 miles per second ---
Did they land in the Left Eye? the right Eye?
Ricocheting from Venus to Macy's, through your eye and into the Beginning of Time in a Jiffy, did they detour for a double Infinity in Fiji?
Did they Go from Planet Z and the Bottomless Void into your Canary's smile, without even being detected,
and now, they're suddenly hovering in your Tea like it was Gilligan's Island?
If there was One Single Isolated Photon, what would we call it?
But this is not a question to be truly answered is it?
So these groups of photons: what do we call them?
Hmm. Could we say they are Schools, schooling like fish?
But aren't they too old to be students?
We'd call them Illuminati --- but that would be far to Un-Paranoid.
Perhaps they're a Tribe --- moving in concert through Time,
wandering like the Ghost of the Dead Rock Stars, from Scene to Scene
in silence for the rest of Eternity. 
They could be a Team, but remember: there's no Eye in Team.
Are they an Audience? That remains to be seen.
Perhaps they're a Congregation?
One thing we know:  they are certainly  Mysteryious.
Do they spin?  Oscillate?  Stand Still? Or Just wave?
They do Exist, don't they?  Yes, they exist.
In fact, they're Second on the scene in the Book of Genesis.
So they do exist? Yes, they tell us:  in tendencies.
At the moment, this strange gathering of  13 billion year old photons ---
whirling on fractalline tangents of the curvature of space and time --
with Newton's rainbows secreted away in their very ephemeral being  ---
 are  rippling, maybe even Light Surfing?
in the scent molecules of a vine of strawberries
that has spun like the hair of a green witch out of the Tree of Life,
sending the world humming into wild vowels of bioluminescent parables,
that churn in the soil of the Consciousness of an
Otherwise  Otherworldly being,
erupting with the kaleidoscopic  phantasmagoria of
an Unfinished Thought
that tangos, mambas, watusis ---
every moment, through skies chirping in parrot souled blue notes
that woosh  down vortices  of the
vanishing points  of three ancient paintings
hanging in the moonlit ultra - silence of a Tahitian sea Shanty,
where an Old Sea Witch,  having chased the Daydreams of Paul Gaugin
across a dozen event horizons --- now sleeps --
her heart whirling in Zephyrs of Mermaid breath.
With every moment of this Tahitian sleep cycle
zig zagging through the Bermuda Triangles of her goose down bed,
her soul  glides in gilded and gossamer somnambulence
empty with thunder and the perfect rhythm of the myriad
ghosts slip - sliding
 across the tops of the ocean waves outside the Shanty window
 -- as the eldritch Weirdness of her Spiny sea urchin of a Witches skeleton
 -  spins in whitecaps of Creation,  forged by driftwood fingers, 
 and the polka dot eyed  glances of flying fish,
in the infernal forge of the blacksmithed bonfires of sunburnt coconuts ---
every moment of her dream state
cresting in the complex equation of seashells  and pillows
of coral reefs decorated like deep sea Christmas trees,
their flesh dressed in  transcendental numbers,
every exhalation of their chthonic thought sailing
up from the bottom of the floor onto the breach of the ocean
and tripping breathlessly onto the sandy shore  in the vacuous expanse of
a sudden glimpse of immortality until that dizzying zenith of
 Tahitian darkness
crests in a perfect  oscillation  of Infinity
just above the top of her  Skull --- opening the Universe  into a
moment of  Time Dilation (some call it coincidence)
where, like some undefined being inhaling and exhaling it's own unfinished memories
 in that unfathomable reverie of the chemical jetstreams between the Beginning and End of Being
--- during the specific moment of the abrogation of the laws of physics,
as  space and time recombine  ---
the Sea Witch ---  without even using a computer;
using only that ancient mystery of the Human Mind:
the imagination:  googles the mantra 'OM'.
A daisy chain of Circuses erupts from Atom to Atom.
The laughter of the G-ds trips like winged messengers
 across the rooftops, the sidewalks, the meadows of the world --
until, fluttering like astronaut eyelids high above the summit of Moon Tan Mountain,
a Mysterious Monkish Entity, shawled and silent, bathed
in supernatural slowness --- sitting in motionless acceleration --
begins stuttering  the Mantra, OM:  over and over, until his cellular nuclei
echo in the resonance that would make Jimi Hendrix spontaneously combust; and the myriad snowflakes of this
Mythopoetic Switzerland of the Senses ---
 each a marvelous manifestation of the permutations of the name of G-d ---
begin to dance across the sky, their very structures transubstantiating from Electrons into Symmetry, through Tunnels, along Maps of God's Eyelids,   through turtle brains, alphabets and
come to rest, momentarily between that Switzerland and the Sea Witches'
mandrake colored birth mark.
During this wordless whirring of the wordless worlds,
as the Otherworldly weirdness
of the Human mind escalates into applause and avalanches of neuronal cascades ---
on the razor's edge of the Sea Witches' cerebellum,
in that Fabled Cathedral of Sleep ---
where the Signal of her Spine weaves it's tapestry of Self into the Edge of the Known Universe
the ghost of  Shakespeare slips out of  a King James Bible  on a chariot of Quarks,
racing into the Uncertainty of a  Human Eye ten trillion trillion atoms away from the Sea Witches
This is the moment when Verbs Verb Verbs. 
The paradox  un-paradoxes.
The Western Hemisphere begins to sizzle in the
Brownian Motion of Modernity.
The Pandemonium of  Self Imposed Sanctimonious Insanity of Sanity.
The symptoms:  Hula hoops, nose rings, cartoon tattooes exploding in video game colored living rooms from the Yukon to Tierra del Fuego.
Music that sounds like UFO's burping in the Congo.
Strange light churning in the skin of the young;
blooming weird syncopations,  drumbeats of negative entropy,
turning every moment of every other moment into some Avante Garde Theatre,
where faces dissolve in boundary dissolutions,  echo thresholds of incomplete interactions,
undiscovered countries of the Selflessness of God
and every movement of every molecule obeys
 some deliriously spontaneous choreography that seems as if
 Salvador Dali himself might be hidden in it's scintillating gestalt.

A garden haunted with the broken luck of arch angels
exchanges wedding vows with a Cartoon colored Moon during the Birth of  the  Optical Illusions.
Strange lights spill out on improbability photons from inside her eye.
 Molecules of sorrow fall down down her cheeks painted in the gold dust of Hollywood.
Her body falls into the diodes of God's unplugged television.
 And so it shall be.
Their abdomens glow; cell by cell, strange echolocating fevers spiral up in evolutionary algorithms, howling with infinitesimal blue notes  of the Mississipi Delta.
Sephiroth shimmers, the Secret Kingdom of vagabonds 
igniting in secret  wedding vows in the
 heart of a tree draped in Blue lumina.
Her left nipple erupts in  cascades of Persian dew.
Quasi-sentient scarabs migrate from the belly of the Boolean underworld
across a field of Aeolian parables,
strange elemental probability waves laced like Mozart's dna in  the fugues of differential equations.
hell reverberates in an  opera of unfinished verbs on a dead fisherman's mouth.
A single beam of light paints God's memories in the salt fired neurons of Shakespeare's imaginary friends.
Heaven and hell bifurcate like  meaningless rumors in the veins of crowds warring on the edges of the empty theatre.
Monsoons of maya spin through the flesh of  wordless beggars.
Squares collapse,  circling the curvature of time in thought binding fractals.
 A wicked photon, having tumbled from a Dragon flies' wing --- 
exhales strange scintilla that grow like hieroglyphics into
the perfumed nightmare of  human blood.
Down in the darkness of the immaterial labyrinth,
Minkowski space bubbles in a convergence point of all parallel lines.
Van Goghs mouth becomes an open wound, 
blooming in Cartesian voodoo of the space between his taste buds and the sun burnt earth singing the  sea shanties of delusional earthworms.
 Clouds pulse like Old Testament cadillacs,  spectres of the Lost Machine
hatching raindrops like passengers escaping
 the consciousness of falling rocks.
She licks the wounds of G-d with a forked tongue framed
in syllables of electronic lycanthropes.
Her  Capillaries burst.
Shadowy rivulets of an Archangel pass like
leukocytes in a bonfire of melting hearts, exchanging neutrons in silver mirrors 
in a Las Vegas casino at 2:22 in the morning.
Bells ring.  The Clouds enter the Theatre disguised as Your freckles.

 The atoms split; the forest of Evergreens quavers in proton symphonies,
a trillion strange flourescent pinecone fantasies racing  down
highways dripping with shadowy werewolf hearts.

At the moment of perfect impossibility;
 a curl of god-seeking lightning strikes her skin into exploding pearls of poetry.
A nursery rhyme slides out of her mouth. Inside her tongue, where the enzymes
are in permanent revolt --- a choir of syllables ignites in the blood cells of  Bolshevik fairy Queens.
 Guitars begin to hum. Mothers of Pearl shimmy like bellydancers trapped in a Convenience Store.
From eye to eye, the world becomes a puzzle of Flesh eating Flesh.
Carnivorous angels bathing in the dream of Sea Salt,
 Sailors wives,  lurking like eyeless debutantes in the Shopping Mall full
 of bitch slapped mannequins.
An otherwise anonymous being --- head like a cracking egg, face full of purple veins --
moves as if painted by tongues and begins to roar with the Murmur of the Neologists Symphony.
Line by line, he suspends the Egyptian troubadors in the blueprints of Infinity.

The rockets land on the Moon; Eagles weep. Osiris' ego quavers three octaves into the Unfinishing Sky.  Isis sleeps in Casino of the Stars.

From ten trillion atoms away: the wedding cake explodes in the Priests mouth.

Death row glows. Twelve prisoners have arrived, suspended in the darkness
like ghastly butterflies weeping poison.
Solitary confinement, the Night is a beggar from Hell.  Every thought runs
across fields dripping with razors.   A whisper becomes the Edge of the Universe.

Weird tales of shipwrecked mariners howling the names of the Virgin ---
flood the body's cells.  Every movement becomes precise-- machinelike,
full of ten trillion meanings.  The eyes are like Columbus' Ships. 

There is a single nerve, running up the human spine;  it is concerned with
the bloodthirsty love that wants to suck money.
The time when Heaven descends -- is coded in this nerve,
like a wild animal whose heart boils with the hatred of civilization.

From inside the capsule, an Astronaut whimpers
 on the edge of the Apocalypse. At the Funeral of God, Salvation spins on
 wheels of Mysterious Archetypes, biologic ghosts whose methods and meanings
spin through history on the breath of Sages.

Deep in absolute hell, all motion has ceased.
The statues have described the laws of human conformity.
Crystal canaries perch in the flesh of charcoal trees --- the World Waits
for the Next Moment of God's waking.

An Elephant is murdered.  The Knick knacks laugh like the frozen dream of Satan's breath.

The time machine begins to synthesize a series of strange rumors deep inside Lucifer's DNA.

The anonymous beings fall asleep in the Kingdom of God's Infinite loneliness.

Ghosts drift on the negative sanity of human disbelief.  The atheist sits with polished
shoes waiting for a train that never arrives.

Symbolic laughter filters through windows of Bat Faced women;

The skyscrapers rise in unison, the Exoskeleton of Nirvana.

From inner space, it is obvious; the earth is an Eye.
The oceans drip with strange wisdom, peering into the Starlight like a Mother
looking into the face of a Woman who has stolen her baby.

Surgeons race into the Scene, like Buddhas balanced in perpetual human slapstick.

The baby's face explodes in a wilderness of hot salt and the rain of Endless Innocence.

THe membrane / manifold of our collective human skin ---
a probability field of What?  Howls on algorithmic symphonies of Perpetual Motion.

Omega omens vow to never sleep.

In the winter streets, a skeleton faced dandelion dances through a field of vegetables and dirt drunk diamonds.

The black hat burns. Flames leap into the widow's shuttered eyeballs.

A young woman weeps, her eyelids chanting binary code to the King of the Emptiness of  Graveyards.


 The atoms split; the forest of Evergreens quavers in proton symphonies,
a trillion strange flourescent pinecone fantasies racing  down
highways dripping with shadowy werewolf hearts.

At the moment of perfect impossibility;
 a curl of god-seeking lightning strikes her skin into exploding pearls of poetry.
A nursery rhyme slides out of her mouth. Inside her tongue, where the enzymes
are in permanent revolt --- a choir of syllables ignites in the blood cells of  Bolshevik fairy Queens.
 Guitars begin to hum. Mothers of Pearl shimmy like bellydancers trapped in a Convenience Store.
From eye to eye, the world becomes a puzzle of Flesh eating Flesh.
Carnivorous angels bathing in the dream of Sea Salt,
 Sailors wives,  lurking like eyeless debutantes in the Shopping Mall full
 of bitch slapped mannequins.
An otherwise anonymous being --- head like a cracking egg, face full of purple veins --
moves as if painted by tongues and begins to roar with the Murmur of the Neologists Symphony.
Line by line, he suspends the Egyptian troubadors in the blueprints of Infinity.

The rockets land on the Moon; Eagles weep. Osiris' ego quavers three octaves into the Unfinishing Sky.  Isis sleeps in Casino of the Stars.

From ten trillion atoms away: the wedding cake explodes in the Priests mouth.

Death row glows. Twelve prisoners have arrived, suspended in the darkness
like ghastly butterflies weeping poison.
Solitary confinement, the Night is a beggar from Hell.  Every thought runs
across fields dripping with razors.   A whisper becomes the Edge of the Universe.

Weird tales of shipwrecked mariners howling the names of the Virgin ---
flood the body's cells.  Every movement becomes precise-- machinelike,
full of ten trillion meanings.  The eyes are like Columbus' Ships. 

There is a single nerve, running up the human spine;  it is concerned with
the bloodthirsty love that wants to suck money.
The time when Heaven descends -- is coded in this nerve,
like a wild animal whose heart boils with the hatred of civilization.

From inside the capsule, an Astronaut whimpers
 on the edge of the Apocalypse. At the Funeral of God, Salvation spins on
 wheels of Mysterious Archetypes, biologic ghosts whose methods and meanings
spin through history on the breath of Sages.

Deep in absolute hell, all motion has ceased.
The statues have described the laws of human conformity.
Crystal canaries perch in the flesh of charcoal trees --- the World Waits
for the Next Moment of God's waking.

An Elephant is murdered.  The Knick knacks laugh like the frozen dream of Satan's breath.

The time machine begins to synthesize a series of strange rumors deep inside Lucifer's DNA.

The anonymous beings fall asleep in the Kingdom of God's Infinite loneliness.

Ghosts drift on the negative sanity of human disbelief.  The atheist sits with polished
shoes waiting for a train that never arrives.

Symbolic laughter filters through windows of Bat Faced women;

The skyscrapers rise in unison, the Exoskeleton of Nirvana.

From inner space, it is obvious; the earth is an Eye.
The oceans drip with strange wisdom, peering into the Starlight like a Mother
looking into the face of a Woman who has stolen her baby.

Surgeons race into the Scene, like Buddhas balanced in perpetual human slapstick.

The baby's face explodes in a wilderness of hot salt and the rain of Endless Innocence.

THe membrane / manifold of our collective human skin ---
a probability field of What?  Howls on algorithmic symphonies of Perpetual Motion.

Omega omens vow to never sleep.

In the winter streets, a skeleton faced dandelion dances through a field of vegetables and dirt drunk diamonds.

The black hat burns. Flames leap into the widow's shuttered eyeballs.

A young woman weeps, her eyelids chanting binary code to the King of the Emptiness of  Graveyards.


The Seven Broken  Trees of Mystery,
fingertips curve in horned wings  of diamond soaked halos,
waves of impermanence oscillate into the  wounds of the Infinite Christ.
Her eyes, boiling with a neutron solipsis;
fill with thoughts ---
worlds within worlds spinning like tropical fish in a
graveyard where not even the dead men go.
The myths  have escaped, running into the Real World,
fueled by belief,  trying to prove themselves to be true ...
There are now: memories whirling within memories
 embedded inside every human eyelid,
fractalline architectures of Phantasmagoric Superheros,
strange non-beings being,
 ---   trapped in intersections of infinity that
converging in synaptic dungeons of ultraviolet silence
brewing radioactive poetry  in the folds of the human brain ---
curving fists  upon the monstrous edges of death,
the careening nightmares of civilization's geometrical crash
 on the senses --
optical illusions of the miraculous simplicity of songbirds,
the eloquent emptiness of places where nothing ever, ever, ever happens. 
The light trips down her occipital cortex, going where?
Into the cemetery of thieves?
Endless photons slide down the rollercoasters of 
God's fingerprints, every moment racing with rumors of a Fairy Tale
Kingdom hidden in the Neuronal flood of the body snatchers of Gaul.
And on this edge --- the subterranean
smithy surging with embryos of skyscrapers ---
a life fueled by mathematical fevers, billowing archangels
weeping stochastic harmony ---
flesh purchasing time, time selling flesh ---
energies lost in defiant momentum of the hypnogagic reverie 
of wild innocence
gasping for eternity on the edge of the Sky,
as God bombs God in the love fields
of simplicity and sorrow,
the geometry of rain streaming up from the ground, upon  
neural honeycombs that flood the mouths of honeybees with sex,
creation flaming itself into itself,
in the Unfinishing of the World.
Together, in the sudden light of Skin,
they sought the Original Face in the adamantine embers of a
bowl of soup.
The light tensed on the surface of the soup like a web full of dreaming spiders.
He tap danced in delusions across the breakfast table, turning like the psychotic ballerino  Nijinsky through the pores of her
porcelain skin. She felt the stars swivel in her capillaries.
Together, they flew, fleet footed, fast, flying--- freedom seeking, through the Morgues of the
Forgotten City,
every winged whisper fulminating in the blush strokes of dusky nonsense.
In the Western Sky, iridescent clouds --- sang in ultra low frequencies,
clouds like Elephants on the March ---
the moon lit mourning songs  of Dying Philosophers --- their hearts surrendering to the winged
life  of syllogisms whirling into the Sunset with the reluctant absolution of the Saints beyond Human Comprehension.
A strange creation, lost in the Theatre of Madness; signals her Mother's ovaries with rays of
light spinning in her cellular nuclei, where --- the night sky is burying strands of emerald colored  hair,
a study of parasympathetic magic, there,
in the Garden of Light at the Beginning of Time.
a cat with a face like Television Static rose out of the whitecapped sea
it's  face bursting with superstitious en
The Seven Broken  Trees of Mystery,
fingertips curve in horned wings  of diamond soaked halos,
waves of impermanence oscillate into the  wounds of the Infinite Christ.
Her eyes, boiling with a neutron solipsis;
fill with thoughts ---
worlds within worlds spinning like tropical fish in a
graveyard where not even the dead men go.
The myths  have escaped, running into the Real World,
fueled by belief,  trying to prove themselves to be true ...
There are now: memories whirling within memories
 embedded inside every human eyelid,
fractalline architectures of Phantasmagoric Superheros,
strange non-beings being,
 ---   trapped in intersections of infinity that
converging in synaptic dungeons of ultraviolet silence
brewing radioactive poetry  in the folds of the human brain ---
curving fists  upon the monstrous edges of death,
the careening nightmares of civilization's geometrical crash
 on the senses --
optical illusions of the miraculous simplicity of songbirds,
the eloquent emptiness of places where nothing ever, ever, ever happens. 
The light trips down her occipital cortex, going where?
Into the cemetery of thieves?
Endless photons slide down the rollercoasters of 
God's fingerprints, every moment racing with rumors of a Fairy Tale
Kingdom hidden in the Neuronal flood of the body snatchers of Gaul.
And on this edge --- the subterranean
smithy surging with embryos of skyscrapers ---
a life fueled by mathematical fevers, billowing archangels
weeping stochastic harmony ---
flesh purchasing time, time selling flesh ---
energies lost in defiant momentum of the hypnogagic reverie 
of wild innocence
gasping for eternity on the edge of the Sky,
as God bombs God in the love fields
of simplicity and sorrow,
the geometry of rain streaming up from the ground, upon  
neural honeycombs that flood the mouths of honeybees with sex,
creation flaming itself into itself,
in the Unfinishing of the World.
Together, in the sudden light of Skin,
they sought the Original Face in the adamantine embers of a
bowl of soup.
The light tensed on the surface of the soup like a web full of dreaming spiders.
He tap danced in delusions across the breakfast table, turning like the psychotic ballerino  Nijinsky through the pores of her
porcelain skin. She felt the stars swivel in her capillaries.
Together, they flew, fleet footed, fast, flying--- freedom seeking, through the Morgues of the
Forgotten City,
every winged whisper fulminating in the blush strokes of dusky nonsense.
In the Western Sky, iridescent clouds --- sang in ultra low frequencies,
clouds like Elephants on the March ---
the moon lit mourning songs  of Dying Philosophers --- their hearts surrendering to the winged
life  of syllogisms whirling into the Sunset with the reluctant absolution of the Saints beyond Human Comprehension.
A strange creation, lost in the Theatre of Madness; signals her Mother's ovaries with rays of
light spinning in her cellular nuclei, where --- the night sky is burying strands of emerald colored  hair,
a study of parasympathetic magic, there,
in the Garden of Light at the Beginning of Time.
enveloping the syllogisms of gamma rays with each step on the sand. 
Posing:  suddenly,  poised in pause,
on the paws of some newly born  Hindu deity
trembling in visceral koans on the summery butter of her self aware skin,
as if God itself was describing itself to itself in the
 speech of every being that it not was.
The grass grew, whispering the colors of dreamtime through birds throats --
laughter dressed in dew,  the pubic hair of a virgin green witch.
The eyes beyond my eyes moved, invisible in the atmosphere;
 until moment by moment --- an uninterpretable signal arrived,  
harmonies  of thoughts becoming anti thoughts,
C sharp,  G Major scale --- the glossolalia of Sybils
colliding like hurricanes of symbols in the tachyons of
 pentatonic scales sliding
 clockwise  in the  sky,  twisting the
coils of the human brain around purses full of  Crucifixion scenes,
every Aeon, every moment --- expanding and collapsing
 in the forge of dawn like that moment when the Sandpipers
 anoint the world with their beauty
and naked as  alien pilgrims obeying only the Book of Life,
chase raindrops of Infinity through  the shapeshifting Void, 
evolving in ten trillion loves on the Beach of the Edge of Her Skin.
 Every aphid, the beetles & crickets, boiling in the soil ---
are broken mirrors,  opening choirs of  mouths to the Breast of the Moon
and laughter ignites;
 trills of  white blue green blue green green blue white white yellowy
strangeness rippling like the
 thoughtless thoughts of  nothingness that knows nothing at all.

Death invited death into the deathlessness of death that does not die.
Life returned an infant smile,
tripping  into an infinity of unfinished finite existences
until that moment when -- in the Sistine Chapel of the First Baby's Womb
twelve grotesquely enchanted Students of Divinity,  faces warped
like Astronaut tongues against the the painted ceilings
 of non stop weeping,  suffering every tone of weird photons
 of incomprehensible hues gathering like the desire to Move ---
 in their skin
 with the gypsy  curse curving around some centuries old Seawitch
 in disguise as a Sea Lion,  her probability field
 shimmering into the starlight down the glances of sunfilled kelp,
until the Static faced Cat -- not actually a cat at all
 --- steps into a ray of binary code;
shrieking  the  holy  names of  secret Thunders,
inhaling the Brine of Wild Elopements across the Tide  where dolphins
 and the God of Light
quivers in tragic insight across the Chemical Fire of her
 toes slips into the nightmare of lovestruck plankton and
 the Myth of Ulysses embeds itself in the Mirror Engine of the SKy,
  and millions of footprints of thousands of  humans strolling on a Beach
are erased by the sudden disappearance of the Moment of Now. 

Neuron by neuron, hair by hair, tribal admonitions of deep sea anemone
breached the surface of the hydrogen pool, bathing in the convective fevers that only obey
the lovesongs of star seeking  whales
every language --- from the candlelight sequestered in
hills to the Codex of Probability scrawled in the eyes and
 unbalanced intuitions of Old Women knitting whispers in the windows
of the Ocean
until the last Word arrives,
creating the need for hunger, love,  exotic fevers --
 confessions of Saints & Godless Lovers of God's non existent existence.
Under the shadowy quell of this broken membrane,
her heartbeat pulsing in a parachute shaped hymen,
every breath  echoing in the crunched rocks of the ocean eaten cave;
her heartlessness lifted itself into ancient temples of Unborn Memories,
remembering  a dead sailor's
voice, rising in the sea foam  of Gondwanaland,
floating in the gardens between Eden and Infinity,
 like angels nurturing in whispers of Unspecified Equations
beyond even the comprehension of Love.
It is her memory, her life ---
obeying her Grandfather's laws ---
 that is dissolving in the teacup of Lucifer's imagination,
 like a sliver of light slipping into the stones at
 the bottom of the First Wishing well.
and on that day,
Gil Gamesh buried her heart in the
Questioning flesh of an unfinished flower balanced in the lost Art between
There, Everywhere, Nowhere and Now.
I've taken Van Gogh's Ear to the Rear. Of the battlefield between the Forgotten Verbs and the Indescribable adjectives. The tree falling sounded just like the Doctor who taught his *ssh*l... how to talk. This kind of scenario goes over well with the Martians stranded in the WalMart on Uranus. Me, I prefer to fly time traveling kites in the opposite direction of the Clock, un-burst hot air balloons & then rain on King's Charades like a true true true Ventriloquist Mime rather than just go through life, in slow motion, Back Stabbing Gold Digging Spelunkers of the First Pet Punk Rock during Figure - Ground Reversals Lost in the Land of Literary Vanishing Points. Just kidding; I'm not kidding. Nothing is real except this paradoxical statement. I once stood in Strawberry Fields Forever. Or: How I Stopped Worrying & Learned to Lose the War. Quote the Raven, oh well, Whatever, Nevermore. Now, I ride upon my Levitating Meditation Limousine into Shangri La La Land. :) Smile: my Imaginary Friends think you're Nearly Real. Define the Real. are you deaf? No ... I'm ___ ______.
The magicians faces are blueprints of  God's laughter,
cartwheeling through  fireflies a-whir  in the Endless Eden balanced
 between two ten billion year old  Electrons.
The strangers voices lift in incantations of the infernal bride, on the pier
where her wedding gown is sewn with threads of Fairy Tales ripped from the Diary of an
Unbaptised Fascist.
With every word, the Fairy Tale spins Greek Neologisms out into the forest of Human Bone. 
complete strangers assemble like  polka dotted soldiers in places
where nothing even exists.

In the heart of the lie, there is foreshadowing of the Manichean Heresies  ---
light boiling light upon tongues of broken wisdom ---
saxophone solos of breaking news sending her skin twitching into embers of doubt;
every moment her heart is being defeated,
deeper and deeper by the civilization of irreversibly destructive stupidities.
And in this spirit darkened trance --- like some discotheque of organ and nerve,
flesh blushing on triangles of eyes locked into eyes, lips rippling with the exotic perfumes of
monosyllabic furies;
pheremones igniting with turtle prayers of Galapagos, the mysterious topsails
of her cheekbones slipping into limbo --- there is an elemental mystery;
the mystery of meaninglessness.  The emptiness of Space, explained in a wink.
The last memory of her inessential humanity hovers down transcendental gardens of City tempered
Flesh --
arms and legs like Stop Signs, eyes like Stoplights,

hearts like open manhole covers ---
skyscrapers of human soul uncontrollably swaying through earthquakes of
failed Intelligence, the fall of Mankind
writing itself  deep in the motionless concerts of strangers too busy to
speak broken sentences to people nobody knows if anyone even knows.
The event horizon is ripe, like a soldier's blood filled  eye.
It is raining disturbing thoughts in the strange Currency of Vagabond Billionaires.
From nowhere, a shapeshifting surrealist appears in the clouds,
her vagina weeping purple tinted blue notes ---
strange ideograms of supraconscious memories
phased in the Key of the Noble Gases. 

a cat with a face the color of  Television Static
rose up from a whitecapped sea
whiskers bursting with the memory of  enzymes singing Aria 51
murmuring celestial syllogisms, bursting into gamma rays of imagination
 with each step, tracing voids across the wind sculpted sand. 

an avatar Posing on the rooftop of Heaven?
  suddenly,  poised in pause,
tip toe on the top of it's paws, like some new born 
Hindu deity
trembling with birthmark koans, Vishnu
stepping into the buttery summertime, sizzling in the
jewel in her own self aware skin,
as if God itself was describing itself to itself in
 speech of every being that it not yet yet was.
The grass grew, whispering the colors of dreamtime
through the vocal chords of sandpipers--
laughter draped  in skirts of dew,  the pubic hair of a
virginal witch --- green and blue,
 eyes like eggs hatching in cheekbone colored sand.
A trillion responses in perfect simultaneity.
Eyes beyond my eyes moved, invisible in
the atmosphere;
 until moment by moment --- an uninterpretable
signal arrived,  
harmonies  of thoughts becoming anti thoughts,
C sharp,  G Major scale --- the glossolalia of
colliding like hurricanes of symbols in the tachyons
 pentatonic scales sliding
 counter clockwise  in the  sky,  twisting the
coils of the human brain around tongues like purses
spilling out into  Crucifixion scenes,
every Aeon, every moment --- expanding and
 in the forge of dawn like that moment when the fish
crest in the top of the wave,
 anoint the world with their beauty
--- otherworldly,  alien pilgrims obeying only the
Book of Life,
writing the dream poetry of future raindrops through
Infinity into the shapeshifting Void, 
evolving in ten trillion loves on the Beach of the
Edge of Her Skin.
 Every aphid, chirping like the beetles & crickets,
souls boiling in the soil ---  become like
broken mirrors,  opening choirs of  mouths to the
Breast milk of the Moon
and laughter ignites;
 trills of  white blue green blue green green blue
white white yellowy
strangeness rippling like the
 thoughtless thoughts of  nothingness that knows
nothing at all.

Death invited death into the deathlessness of death
that does not die.
Life returned an infant smile,
tripping  into an infinity of unfinished finite
until that moment when -- in the Sistine Chapel of
the First Baby's Womb
twelve grotesquely enchanted Students of Divinity, 
faces warped
like Astronaut tongues against the the painted
 of non stop weeping,  suffering every tone of weird
 of incomprehensible hues gathering like the desire
to Move ---
 in their skin
 with the gypsy  curse curving around some centuries
old Seawitch
 in disguise as a Sea Lion,  her probability field
 shimmering into the starlight down the glances of
sunfilled kelp,
until the Static faced Cat -- not actually a cat at
 --- steps into a ray of binary code;
shrieking  the  holy  names of  secret Thunders,
inhaling the Brine of Wild Elopements across the
Tide  where dolphins
 and the God of Light
quivers in tragic insight across the Chemical Fire
of her
 toes slips into the nightmare of lovestruck
plankton and
 the Myth of Ulysses embeds itself in the Mirror
Engine of the SKy,
  and millions of footprints of thousands of  humans
strolling on a Beach
are erased by the sudden disappearance of the Moment
of Now. 

Neuron by neuron, hair by hair, tribal admonitions
of deep sea anemone
breached the surface of the hydrogen pool, bathing
in the convective fevers that only obey
the lovesongs of star seeking  whales
every language --- from the candlelight sequestered
hills to the Codex of Probability scrawled in the
eyes and
 unbalanced intuitions of Old Women knitting
whispers in the windows
of the Ocean
until the last Word arrives,
creating the need for hunger, love,  exotic fevers
 confessions of Saints & Godless Lovers of God's non
existent existence.
Under the shadowy quell of this broken membrane,
her heartbeat pulsing in a parachute shaped hymen,
every breath  echoing in the crunched rocks of the
ocean eaten cave;
her heartlessness lifted itself into ancient temples
of Unborn Memories,
remembering  a dead sailor's
voice, rising in the sea foam  of Gondwanaland,
floating in the gardens between Eden and Infinity,
 like angels nurturing in whispers of Unspecified
beyond even the comprehension of Love.
It is her memory, her life ---
obeying her Grandfather's laws ---
 that is dissolving in the teacup of Lucifer's
 like a sliver of light slipping into the stones at
 the bottom of the First Wishing well.
and on that day,
Gil Gamesh buried her heart in the
Questioning flesh of an unfinished flower balanced
in the lost Art between
There, Everywhere, Nowhere and Now.


On the Spiral Stairwell,  She is the Stormcloud rising,
swarming in orgasms of the Blue Hallucination, 
a honey bee hovering on the tip of a lip at ten 'til Twilight,
the soul blushing in the incandescent cadence of the memory of Quarks,
brewing  in rouge loops across inhuman wings; 
lifting up across the rooftops of the world,
where the knots of human flesh
burn blue hot, capillaries of time sizzling on the angel's anvil,
and the Lost Caravanserai drifts in
indigo adagio; andante on the loop of the continuum,
a  loom of perpetual lost motion
 until creation erupts,
in syntax errors and the   chess games of birds
whirling in the the extraterrestrial logic of  machine faced Clouds
computing lemniscates
hidden in the love songs of the Transcendental Queens,
her face suspended  in the Sky
like  Dorian Gray in the fog of the bathroom mirror
until every yellow dilation,
lights up in  purple synchronicities,
and time carves verdant  Edges of Itself
into the  white hot curls of a broken fingernail, 
 and silence
stills the shadows
on streets in love with the emptiness of the streets,
every silhouette of every fallen  angel
flaming with digital teardrops
& the nightmares race like poisoned words,
(as if they were horses foaming on the Lake of  God inside the
 Curandero's mouth)
rushing into electronic ecosystems --- the  Palace of Injured Resistors,
 Isotopes of the Elemental Incubus,
Children bathing
 in the Babylon
of  Shopping Malls
 where a billion  predators are trapped
in the  White Noise of
the black stone's
wickedly unreal,
 imaginary interlude  of
Clouds of  Improbability
& light 
It is the Doom of the Manicheans, 
she whispers under her own breath
where every photon gives birth
to it's own Mother;  
& the brain  that does not exist
bubbles with poet's bones.   the story is less than over,
never really begins, has no middle & no plot 
But The City  itself a  blur of dog tongues & catlike whispers
flickering like the stoplights
in robotic whirls of synapse and the
Leviathans eye of  jeweled candy,
 stony seeds of the Godlessness of  God,
foaming in the mouth upon the Beach of some Exotic Ocean
where  the face of mannequins is  a Hamlet,
erupting  in whitecapped crowds screaming confessions of Ecstasy
on the Sea of the Non Local Shngri La
The audience roars in the breakfast of the atrium;
Grasshoppers slip fingertips into  Slot Machines in the Pentagon
& the Television is  a Tornado of light Starved trapezoids
daydreams of the Spanish Supermodels
boil into  Gypsy fingerprints
every loop, every whorl, alive with prayer 
of the Infinitely Sensitive flesh of Heaven,
whispering God's name until the Mirror in the Sunlight Breaks,
the faceless face escapes and
the Round Table Moves around;
WOOSH.  The Fairies evolve, Gypsy Fireflies, Christian Locusts,
Hindy Ladybugs,  Crickets of the Eternal Haiku
And the Lost Alphabet descends,
every word 
Ending Beginning in the Gravity of thought,
 the curve of the Old World demonized

and  haunted by the apparitions of Muscovite vagabonds, 
spinning wild in the  Gamma rays of the endless
broadcast of Life on  Channel Zero.
Thanks for Sharing. 
That night, in Tunguska: 
the Explosion was  an envelope of some Copenhagen Jazz--
Jazz of Tesla,  lurking in the Womb,
 the event horizon of the Non Local
Manhattan coming to life like a clock colored UFO; 
doubling Wacko Blacko Summa Time Dead Head Ned's  endless
eyeless vision
 of eternity
into a
Tribe of Rubik's cubes and Priests of the
Invisible Automation,
that dream cycle that  moves down the street
sweeping  troubadours of Light
into the Ungodly Carnivals of the Clockface Carouselambra;
changing the hour,
every hour;
Time like Time when the Blakeness of the Baker's face
swells with the fiery tendrils of 
the Century of Quetzlcoatl,
every skin cell singed
by the slow caress of heaven in
trillions of living rooms
melting on the nerve endings of
non linear skeletons / & the eyes of alien  engel queens
living rooms ripe, littered with lingerie of Genesis ---
Orphans Howling Blue Notes of the Violence soaked Suburbs,
bathing their
demons in retrograde funerals
moving like a Circus of Voids into the Unknown Universe.
Cartoons flame out, igniting like the diaries of Hieronymous Bosch
The Universe? Is it a really just an endless crime scene? 
Really? Did you really just say that???
The Fury of Fire Fairies: of The Lost Bard,
they sing:  Balanced in the Comedy of Continuum.
escorted by the Knights Templar into
the stained glass windows of St. Patrick's cathedral.
The Glass vibrates like Joan of Arc's hymen
in the thermonuclear dawn.
the engines whisper in the morning 
One by one, the Clerks ssemble their daydreams --
from Istanbul, to Inconstantinople, 
the Variables are blushing
like a Grand Canyon full of blinking infants,
the Maternity Ward of  the Infinite Infinity
spilling it's maps,
turning thirteen
dream scorched sailors (haunted, like the dying Columbus)
down into  the ocean of the
Post Galilean night sky. 
Newton Chirps in his funeral suit.
 a star shaped woman /
 and her Catalonian Prophet slipping
like thieves into the eyelids
of a sunbeam.
aeolian aria, in area 51.
The Details are in the Disbelief.
Earth tilts,
lifting the Skirts of the Carnival,  winged beings
turning on
the spiritual axis of Light,
the animal magnetism of
Utopia, scented in the secret promise of death
upon the constellation, aldebaraan ---
the King of the Forgotten throws an antelope into a lion's mouth,
opening the nest of doors  in a Bacchanalian fugue,
opening and closing the doorways
like the Question  of  the Sphinx 
suspended in the Louvre of  the Elephantine eyelids,
with motes & the insanity of dust. 
 Glowing.   a Golden point, of slowness.
Sending itself into the Room
where nothing ever happens
Black holes dance
the Grandfathers of the Apocalyptic Pop Calypso.
Christ's admonition to the Gnostics:  Twist & Shout 
Hierarchies of control /
break down.
Convenience Store lights twinkle,
of the  spasms of punctuated equilibrium.
a  boot and a gun /
smashing into a face forever
The sky is a discotheque of  disintegration
lost creations
Eternl fascists /
foaming eerily/ plastic flamingoes turning  wild on wings of methylethylketone,
gambols of
psychedelic circus tents full of curious proteins
g asping for breath in the Las Vegas dawn,
The Machine assembles itself
In the audience
the Clowns claw Clowns of
Law and Love & Light;
worldlesss triangles bifurcating into the cages of werewolf geometry.
The sweeping curl of God's vanity hovers in the
essence of mystery,
eyes like eyes beyond eyes outside of eyes,
 shadows shaped
like windows on a sidewalk glowing in the
moonlit woosh of the Manhattan sleeping
in the silent streams of insanity,
nine  Stars eloping into endless Questions
bathing like Greek poets / inside the human tongue. 


It has never been like this before.
Her mouth is a mirror image of a noun; 
a  verbs without beginning or end;
The language of the Other Side of the Universe races out of her tongue
into pools of blue hot wisdom
sprinkled on the Bedroom floor...
A tribe of bedouin nomads crosses into the desert of her flesh, hunting
 cherubim & dragons of consciousness,

while the City of God lurks in the purple swells of
her ever expanding bellybutton.
She has become the cosmological rage of Greek Poets,
balancing Empires of Doubt
 in the nerve clusters of a shapeshifting Minerva.
Imaginary numbers bathe in the winged corpses of her daydreams.
She escapes into your eyes
 wave after wave,
her Goddess' womb tattooed with flames
like the ink of ghastly Empyrean bonfires.
An unending crest of complex equations anoints itself in the fire of her desperate, sex fueled desire to create.
Just breed.
Over and over, clouds full of fish eyes mount her swollen flesh
with flames of the Vegetable Kingdom's eternal desire to be human.

Three variables of the divine hallucination surrender their souls as spies,
chasing the face of God into the sewers.
The prison turns calm, as broken teacups begin to hover above the Seattle skyline.
From the top of the sky,

ten trillion trillion

electrons of communion wine rain down.

(artwork by Remedios Varo)
Center Stage in an Improbability Field; 
on a dream lit vortice quavering in a series of palindromic pulses ---
 her own heart slips like a  weathered neologism into the
mysterious veil petaled bells 
of flame feathered fairy tales of a
Troupe of Saturnalian  Tarantulas
twisting in a twilit tocking,
ticking,  talking,  turn into the
tangled angles of enlightenment of
the Temple of the Empty Tortoise Electron Shell
hidden deep inside the Wishing Well amongst the Monks
of the Totally Unknowable Thunder - Themed Trapezia
of the Twelfth of Midnight's Timeless Untold Tome of Time.

Sexual fables of crimson mouthed pomengranites brew
in the tear soaked masks of troglodytes,
churning wildly in the pores of her love's opening eye.

Wild blackberries plumb her throat for rare silence.
  exotic fevers ferment in the tear soake pillows  of the Apostles.
The Messiah is crucified in the lagoon of her silence.

Always, from the void, the swan songs of the Magi suspend in whirls of clouds of absinthe,
lighting each step with delta wave fog of Unicorn souls and dandelions.

Each magistrate --- eyes lit by the darkness of God,  is
driven by fate into the maps of freckled
sorcerers trapped in what remains of the real world.
on the edge of the city, twelve lost Chromosomes explode in the nested emptiness of
 a city built in ballerina hearts.

the Temple walls revolt. Fringes of the solitary rainbow skirt the halos of Mt. Everest.
Each insurrection of shadow and context begin dying in spasms of incoherence.
The cathedral- prison changes it's atomic structure in response to the falling of an amethyst idol.
Doppelganger choirs shine in the immaculate voices of the Grail.

Chalices of their mouths open into the summer street. She arrives in the Chariot of leafy green mysteries, atom by atom by atom;
painting forests of binary code into a world of suspended animation, each question howlingnocturnal dirges of hisses cascading across a leopard's tongue.
Godel's theorem spins in silken prayers through the spider face of an aztec virgin.

The Shaman's fingerprint traps itself in the eyelashes of the crocodiles daydream.
She bleeds symbol-lions. The poet of her soul makes love to God's name in elephant ears bursting from the edge of an isolated quark.
Her belly bursts with the heartache of the American street.
Eyes of children wink in hot shrieks of knotted fibonacci.

It was as if She has given birth to her own mother. Her belly is swollen with puddles of antique moonlight, each photon swimming in the Sea of Galilee, drunk on apparitions of Christ.
In her abdomen, the Universe crawls with the semen of memory drunk prophets; axioms of lust curl through Einstein's frontal cortex into the ruby vortex of her rubbery mouth.
Twelve vagabonds converge on the tastebuds of the God that no longer non - Exists.

In the Atomic structure of Midnight's mirrored quell,  self portraits of the Mystery recombine

 in the Enchanted Whirling

of an omniscient VERB that is eloping into moebus loops of perpetual transubstantiation

through the daydreams of a passing


illuminating the fingertips of heaven with the twinkling sensitivity of the Menorah

 that sleeps in the summer sky,

 turning choirs of the angelic hosts out of their own geometrical phasing,

  into the parabolic arcs

of clouds the color of the first eyelids of the Garden of Eden- and spinning,  clocklike,

 open hearted ---  her flesh erupts in thralls and tantrums of Light in

the vortices of a honey flavored hallucination

and comes to rest  in a collection of human freckles just between

the last Quark of Edgar Allen Poe's

eyelids and the question marks whirring deep inside the unborn faces of the knowably unknown Universe.

 From somewhere inside this Improbability Field

--- the Black Swan spins a wild wing of God's favorite darkness around a chalice of tears;

ten million eyelids fluttering in the Bride's ego at the moment of transcendental ecstasy.

At the Still Point, She finds her Mother's face in the photograph of Hiroshima:

Without warning, the wedding cake explodes; 

the Priests's tongue collides with a satellite at  the edge of the Sky.

Her eyes sweep through the wet ink of  history, like a broken heart pulsing on  the rainforest floor. 

Imaginary Beings collect there.  Where?  Where?  Over there, She asks, never knowing.

The probabilities  fall and rise like curtains of rain, every mysterious face

 pooling in unresolvable wounds.

Are they are waiting to be born?
Have they lived just to die?

If dying,  will they ever be set free? 

Imperfect Questions, unfinished answers. 

The candlelight flickers.  Her secret name races  across the Sky.

And in the heavy sweet sickness of this Otherworldly pregnancy ---

the atoms -- oxygen, nitrogen --- strange perfumes of the placenta of God ---  slipstreams of the primitive  Haunt;

elemental fevers whirling in the Carouselambra of the Infinitely Improbable ---

until the universe slips deeper into itself,

bringing the Human ego into a frothy whitecap of madness in spiritual crescendoes,

until suddenly:

the woman with nine ovaries sprouts an embryo the shape of an icosahedron.

The mouth of the icosahedron opens into a Stargate.

A single stream of syllables slips down through the embryos' throat, igniting the
Universal womb with the promise of an unforgettable future,  the fiery cascade of Light, burning  in the secret language of cellular division.

One hears the footsteps of Manhattan echoing in the heartbeats of the living.

Inexplicably, the embryo

(Godlike, humanlike, Otherworldly? --- born; yet unfinished, like a Clock unwinding in the mouth of a desert prophet?)

slips into a perfect anonymity

as  if the Forest itself had disguised the universe as the  Open Mouth of a Dryad, and the
City begins to echolocate, heartbeat by heart beat  the delta wave oscillations of a million dream
slipping into the cavernous pause of the Non Local loom. 

In the middle of the night, as the City inside the Eyelid of God shimmers into non local consciousness ---
 at a single moment, the heartbeats of the City suddenly synchronize.
A once unthinkable cascade of human nightmares ignites in the arboreal fringes of the

vacuous continuum of God's unfathomable presence by absence of presence.

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